24: The Oneiromancer
They met up near the doorway.
"Think we plugged every hole in there."
"All right. Get ready for some magic fireworks. Once I activate the incense, we'll have a moment to talk." Triss cast her spell. "Now we wait for them to scurry away." She sat on a bale while Juray hopped onto a railing to sit on it.
Geralt leaned against another bale. "Interesting method. Never had much luck with rats. Once, I hit one with a fork in complete darkness. Trying to show off my Witcher senses..."
Juray snickered, imagining it. "Were you drunk?"
"Shut up. Masterful throw, really. Problem was no one else saw it. How could they in the dark?"
Both Triss and Juray laughed.
"So, what do you think?" Triss asked. "Ratcatcher? It's a long way to fall from being advisor to Temeria's king."
"I'm just glad to see you safe and sound, and..."
"Knew a man once who reacted to everything, especially adversity, by mocking it."
"Healthy attitude. Must've lived long."
"Came a day he lost both his legs in battle. He shrugged, said it was better that way. He'd never feel pain in them again."
"I understand him perfectly."
"I know. Thing is, he was lying to himself."
"I think he just didn't have much of a choice..."
"You could be right. But only he knows the truth..."
"We're only ever the ones to know the truth about ourselves."
"Which we share at times with those we hold dear."
Triss looked up at Geralt. "Even if it's hard to swallow?"
"Even then."
"Who knows... maybe one day..." Triss then decided to change the subject. "So, tell me how Yen's doing?"
"How do you know I found her?"
"You didn't answer my question. How's Yen?"
"She's fine."
"That's good."
Geralt looked at her as she looked away. "Asking about anything specific?"
"Never mind. I got my answer."
"This didn't get awkward or anything," Juray commented, having remained silent as they talked.
"Quit eavesdropping," Geralt said.
"How is it eavesdropping when I'm sitting two feet away?" As they spoke, the rats started running from the grainery in droves. "That's a lot of rats."
Brandon walked in as the rats fled out the door. "Well, well..." he said. "Our lovebirds having themselves a chat instead of working?"
"The job's done," Triss assured him as three men walked in behind Brandon. Juray and Triss immediately stood. "Geralt, Juray, those are..." She trailed off as the Witch Hunters stopped on either side of Brandon.
"I know who they are, Triss," Geralt said, who hadn't moved from the position he was in.
"My friends... begged me to notify them if I encountered a mage, sorceress, what have you. Didn't have the heart to refuse..."
A flame appeared in Triss' hand. "It's a trap, Geralt."
"I told you it smelled fishy," Juray said.
"Such a sharp sense of smell, you should've legged it while you had the chance," Brandon said.
"Legging it's not in my job description."
"Take my advice, mutants," one of the Hunters said. "If it's not your business, stay out of it."
"Thanks for the advice," Geralt said. "But... we can't take it." Geralt turned his attention to Brandon as he stood. "Let's agree your friends were never here. Now pay the rest and let's part in peace."
"You don't set the terms, mutant."
"I believe the terms were pretty damn clear earlier," Juray said.
"The two of you stay out of it," the Hunter said. "We're here for the witch."
"We're inseparable, see?" Geralt said. "Afraid you'll have to take us all."
"Geralt!" Triss hissed.
"If you say so..."
"All right. We've talked. Do what you gotta. Just remember... we can't help but get in your way."
"Heard enough from this whoreson," the Hunter said, drawing his sword.
"As have I. None are to leave here alive." Brandon turned and walked out the door as the other two Hunters drew their swords.
Juray sighed as she drew her steel sword. "Here I thought I was going to go one day without someone feeling suicidal."
They made quick work of the Hunters.
"That bastard hired me on the assumption he wouldn't have to pay me!" Triss said angrily. "Duped and trapped like a child... If not for you... We need to find Brandon."
"Yes, let's," Juray said, making a beeline to the door.
Brandon saw them coming and tried to run, but Juray was quicker and caught him, shoving him against the wall of the granary. "Don't kill me!" he begged. "They forced me... Had I not told them, they'd have set fire to my home, my warehouse... The mage hunters know no mercy..." He saw Geralt. "Spare me, good man... Don't let her kill me. Don't let her be like those other murderers."
"Shut up," Geralt growled. "I should let her kill you. Thing is, you're no good to anyone but the gulls as a corpse."
"So I'll make a deal with your sorry ass," Juray said. "You'll live and you'll pay us double. Now."
"F-Fine..." He fumbled with his coin purse. "Your coin..." He dropped it into Geralt's hand.
"Now get the fuck outta here before I change my mind."
Brandon didn't have to be told twice.
"Thanks. Both of you."
"Anything for a friend," Juray said.
