56: Friends and Allies
Juray sat in the corner of the tavern, having just been informed another Witcher had accepted the Contract for the woodland beast the halfling wanted dealt with. The halfing had described him and she was sure he was who she was looking for, so she decided to wait on him. Sure enough, at dusk, Stormrider walked into the tavern holding a leshen's head, dropping it at the halfling's feet. The halfing looked shocked before quickly passing him his reward. She stood as Stormrider headed to the bar.
"Whatever he's having, I'm buying," she said.
Stormrider turned, slight surprise on his face until he saw who was buying him a drink. "Demon," he greeted. "Pleasant surprise."
"I could say the same, but I'd be lying." She jerked her head toward the table she was occupying. They took the bottle to the table and Stormrider poured them both a drink.
"How would you be lying?"
"I was actually looking for you. I could use your help."
"Oh? How so?"
"Kaer Morhen is expecting some uninvited guests. There's only five Wolf School Witchers and a sorceress. We need allies to defend her. I can't give you details, but I can tell you these guests are after something Geralt is bringing and they'll know it's there. We can't go this alone."
"So you're cashing in on the favor I owe you?"
"If you want to see it that way. I'm asking for your help in this."
"And you know I'll help you. Can't say the Bear School wouldn't help their Wolf cousins."
"I appreciate it, Storm."
"I'll head to Kaer Morhen at first light. You'll have my swords."
Juray made her way to the Chameleon, where she found the person she was looking for outside.
"Juray!" Zoltan greeted. "Surprised to see you, lass. What're doing here? Thought you were in Skellige helpin' Geralt find Ciri."
"I was. Followed the clues there. We've found out where she is."
"Then why are we here? Let's go get the lassie!
"Geralt's doing that, but I have another job for you. You need to set out for Kaer Morhen. That's where he'll take Ciri. The Wild Hunt will attack soon afterward. Could really use you at our side."
"You'll have me, and my axe."
"Thanks. See you at Kaer Morhen. Vesemir, Eskel, and Lambert are already there. A Bear School Witcher is on his way. Viper School one should be there by now, too."
"I'll get me things an' tell Jaskier where I'm off to."
"Make sure he doesn't blab about what we're doing."
Zoltan chuckled. "Aye, I will."
Juray headed into the wilderness, making her way to Roche's hideout. The guerillas there let her pass without question and she found Roche by a fire.
"Juray," he greeted. "What brings you here?"
"Looking for allies we can trust. Could use your help at Kaer Morhen. You've probably heard by now that Geralt has been looking for Ciri."
Roche nodded. "Dijkstra mentioned rumors that Emhyr hired a Witcher to track down his daughter."
"We know where she is. And we're aiming to take Ciri there. Wild Hunt's bound to appear soon after."
"You and Geralt didn't turn your back on me when I was in need. It's only fair I do the same."
"Thanks. Venture to say your skills might prove invaluable."
"I'll consider whether to bring Ves. Either way, I'll see you at Kaer Morhen."
Geralt arrived at Kaer Trolde and requested to see Cerys. He was escorted to the new queen of Skellige without question.
"Geralt," she greeted.
"You're Royal Majesty," he greeted. "Would you spare a moment?"
Cerys waved her hands. "C'mon, Geralt. I'm still the same lass I was. Save for the title, not a thing's changed."
"Got a delicate matter I wanted to bring up. Need your help."
"What is it?"
"Crach's mentioned Ciri to you – he must've."
"Have you found her?!"
"Not yet, but I'm close. Problem is, soon as I get her, the Wild Hunt'll probably be able to locate us... quickly. So I'll want to take her to Kaer Morhen. Battle the Hunt there. I'm looking for allies."
"Hmm... I can't leave the Isles now, it's impossible. What I can do is give you my best warrior. Hjalmar."
"Think he'll be willing?"
"I'm sure of it..." Cerys smiled. "In fact, I think he'll be overjoyed! Come on, you know him."
"Yeah, guess I do. Thanks."
"No doubt he'll be valiant. I hope he proves useful, too. Good luck."
