I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of zydeco music flowing through the house. I was surprised to see that I was still on the couch...and in my school uniform. I shuffled into the kitchen and snatched a piece of bacon off of a plate beside the stove. "Why didn't ya wake me up?" I mumbled, watching Aunt Jeanie cook. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't wanna wake you," she replied with a shrug. I took another piece and she smacked my hand. "Nuh-uh ma petite, you can wait," she scolded. I shrugged and stared at the floor. "I don't have to be in until one, so I figure we can go out, maybe go shoppin'," she suggested. I nodded and shuffled off to my room. "I'm gonna go runnin' first," I called, shutting my door. I swear, I'd never get used to this view. A glass door that led out to a balcony was on the back wall, the rest of the wall made of glass. I could see everything from up here. The other three walls were a soft lilac color, and my white wicker dressers held all sorts of chut-chuts on top, the center of my little display being a 5x10 framed photograph of me and my mother. I played with my light brown hair, the same color as hers. My big bed was cluttered with books, notebooks, my laptop, and my black and white comforter. My phone and mp3 were on a shelf above my bed, competing for room with my books. I frowned as I walked into my bathroom. Everything was tan and decorated with seashells. I would have to talk to Aunt Jeanie about redecorating it. I quickly stripped down and threw my clothes in the hamper. Pulling my hair back in a ponytail and putting on deodorant, I hurried back to my room to get dressed. I threw on a grey hoodie that read "I survived Mardi Gras!!" and black track shorts, slipping into my sneakers. I slid my cigarettes and my mp3 into my jacket pocket and glanced around the room. Aunt Jeanie had done more for me in less than a week than my dad had done in sixteen years. "Unbelievable," I muttered to myself. I didn't need to get all emotional now. I needed to run-- run until I couldn't feel my legs and my pounding heart drowned out my thoughts.
I put my ear buds in and left my room, Fall Out Boy's Centuries blaring in my ears as I walked out the front door. Aunt Jeanie had it made here. Her apartment complex had a pool, a gym, and the best park I'd ever seen, complete with its own biking trail and running track. The warm sunlight hit me and I smiled, jogging toward the park. It was a perfect day for a run.
Remember me...
Remember me for centuries.
I kept up a leisurely pace as I headed toward the track, noticing a few little kids playing and an elderly health nut or two out for a morning run. I hit the track at a dead sprint, pushing myself forward. I hadn't even ran for ten minutes before I was hunched over, panting tiredly. "Agh! I need to quit smoking," I complained, struggling to catch my breath. About that time, a large, middle-aged man in a track suit ran by saying the same thing. I laughed breathlessly and kept running. I had to keep going. Just a little more, and a little more after that. After about twenty more minutes, I gave up and went inside. The landlady smiled as I walked in the lobby and headed for the elevator. The doors opened and I stepped in, waving over my shoulder at her as the elevator closed again. Top floor had its perks. No nosy next door neighbors, an entire floor to yourself, and have I mentioned the view? I lit a cigarette as I walked in the door; Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi had just started and I took my ear buds out, turning my mp3 off and setting it on the table by the door. I took a long drag and exhaled slowly, looking around. Being in this huge place would never cease to amaze me. "Aunt Jeanie, I'm gonna hop in the shower right quick then we can go. Save me some bacon," I yelled. I had crossed the foyer and reached my bedroom door when someone replied, "Your aunt just left...and Hikaru ate your bacon." No! No no no no no!! I thought as I ran back through the apartment, sliding into the living room. I froze, my cigarette still between my lips. The host club was sitting in my living room, all cozy and making themselves at home!
"You guys couldn't give me a break?" I whined. "I can't even have my Saturday?" I took another long drag, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, trying to calm myself. "You smoke?!" the twins shouted in unison. "Put it out! Put it out!" Tamaki shrieked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the middle of the room, snubbing my cigarette out in an ash tray on the coffee table. "Happy now?" I sighed as I turned on my heel and stomped toward my room. "I'm takin' a shower. Don't break nothin'!" I quickly snatched a set of clean clothes from my closet and locked myself in the bathroom. "Why? Why couldn't I enjoy my weekend in peace?" I whimpered, looking up at the ceiling desperately. Then, as if a reply from the heavens, I heard a loud thud from somewhere else in the apartment. I got undressed and stepped into the large tub, turning the hot water on full blast and letting it wash away all the anger, tension, and sweat.
Eventually, I got out and got dressed, inspecting myself in the mirror. I had on a white tanktop and some cutoff shorts. Nothing special at all. Just plain old, ordinary me. I brushed my hair out and threw my towel in the hamper before walking out. I froze in the doorway, my furious gaze landing on one of the twins. He was in my room, holding the picture of my mom! "Put it down!" I yelled. He jumped, startled, and dropped the picture. I dove across the floor and caught it, glaring daggers right up at him. "What are you doing in my room?" I growled, getting up and carefully placing the picture back in its designated spot. "I got curious," he answered with a shrug. "Where is everyone else?" I asked as I stood in front of my dresser, guarding it. "Probably snooping around. They got curious, too," he said dismissively. "Get out!" I wailed, shoving him toward the door. "Fine," he huffed, throwing his hands up and walking out. I followed him back to the living room where Haruhi was sitting. She seemed to be the only one that hadn't been poking around my house. "So how are you liking it here so far?" she asked, smiling at me. "I love it," I answered honestly, absentmindedly tossing my hair over my shoulder. "I feel a lot more at home here than I ever had living with Alex." I let out a small laugh as the rest of the host club came back to the living room, staring at me quizzically. They had only heard the end of our conversation. Just as I started to explain, the chorus to I Love You But Fuck You by Tech N9ne began to play on my phone. "That's my father. I'll be back," I murmured before running back to my room and taking out my cell phone. "Big Bubba's Road Kill Café. You kill it, we grill it. What can I do ya for?" I chirped. "Adrienne," Dad rumbled. I heard the opening and closing of doors, people yelling, and several telephones ringing; he was at work, and it didn't sound like he was in the mood for joking. "Yes sir?" I replied, sounding as cheery and happy as ever. "Your bank account is empty," he stated, sounding like he was trying hard to remain calm. "Yeah, I know," I sighed, plopping down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. "You are still a minor. You had no right to touch that money!" he hissed. "What do you mean? Of course I did. It was in my name. What with you sending me to the other side of the world and all, I figured I'd need a little cash to fall back on. You didn't need it, did you? What's wrong? You going broke already?" I laughed lightly, my voice sounding proper and precise. "You're going to send that money back to me," he sighed. He was starting to get annoyed. "No," I stated firmly. He wasn't going to bully me into submission this time. I was almost proud of myself. Almost.
