Chapter Two
•last day of term•
I finish packing up my trunk, and drag it down stairs. Today I'll be leaving Hogwarts, and I'll be coming back next year for my sixth year. I'm kinda bummed out cause I can't do magic at home. Although some nights I know I'll sneak out and turn into my animugus form.
When I get down stairs, I see Jess, Rach, and Alice and walk over to them.
"Man, I can't believe that term is already over." Rachel sighs.
"Your just upset that your mom is strict on the no magic rule" I tell her.
"Hey! Arn't we all?"
"Yup" we all laugh.
We pick up our bags and head down to the horseless carriages that will take us to the station. We all clamber in.
"What are you guys doing over the summer?" I ask leaning back .
"Well, I'm going to visit my cousins in Germany" Jess says.
"I'm gonna swim, and my parents signed me up for muggle Volleyball" Rachel says shrugging .
"Oh I love Vollyball!" I tell her.
"I'm gonna go to a spa with my mum" Alice says.
"How about you?" They ask
"Oh you know, meet up with my muggle friends and avoid tuney" I say
They nod as we get out.
We walk on to the train and get a compartment all to ourselves. We put our luggage up top, and sit down. For most of the train ride back home we talk and play exploding snap.
"I'll be right back guys, gotta go to the bathroom" I say standing up "Rachel play for me?"
I walk out and head to the bathroom, on my way back though, i bump into someone.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I say
"It's fine." a male voice says, very familiar. I look up.
"Oh it's you Potter," i grumble
"Hey, don't act so happy!" He chuckles
I just scowl.
"So what are you doing this summer?" He asks like I'd answer.
"None of your business." I growl
He raised his hands "just trying to be polite
"Oh did that just occur to you? Cause I've never seen you polite before!" I fire back.
"Ouch," he says, actually looking hurt. I almost feel bad for him. almost. But I didn't and I just walked past him.
"Evans! Wait" he says running to me. j roll my eyes. "what!" I say.
He stops suddenly turning red, aww cute, wait WHAT! James Potter, cute? Nope, no way, he is not cute!
"Umm, have a good summer" he mumbles and walks away. I stare after him confused. one minute I'm mad at him, then the next I think he's cute! What is wrong with me? After a bit I turn around and walk back to my friends.
As I walk in rose looks up.l, "hey what took you so long?" She asks.
"Ran into Potter" I say sitting down and then I tell them what happened.
After I finish, they squeal, "Merlin's Beard! You like James!" Rachel says.
"What!" I say shocked, "No I don't!"
"Oh yeah?" Alice starts, "then why did you think he was cute!" I blush.
"Cause it's always cute when a guy blushes! " I protest, lying to my self. "Okay, so it's cute when Avery blushes?" Jess says.
"Course not!" I tell them.
"It's cute when Sirius blushes?" Alice says.
"No , only Rachel thinks that!" I tell them. Rachel smiles sheepishly.
"And when Remus blushes?" Rachel says.
"That's just for Jess!" I say she blushes.
"What about Frank?" Jess says.
"Alice!" I say
She smiles, "and thats why James is the one you think is cute!" They laugh
"I don't like James!" I say
"Sure you don't, that's why your making a big deal out of it" Jess laughs.
I huff rolling my eyes.
I sit back in my seat.
The train enters the station and we stand up, and grab our stuff. We head off the train, and bump into the marauders. "have a good holiday girls." Remus says, Jessica smiles "You to Remus!" I wave and go to find my parents "Mum, Dad!" I say running to them.
"Lils!" They say holding out there arms. I run to them and hug them. "How are you?" They ask. "Great!" I smile "you?"
"Were wonderful!" They smile, "sorry tuney couldn't come, she's with Vernon" I scoff "Like she wanted to come" my parents exchange looks.
My friends walk up to me "see you later Lils" they hug me and wave "by I'll write each week" I promise smiling, we laugh and they leave.
"LILY!" I turn around and see James, "yes?" I sigh. he hands me a box and walks away. I just stare at it confused.
"You have a boyfriend?" My mom asks smiling. I laugh "no, he just likes me" my dad scowls, he's protective, I laugh. "come on let's go home" I say walking through the barrier.
When I get home I open the box James gave me, curiosity getting the better of me. I take off the lid and see a peace of paper. I just stare at it. "what the," I mumble, then writing appears on it and I read it.
'Lily, I know your not found if me but when ever you need to talk, write down on the piece of parchment, and it'll grow warm in my pocket and I'll take it out and write back
I stare at it dumbfounded, how could he master this peace of magic? I wonder. and that's what I ask him.
'remus' is his answer 'figures ' I write back laughing. I role up my parchment and put it in my pocket.
A/N was that to short? I'm not sure
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