Geralt went to find Hjalmar, who was in his room drinking. Naturally.
"Ah, Geralt!" Hjalmar greeted, holding up his horn. "How're things?"
"The Wild Hunt's preparing to attack Kaer Morhen. Could use your help."
"Wraiths at the gate of your Witchers' stronghold? You're a friend of the clan – I cannot refuse you. What's more, no an Craite's ever stood and battled such a foe. I'll leave at once."
"Thanks. Won't forget this."
Before leaving Kaer Trolde to look for Erimon, Geralt sought out Crach.
His old friend greeted him warmly upon seeing him. "Telling you, Geralt, since you and Hjalmar defeated the Ice Giant together, I see you as one of our own."
"I got the look of a Skelliger?"
Crach chuckled. "You have the heart of an an Craite."
"This isn't easy, but I wanted to ask you a favor. A big one."
"Tell me, friend."
"Ciri – I know where she is. But I also know as soon as I reach her, the Wild Hunt will know I did. They'll come after us, attack, and we'll need to respond with strength. Can I count on you?"
"The Black Ones first, now wraiths... Such is life. Bring her here, and we'll face them in battle!"
"What's this about Nilfgaardians?"
"Of late, look seaward and you'll see their sun on a sail, starin' right back. We've yet to capture any of their crew, but only a fool wouldn't know they're planning something. But fear not, we'll banish the Black Ones and the Wild Hunt. Two birds with one Skelligan axe." He gave a laugh. "Ciri will be safe at Kaer Trolde."
"Can't risk your men's lives. Kaer Morhen – we fight them there, nowhere else."
"Kaer Morhen is hundreds of miles away. To move an army there would take weeks, not to mention I'd expose the Isles to Nilfgaard's blows... Geralt, forgive me, but I cannot do it."
"I understand..." Geralt knew Crach's priority was the safety of his people. He couldn't ask him to turn his back on them for Ciri. "Won't take up any more of your time. Farewell." He turned to leave.
"Wait. Won't let you leave empty-handed. I'll help as I can. Come with me." He led Geralt to a sword hanging on the wall.
"Beautiful craftsmanship. Got a talented smith."
"Not I. King Erlend an Craite did."
"Erlend Stonefist? So this is..." Geralt looked back at the blade with wonder. "Winter's Blade? Thought it was a legend..."
"Forged in Mahakam, tempered in dragon fire... Been in the an Craite family for centuries..." Crach looked at Geralt. "And now it's yours."
"I can't take this."
"You can, you must. Let me do this much, at least."
Geralt could see Crach was not going to take no for an answer. "If you insist..." he reluctantly agreed. "Thank you."
Crach reached up and took the sword down and handed it to Geralt. "May it serve you well. Send those specters back where they came from."
"That's my intention. Farewell."
Juray dismounted outside the village and led Shadowmount through the streets. The villagers greeted her by name, every single one of them knowing who she was.
"Grandmama!" A little girl that had been playing with other children ran full speed toward her.
Juray smiled and let go of Shadowmount's reins to catch her as she leapt toward her. "I swear you get bigger every time I see you, Marie."
Marie giggled and hugged her neck. Juray adjusted her on her right hip, mindful of the potions and bombs on her left, and picked up Shadowmount's reigns and headed down the street. Marie chatted with Juray, telling her about her little adventures and asking how long Juray was staying. As they drew closer to her house, Juray could hear the rhythmic pounding of a hammer against metal. She set Marie down and she ran towards the blacksmithy.
"Papa! Papa! Look who I found!"
The hammering stopped for a moment, then renewed, telling Juray that Aiden had handed off what he was working on to his son, who he had been training in the blacksmith trade. A man in his thirties came from around the corner of the house, where he'd set up the smithery. He had a fit build from years of swinging a hammer on top of the sword and stamina training Juray and Eskel had put him through when they wintered here, brown hair cut short, with a neatly trimmed beard the same color. His brown eyes lit up when he saw who their guest was.
"Mum!" he greeted. "Didn't expect to see you again until winter."
"What have you been feeding Marie? She's growing up so fast!"
