10: The Witch of Midcopse
Geralt dismounted when he arrived in Midcopse. The villagers largely ignored him, which was fine by him. He could listen to the conversations around him better without someone bothering him. He led Roach through town until he heard two women talking about a woman who had recently arrived that had been helping the village with various problems.
"What's a witch with no grey on her head?" an older woman who was sweeping off her front steps said. "Not much likely to be inside it."
"For one who never sees her," a younger woman scrubbing clothes against a washboard replied. "You seem to know a heap about her."
"I know what they say. Don't care much meself, but when folk talk, I listen."
Geralt approached her as the other woman turned to hang the laundry.
"Should send him back to the witch," she complained. "Might cure him of laziness."
"Greetings, ma'am," Geralt said to gain her attention.
The woman stopped. "Don't hear that much from the young'uns these days."
It was rare for someone to call him young. Many times they would see his white hair and assume he was an old man. Even though he would be considered one by human standards.
"Can I help you with something?"
"Got a matter for your village witch. Know where I can find her?"
"I don't bother with her meself, but ask my man, he'll know. Twerked his back so bad last week he could hardly move. So I sent him to the witch. Came back sprightly as a foul."
"Where is he?"
She motioned around the house. "Pain's gone, but sloth's set in now. Should be huntin' foxberries to feed our young'uns. Marian's lad, now that man, he knows how to provide for his family. Caught some water rats last week, they had food for days."
"Thank you, ma'am." Geralt went around the house to find a man leaning against the fence. "Good day. Heard you know where to find the local witch."
"Who told you that?"
"Your wife."
"Daft wench. Leave me be and don't listen to that natterin' sow. We've not had a witch, shaman, nor cunning wench in ages."
Geralt felt he was protecting her for some reason and cast Axii with practiced fingers. "You sure? Give it a think."
"Won't take no for an answer, will ye? All right. Know the small pond near the village?"
Geralt nodded, having passed it on the way into town.
"Path leads off from it. Follow that until you come to a lone rock. Walk around that, into the woods. Find the old cart, you're there."
"Thanks." Geralt started to turn away.
"It's just... don't hurt her, sir. Word of your kind has reached these parts."
Geralt looked puzzled. "My kind?"
"The witch burning kind."
Geralt realized the villager thought he was a witch hunter. "Witch hunters have been here already?"
"Nay, but we've heard tell of them. So when I spied you coming, swords and all, straightaway I thought tales must be true."
"I'm a Witcher, not a witch hunter."
"Not one and the same?"
"Not at all. I'm not out to harm your witch, just need her help in something."
"A weight off me heart. She only arrived a short while ago, but she's frightfully wise. Even pleasant on the eyes, if you like them skinny."
"Thanks for your help." Geralt turned and went back to Roach, mounting her and heading out of the village.
He followed the villager's directions and came upon a hut with several villagers begging the witch for help. One villager begged for her to help his sick cow. Geralt stepped past the edge of the hut to see the witch on her stoop, surprised that he knew her. He leaned against the wall, patiently waiting for the villager to finish pleading his case to her. It had been some time since Geralt had seen Kiera Metz and he wondered what she was doing in the middle of nowhere, as she had enjoyed a lavish lifestyle and was keen on the finer things in life.
"Do I look like a dairymaid to you?" she asked.
"No, miss," a young woman next to the cow's villager said.
Kiera turned her head as the woman spoke noticing Geralt, a surprised look in her eyes.
"But you know things. 'Tis our last cow, none other left in the village."
"Rest died of hunger," the man at her side said. "Or soldiers led them off. We're good as dead without 'er."
"I shall give you herbs," Kiera said with a sigh. "Mix them with water drawn from the spring at midnight, then make the cow drink them. But first, you must clean your barn. Thoroughly, is that clear?"
"Thank you, miss!" the woman said. "A thousand thanks!"
She handed the woman the herbs. "Enough! I've had my fill for the day. Go home!" She looked at Geralt again before turning and going inside, shutting the door behind her. The villagers dispersed and Geralt waited until they'd left before he went inside. To find the hut empty.
"Kiera?" he called. He searched through the hut, his medallion vibrating. "Where did she run off to?"
In a back room, he found a pentagram drawn in chalk on the floor and a skull sitting on a table. The closer he drew to the skill, the harder the medallion trembled. "Powerful aura, must be some sort of artifact." Geralt reached out to pick it up, but when his hand came close, the skull seemed to glow and a portal opened up over the pentagram. "So that's where she disappeared to." He stepped towards the portal. "I fucking hate portals," he grouched before stepping through.
