Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven
Lumber's POV
I couldn't believe Louis hasn't found his carrots yet.
Yes, I was serious before. I took his carrots and I just hid them in the coat closet. Apparently he just doesn't go in there, so his loss. Any normal person with a brain would simply go out and buy more, but Lou hasn't thought of doing that yet. He just insists on finding them.
I was currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast for myself. I lived with all of them, and learned that everyone fends for them self in the kitchen. I blame Niall for that rule.i was making myself waffles. And no, I can't cook. I just put them in the toaster. Best breakfast ever!
I heard some feet stomping down the stairs. Looks like someone wasn't having a good morning. I bet it was either Louis or Zayn. Never were they good morning people. Actually the worst out of all of us.
After about two minutes I found out it was Zayn. Wow, usually he was he last one up.
"Why up so early?" I ask, interested.
Don't judge me. The boys are my only friends because I'm on your with them, and have no time. So things like this actually made me curious. Again, don't judge me.
"No idea, couldn't sleep anymore." He answered, softly, rubbing his eyes wih the back of his hand. Zayn didn't look happy, I wondered what the real problem was.
"Seriously, Zayn? I know something is bothering you." I said, quietly looking at him.
"It's Perrie.." Zayn whispered, sadly. I heard his voice catch in his throat. I looked like he was going to cry.
"Did she.. Break up with you?" I asked, my voice full of sympathy.
"No, I just miss her so.. So much!" Zayn said, louder. He looked angry that I would have thought that, but what could I say? It was the most obvious conclusion. I certainly didn't think the problem wasn't just him missing her.
"Can't you go see her?" I asked, more calmly.
"Management won't let me.. I already did. So no more visits for awhile." Zayn said bitterly.
I smiled, as I went to get my waffles. I'll just have to talk to the rest of the boys and see if we can send Perrie down here. The famous One Direction still had a few weeks off, so it made no sense that Zayn wasn't allowed. The only issue was now, was that hopefully Perrie didn't have any concerts planned with her band.
But then there was Danielle, I'm almost positive Liam wanted to see her. HKe hardly complains, but does see her more often then the others. Maybe that's the reason! Liam probably learned to play his cards right.
SO the plan was to get Danielle and Perrie here.
How? No idea.
I finished eating my waffles, and I left Zayn to cook something for himself. Maybe I could just tell Lou. He might keep it a secret. But, the keyword is 'might.'
Louis has a tendency to blurt out random facts. And sometimes secrets.
I went upstairs to my room, and went immediently to my closet. I put on a white tanktop, a purple Jack Wills sweatshirt, and some red skinny jeans. I wasn't going anywhere special so I don't really care what I look like.
Then I walked into Lou's room, and saw him sleeping. He was curled up in a ball, his duvet on the floor. I laughed at the site, it was pretty funny. I walked over to the side of his bed, and just jumped on him. He just shoved me off, and continued sleeping.
I got up, and frowned at Louis. I leaned down so my mouth was at his ear. I took in a deep breath, and I screamed the loudest I could.
Louis jolted awake, and he yelled. "Who's hurt.. LUMBER!" He yelled at me, as Lou realized that I was at fault.
I smiled, a cheeky smile. "I'm going to get the TOMS in your closet!" Isaid happily, and walked over. I opened the closet door and oulled out silver sparkly TOMS. I put them on my feet, then walked over to the door.
"Be ready in 15 minutes, we're going out!" I said with a wink. Then I walked out, and ran down the stairs. Yes, I keep all of my TOMS in Lou's closet. I also secretly wear his sometimes, not that he notices.
I was met by three, mad looking boys at the bottom of the stairs.
"Were you planning on waking up the whole town?" Harry asked, frowning.
"I was sleeping!" Niall said, pouting.
"Don't do it again.." Liam said, then walked off. ALways being Daddy in this messed up life.
"C'mon, I'm hungry!' Niall complained, then dragged Harry in the kitchen.
Okay, I'll admit it, I was speechless.
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