42: Those Worthy of the Crown
The private matter Yennefer wanted to discuss with Geralt involved them sneaking through the halls looking for Erimon's laboratory. After a detour around Erimon's raven guards, they found themselves in a room full of taxidermied animals. Geralt tried the only other door in the room and a moment later attacked the stuffed animals as if he was defending himself from their attacks, much to Yennefer's amusement. After he finished, he collapsed, unconscious. Yennefer used her magic to revive him.
"What happened?" Geralt asked once he saw he was in the middle of the room and looking up at an amused Yennefer.
"You were hallucinating. You ran at Ermion's animals, sword flailing. I had to calm you."
Geralt stood. "Uh, must've looked strange."
"Your years of vigorous training at Kaer Morhen finally paid off," Yennefer teased. "Bested nearly all the stuffed beasts in here."
Yennefer gave a laugh. "Fine. We've passed the Trial of Taxidermy. The door stands open." They went through the door. "I'll lock the entrance. We don't want to raise suspicions."
After the door shut, they headed down a long hall. "Ah, our dear druid's laboratory. We must search it thoroughly. The Mask of Uroboros must be here."
A search yielded interesting artifacts, including a carved goat that Ciri had given Erimon years ago, and a sword in the stone that Geralt had to play with. He then found a statue and noticed that one of the hands was worn, as if someone had placed an object in it many times. Geralt, fooling around, placed a nearby mug of mead in its hand, a hidden door in the wall sliding open.
"Hey, Yen!"
"Ermion enjoys jests achieved at the expense of others. I've a sneaking suspicion the mask will be in here."
They entered a tunnel that led to a chamber. "Geralt! I found the mask!" In the middle of the room was a mask, floating in midair. "This is it!" Yennefer took the mask, examining it. "We've got it. We must return to the feast quickly, before..." They turned their heads at the roar as a golem came at them and the gate slammed shut.
"Careful, now!" Geralt said, drawing his silver sword and defending against the golem.
"It's a trap! We're imprisoned!"
After the golem was slain, they heard what sounded like wind in the cavern and a familiar scent reached the Witcher's nose.
"Geralt. Hear that?"
"Smelled it. Gas. Grate's still closed. Gotta think of something quick."
"The damned druid will poison us! This vapor's deadly, we've but a few minutes!"
Geralt suggested the one thing he knew could help them escape, despite his aversion to it. "Teleport us outta here."
Yennefer looked at him surprised. "Think of something! Quickly! First thing to come to your mind!"
Geralt thought about how much he wanted to kiss her if they survived.
Yennefer then pulled him close to her. "Hold on tight!" They disappeared in a flash of light.
That thought sent them to Yennefer's rooms at the inn, where the two landed unceremoniously on the floor.
"Damn." Yennefer said, noticing the hole in her skirt at her thigh. "I tore a hole in my dress. Wait a minute, I must mend it."
Geralt helped her stand and she headed towards the vanity.
"Know how to sew?"
"Please," Yennefer responded with a roll of her eyes. "I'll enchant a needle." Yennefer undressed and enchanted the needle.
A moment later, a shirtless Geralt joined her, picking her up and setting her on the vanity.
Yennefer smirked before leaning in to kiss him, then pushed him away. "Wait."
Geralt stopped. "For what?"
"We must talk to Crach."
"Why? Think he misses us? Because I missed you."
He leaned in to start kissing her neck and Yennefer pulled him close, running her fingers through his hair. She stopped as something caught her eye. Geralt looked at her and she gave a small smirk without taking her eyes off it. Geralt turned to see a life-sized stuffed unicorn in the corner.
"Oh no."
Yennefer smiled. "I missed you, too." She wrapped her arms around his neck and started to nibble on his ear.
Geralt sighed before finishing undressing and mounting the unicorn, helping Yennefer up, who was still in her panties.
"When are you gonna finally burn this piece of junk?"
"My heart couldn't take it. So many memories."
Geralt then leaned down and ripped her underwear off with his teeth.
"Dammit, Geralt. Do you have any idea how much they cost?"
"Come here. We gotta hurry. Crach's waiting." He pulled her onto his lap.
"Is that so?"
She wrapped her arms around him, her hands going down his numerous scars as he slid into her. He then gently laid her back and she clutched the unicorn's mane.
"Yen, let go of the mane," he said.
"I know you. I let go, you throw us off."
"Don't even try it."
They eventually moved to the bed, where they currently were lounging, Yennefer's fingers going over three large scars on his stomach, remembering how he'd received them.
She then looked up at Geralt, who was looking at her the same way he did when he saved her life with his final wish all those years ago. "My oh my," she said with a smile.
"Missed you."
"I missed you too."
"We oughta get back to the wake."
Yennefer nodded. "We should get dressed."
Juray joined the others gathered around a large table as a priestess gave a speech, blessing the claimants in their ventures.
"Now heed my words. There is no greater act of valor than to fight a beast cursed by men and gods. No greater deed than that done to serve the goddess."
Juray glanced over her shoulder as Geralt and Yennefer joined her.
"That talk took long enough. You were almost late."
"Words of uncommon beauty," Crach said as he stepped forward. "We thank you all and will take them to heart... But now, let's begin! We have seen Bran off into the beyond and must now choose his successor. A king must be wise. A king must command respect. A king must have bollocks. We've no lack of men like that. Let those who feel worthy of the throne of Skellige step forth."
