Chapter 8
-Lily's P.O.V -
I sit next to Rachel and Alice. Madam Hooch throws the quaffle in the air and Potter cathes it. He zooms pass the players and goes to make a goal. Kelt, the Slytherin keeper, barley misses it and Gryffindor gets the first points. Then Slipper, a chaser for Slytherin, gets hold of the ball and races down the feild.
You can hear cheering from the Slitherins and booing from evreyone else. Slipper goes for the shot but it gets saved by wood. Gryffindor is now in possesion and it basically goes like that through the whole game. James, er Potter, is usally the one getting all the points. Its now 200 to 40. If you can't tell the Slytherin keeper, and Chasers are no match for the Gryffindor ones. Suddenly you can see Regulas Black and Katie Jackson going in for a steep dive.
Most of the kids, including me, stand up to watch them. They both stretch out their hands reaching for the snitch. Then Black pulls out of the dive raising his hand. He's caught the snitch and Gryffindor one. I curse under my breath. Now I gotta kiss Potter! This is the worst day ever. I stand up and walk down to the groud.
"Hey Lils whats the matter?" I here Jessica ask.
I sigh and say "Nothing" I walk on and run into Potter with a goofy lopsided grin on his face. I scowl up at him as he says, "Hey Evans! Told you that would hapen."
I just shake my head head at him. "What ever, bye." I start to go back up to the castle, but he pulls me back.
"See you at my house on new years!" He then lets go of my wrist and heads to his team. I just stare at him. I shakemy head and scold myself for almost going after him. I then head up to my dorm and burry my nose in a good book.
- James' P.O.V -
I run up to my team pumping my fist. "Nice job guys!" I spin around and run to the changing room. I think I'm confusing them because I'm usally not this happy after we've won a game unless its the House Cup game. But I just can'y help it, I mean Lily Evans, my dream girl, is gonna be my new years eve kiss and it will be good.
I leave the changing room still smiling and head up to the common room. I sit on the couch next to Sirius and say, "That was a god game wasn't it?"
"Yeah sure prongs." Remus says nit looking up from his homework. I roll my eyes and say, "Moony thats not due till Monday!" He sighs and says, "Yeah but tonight is a full moon. I'll be to tired to do it Monday." He points out.
"Good point." I nod. Saturdays are usally the best times for full moons. This is becasue Remus has a full day to recover, and I don't need to meet Lily. Luckly so far we have not had any full moons on Fridays, which i admit is weird, but hey! I'll take it. But my smile turns into more of a mischeveus one as I think of what will happen tonight.
Sorry about how short that was. Im ot feeling that great and I just got home from a trip. The next chapter will be the full moon and the train ride home for winter break. So see ya bye.
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