Geralt found himself in a peaceful sanctuary. Hares ran around the garden and the place felt very tranquil, along with being magically charged. Geralt had to place a hand over his medallion to keep it from dancing on his chest. "Well, well. Nice," he commented. He followed the path, heading to the raised pool.
"I was wondering how long it would take you, Geralt," Kiera called from above. "I'm upstairs. Don't be shy."
Geralt walked to the pool to be greeted with the sight of Kiera bathing in the pool.
"Greetings, Witcher," she said with a smile. Like every other sorceress he'd ever met, Kiera hadn't aged a day, her long hair still golden and looking very much like a 20-year-old woman, despite being older than Geralt.
"Missed a spot," he teased, earning a look from Kiera.
Geralt crossed his arms as she continued to bathe.
"Hope you didn't come to gawk." She wasn't even bothering to hide her nakedness from the Witcher. Not that it bothered Geralt at all.
"No. To talk."
"Turn around and wait."
Geralt gave a scoff of a laugh, but turned around anyway, amused that now she wanted to protect her modesty. Kiera exited the pool and used magic to dry herself off and dress. She stepped around Geralt and he turned towards her. She was wearing a low cut dress that barely left anything to the imagination, along with a necklace with red beads, drawing the eye to her breasts, where an amulet rested.
"Kiera Metz. Deep in the heart of Velen. Thought you hated the countryside."
"I can assure you I do, now more than ever."
"Heard a witch lived out here. Never would have guessed it was King Foltest's former advisor."
"I'm so pleased the world's still able to astound you, Geralt," Kiera said sarcastically. "I actually envy you that sense of wonder. Common in children, knights-errant, and morons."
Geralt crossed his arms. "Someone's grown irritable. Is that any way to greet an old friend?"
"I believe I greeted you with a pleasant view." Kiera sat on a nearby bench. "Now tell me what brings you here."
"Any news of your sisters from the Lodge?"
"None. We can't know too much about one another these days. Safer that way."
"Even tried to contact one another?"
"I've wanted to. Many times. But I have no way of knowing who would answer. Or was listening."
"Betcha saw this question coming: what are you doing here?"
"Let me think. Enjoying the country air? Admiring the unspoilt scenery? Or is it furthering the age-old alliance between the city and its breadbasket? What the hell do you think? I'm in hiding. Blind to the state of the world? Can't you see what's happening?"
"Mean the persecution the mages now face?"
"Radovid's new pastime. Pursuing anyone with a whiff of magic on them. Witch hunters. Sound familiar? Murderers scouring the North from end to end. Burning books, hanging soothsayers, torturing herbalists. I doubt even Witchers will be immune soon. Have you heard from your brothers? From the White Demon?"
"Last I heard of them, they were fine. Including Juray. But I'm not here to talk about them. I'm looking for a certain young woman."
Kiera crossed her legs. "Oh, really? Who?"
"I'm looking for Ciri. That Ciri. And no one can know. Understand?"
Kiera blinked in surprise. "Cirilla is here? The girl once sought by the Lodge of Sorceresses and every ruler on the Continent has landed here, in Velen, and I know nothing of it? What is she doing here?"
Geralt leaned against the railing on the edge of the platform they were standing on. "Indications is she's hiding from someone. I heard she quarreled with a witch, but if you know nothing..." He sighed. "Sure you haven't seen her?"
"I'm certain I haven't," she paused. "But recently someone asked me about an ashen-haired woman. He claimed she would stand out from the peasant crowd."
"Who was it?"
"Not so fast, Geralt." Kiera stood. "No humble plea? No offering for the witch?"
"My undying gratitude. Good enough?"
"It's nothing to sneeze at, but you've a knack for getting into trouble. I should probably ask for something immediately deliverable."
Geralt gave her a look.
"Oh, sod it! Don't give me that look. I know it's Ciri we're talking about. It was an elf, this individual asking about Cirilla. Not some flea-bitten Scoia'tael slob either, but an elven mage."
"What was an elven mage doing in Velen?"
"Well, I tried to ask him, of course, about everything..."
"Of course."
"But you know how elves are, he asked many more questions than he answered."
"He say what his name was?"
"He didn't. Wore a mask. Very secretive all around, but... I liked him. He was intelligent and composed."
"He say what he wanted with Ciri?"
