54: Drunk Shenanigans
Eskel was telling the hilarious story of a Contract he had when Geralt returned with food.
"Didn't listen, did he?" Lambert laughed.
"They never do."
"What're you talking about?" Geralt asked as he set the food down.
"Samovila contract Eskel got a while back. Good story."
"Funny one, too," Juray added.
"Finish it in a minute," Eskel said. "First, some more fuel."
All four took a drink, Geralt unaware that Lambert was mixing drinks.
"Ooooo... Now that's a kick in the liver..." Geralt said. "What is it?"
"'The Gauntlet'," Lambert answered. "Equal parts spirit and White Gull."
Geralt just gave him a look.
"What's that look about? Yen's gone to bed, time for some serious drinking."
"Damn straight!" Eskel agreed.
"Pour us another," Juray said with a grin. "Bottoms up!"
"So, what's this about a samovila?" Geralt asked.
"Snared this peasant in her dance," Eskel continued his story. "Instead of bein' happy he escaped with his life, yokel fell head over heels in love. Wanted me to trap her. Turned him down, so he tried it on his own, with a fishing net. Bet you they're still dancing a mazurka in some fallow field."
"Great story," Lambert said. "With a moral, too!"
"Really?" Geralt asked. "What's that?"
"Stay away from dangerous women."
"Will you ever lay off Yen?"
"Yeah. Soon as I trust her."
"You'd brave a fire for her...," Eskel said. "Whereas she plays you like a cheap fiddle. Way it's always been."
"He's not wrong," Juray added.
"Listen to you godsdamn relationship experts. None of you's been with a sorceress..."
"For good reason..." Eskel said.
"Of course not," Juray said. "I don't tend to go for sorceresses myself."
"You just go for nobles," Lambert teased.
"Look who's talking."
"Fine, leave pretty boy alone before he gets grumpy. Already has that pouty look on his face. Can't stand it."
Geralt gave Lambert a look.
"Drink up, Geralt. To you and Yen – happily ever after!" Lambert held his mug up and they all drank. "Brr... Colder'n up an ice giant's ass in here."
"You fuck one of those too?"
Lambert gave Juray the middle finger. "Gentlemen, I shall return. Gotta go drain the dragon."
"Must be a baby dragon."
Geralt and Eskel laughed as Lambert stumbled off.
"Gotta say I'm pretty warm..." Geralt said.
"He's always been a wuss about the cold," Juray said, taking another drink.
"Remember winter," Eskel said, "Fifteen years ago, when the snow stayed all around Belleteyn?"
Juray laughed. "How could we not. Lambert sat by the fire, wrapped in a blanket the whole fucking time."
"Cussed copiously every time it started to snow...," Geralt added, laughing at the memory.
Lambert returned wearing a hat that looked like it belonged in a museum. "Hello, young 'uns!" he said, mimicking Vesemir. "Got your own little carnival going, eh? Alcohol, my good man, is a Witcher's worst enemy!"
Juray snickered.
"Where'd you dig up that bonnet?"
"Vesemir's trunk! The height of fashion in 1112! Old man probably put it on when he went courting! Or, in the jargon of the time, 'wooing the damsels.'." He started his Vesemir impression again. "Men, a Witcher's life is not all cards and liquor. It is toil, it is labor. No gurgling babes to wean for us, nay, not for us."
"All right," Eskel said. "One Vesemir's enough. Take that off before you get it dirty... And pour."
Lambert took off the hat and put it on the table. "Oh, I'll pour, Eskel, I'll pour. To the brim. 'Cause without vodka, you're as stiff as a bookkeeper in a body cast."
"C'mon... Let's have some fun," Geralt slurred.
All four of them were quite toasted at this point.
"We boring you?" Eskel asked.
"No, it's just kinda..."
"Slow," Lambert finished. "Pretty boy's right. Listen... there's this game, student from Oxenfurt taught me."
"This should be fun," Juray said.
"Someone starts by saying 'I've never...' – and finishing the sentence however they want. Whosever done that thing, downs a shot. Then it's the next guy's turn."
"Sounds great," Eskel said. "You start."
"I've never... slept with a succubus."
"That's surprising."
They all looked surprised when Eskel took a drink.
"How 'bout that!" Lambert said. "Eskel, Eskel... Still waters run deep."
"I'm a sucker for women with horns."
Juray gave a laugh.
"Right, my turn. I've never, after a bender, woken up wearing nothing but my knickers."
Geralt, Lambert, and Juray all three drank.
"Lambert's a lost cause, but you two...? What would Papa Vesemir say?"
"Think Papa Vesemir woulda... drank that round, too," Geralt said.
"You'd be surprised at what happens during wild parties in Toussaint." Juray looked at Geralt. "Your turn, Wolf."
"I've never taken fisstech."
Again Eskel was the only one to drink.
"We're learning new things about you tonight," Juray said with a laugh. "Although this I would have never guessed."
"Once... With that succubus." Eskel motioned to Juray.