Bran's son, was the first to step forward, followed by Otrygg, Halbjorn, Blueboy, and two others Juray didn't know.
Crach held up an axe. "My son could not be here this day. Behold his axe. Behold his will." Crach dropped the axe onto the table.
A moment later, Cerys approached the table, dropping a dagger onto it and earning several shocked looks, before she turned and walked away. Juray was probably the only one in the hall that was not shocked.
"May the best man... or woman... win."
The crowd dispersed and the two Witchers and Yennefer approached him.
"What's got into her?"
"She's your daughter, is she not?" Yennefer said.
"Now I know why she said she'll sail to Spikeroog. Ah, children! The older they grow, the more trouble they are. Come with me. All the more essential we talk now." Crach motioned for them to follow him. The sun's rays were peaking over the horizon as they walked out onto a balcony overlooking the bay.
"How was it, Geralt, when Ciri was nearing womanhood?" Crach asked. "I remember well her nan, her mother... what they were like. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."
"Ciri was impossible to control," Geralt answered. "No telling her what to do. Had to have things her own way, almost always. Why do you ask?"
"No specific reason. She and Cerys, they're of a similar age. But we'll speak of my children later. First, let's speak of yours. Yennefer claims Ciri's in trouble, and you seek her."
"That's right."
"If you require aid – gold, ships, anything – merely say the word. I'll give you all I can. And I know the lass lives. I'm sure of it. When the blood of Rhiannon's daughters is shed, the sea grows white with fury. I'd mark such a storm."
"Magic anomaly on Ard Skellig's somehow related to Ciri, or so Yennefer believes."
"It's my strong suspicion," Yennefer explained. "But I can only know for certain by examining the site."
"I saw the twisted forms," Crach said. "Right unnatural. The druids were barely able to contain it. Explain to me, Yennefer, how Ciri might've caused this great catastrophe."
"I'm intent on learning that very thing. Which I will do as soon as Ermion stops hindering my investigation."
"Don't concern yourself with him. Druids have little trust for mages, but Ermion's heart is in the right place. Am I right to assume he does not know you seek Ciri?"
"It's of no concern to him."
"As I thought. At any rate, Ard Skellig's my isle. You've my permission to investigate as you see fit."
"Thank you," Geralt said.
"No need. I swore an oath once. I aim to keep it." He turned to his servant. "Arnvald! Tell the Druid I must speak to him. At the usual spot."
Arnvald inclined his head and went to deliver the message.
Crach turned back to the three outsiders. "I've one more matter to broach, my children. You remember Hjalmar?" The two Witchers nodded as he leaned over the stones of the wall. "Well, he swore an oath to kill the giant of Undvik, set off, and has yet to return. Whereas Cerys announced that she's to set off on an adventure of her own. Got it in her head that Udalryk is not mad, but cursed..."
"Giants...," Geralt said. "They've been extinct for ages. Anyone actually seen the one on Undvik?"
"Aye. Dozens of refugees have. The giant drove everyone off the isle. I've welcomed what remains of Clan Tordarroch here on Ard Skellig."
"I heard a rumor," Yennefer said. "That an unnatural frost gripped Undvik before the giant appeared."
"Tis true. At any rate, Hjalmar decided to kill the giant and give the isle back to its people. A deed worthy of a king, he believes. My son gathered a hearty crew at the New Port. They were to sail to Undvik, then travel on foot to Urskar, a village. But that many lads should've killed the giant long ago. Thus I thought to ask you..."
"You should start at the New Port," Yennefer suggested. "Ask around. Hjalmar might've told someone there his plans."
"Might've?" Juray said. "I've no doubt he bragged about his plans and gathered his crew there."
Crach chuckled. "Aye, that does sound like him."
"Also take it Cerys wants to lift the curse."
"There's no curse to speak of. Cerys has decided she must match Hjalmar and has sought out a deed worthy of a queen."
"Think she might need our help? You did plan to ask us for it. Why?"
"The thing is, I don't trust Udalryk further than I can spit. Cerys won't listen to me or her brother. Yet confronted by a professional or two who will explain why she's mistaken, she just might come to her senses. So, yes, I ask that you explain things to her and bring her back."
"We'll help your children," Geralt said. "I'll seek out Hjalmar."
"And I'll head to Spikeroog to see if there is a curse or not."
Crach turned to her.
"I seem to specialize in curses, since I... well I have my own special circumstances that help me sense curses. If there isn't one, I'll convince Cerys."
Geralt gave her an odd look, the first time he had heard her not refer to her extra abilities as a curse.
"I thank you both."
"Now that we're done thanking one another," Yennefer said. "Let's get to work. We must determine if Ciri is still on Ard Skellig. I'll change into travel attire and find you. Head south. The anomaly we should investigate destroyed a stretch of forest along the shore of the bay." She turned to Crach. "A successful feast on all counts, Crach." She inclined her head. "I will see you later."
Crach returned the gesture and Yennefer opened a portal and walked through it. Crach then turned to Geralt and Juray and inclined his head, the Witchers doing the same, before he headed back to the castle.
"I know Ciri is important, but helping Crach's children will grant us favor with him," Juray said, turning to Geralt. "I'm going to change out of this dress and head to Spikeroog."
Geralt nodded. "I agree. I'm going to head to the New Port and see if anyone knows anything about Hjalmar's plans."
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