50: Uma
Juray made camp several miles away from Crow's Perch. It had taken a little bit to settle Uma down to where he would go to sleep, but he was currently snoring and mumbling nonsense in his sleep. Juray watched the creature for a bit, focusing on the magic that was coming off him. She couldn't pinpoint now any more than when she first met Uma what kind of magic it was. She quietly opened her pack and removed the book Yennefer had given her.
"Yen, would you mind answering a question?" Juray asked as she and Yennefer left the sorceress' room to head to King Bran's wake.
"What do you know about Children of the Winter Moon?"
Yennefer looked at Juray. "And what interest would they be of you?"
"I've been hearing about them." Juray hoped Yennefer couldn't see through her lie. "Just curious."
"You've just now heard of them?"
"No, they just seem to be coming up more frequently lately."
"Don't know why. They don't exist. At least not anymore."
"How come?"
"People kill what they fear or don't understand. Children of the Winter Moon are no exception."
"Like Witchers and Sorceresses, hmm?"
Yennefer snorted a laugh. "Similar."
"What did people have to fear from these children?"
"These children were special, destined to become powerful mages with natural talent. They were feared because they could use their chaos by instinct, use the world around them to channel it. My mentor said they could rule the world if they so desired."
"So they were hunted down and killed?"
"Nothing so simple. See, Juray, even they feared their own power. At least, the ones who survived to have a conduent moment." Yennefer looked at Juray. "A Conduent moment is—"
"When a mage displays his or her affinity to magic," Juray answered. "I'm aware of what it is. I'm going to take a wild guess and say superstition prevented these children from reaching that point."
"It would be a fairly accurate guess. Children of the Winter Moon were marked by their snowy white hair and cold blue eyes. Many were thought to be cursed because of that and left to die by their simpleton parents or outright murdered by the villagers. Much like girls with the Curse of the Black Sun. I sometimes wonder what those children would have become, if they would indeed become as powerful as my mentor said they would be."
"None ascended? Of the ones that had conduent moments?"
"As I said, they feared their own power. Some killed themselves by pushing too much of their chaos through themselves. Others were indeed tracked down by the Church of the Eternal Fire and executed. My mentor told me of one that had embraced his power. He was the reason Children of the Winter Moon were feared so much."
"He used his power to hurt, didn't he?"
"Just so. He used his power to gain political power, using it to silence people that spoke out against him. But because he was so powerful, no one could touch him. Until the people he terrorized hired a Witcher, the only being they knew that had a chance."
They reached the docks where the wake was being held.
"In the end, the Witcher perished, but completed his Contract. Now Children of the Winter Moon are feared and the superstitious make sure they don't rise to power once again."
Juray returned to Yennefer's room to change back into her armor. Yennefer had already left to travel to the Druids' camp at the sight of the natural disaster. Geralt was changing in the main room, grumbling about doublets. Juray noticed the book sitting next to her armor. She opened the cover and saw it was a book on Children of the Winter Moon. She picked up the note laying inside the cover.
I'm well aware that you did not just hear of Moon Children recently. I know you were convinced as a child that you were cursed because of your treatment by your parents. I know your hair color isn't the product of the mutations of the trials as Geralt's is. I do not know why you have a sudden interest in the legend of these children, but I hope this tome will answer whatever questions you have about them.
Juray chuckled to herself. She should have known Yennefer was just humoring her. She placed the book in her pack and changed before heading out to find a boat to take her to Spikeroog.
Juray was glad Yennefer had decided to give the book as it was a tome someone had penned about what was known about Children of the Winter Moon. And everything she was reading was fitting with what she'd experienced in her lifetime. With the exception of a conduent moment when she hit puberty. All mages seemed to have one during puberty and Juray assumed it was because she'd begun the Witcher trials before then. She assumed that she wouldn't have one now, considering she was well past puberty. Her ears picked up on someone approaching and she closed the book, reaching for her steel sword. It was no monster, she could sense that much, but she could not assume that it wasn't a bandit. She relaxed when she saw the light of the campfire reflecting off of golden eyes before Geralt stepped where she could see him.