"You know, Geralt," Triss said. "I've been thinking... who might know something about Ciri. And I just got an idea. There's an oneiromancer in town, Corinne Tilly. Very capable, supposedly."
"Never trusted in dreamers' abilities myself," Geralt said.
"You know my opinion about them," Juray added.
"Corinne's been very effective, you should at least try. She's taken a job close by." Triss indicated the direction. "Follow the canal, away from the fish market. The house is near the first bridge. Its owner, de Jonkheer, is a rich banker.
"Not coming with me?" Geralt asked.
"I've got some things to take care of."
"Another rat-infested warehouse?"
Triss smiled. "Not exactly. Nothing even remotely satisfying. Such are the times."
"It was nice to see you again."
Triss smiled at him from under the hood she'd pulled up upon exiting the warehouse. "You too, Geralt. You should go now before Corinne goes back into hiding somewhere."
"What if I want to find you?"
"I live in the Bits, near the fish market. Stop by. Both of you. It'd be nice."
"All right. See you later."
"Take care of yourself, Triss."
"I will." Triss turned and left to do her business and Geralt turned towards the direction she indicated, catching the sly smirk on Juray's face.
"Nothing. Let's go find Corinne."
They arrived at the house and saw it was basically falling apart.
"The guy's rich and he chooses to buy this dump?" Juray asked.
They turned the corner of the house and saw a man sitting on a bench outside the house. His dress and large-brimmed fancy hat, complete with feathers, announced him as upper class. Almost every finger had a gaudy ring.
"Just passing by, wanderer," he asked. "Or do you seek something specific?"
"Who's asking?" Geralt asked.
"Rudolf de Jonkheer."
Juray wondered if he'd heard her comment.
"Of those de Jonkheers, yes. My ancestors laid the foundations for this city. I now own its largest bank."
"Didn't need a recommendation. Name would've been enough."
"Father always said 'All ought to know your merits, son. Don't hide them under a bushel.'"
"Wise man," Juray commented.
"We're looking for Corinne Tilly."
"You've come to the right place, then. Corinne is inside... Been there for a few days, dreaming the home's history."
"Not interested in what's going on inside? Seeing it for yourself?"
"I'm a banker. Cursed homes scare me. Do you know how a haunting can affect property value? Point of fact, Corinne requested she not be disturbed."
"Why so interested in the house's history?" Juray asked.
"I bought this property a short while ago, paid a pretty penny, I might add. Soon after, I witnessed... disturbances. Led me to fear the home might be haunted."
"What're the symptoms?" Geralt asked, his interest peaked.
"Oh, they vary. Giggling... in the night. And furniture moving about in the attic, and last week... well, you shan't believe it! I found human feces in the parlor."
"Not every day you have a ghost that can shit in the floor," Juray quipped.
"Could we go inside, look around?" Geralt asked.
"I don't usually let strangers rummage around my home. Twin swords, though... the two of you are Witchers. Though I dare say I am surprised to see the young lady is one as well."
It amused Juray to no end each time she was referred to as young, considering she was a decade shy of a century. "You're not the first to be surprised by that."
"I'm sure. You may enter. Call that my whim." De Jonkheer sat back down on the bench, pulling out a pipe and filling it with tobacco.
The two Witchers went inside, Juray immediately sensing magic at work.
"Feel anything?"
"I feel Corinne's magic at work, but I don't sense any wraiths or spirits, but..."
"I... I think there's a creature here though. A relict."
"Let's look--," Geralt cut off when they heard a woman's voice.
"Stop! Go away! Don't do that! Leave it!"
Geralt and Juray looked at each other before heading up the stairs. As they reached the top, the door slowly creaked open.
"Okay, now I can see why he thinks the place is haunted," Juray commented.
"Put it down, please... That's blood... Don't spill it... Please..."
They walked into the room to see what looked like a giggling little girl standing over Corinne, who was wreathing on the bed. The girl turned her head towards them and Geralt immediately started to draw his steel sword. The girl jumped down and crawled under the bed. While Geralt went to his hands and knees to look under the bed, Juray sat on the bed.
"Corinne?" Juray shook her shoulders. "Come on. Wake up."
"Whatever that was, it's gone," Geralt said. "I couldn't see what it was."
"Neither could I, but I think it was the relict I was sensing. A rare one. I can't identify it."
"The doll...," Corinne suddenly said. "The attic."
"Guess I'm looking in the attic. Stay with her in case that thing comes back."
Juray nodded and went back to trying to wake the dreamer. Geralt headed to the attic, returning several minutes later and headed into the room he'd gone in earlier looking for the attic's entrance. The door suddenly slammed shut.
