44: Worthy Feats
Cerys and Juray returned to the old house, separating to search for anything that would give them an idea on how to trick the hym. If they could pull it off, Juray would be the first and only Witcher to succeed. While Cerys looked around the area that had once been the kitchen, Juray ventured towards the bedrooms. Upon entering one, she saw a young man lying lifeless on a bed. As he was faced toward the door, Juray could see his features clearly, which caused her to inhale sharply.
"Aiden," she breathed. She started to reach for him, then stopped. Aiden was nowhere near Skellige. He was still in Kaedwen with his wife and children, still living in the home Angelo had supplied her with to raise him all those years ago. As if realizing she'd seen through its own trick, Aiden disappeared into a puddle of goo. "Looking to discourage me?" she all but growled. "Good. Means you're scared."
"Juray!" Cerys suddenly called. "Think I've an idea!"
Juray met her outside. "Come up with anything?"
"I've a plan, one that just might work."
"What do you need me to do?"
"You've got to wait for me here. I won't be long. In the meantime, get a fire goin' in the oven."
"Are we making a full course meal for it?"
Cerys gave a laugh. "Just trust me." She turned and left and Juray went back into the house to start a fire in the oven.
Juray had a nice fire going in the oven when she heard shouting.
"O'er there! She's runnin' to the old house!"
Cerys burst through the door a moment later, Udalryk's child in her arms.
"This was your idea?!"
"Grab her!"
"Take him!" Cerys cried as she handed the screaming child over to the Witcher. "You must put him in the oven!"
"What?!" Juray couldn't believe what just came out of Cerys' mouth. "Are you fucking insane?"
"Trust me."
Udalryk burst through the door next, three of his guards behind him.
"Take care not to hurt the child!" the Jarl said. "Give me the babe."
"In the oven! Throw him in the oven!"
"Fuck...," Juray muttered, turning and putting the child in the oven and slamming the door shut.
Udalryk rushed forward and Juray shoved him back with one hand while casting Quen to seal the door with the other. She then quickly drew her steel sword as the guards attacked. Udalryk threw himself against the oven door, trying to pry it open while screaming. Juray swiftly knocked all three of the guards unconscious, as she didn't think killing them was an option. Juray sheathed her sword as Udalryk continued to beat on the door, the baby now quiet.
"Oh, fuck..." She felt the hym behind her, preparing to sink its claws into her guilt and make her pay for her crime.
Udalryk finally stopped hitting the door and slowly stood, picking up his sword. "Why?" he cried, distraught and prepared to avenge his son.
Until Cerys came out of the hall with a smirk on her face, followed by Hjort carrying the child.
"Aki!" The relief was clear in Udalryk's voice. He dropped his sword and rushed to Hjort, taking his child into his arms.
"The Witcher committed no crime!" Cerys said, looking past Juray as she turned towards the shadowy figure behind her. "You'll find neither despair nor guilt here. Only shock and relief. You've been tricked. You must go."
The hym screeched, pissed that it had been tricked.
"Yeah, that means fuck off."
It then collapsed and disappeared into a pile of goo.
Juray then looked over at Udalryk, who had gone several feet away and was now sitting on the floor, oblivious to what had just transpired in his relief that Juray hadn't burned his child alive. "It's over now."
"Over?" Udalryk asked.
"We tricked the hym. It thought I'd killed your child, abandoned you to haunt me, feed on my conscience."
"But when it saw the babe was whole, unharmed, it had to go," Cerys took up the explanation. "You're free, Jarl!"
"The hym's gone. So are the voices that tortured you. Let's get out of here."
Hjort helped Udalryk stand and they left the house. Udalryk looked dazed as they stepped outside and Hjort took Aki.
"What's happening?" he asked, holding his head. "My head's spinning... I'm spinning in a maelstrom..."
"Juray, you said it was over," Cerys said.
"That's just fatigue. In time, his mind'll return to normal."
"What... what will I do now?" Udalryk asked.
"You'll be fine. Key is to not give in to self-pity."
"I feel... as if someone's torn something from me."
"That's normal. The hym was a parasite. Bonds between parasites and hosts can be strong. That's why you feel empty now. Give it a few days, weeks, you'll be fine."
"Thank you... I think. Farewell." Hjort guided him down the path back to his home.
"I'll go with him," Cerys said. "He seems confused."
"Wise. Then what? What're your plans?"
"I'll stay a few days, make sure he's healthy. And you? Gonna stay on Spikeroog?"