"Only they were to meet in Velen. He wished to know if she arrived before he did."
"He leave a message for her?"
"No, but he asked that were I to meet her, I should lead her to him."
"So you know where to find him."
"Yes, he said he found a hideout in some elven ruins near Midcopse. I'll go there with you." She walked past Geralt.
"Why? Think I'll have trouble finding this place?"
"I've unfinished business with this elf. He promised me something and he never delivered. Besides, I know you think as I do, that she might be there. And I'd like to see Cirilla too."
"Lead the way."
Kiera led Geralt to old elven ruins a couple hours south of Midcopse. "This is the place," she said.
"Been here before?"
"No. I was hoping the elf would return as he'd promised, or his waif would appear. At any rate, I have no clue what to expect from this place."
"Well, let's find out." The two entered the ruins, Kiera casting a spell to light their way. Across a ruined bridge stood three men in strange looking armor. Geralt immediately recognized the armor.
"The Wild Hunt," he said.
"What?" Kiera responded. "Phantom Riders? But that means..." She looked at Geralt. "I thought they didn't exist."
Geralt motioned across the expanse as one opened a portal. "Feast your eyes on the nonexistent then."
The Wild Hunt walked through the portal.
"Hmm. Got a navigator with them."
"A what?"
Geralt moved forward, Kiera hesitantly following.
"Can you teleport us to the other side?" Geralt couldn't believe he was asking that. And judging by the surprised look on Kiera's face, neither could she.
"I'd rather teleport us home. Do you really mean to follow them?"
"Teleport! Hurry up!"
"Not sure I like any of this." She cast the portal and the two went through.
Geralt instantly regretted the decision when, instead of coming out on the other side of the bridge, he landed right in the middle of a drowner nest. He immediately cut down the drowners before they recovered from their surprise.
"Damn portals. Wonder where Kiera is now." He followed the tunnel he was in and soon found the bridge they'd been on. After taking care of the drowners and the water hag there, he continued to look for the sorceress. "Kiera?" he called.
"Geralt!" Kiera screamed.
Geralt took off at a run, following her voice. He found Kiera with a protective shield around her and in full-blown panic with rats all around her.
"Geralt! Do something! They're coming out of those holes over there!"
Geralt killed the rats coming after her and used Igni on their nests. Only when Geralt assured her the rats were dead and their nests destroyed would Kiera drop her shield.
"You that afraid of rats? Could have annihilated them with one spell."
Kiera turned and gave him a look that told him she was not in the mood for his teasing.
"Fine. Won't say anything. What happened to you?"
"There's something here, something that distorts teleportation. I've no idea how they made it to the other side problem free."
"Wild Hunt's teleportation magic is different. Got specially trained mages for that, navigators the call them."
"They can have three helmsmen and a parrot for all I care. I'll not risk that again."
"Let's go. Wild Hunt got a good head start on us, but we still stand a chance."
"Have you gone completely mad?" Kiera placed her fists on her hips. "We must leave here at once!"
"I gotta know what the Wild Hunt's doing here."
"But we came to find the elven mage, not fight the Hunt!"
"If they reach him first, we won't get a chance to talk to him. Besides..." Geralt trailed off, which grabbed Kiera's attention.
"Go on, finish. Wait... you've some special interest in the Hunt. Is this about Ciri? There's something you've not told me, isn't there?"
"Come with me and maybe I will."
"Are you always like this? I'm beginning to feel sorry for Triss and Yen."
Geralt gave her a look.
"Very well. Let's go."
They moved through the darkness, the only light being from Kiera's spell. A projection suddenly appeared over a pedestal, a man wearing a mask and hood.
"I await you, Daughter of the Gull," he said in elvish.
"That him!" Kiera exclaimed. "That's the elf!"
"Follow the sign of your sword." The projection disappeared.
"What was that?" Geralt asked. "An illusion?"
"No, a morphetic projection."
"Message was definitely for Ciri. Daughter of the Gull. Lara Dorren's heir."
"Indeed. It's what the elves would have titled Ciri. But what was the bit about the sign of her sword? A riddle?"
"Yeah, not a hard one though. Not if you know Ciri named her sword Zireael. Swallow."
"Come now. Who besides you would know that?"
"Might've been the point. Your elven mage secured the passage, hid it so that only Ciri could find it."
"He failed to foresee that someone like you would show up."
"Nevertheless, I think he was expecting uninvited guests, made some preparations. Let's hope the Wild Hunt ran into some obstacles."
