60: Farewell, Old Friend
Aiden fell to his knees once the ice that had encased him shattered. And immediately noticed Ciri wasn't where he had pushed her. He looked around and realized that Vesemir and Juray were missing as well. Nearby, Eskel was on a knee, a hand to his ear. He shook his head before standing. Aiden approached him and his father figure turned to him.
"Are you hurt?" Eskel asked.
"I'm fine. But you are."
"I'm fine, ears are just ringing for some reason." He looked around and frowned. The other Witchers had ice at their feet and Geralt was kicking a chunk of it that was still around a foot. But Juray, Vesemir, and Ciri were missing.
"Eskel?" He turned his head toward Aiden. "Where's Mum, Ciri, and Vesemir?"
"I don't know."
Geralt immediately went in search of Ciri. They had all heard the unworldly scream, although Aiden had no idea what it had been.
Juray was slowly making her way back to the others, Ciri having asked to be alone. Pain shot through her body with each step and she was finding it hard to breathe. Geralt found her first.
"Juray!" He placed a hand on her back and she winced. "What happened? Where's Ciri?"
Juray numbly motioned behind her. "She needs you. I... I need to tell the others."
"Tell them what? You can barely walk. What happened?"
"I'm fine. Ciri needs her parents more than I need you."
A look of worry came across Geralt's face.
"I need to find my son." Juray pushed off him and continued the direction she was going, Geralt looking after her before looking back the way she came to see Yennifer standing at the far end of the courtyard they were in with her hands over her mouth. Juray wasn't truly sure how she was able to walk, as each step was painful and she'd lost her Swallow potions when Caranthir had kicked her.
"Juray!" Lambert rushed to her. "What happened?" He gently held her upright, genuinely concerned for her upon seeing her condition. They might have always been at one another's throats, but she was his sister and he'd kill to protect her. "And don't tell me you're fine. You look like Eredin beat the shit out of you."
"It was Caranthir actually." She winced. "Where are the others?"
"Thawing out. Come on. Aiden is pretty much in panic mode because you, Ciri, and Vesemir were missing."
Juray stopped, fresh tears forming in her eyes.
"Please tell me all this wasn't in vain. Please tell me they didn't take Ciri."
Juray shook her head. "They didn't," she said, her voice small. "Vesemir--,"
"Mum!" Aiden interrupted upon seeing her, running towards her. Lambert saw the relieved look on Eskel's face that immediately turned to concern. "You're alive!"
"And so are you."
Eskel could see the tears in Juray's eyes. "What happened? Where are Ciri and Vesemir?"
"Ciri's fine. She lost control of the Power, but she is fine. She's alive." She looked between Eskel and Lambert. The last time Eskel had seen that look on Juray's face, she was eight years old and had just received the news that James had been killed. He knew that something had happened to Vesemir. "Vesemir is gone. He died preventing the Hunt from taking Ciri." The tears fell then and Eskel pulled her into his arms as her sobs renewed. "I couldn't get to him. I couldn't save him."
Lambert looked numb. Aiden looked down, never having seen Juray react like this and his heart constricting at Vesemir's loss.
"Eskel, get her to Ermion and Triss," Lambert said, his voice as numb as his expression. "She can barely walk. I'll tell the others."
Juray gave a cry of pain as Eskel scooped her into his arms, but she did not protest as he carried her towards the main building of the keep.
Everyone at the keep gathered in front of the pyre that held Vesemir's body. His hands were clasped at his chest, his silver sword under them. At his hip, they had lain his medallion. Ciri approached the pyre, a bundle of white wildflowers in her hand. Geralt stood in the middle, torch in hand, waiting for Ciri to say goodbye. Just behind his left shoulder stood Yennefer, a hand on his arm. A few paces to his left Eskel had an arm around Juray, who had insisted on coming to the funeral despite the broken ribs Caranthir had given her. Stormrider and Kyran had stocked up on Swallow potions, feeling the Witchers would need them and Triss had administered one to Juray to stop the internal bleeding and to begin the mending of her ribs. Next to Juray stood Aiden. Several feet behind them stood Erimon. Behind him and to the right of Geralt, Ves and Roche stood. They had barely known Vesemir, but they felt his loss, as he had earned their respect in the short time they'd known him. Directly to Geralt's right stood Triss and Stormrider, the sorceress wiping away tears and the Bear School Witcher trying to comfort her. Off to the side, Kiera and Lambert stood together, the Witcher looking a bit numb. Near Ves and Roche, the Skelligers were honoring Vesemir in their own way. Zoltan stood near Kiera and Lambert with his arms crossed. At the back of the group stood Letho and Kyran, both mourning the loss of a respected Witcher in their own ways. Ciri stepped back to stand close to Geralt. The White Wolf slowly stepped forward and lit the pyre. Once the flames caught, he stepped back to stand next to Ciri, who had tears streaming down her face.
"Don't blame yourself," he said. "No Witcher's ever died in his own bed."
"You don't know how it is. To see someone you love die... because of you, for you."
"We all knew what we were signing up for."
"Yes, and you saved me. For how long? A week? A month?"
"We'll hide you, cover your tracks..."
"No. I will flee no more." She stepped up to the pyre and grabbed Vesemir's medallion before turning and heading back toward the keep.
Avallac'h approached the pyre and stood next to Geralt. He placed a hand on his chest and inclined his head toward the pyre. "Va fail," he said, before turning to Geralt. "For those who remain, death should never take precedence over life. Pay your last respects to your friend. Then we must hold council." He then turned and headed to the keep himself.