"I'm fine. Found a masterpiece of an oven." He came out of the room and showed Juray a child's drawing of a cradle and an oven. "Someone's giving us riddles to solve."
"I'll help you find it. It's gotta be downstairs."
They ventured downstairs to look for a kitchen. The oven there wasn't the same as the drawing, so they ventured into the cellar.
"I think this is it," Juray said.
They peered into the opening and saw nothing. Geralt looked away, looking for any other sign of what they were looking for. Juray stood and opened her mouth to voice she thought it was a trick when Geralt looked back in the oven.
He started, jumping up as the girl crawled out of the oven.
"Did I scare you? Scared you, didn't I? Can tell you was scared."
Geralt looked annoyed at this point.
"A big, brave man scared of wee little Sarah. Ain't that funny!" Sarah had wild blond hair and big blue eyes. Her skin had a bluish hue to it and Juray immediately knew her for one of the rarest relicts in the world.
"I wouldn't do that anymore if I were you, Sarah," Geralt said. "You might scare someone so bad they'll hurt you."
"Why would someone hurt me? Havin' a spot o' fun's not allowed anymore?"
"What're you playing?"
"That lady fell asleep, and I've sent her some horrible dreams. I'll not her wake, neither. I can do that, you know. Funny, isn't it?"
"Very funny. Thing is, I gotta talk to the dreamer, so I'd like you to let her wake up."
"Little Sarah doesn't want her to wake. Little Sarah wants to play."
"You're lucky, Sarah," Juray said. "We know you're a harmless godling. But others might not know, and then..."
"And how d'you know I'm a godling, eh? How's that, eh? Eh?"
"If it looks like one and acts like one..." Geralt said. "Trust me, you're a godling." He then motioned to Juray. "Besides, my friend here has a very special talent. She can sense creatures like you."
"Really," Juray said with a smile. "You give the dreamer nightmares, and won't let her wake up. Why are you tormenting her?"
"I'm not tormenting anyone. Scary dreams are great. What I love is when this big 'en chases me. Hen's got these red..."
"Why do you live in a haunted house?" Geralt interrupted.
"Tell you a secret." Sarah giggled. "The house ain't haunted, not one bit! I just pretend it is, make everyone think that. It was sittin' here all empty, so I moved in. Bigwig from the bank then came and bought it. I don't like bankers, 'specially not to live with, so I decided to give 'im a scare."
"Gave the banker a really big scare. See, he paid a lot for this house and won't give it up easily. Which is why you need to find another home."
"I don't want to!" Sarah stamped her feet. "I don't! I won't!"
"Sarah, Novigrad isn't a safe place for mages, let alone a godling," Juray said. "Do you know what the Witch Hunters and their Church of the Eternal Fire do to mages and other creatures?"
Sarah nodded. "They tie 'em up and burn 'em."
"I wouldn't want that to happen to someone as innocent as you. We know you're harmless and just want to have fun, but the Witch Hunters wouldn't see you in that light. To them, you're a monster that needs to be killed without mercy."
"I don't like them. They're mean. But if I leave the city, where will I go?"
"Crookback Bog," Geralt said. "There's another godling named Johnny there. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company."
Sarah nodded. "I can do that. I know where it is."
"Before you go, you gotta let the dreamer wake up," Juray said.
"Consider it done." Sarah smiled up at them. "See you around." She then disappeared.
"Good job," Geralt said.
"Let's go wake up Corinne."
Corinne was sitting up rubbing her head when they returned to her. She looked up once she realized they were there. "Who are you?" she asked.
"Triss Merigold sent me to see you...," Geralt answered.
"Gods... Horrible nightmares. I was supposed to dream the history of this house... Instead, I saw furniture, hungry furniture that wished to devour me... I know it must sound foolish, but in the dream -- well, it was all too real... and not at all amusing."
"The work of a godling. She made people believe the house was haunted. Also injected your dreams with her little jokes."
"And you managed to wake me? I feel fortunate."
Geralt looked over at Juray. "We Witchers have our ways."
"I thank you. Very much. The dreams, they were awful. Any way I can pay you back?"
"There is, actually. I'm looking for a young woman who was seen in Novigrad."
"I can certainly try to help. But I'll need to clear my head first. After those deranged dreams, I feel it's full of cobwebs. Find me at the Golden Sturgeon. I rent a room there."
"All right. See you there." Geralt helped Corinne to her feet and she walked away on her own.
The Witchers followed after her.
De Jonkheer stood upon seeing them. "I saw Miss Corinne leave, but she refused to speak to me. Is the matter resolved? Or quite the opposite?"
"Ran off a godling," Juray said. "And Corinne simply... awoke. Anyway, house is clean. Just needs some work."
