He dyed his hair?
I sat on my bed looking at my phone, "hey, Eju," I looked up, "yeah Ejiro," "can I come in?" "Oh yeah," he slowly opened the door, I first saw his red hair, wait red hair? "Did you dye your hair?" He nodded, "yeah do you like it!?" I got up and hugged him, "you look great Eji,"
A few days later
I knocked on Ejiro's door, "Eji?" "Yeah?" "Wanna build a pillow fort?" He opened the door, "sure!" I loved building pillow forts with Eji, we did it ever since we where 4,
A few minutes later
We took a step back to admire our work, "It looks great," "I'll go make snacks," he walked out of his room, I followed him, he wasn't the best at cooking, I was the one who would usually cook for him, "don't worry I'm not cooking," "then what are you making?" He opened the pantry, "I was gonna get chips," I rolled my eyes, "ok," I walked back to the room, he followed, "so Eju, are you exited for U.A," he sat down by me with some chips, "well I'm excited but I'm also really nervous, like what if everyone there is mean," "well then they wouldn't make very good heroes now would they?" I picked up his computer, "let's watch movies!"
The next day
I woke up in the pillow fort, I must have slept here, I got up to go make breakfast, I saw Eji in the kitchen, oh no, "Ejiro I told you no cooking, you always burn food," he turned around, "oh I was just trying to make you breakfast," I walked up to him, "Eji, I love you but your cooking is terrible," I heard the toaster, "and you made toast," he walked away, "fine I'll let you cook,"
After cooking
I gave Eji a plate, "enjoy good cooking," he rolled his eyes, "thanks Eju, love you," I sat next to him, "love you too."
(Sorry that this was short, I just don't know what else to put, anyways, hope you enjoy this story)
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