Aiden laughed as Juray tied Shadowmount's reins to the fence. "Good food apparently."
Juray smiled. "How's Grace?" Aiden's wife had discovered she was with child right before Juray left for the Path after wintering in the village.
"She's doing well. Hasn't been as sick as she was when she was carrying Marie." He pushed open the door. "Grace. Look who's giving a surprise visit."
"Juray!" Grace greeted with a smile.
"I'm afraid I'm mixing business with pleasure," Juray said. "Vesemir actually sent me to see if you have any weapons or even armor for us."
"Per the contract," Aiden nodded. "I have several silver and steel swords ready. Armor, not so much." He then furrowed his brows. "There's a reason Vesemir is asking for weapons. He usually sends a bird with his order and I deliver it myself."
"We're expecting uninvited guests."
"Go back out and play, Marie," Grace said, shooing their daughter out.
"I don't want you to go to Kaer Morhen. I'll take what weapons you've—"
"Mum. Stop. You've been protecting me from what you hunt for most of my life. You've taught me how to defend myself and brew sword oils. Who or what is about to attack Kaer Morhen?"
"The Wild Hunt. They're after Geralt's daughter."
"Ciri? I thought..."
"She's back and she's been running from the Wild Hunt ever since. Geralt is bringing her to Kaer Morhen and we have very little time to prepare before they come knocking on our door."
"Then let me help."
"It's too dangerous. Besides you need to be here with your family. Protect them."
"We'll bar the doors if the weather turns unnaturally cold," Grace said. "You'll need Aiden there. There's not enough Wolf School Witchers left to defend your home."
"We're gathering allies."
"Let me help."
Juray sighed. He was a lot like her, stubborn as a mule and wouldn't back down now that his mind was made up. "I don't want you in the middle of things."
"I'll do what I can to help defend Kaer Morhen, even if it's just doing repairs."
"I need to pass the warning along to Steven before we go."
Aiden nodded and Grace turned to gather provisions for her husband.
"What is it?" Steven asked. He and Kyran were standing in the courtyard, overlooking a creature that looked similar to a dog, but was covered in ice. Instead of paws, it had what looked like three fingers with sharp claws on each foot. The only thing canine-like was its head.
"It's monster, I have no doubt of that," Kyran said.
At first glance, it was obvious the head of the de Côte guard had gone through Witcher mutations. While his hair was still brown, his golden eyes gave him away. Steven's mother had given Kyran the job when he was passing through looking for honest work that didn't involve monsters, as the man had enough of the life and decided to retire from it. Steven remembered Kyran's surprise at the kindness Isabelle had shown him, treating him like he was just another man. He had accepted the job upon finding out about Juray, who had just happened to be returning from a Contract.
"Injured quite a few of the men before I was able to put it down."
"Have you seen anything of it's like?"
"Can't say I have. Thought it might have a ghoul of some kind at first, but the icy exterior threw that out quickly."
"It's a hound of the Wild Hunt," a woman's voice said.
The two men turned to see Juray and Aiden.
"What would the Wild Hunt be doing here?" Kyran asked.
Juray crouched next to the hound and examined it. "It's probably scouting." She sighed. "Meaning we have less time to prepare Kaer Morhen for them."
"Why would they come to Kaer Morhen?" Steven asked.
"Cousin, the less you know, the better." Juray stood. "You need to spread word to your people if the weather turns unnaturally cold to bar themselves in their homes and not come out. For their safety."
Steven nodded and went to give the orders.
"Steven might not need to know, but Witcher to Witcher, I do."
"Someone the Wild Hunt is seeking is coming to Kaer Morhen. As soon as she arrives, they'll know she's there and will come knocking on our front door."
"Do you have enough to defend her?"
Juray sighed. "I have my doubts. We're gathering allies, but I fear they won't be enough against them."
"I'll request Steven's leave. You'll need every Witcher you can gather."
"I won't ask you to come out of retirement for this."
"You don't have to Juray. Consider this repayment for helping me secure this job."
"I did nothing."
"You're a de Côte. That was enough."
"How long are you planning on being gone?" Allison asked at breakfast the next morning.