"Excellent! I must admit the experience has put me off the building. I shan't keep it. I'm mindful of the reward I owe you and you'll receive a sizeable commission. As soon as I'm... I'm able to sell the house. Come by from time to time and ask. The de Jonkheers never break their word once given."
Geralt and Juray arrived at the Golden Sturgeon and quickly found Corinne's room.
"I dream in here," she simply said.
"Never witnessed a séance like this before. Let alone participated," Geralt admitted.
"I will guide you. We must first achieve a kind of mental accord: I must ask some questions, you must answer them. It's important you're truthful, answer from the heart."
"I'm going to take my leave, then," Juray said. "This is a private matter and you do not need me to interfere or witness it. I'll be downstairs when you're done."
"Thank you, Witcher," Corinne said. Once Juray left, the mage turned to Geralt.
"Let's begin," he said.
"To start with, tell me a memory you have with this woman."
"What for?"
"Do as I ask, please." Corinne went to a nearby table and sat. "I need the strongest, most complete memory you have of..."
"Ciri," Geralt said as he joined her. "The woman's name is Ciri." He thought on all the memories he had of Ciri, glad he had them now. "Ciri was orphaned. During the second war with Nilfgaard. Had no idea what to do with a young girl, so I did what I would've done with a boy and took her to Kaer Morhen. Figured some physical training, sword work, development of her stamina, couldn't hurt. I remember her standing on a crumbling wall. A stone came loose, she lost her footing... Caught her at the last possible instant. Strongest memory, though, is of her coming out of her room one day, wearing a dress and claiming she was indisposed." He gave a smile, remembering teenaged Ciri wearing that dress and acting like Yennefer. "Knew then that Ciri was maturing, it was unavoidable. I was lost in the face of that."
"I see... Do you wish to tell me anything more?"
"In that case, I'm listening."
"It was in Rivia." The event that ultimately led to his memory loss. "The second war with Nilfgaard had just ended. There was still tension in the air. For gods know what reason, race riots erupted in the town. I tried to do something, but... Couldn't stop a riled crowd. A boy with a pitchfork. He ran it right through my gut." He remembered how Yennefer tried to save him as he died from that wound. "Yennefer lay dying as well... Ciri had us carried onto a boat... We sailed to a place where apple trees bloom eternal. She left us there. It was the last time I saw her."
"Is there anything you'd like to add? Another memory, perhaps?"
Geralt shook his head, knowing he would go on forever if he didn't stop himself. "Let's continue." Geralt stood and turned away from her.
"The woman has... abilities, yes? Tell me about them."
"She's a child of the Elder Blood," he said, reluctantly.
"A descendant of Bloody Falka?" Corinne's voice held surprise. "The rebel burned at the stake? The prophecies claim the world's destroyer will be born of the firebrand's cursed blood."
"Pure legend."
"Know when a legend transforms into prophecy? When it gains believers. I think you're right to be reticent in talking about the woman. Anything else?"
"No. Can we start?"
"Naturally." Corrine stood and walked towards him. "I know you cared about her. But your tone, the emotions you so carefully conceal..."
"Let's continue, please?"
"Make yourself comfortable and try to relax."
Geralt sat on the nearby cot.
"You must take my hand and talk of Ciri. Tell me where you think she might be, who could be at her side." Corinne held out her hand and Geralt hesitantly took it.
"Mhm... If Ciri couldn't find me, I'm sure she would've looked for another friend."
"Who do you mean?"
"Maybe Dandelion? They liked each other a lot..."
"Lay back and we shall begin."
Geralt did as he was told, closing his eyes and allowing himself to relax. Corinne then began to work her magic.
Jaskier was in an office of some kind, a swallow flying around him. The bird stopped, landing on a chair and the two seemed to be arguing about something. Jaskier turned his back on the swallow and the swallow stopped singing. He turned around, almost in a panic before darting forward. The scene changed to him running in a dimly lit area with stone walls. He seemed to still be in a panic, despite the swallow having joined him again. He then plugged his ears as an explosion went off.
Geralt opened his eyes and sat up. Corinne looked at him, waiting.
"Dreamt of a swallow at first... After that, just nightmares."
"At times the dreams can multiply. Show the past as well as the future."
"The swallow, it symbolizes Ciri. She contacted Dandelion. I didn't know he was in town..."
"The poet?" Geralt was not surprised that Corinne had heard of him. He was a ladies' man, after all. "Heard about him. Someone left him the Rosemary and Thyme in their will."
"The Rosemary and Thyme? Where's that?"
"As you enter the city through the red light district, you come upon a bridge. The Rosemary is just past it."
Geralt raised a brow. "Dandelion inherited a brothel?"
"So I've heard."
"Thanks for your help."
"Good luck, Witcher. I hope you find your Ciri."
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