"I've never... jumped out a lover's window."
Lambert was the only one to drink.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Must've been one tough character whose wife you were ploughing..." Eskel said.
"That wasn't it... He was a friend. Didn't want to hurt his feelings."
"Yeah, you're a true friend."
"Right, men," Geralt said. "Let's end on that. Or else I'll never be able to look you in the eyes again."
Lambert picked up the bottle before shaking it. "Aah... Vodka... vodka's gone. Who's gonna go get some more?"
"Already went... to get food."
"All right... I'll do it... Kitchen... It's that way, right?" Eskel stumbled off.
"Lambert?" Geralt asked. "You... You got a problem with me?"
"Me? Why... why would you say that?"
"Well... just seemed that way. And you know... you're like my little brother. Dumb and annoying. But a brother."
Lambert looked at Juray. "Speaking of beef. Juray? What about you? You got beef?"
"Sometimes you're... a real jackass... but... you're my brother. I'll send anyone to hell that would fuck with you."
"And sometimes you're a real bitch. But dammit... I'd go to hell and back for you. Come here!"
He stood to give Juray a hug, knocking the empty bottle off the table. He looked at the pieces. "Damn... Broke..."
"Good thing it was empty..." Geralt said. "Eh... Where's Eskel? Shoulda been back by now. We oughta... look around."
"This is a job..." Lambert put the hat back on. "For Vesemir!"
"Not again..." Juray groaned. "Take that hat off..."
"Where's that whippersnapper wandered off to? He could be... beleaguered... I wager! Come, men, to the rescue! Eskel, you drunk! Get out here!"
"Eskel! Chop, chop!"
"Why am I surrounded by idiots?"
They found Eskel passed out in the courtyard, his goat seeming to be standing guard.
"Heeeey... Look..." Geralt said. "Here he is!"
"With his ever-faithful Lil' Bleater!" Lambert cried.
Juray crouched down and shook Eskel's shoulder. "Eskel. Wakey wakey."
"Hm?" Eskel sat up. "What? What happened?"
"Got sloshed, stewed, and fifty-seven other varieties of drunk – that's what happened," Lambert said. "Get up, time to have a drink."
"Le' me alone..." Eskel said. "Gonna puke..." Juray helped Eskel to his feet. "The four of us get together, always ends like this..."
"Let's find a fifth! Better! A woman!"
"None here but Yen..." Geralt said. "And we don't wanna wake her up. Believe me."
"What the fuck am I?" Juray asked.
"You don't count." Lambert looked at Geralt. "What about that sorceress you talked to? Think about it. We turn on the megascope, cordially invite her... she teleports here... maybe brings some friends! How's that sound?"
"Lambert..." Geralt said. "Believe you've had your last drink."
"You're just jealous you didn't think of it first... But is that any reason to spoil it for us?"
"I don't have the strength to argue."
"Course you don't, cream puff. Bet I could take you with one finger."
"Hey..." Eskel stepped in. "Relax, Lambert..."
"Wanna fight? Huh? Wanna? C'mon!"
"Why do you always wanna fight someone?" Juray said.
"Good night," Geralt said, as he turned and walked away.
"You're the reason he didn't want to do it, little girl."
"Little girl? This little girl kicked your fucking ass last time."
"Stop." Eskel stepped between them. "Stop it. This always happens when you two are in the keep together."
"Well let's have that party since we got a woman."
"Fuck you, Lambert. I don't see what any woman sees in you."
"Whatdya mean?"
"You're an ass that thinks he's the gods gift to women."
"Come on. The ladies love me. Just one kiss and they're smitten with me. Give it a try."
"I don't just shag anyone."
"You're just jealous because you can't get whoever you want, unlike me."
"Oh really? What makes you think I want to fuck my way across the Continent?"
"Why wouldn't you? Not like you can be picky."
"I can be very picky." She then turned and grabbed Eskel's face. His eyes widened when she kissed him.
Lambert's face turned red as his temper flared. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He shoved between them. "Wanna be a whore. Do it somewhere else."
Lambert ended up on his back from Juray's right hook to his jaw. He jumped up and swung at her, Juray dodging. She then hit him in the face again and he stumbled back. Juray used his imbalance to knock his feet out from under him. He fell hard on his back with a groan, but didn't bother to pick himself back up.
Eskel, not having bothered to stop the fight this time, gently placed a hand on her arm before she could jump on him. "That's enough, Juray," he said softly. "Come on."
Juray turned away from them and stalked off. Eskel looked down at his friend and brother as he sat up and placed a hand over his left eye. He shook his head before following the only female Witcher at the keep. He caught up with her halfway across the courtyard and walked with her in silence, knowing better than to speak to her when she was this angry. The evening had gone well, there had been laughter and Lambert wasn't trying to antagonize Juray for once, although the two had traded jabs several times. They acted like the brothers and sister they were. It reminded him of the old days before the attack by the mob that saw them as the last of the Wolf School Witchers. Lambert has grown into even more of an ass after that and he seemed to enjoy taking all his frustrations and anger out on Juray.