"Have any problem?" he asked in a low voice, noticing Uma was asleep.
"Not too much." She replaced her sword.
"Late night reading?" Geralt motioned to the book next to her.
"Never too old for knowledge." She put the book back into her pack.
"Vesemir would be proud to hear you say that."
"He's the one that always lecturing us."
"Think you can lift the curse."
"If it's a curse, I'm sure I can. Just have to figure out what kind we're dealing with."
"Do you really think it's Ciri?"
"I can't say for sure, Geralt. But we'll find out together."
Together, Juray and Geralt took the road heading to Kaer Morhen
Geralt turned his head. "Hear that?"
Juray nodded. "Mhm. Nilfgaardian battle mounts. At full gallop."
The Nilfgaardians surrounded them.
"What do you want?" Geralt asked.
"The emperor's displeased with you," the leader said.
"Then he oughta ask somebody else for help."
"The emperor does not ask anyone for anything. You will ride with us to Vizima."
"Sure about that?"
"Geralt," Juray warned. "Not the time for a dick measuring contest."
"Fine. You take Uma on. I'll talk to the emperor."
"I think not. Both of you will come with us."
"I'm questioning the reason for that," Juray said.
"You travel with the White Wolf. You'll come with us."
"Lead the way," Geralt said.
The two Witchers were escorted to Vizima.
The Witchers and Uma were led to the audience chamber, where Emhyr and Morvan were discussing a battle strategy.
"...and the Third Army will sweep in from the west and take Ban Gleán."
"If I may, Your Imperial Majesty... Our spies report that the garrison at Ban Gleán consists almost wholly of mercenaries."
"Bribery, then?"
"We stand to lose exactly no men in battle."
"And we stand to lose less time." Emhyr looked over his shoulder at his guests. "Very well, give the orders. Then set sail."
Yennefer arrived, looking surprised to see Geralt and Juray.
"As you wish. At once."
Morvan left.
Geralt gave a bow, causing Juray to raise a brow. She didn't offer her own. "Your Imperial Majesty..." he said. "Yennefer..."
Uma mimicked Geralt's bow and Juray had to bite her lip to keep the amusement from showing. The amusement showed plainly on Yennefer's face.
"I did not have you brought here for an exchange of courtesies. Report."
"As you wish, Your Majesty." He motioned to Uma. "Ciri... Well, this...man is the key to finding her."
"Ummamamama..." Uma babbled.
Emhyr did not look amused. "I give you three solid leads, trails as fresh as morning dew, the aid of my spies and my court sorceress. Yet in my daughter's stead, you bring me this... monstrosity? And I asked for secrecy, yet you are accompanied by yet another Witcher. I hope you have more to say – for your sake."
"Listen, I'm looking for a needle in a haystack. A needle that at any moment can—"
"It's a difficult task, I know this. What of it? Listen to me. I rule the largest empire the world has ever known. I wage a war against the North, command men in the tens of thousands, while at home, the trade corporations and nobles seek to depose me. You cannot expect me to pity you the difficulty of your task."
"I pursued those leads you gave me. Ciri first reappeared in Skellige. With a mage, an elf. Yen knows more."
Yennefer took up the report. "The Wild Hunt tracked them down, found them there. They were forced to flee to Velen."
"Where they were separated. Ciri spent some time with a local warlord, a self-styled baron who—"
"Yes, yes," Emyhr interrupted. "I know my vassals."
"...who helped her get to Novigrad," Geralt finished, annoyed. "Where Ciri crossed some of the city's underworld bosses. She had to flee, went back to Skellige. Ran into her elf companion there."
"And into the Wild Hunt, again. Ciri and the elf fled, out to sea this time. Their boat returned to shore the next day," she motioned to Uma, "with only him on board."
"Hm..." Emyhr said. "The information appears of little use. Though, at least, it seems you kept busy."