"Do you think following the swallows will suffice?"
"We'll see."
They moved farther down the hall and found themselves in an open watery area.
"An old elven port?" Kiera asked.
"Must've been how they got here by sea."
"Wonder how long ago that was."
They descended a set of stairs and Geralt noticed a yellow mist covering the ground.
"Careful," he warned. "That vapor is toxic."
"I hardly need instruction from you," Kiera snapped. "I recognized the vulpine morel immediately."
"Vesemir told me that soon after he learned how to cast Igni, he tried it out on a patch of those mushrooms."
"Terrible idea. What happened?"
"Well, he survived. And wounds heal quickly on young Witchers. Come on."
Juray had heard that story and dared Lambert into doing the same thing. It led to one of the worst fights between the two that Geralt had seen and Vesemir had to keep the two separated for a couple of months. Geralt would have bet coin that Lambert still hadn't forgiven Juray for that. Geralt led the way, using Aard to clear a path through the mushrooms, a trick both he and Juray discovered would work. Past the mushrooms, they came upon a swallow carved into the rock face.
"A swallow!" Kiera pointed out. "At least we're going in the right direction."
They followed the swallows until they came upon another projection.
"Swallow, the obvious route is not always the best. Find Kelpie." The projection disappeared again.
"Kelpie?" Kiera asked. "Does he mean the sea monster?"
"No, that's what Ciri named her mare. Horse could apparently gallop like a demon."
"Good name for a horse. So, shall we look for it?" Around them were several carvings and Kiera examined each one. "Here's a Kelpie." Kiera turned at hearing a splash and seeing Geralt was missing. "Geralt?"
"There's a horse carving down here."
Kiera looked over the edge of a barrier to see Geralt in a pool of water. "What the hell are you doing?"
"The obvious route is not always the best. I'll be back."
The Witcher dove under the water and looked around, finding an underwater passage. He followed it, finding a set of stairs that led to an engraving of another horse. He touched it and it glowed for a moment before he heard Kiera shout.
"Geralt! I don't know what you did, but it worked. Come back here!" She nearly jumped out of her skin when Geralt landed next to her from somewhere above her. She pointed once she realized it was the Witcher. "Look, they're opening."
A doorway appeared next to the pedestal the projection had been on. They went through the doorways until they came to what looked like another dead end to the untrained eye. What looked like an archway was painted onto the wall with a swallow on top of it.
"Well, now I know what distorted my effort at teleportation." Kiera motioned at the archway. "It was this portal."
"And I know why I landed in that drowner nest."
"You should be pleased you emerged from the portal in one piece."
"And everyone still wonders why I hate being teleported."
"We have to try to activate it." Kiera looked around the room for a clue on how to open the portal.
Geralt studied the portal, noticing something etched into the stone next to it. He reached up to clean away some moss, the shape of a swallow lighting up beneath his fingers and the portal opening.
"What did you do?"
"Found a carved swallow." He looked at the portal like it was a monster. "Is it safe?"
"Of course. The elven mage prepared it for Ciri. Come on." Kiera walked through and Geralt reluctantly followed.
Neither of them liked how silent it was when they emerged and they soon found out why when they came across a golem. It was still for several moments before it came to life.
"Zireael not recognized," it boomed. "Destroy the intruders!"
Geralt held its attention, casting Aard to throw it off balance from time to time, while Kiera used her magic against it. Between them, it fell. But not before knocking Geralt halfway across the room.
"I knew we would manage," Kiera said chippily.
"That so?" Geralt gave a grunt as he painfully pulled himself to his feet. "Be sure to tell me beforehand next time."
"My intuition is a fine instrument, Witcher. Don't underestimate it. I've some very good feeling about you, for instance. In several domains."
They continued past the golem's room.
"When you find Ciri, what will you do? Any plans?"
"Depends what she wants."
"Imagined it? How it will... transpire? What will she say? What will she look like?"
"I'm sorry. For getting ahead of myself. Sometimes I forget... we hardly know each other. Certainly not enough to discuss personal matters."
"Not to worry. We'll get there." Geralt walked into another room that seemed a dead end and was about to backtrack when he noticed the same arch painted on the wall. "Another portal."
"Activate it quickly! I have a feeling another golem's about to ambush us."
Geralt did the exact same thing he did to the earlier portal, brushing his fingers against the etching on the left side, activating it. They went through this one as well, Geralt silently cursing the mage's use of portals.
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