Juray and Aiden had stayed the night, since she didn't want to start their journey to Kaer Morhen so late. Allison had insisted they stay for breakfast and the couple had invited Kyran to join them.
"I'm not sure, but I will return as soon as I am able to."
"Does this have anything to do with the Wild Hunt going to Kaer Morhen?" Steven asked.
"I'm lending my swords to her defense, yes."
"Then I pray you are successful, Juray," Allison said.
"You're not curious at all why the Wild Hunt is going to Kaer Morhen?" Steven asked his wife.
"Of course, I am, but it's Witcher business, not ours." She turned back to Juray. "I know you have no faith in the gods, but I'll pray that you make it through whatever happens."
Juray nodded. It was no secret among the de Côtes that she was agnostic due to her life experiences, but Juray wasn't about to tell Allison not to pray if that made her feel better.
"We should be off. Kaer Morhen is a long way off."
"Good luck, Juray."
"We'll need it."
Geralt met with Erimon, who greeted him like an old friend.
"Can we talk?"
"Of course."
"Yen and I went to Hindersfjall."
"Oh? Did you learn anything?"
"Ciri came through Lofoten. She was wounded when she arrived. Villagers nursed her back to health."
Erimon nodded.
"Sadly, the Wild Hunt was on her trail, followed her there. Ciri managed to escape, but the villagers..." Geralt trailed off.
"I know. You needn't finish. I later spoke with those who survived. Suffice to say Ciri was fortunate the escape. I trust you'll find her soon."
"Wild Hunt'll attack Kaer Morhen soon. Gonna need your help."
Erimon's face showed his surprise. "The Wild Hunt? Are you certain?"
Geralt nodded.
"So... you've found Ciri?"
"I know where she is. And the Wild Hunt'll also learn that as soon as I find her."
"I see. I shall pack immediately, leave tomorrow at the latest."
"Thank you."
"No need. I raised the girl and I've still a duty to her. I shall see you at Kaer Morhen."
"You've been busy, Demon," Vesemir commented when she returned to Kaer Morhen.
"Vernon Roche, Zoltan, a few Witchers, although I do recall you just asking Aiden for any weapons he could spare, not bring him along."
"He insisted, besides," Juray looked at Aiden. "He's Witcher trained."
Vesemir raised a brow.
"Aiden, let me introduce you officially to Uncle Vesemir."
Kyran tried not to laugh at the look on the older Witcher's face. Aiden was barely keeping a straight face.
"Nice to finally meet my uncle," Aiden said, his lip quivering from trying not to laugh.
Vesemir then sighed. "Aiden is the boy your raised, isn't he?"
Juray started laughing. "Thought you knew that."
"You're a real pain in the ass sometimes."
Kyran started laughing at this point. "Apple really doesn't fall far from the tree there," he said, looking at Aiden, who laughed.
"Well, I guess welcome aboard. Juray mention to you what we're facing?"
"That's why I came. Mum actually didn't want me to come."
"But he would have followed anyway. So here we are."
"Also figured I could do repairs here better."
"Well, I'm not going to turn away help," Vesemir said, motioning for them to follow him.
"Vesemir, what did you mean by a few Witchers. Only talked to two."
"Letho said you and Geralt sent him here."
"The invite was all Geralt."
"Letho?" Kyran asked. "Letho of Gulet?"
"Unfortunately," Juray said.
"I thought he was dead."
"He's from your school, isn't he?" Vesemir asked.
"Trust me. None of us are very happy with him after the stunt he pulled." Kyran then looked at Vesemir. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. The name's Kyran, formerly of the Viper School. Retired years ago."
Vesemir raised a brow. "Retired?"
Kyran chuckled. "So to speak. I stopped hunting monsters." He motioned toward Juray. "She helped me get a job with the de Côtes."
"Not surprising."
"How is Avallac'h?" Juray asked.
"Yen thinks he'll survive, but he's still weak."
"I guess that's a good thing."
"So far. Come on. We need to get these preparations done before Geralt gets here with Ciri."
They headed into the keep to see what they could do.
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