Juray could no longer hold her tongue. "This 'monstrosity', as you call it, may well be your daughter." She did not like calling Ciri anyone but Geralt's daughter. "Its body is the product of a curse. Someone hides inside it."
Yennefer glanced between her and Emyhr.
Emyhr was silent for a moment. "I know your reputation, White Demon. Can you or Yennefer lift this curse?"
"I've done a great deal of research, made inquiries... but to lift it," Yennefer knelt in front of Uma. "I would need to know the words to cast it, and that —"
"Va fail, elaine —" Juray recited. "Ceàd'mil folie! Gleaddyv dorne aep t'enaid, bunn'droh ithne i'yachus."
Yennefer just looked at her.
"Dandelion told us. Ciri talked to him about it."
"My question stands."
"Juray is the best there is when it comes to lifting curses." She stood. "I believe we can. But I must—"
"The details do not concern me," Emyhr said. "Geralt, you've achieved precious little – yet admittedly more than the bumblers in my spy corps have. I give you half the promised reward. You will receive the other when you bring me Ciri." He turned to Juray. "I'm afraid my deal did not include you, but with your assistance, Geralt has come closer to finding my daughter."
"With all due respect, Your Imperial Majesty, I helped Geralt on my own accord, because I love Ciri as if she were my own family, not for the promise of a reward."
"You will get one anyway, White Demon." He turned away. "This audience is over. Until the next."
The three turned and walked away, Uma trailing behind them.
They stopped in the hall close to Yennefer's room.
"So, how do we lift Uma's curse?" Geralt asked.
"We'll figure that out at Kaer Morhen," Juray said. "The walls have ears here, so this is not the best place to discuss this."
"Juray's right," Yennefer said. "We must take him to Kaer Morhen. I'll explain once we get there." She looked at Juray. "Are you confident you can lift it?"
"It seems like a complicated one. I may need help on this one."
Yennefer nodded. "Forgive me, but I'm unable to teleport you, Geralt, Uma, and the horses so..."
"Don't worry," Geralt said. "We'll ride there. Never did like teleporting."
"Really? Didn't know that about you," Juray smarted off as Uma started playing with a buckle on her boot.
Yennefer gave a chuckle. "Take care of yourself. I'll see the two of you there."
"Wait," Geralt stopped her and held out the phylactery they took from Junior. "Here. Probably better if you keep it."
Yennefer took it. "Of course. I'm off. I'll see you at Kaer Morhen." She opened a portal and stepped through.
"We should get going. The sooner we get to Kaer Morhen, the better."
The journey to Kaer Morhen turned out to be uneventful. They were following the path to the ancient fortress, knowing the way. Vesemir had indeed hidden the signs well. Only people that knew the way already could make it Kaer Morhen. Juray's brows suddenly knit together.
Before she could answer, they heard a roar that spooked their horses and a forktail, a small dragon-like creature sped past them. It screamed at them, but did not slow. Uma screeched as Shadowmount reared, forcing Juray to use Axii to calm her.
"Whoa there, Roach," Geralt said, doing the same to his mare. "It's all right." Once the horses were calmed down, Geralt looked over at Juray. "Forktails this close to the fortress? Someone's been slacking off..."
"Like who? Vesemir?"
"Let's go."
The portcullis opened as they approached the front gates. The two Witchers dismounted and Juray helped Uma off her horse. For some reason, the creature was sticking close to her.
"Well, look who the wind blew in!" Vesemir said, looking like he'd been rooting around in a dusty cellar. "And who you're dragging in. Been away quite a while, you two."
"Too long," Geralt agreed.
Uma decided to entertain himself by spinning around in circles before falling over, causing Juray to give a scoff of a laugh.
"Wintered with Steven and Allison this past year," Juray said. "I'm sure you welcomed the break."
Vesemir chuckled, knowing she was referring to the frequent spats between her and Lambert. "And your journey – how was it?"
"Calm, if you don't count the forktail that flew over our heads a few miles back," Juray motioned to Uma. "Passenger got a little restless."