Juray shook her head. "Gonna head back to Kaer Trolde, tell your father you were right. I'd say this was indeed a feat fit for a queen. You did the impossible."
"I'd have not been able to do it without your help. Thank you, Juray. I'll see you in a few days."
"Good luck."
Hjalmar gave a cry as the ice giant grabbed him and slammed him to the ground, but before it could finish him off, Geralt ran up the giant's back while it was distracted and buried his silver sword into the beast's shoulder. The giant tried to grab Geralt, but while it was trying to buck the Witcher, Hjalmar grabbed his sword and slashed it across the stomach. Geralt jumped off, a bit unsteady in his landing, as the giant stumbled, spilling its insides into the dirt and ice at its feet. It collapased and Geralt made sure it was dead.
"Hah!" Vigi, a young man that was one of the two men left of Hjalmar's crew who had run up to the sleeping giant and kicked it in the head the moment Geralt freed him from a makeshift cage, said. "I knew we'd best him!"
"Vigi..." Folan, the other surviving member of the crew that Geralt had saved from being the main ingrident for a soup for trolls said, replacing his bow. "You daft bastard!"
The men were silent for several moments before the three started laughing, causing Geralt to look between them like they'd lost their minds.
"Where are the others?" Vigi asked.
Hjalmar shook his head before looking at Geralt. "Thanks for your help, White Wolf. Geralt the Giantslayer -- I'll make sure the skalds set it in song."
"Hjalmar the Giantslayer sounds better," Geralt said. "It was your venture, you deserve the glory."
"Hm. Believe you're right." He gave a laugh. "Let's get outta here."
The men found their way back to the beach.
"Gonna head back to Ard Skellig?" Geralt asked.
"Aye, after all, I'm to be crowned. I killed the giant, I won back Undvik... and lost my entire crew. Mayhaps should've set out alone – like Cerys."
"Islanders will see it as a great victory."
"Cause Skellige is the victor, whereas I've lost me friends. I've them to thank for makin' me a leader. They believed in me." Hjalmar looked at Geralt. "And Cerys? She back yet?"
"Not sure. Juray went to help her."
"She always did like competin' with me. Except so far, I've always won." He sighed. "Well, time I was on me way. Needing a lift back to Ard Skellig?"
"Wouldn't mind it."
"Come on, boys!" Hjalmar called to the others. "Let's head home!"
Crach had been surprised to find that Cerys had been right in her suspicions about Uldyrik and was pleased that Juray had helped her lift his curse, rewarding her with a dagger that had belonged to his mother. Word spread quickly about Cerys' feat and this seemed to be giving the Jarls that would decide the next monarch pause. So far only Svanrige and Blueboy had returned from their feats, but neither seemed to hold a candle to hers. Until word came that Hjalmar had defeated the ice giant of Undvik. Juray was sitting at the table she'd shared with Cerys and the others when Hjalmar returned, immediately tying in with his sister.
"What in bloody hell do ya think ya doin', Cerys?! Puttin' yourself out to be queen?"
"I've as much right to it as you do!" she countered.
Geralt and Arnvald walked in at that moment.
"And I'd expect you to support me, not pinch my allies! If an an Craite's to wear the crown, it—"
"Should be you? 'Cause you got fur growin' on your chin, that it?"
Juray was half expecting the two to start brawling.
"Show some of your own, and the jarls just might listen to you!"
"Want your mug smacked? Remember! I was left standin' last time we crossed fists."
"Yeah? So you'll fight the Vildkaarls with me? Wonder who'll do better... You... or Hjalmar the Giant Slayer!"
"Ugh! Stop your shite boastin'!" Cerys threw her hands up and stormed off.
"Cerys! Hey! Ah, dammit!"
Juray chuckled while Geralt and Arnvald joined him with amused looked on their faces.
"Bad way to play it out," Geralt said, crossing his arms.
"Think I don't know that? But you saw her, she's so... so..."
"Stubborn?" Arnvald suggested. "Fierce? Mule-headed? Refuses to listen to anyone?"
Juray laughed. "Oh, that definitely sounds like someone in this conversation."
"I haven't heard truer words, Mistress Witcher."
Hjalmar started laughing. "True, Arnvald, me and Cerys – we're near twins in that regard."
"Don't see Crach," Geralt observed. "He talking to the jarls?"
"No, went to his chambers. To prepare your promised reward, no doubt."
"If you've a spell, Witcher, perhaps you'd fancy some fisticuffs with the Vildkaarls? Loosen up your joints after your journey?"