"You didn't even try to break us up," Juray suddenly said, looking over at him. "Why?"
"He was due for an ass-kicking after that comment. He really needs to learn how that brain mouth filter of his works."
Juray smiled, her earlier mood returning. "We should turn in. Yen will probably have more errands for us tomorrow, whether or not Vesemir is successful."
Eskel laughed. "You might be right."
They arrived at Juray's quarters and she opened the door. "Thank you, Eskel."
"For what?"
"For making sure I didn't go back to kill Lambert."
Eskel smiled. "Vesemir probably wouldn't be too happy if you did."
Juray laughed as she stepped back into the room, only to suddenly give a surprised yelp and tumble backward.
Juray flailed, trying to find something to grab onto to break her fall. Eskel reached out and she grabbed his hand, only to have her momentum pull him off balance and the two hit the floor with Eskel on top of her.
"Damn it, Samson!"
Samson, a stocky grey dog that came to Juray's hip and that Ciri would ride like he was a miniature horse in her younger years, grumbled.
"That's what you get for sleeping in the doorway, you mutt."
Samson grumbled again before moving to the other side of the room where he normally slept.
Eskel raised himself so his weight wasn't on Juray. "You okay?"
"I've had harder falls with bigger monsters."
Eskel chuckled and started to move so he could stand until he felt Juray's hand in his hair and her lips on his. While the earlier kiss had been to piss off Lambert, this kiss felt different on top of surprising him. And all those years of holding back, afraid to say how he felt so he wouldn't ruin their friendship, melted away. He sat up, pulling her with him, his hand on her back to support her and returning the kiss with the same passion as hers. Juray pulled away first, both of them breathless. They just looked at each other at first, before Juray broke eye contact and climbed to her feet. Eskel hoped that kiss hadn't ruined their relationship as he, too, climbed to his feet.
"I... I'll see you in the morning, then?" He turned away, only for the door to shut and Juray to turn him towards her and push him against it.
"What if I don't want you to leave? I know you could feel the difference."
"I could," he admitted. "And I don't want to read into that and make assumptions."
Juray's hands were on his chest, her golden eyes intent on his. Eskel couldn't, wouldn't resist anymore and took her face into his hands, he claiming her lips this time, having wanted to do this for a long time. He'd realized he'd had feelings for her after discovering the reason she didn't winter in Kaer Morhen. He was the only Witcher that knew about the son she'd adopted and raised, having helped her. Juray's hands worked on the laces of his shirt as he walked her towards the bed. They only broke contact for Juray to pull him free of it. Like the others, he sported various scars from the creatures he'd hunted down. Eskel returned the favor by freeing Juray's upper body from her own clothing. She pushed him onto the bed, their lips connecting again and his fingers working the laces of her pants as she did the same to him. Each layer of clothing ended up on the floor before Eskel pulled Juray close to him. She straddled his lap, feeling his desire against her. Eskel kissed her neck, traveling down her chest and over her breasts, his fingers traveling her lower regions. Juray gave a gasp of pleasure as he played before she reached down and guided him to her opening. He slid into her and slowly began to thrust. Juray matched his thrusts, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close to her. He kissed her neck as she gave a moan of pleasure.
After several positions and releases, they separated, breathless and sweat-covered. Juray placed her head on his shoulder, tracing a claw scar on his chest with her finger. Eskel pulled her close, kissing her forehead.
"How long have you held back?" she asked. He didn't have to ask what she meant.
"Years," he admitted. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship." He looked down at her. "You loved another and I didn't want to make it awkward."
"So you held it close to you for thirty years?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"Eskel, we raised a son together and you were afraid to tell me how you felt?"
Eskel gave a chuckle. "When you put it that way, it does sound foolish."
Juray gave her own laugh before settling her head onto his chest and Eskel closed his eyes with a smile.
Juray woke at dawn and immediately realized someone was in bed with her.
Fuck...," she thought. Her head was on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. Trying not to wake him, she lifted her head and saw it was Eskel. Then she remembered last night and smiled. She'd been extremely close to Eskel for decades, but it wasn't until she kissed him to piss off Lambert that she realized why she felt nothing upon meeting Gavin again. She rose and gathered the clothes they'd discarded last night and dressed before gently waking Eskel.
"Rise and shine," she said. "We both might need some coffee for our hangovers."
Eskel opened his eyes and sat up. "What...?"
Juray held his clothes out to him.
"Wait... Did...?"
Eskel looked like he was trying to find words.
"It doesn't change anything, Eskel," she said. "Don't deny yourself happiness. You deserve it as much as the others." She tossed his clothes at him. "Get dressed and we'll see if Vesemir was successful."
"You're not upset we had drunk sex?"
"Last night, I realized I had feelings for you too. So, no, I'm not."
Eskel gave a small smile and started to dress, Juray giving him privacy, despite the fact she'd already seen everything. Together, they left her room and headed downstairs.
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