"What do we have here?" He bent down to examine Uma. "Multiple deformities. Eyes, ears, nostrils. A harelip. And is this...?" Vesemir reached toward Uma.
"Uuuuumamamama!" he screamed, running to hide behind Juray.
"Now, now. Calm down..." Vesemir said as Uma nearly tripped Juray in his rush. "Yennefer was right on one count... Thing sure isn't pretty."
"You don't say?" Juray asked as she turned to calm down Uma.
"Yen's here already?" Geralt asked.
"And how."
"Huh... You two argue?"
"Geralt... I understand she's a – well, how do I put this? Emancipated, strong-willed woman... But do manners count for nothing? She teleports in, not even a 'nice to see you.' Jumps right into, uh – 'We've a curse to lift. There's this to do, and that – so Eskel and Lambert, get going.' Then she went to the guest room, to rearrange things... threw the bed off the balcony."
"Shame, that was a good bed."
"Said the same myself. Solid oak frame, down mattress. Triss always said she..." Vesemir trailed off and Juray started laughing. "Aaah... Now I see."
"It's either that, or Yen really hates oak furniture."
Vesemir looked at Juray. "Think you can lift the curse?"
"Maybe. It's complicated and all I know are the words of the curse. With Yen's help, I'm hoping to."
"Not to change the subject," Geralt said. "But how'd you get so dirty?"
"Huh?" Vesemir looked down. "Ah, this... I was mixing some lime for the mortar. Need to patch up the walls before they crumble."
"Lotta work for one person. Lambert and Eskel not willing to help? Don't see the sense in it?"
"No. Yennefer's found more important things for them to do."
"Like what?" Juray asked.
"Eskel's hunting forktails. Gotta nip that infestation in the bud, and since Yennefer needs to distill some ingredients from their organs... Well, like they say, two birds, one stone. Lambert's still in the keep, preparing to venture into the mountains to enrich the phylactery with elemental power."
"And Yen?" Geralt asked.
"Assembling her megascope. Wanted my help – running around with some chirping contraption, searching for something. But I'm too old for that... nonsense."
"I'll make myself useful and go help Eskel. Yen probably needs your help with that megascope, since you'll do anything for her."
Geralt glared at her and Juray grinned.
He then sighed. "I should let her know I'm here."
"Don't go thinking she'll throw her arms around your neck."
"More like her hands."
Vesemir regarded her with a smirk.
"Gonna leave our guest with you. Where did Eskel head?"
While Juray gathered what she needed to head out to help Eskel, Geralt went to find Yennefer, who was cursing at the crystal that had just exploded.
"You decide to blow us up?" he asked.
Yennefer glared at him. "Geralt... I'm sorry, but I'm in no mood for jests."
"What's eating you?"
"Let me think," she snapped. "That was the... third crystal to explode. It's been a week and Lambert's still not done what I've asked. Vesemir spitefully insists on repairing the wall just beneath my window and starts hammering at the crack of dawn, while Eskel seems to have gone mushroom picking, not forktail hunting. And where the hell is Juray?"
"The guys... well, they're not exactly happy with you."
"Mhm. Why is that?"
"Because... you aren't willing to say what you're planning. You're treating them like pages, not including them -- us, actually, 'cause I feel that way, too. Probably Juray too since she opted to go forktail hunting then even come into the keep."
Yennefer sighed. "I shall explain everything – when the time is right. First, we must finish our preparations."
"Fine... What do I do?"
"Firstly, help Eskel and Lambert. One was supposed to get me forktail spinal fluid, the other was to fortify the phylactery with elemental power. I've yet to see anything from either of them."
"Juray went to help Eskel with the forktail, so I'll talk to Lambert. Anything else?"
"Yes. There's one other trifling matter. As you saw, my megascope is acting up... in rather spectacular fashion. I'm certain there's an energy source nearby, generating disturbances, making the crystals malfunction. We must find and neutralize it... quickly – I must contact someone, it's urgent."
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