"Maybe later."
While Geralt went to speak to Crach, Juray went to find Cerys, who was outside fuming.
She turned to her. "Heard us, didn't you?"
"So did everyone in that room who's not completely deaf."
Cerys gave a scoff. "Hjalmar wastes his time arguin' with me, and I really don't know why... Everyone says I've no chance against him when it comes to the crown." She sighed. "After Udalryk, solvin' his grief, I thought I'd gained some respect. Thought they were takin' me serious. But no. Every step of the way I have to prove I'm fit to be queen."
"Well, it's a boy's club. I had to do the same when I first started walking the Path. Still do. As for Hjalmar, you're his sister. It's natural."
"We've always argued, but I thought somethin' like this... Thought he'd show some respect. But he's just attackin' me."
"Would you prefer he ignored you, refused to see you as a rival?"
Cerys looked at Juray, making the Witcher realize she hadn't thought of that. "Perhaps you're right."
"Better get back to your guests. Won't gain any votes talking to me out here."
Cerys smiled. "You're right... Thank you. I'm glad I have you on my side at least." She went back inside.
Juray stayed outside, looking over the ocean outside the keep. She thought about all the fights she'd had with Lambert over her becoming a Witcher. He hated the fact that Rennes allowed her to go through with the trials, always rubbing her gender in her face. Right until she earned her place among the Witchers. He still acted like he was a better Witcher than her, but she knew, deep down, he'd have her back in a heartbeat. Just like she'd have his. Hjalmar may be acting angry at Cerys for putting her name in to be queen, but she knew he'd have his sister's back.
"Lu-gos! Lu-gos! Lu-gos!"
Chanting and cheers broke through Juray's thoughts. Then she frowned, feeling magic and monsters at the same time. She spun around, hearing roars and shouts. She ran back into the hall to find three unusually large bears attacking the guest.
"What the fuck?" she breathed before drawing her silver sword and attacking one going after one of the guests. Doors slammed open and Geralt and Crach rushed into the room. Between the two Witchers and the guests able to draw their swords, they bested the beasts.
After taking a moment to survey the damage, the survivors immediately went to help the wounded.
"Cloth!" Holger cried, standing over his son. "Gimme some cloth! Gotta stop the bleedin'! Quick!"
"Da...," Halbjorn whispered. "Da..."
"Take my cloak," Madman Lugos offered.
Holger took it and pressed it against his son's wounds. "Hold on, son, you'll pull through. A shark grabbed my leg once..."
Halbjorn didn't respond.
Hjort checked him over. "He's dead."
Holger gave a grief-fill scream.
"Crach!" Lugos cried. "Where'd those bears come from?! Heh?! Answer! Now!"
"Careful how you speak to my da!" Hjalmar warned.
"Stow your blade, pup! Or Crach'll lose a son, too!"
"You insult me, Lugos," Crach said. "And now you threaten my son. I will not stand for this."
"Then come here! C'mon! Put you down like a rabid dog!"
"Calm down!" One of the Jarls, Donar, said. "Calm down! Enough blood's been spilt! Someone brought these beasts here to murder our sons and brothers." He seemed to be the most level-headed to Juray. "We cannot restore their lives. But we can, we must, avenge them. This burden falls upon the host." He looked at Crach. "And his offspring."
"Find the guilty, an Craite," Udalryk said. "Find and kill them. Else your clan will be cursed for a hundred generations to come."
The Jarls left and Juray joined the others, having finished helping a Druid save a young man from bleeding to death.
"Anybody see how the bears got in?" Geralt asked, looking at Juray.
"Don't matter," Hjalmar said before Juray could answer. "I know where to find the guilty already."
"Wait!" Cerys cried. "Are you mad? You're gonna kill folk before we've learned what happened?"
"Learn all you want. Meantime, I'll go wash the shame off our clan."
"Hey! The jarls ain't listenin' anymore! Stop playin' the hero and think for a second!"
"Our honor's at stake, sis. That can't wait."
"Are you listening to me? Someone let those bears in. We must know who, and the answer lies somewhere in this room!"
"You do that. See you when I return with the traitors' heads." Hjalmar stormed out of the room.
"I'll help Cerys," Juray said. "You go keep Hjalmar from getting himself killed."
"I seem to be doing that a lot lately," Geralt commented as he went after Hjalmar.
"I'll stay here," Crach said. "Someone must see to everything. Summon the healer, hand the fallen over to their families. You have my thanks, Demon."
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