As the pyre continued to burn, Geralt turned to Juray, Eskel, and Aiden.
"Are you going to be alright, Juray?" he asked.
"I'll heal," she responded. "I always do."
"I'm not talking about your wounds."
Juray sighed. "With time."
"His loss is hard on all of us," Eskel said. "It's not going to be the same without Vesemir. Really can't imagine this place without him. I'll decide what I'm going to do." He glanced over at Juray. "Then find somewhere else to winter next year."
"You will always have my services for your gear," Aiden said. "I'm still going to honor our contract."
Geralt nodded. "What about you, Juray? What are your plans?"
"I'm seeing this through to the end, Geralt. If there's a way to stop the Wild Hunt from getting Ciri and her power, then I'll be there to kill as many of these bastards as I can."
As Geralt went to thank those that helped, Eskel, Juray, and Aiden headed toward the keep.
"Are you up to going through with this?" Eskel asked.
Juray nodded. "The Wild Hunt needs to pay for what they did here. Imlerith, Eredin, and Caranthir are at the top of that list."
"What do you need me to do?" Aiden asked.
"Go back home to your wife. She'll need you more than I do."
"No. This is Witcher work now."
"It sounds like you'll need all the help you can get."
"It was dangerous enough for you to be in the fighting," Eskel said. "You and Ciri saved my ass, but going against the Wild Hunt on their terms will be suicide to you."
Aiden opened his mouth to argue.
"Enough, Aiden," Juray said. "I said no. Take your time here and then go back home."
As they approached the Keep, they saw Ciri overlooking the valley. Across from her, Avallac'h, Triss, and Yennefer conversed, Stormrider standing next to the red-haired sorceress.
Avallac'h waved at Juray to join them. "White Demon," he called. "Come, join our council."
"We'll meet you inside," Eskel said. He and Aiden continued on and Juray joined the Sage and sorceresses.
"I hope you're healing."
"I'm healing well enough. Cut the shit, Avallac'h."
Avallac'h chuckled. "I thank you for helping lift my curse. I had hoped you would be the one to lift it when I first saw you at Crow's Perch. I knew well your reputation and ability to left even the most complex curse."
"Explains why you stuck to me like you did."
"Just so." He turned to the sorceresses. "Zireael can harness immense amounts of the Power. Why has no one taught her to control this?"
"Actually, some did teach her," Yennefer said, annoyed.
"Clearly to no effect."
"I'll gladly argue you about this – some other time."
Geralt joined them as she spoke.
"Haven't had a chance to talk," he said to Avallac'h. "Thanks for your help. And for looking after Ciri."
"You will thank me later. Now, we must take Zireael away from here, hide her. And then gather a greater force."
"Anyone," Triss said, "everyone we could count on came here to Kaer Morhen."
"Which is why we must seek the help of enemies," Yennefer countered. "Magic is our best defense against the Hunt. We need sorceresses. Archmistresses of magic."
"You mean the Lodge?"
"Many of the Lodge's members are dead," Juray argued. "The rest are in hiding."
"Philippa Eilhart, Margarita Laux-Antille, and Fringilla Vigo are likely still alive," Yennefer said.
"And Francesca and Ida?" Triss asked. "Think they'd agree?"
"I think they'll take convincing. Would you rather speak to Keira alone?"
"That would probably be best."
"Not really keen on this idea," Juray said, knowing the Lodge would latch onto her the moment they realized what she was.
"Don't trust the Lodge one bit, either," Geralt added. "But doesn't seem like we have a choice."
"Because we don't," Yennefer said. "I've made an agreement with the emperor. In exchange for its help, the Lodge will be granted amnesty and find asylum in Nilfgaard. That will be our bargaining chip. Triss, I wish to leave today to find the sorceresses. Will you help me?"
"Of course. Even got an idea where you could start."
"Dammit!" Ciri shouted, storming over to them. "Again you plan without even asking what I think! I've had enough of this! I won't be taken somewhere like a... bundle! I will not sit and twiddle my thumbs! I'm sick of waiting, sick of hiding!"
"You're right," Geralt said. "Proved today you can take care of yourself."
His words to Ciri made Juray think of the ones she'd just spoken to her son. He'd held his own during the battle, putting his training into practice.
"Easier to pat someone on the back." Avallac'h said, "and hope things will work out than it is to face the truth. Zireael possesses a great power she cannot control. She is a danger – to herself, to others. Until she learns to control it, she should remain isolated."
"First of all," Ciri snapped. "Bollocks. Second – if you're going to speak of courage, at least address me directly, and not through Geralt. I'm gone." She stormed off.
"She has a point, Avallac'h," Juray said. "You were talking like she wasn't there."
Avallac'h sighed and started to go after her.
Geralt grabbed his arm. "Ciri needs time."
Avallac'h stopped. "True. But she also needs training. She must learn to control her abilities."
"This training really necessary?"
"Not everyone can use their abilities by instinct and it not backfire on them." Avallac'h looked at Juray as he said it, making her think he knew her secret.
"You saw what happened," Yennefer said. "She could be a greater threat than the Hunt."
"Fine. We'll stay here a while longer. Then join you and Triss in Novigrad. Meet at Jaskier's inn."
"Come on, Yen," Triss said. "The sooner we leave, the better."
"Be careful."
Triss turned to Juray. "I take it you'll stay here to finish recovering for a few more days."
Juray nodded. "I will. The potions should finish their work at that time."
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