"That money was for your brother," he said, his voice flat and emotionless. "B-brother?" I scoffed, immediately jumping off of the bed. "Yes. We found out a week before you left that your mom is having a boy," he responded. I could almost hear his smile from the other end of the phone. That smug bastard! "She's not my mom," I corrected him. First I was numb, then came the venom. "You sent me away 'cause you finally got your precious little boy?! You thought you'd just ship me off 'cross the world 'cause you didn't need me no more, huh? That's how you gon' treat yo own kid?" He laughed. He laughed a loud, booming laugh and it made me want to reach through the phone and wrap my hands around his throat. "Do you even hear yourself right now? No wonder Evangeline left you with me. I used to think it was just because she was incapable of caring for another life. You are an unruly, disobedient delinquent, and now I see that she left you because you are incapable of being taken care of," he said in a tone of voice that made me realize he didn't care what I said. "My mom loved me and she never wanted to be without me!" I screamed, gripping the phone until my fingers ached. "Sweetie, Evangeline never loved you. She paid someone to bring you to my doorstep and then dropped off the face of the earth. She didn't want you. When will you realize that?" he cooed softly, like he was trying to calm an angry animal. "Chu! Tête couillon! Bibitte! Embrasse moi t'chu! Pic kee toi!!" I screeched. "Are you done?" he groaned in annoyance. This was the moment I had been anticipating for six years. The explosion. "No I ain't done. You so stupid, you know 'dat? Mommy didn't leave me, SHE DIED!!" I shrieked, my entire body quaking with rage. "She...died?" he whispered, sounding detached. It was the first hint of real emotion I had heard from him since I was little. "Yeah, she dead. Gone. Ya think I woulda gone to you if she was still alive somewheres? She didn't drop me at ya steps, I did!! I had nowhere to go. But it's okay. I don't need you. Go on and have ya' happy life and yo' perfect family. I'm gettin' emancipated Monday. Rot in hell, Alex." I hung up and tossed my phone on the bed, slumping against the door. The phone rang and rang until I finally picked it up and threw it at the wall, taking a small bit of satisfaction in the shattering of the device. I then stormed out to the balcony, leaning over the edge of the railing. For a fraction of a second, I considered jumping off. But the thought was gone as soon as it had come. I shakily took my cigarettes out and put one in my mouth. I had to try several times just to light it. Finally, the heavy smoke entered my lungs and I exhaled, watching the little puff swirl into the air. I don't know how long I was out there, but I felt someone touch me and I flinched. Standing next to me was Haruhi, and she had one arm around me in an attempt at a hug. "We heard everything," she mumbled into my arm. "I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. I understand if you wanna leave. I wouldn't wanna be around me either," I sobbed. I dropped the cigarette butt off the edge of the balcony and lit another. I didn't smoke much, not really. But when I was stressed or upset, I would smoke like a chimney.
"I lost my mom when I was little, too," she said softly, rubbing her hand over my back. At that point, I just broke. "M-Momma and Alexander, my father, divorced when I was seven. Me and Ma moved out to the stix, far away from him. She got really sick, an-and died when I was ten, and I stayed with her 'til they put her in the ground. I hopped the first bus to N'Orleans and been stayin' with him ever since...I let him think what he wanted 'bout her 'cause he didn't deserve to know the truth. He wasn't there for us! He wasn't there when she was sick. He didn't even fight for me when they split and he left us with nothin' so he could go marry his, his whore Leah! He never cared! He's a sorry, pitiful son of a bitch and I hate that he's my father!" I realized I was yelling by this time, and I ducked my head in embarrasement, turning away from her. I finished my cigarette and let her guide me back inside. Everyone was waiting in the doorway to my room. I had barely crossed the floor and they all wrapped me in a group hug.
"Wh-why are you guys so nice to me? You barely know me," I whimpered. "We're your friends, A.J. It's what we do," Haruhi whispered, squeezing me tight around my midsection. My stomach growled and a rugged laugh escaped me as I wriggled out of their arms. "Since someone ate my breakfast," I grumbled playfully, glancing at the twin I thought was Hikaru, "I guess I'm gonna hafta make lunch. And if there's anythin' my Momma ever taught me, it's to feed my guests. Who's hungry?" The twins and Honey bolted to the kitchen, followed by everyone else. They took up every stool against the counter. I just shook my head and went into the kitchen, taking out all the ingredients to make shrimp etoufée.
I set the plates in front of them, staring expectantly as I inspected their reactions. "Are you sure this is safe to eat?" one of the twins sneered. He was wearing blue, so I think it was Hikaru. "Yes, because eating raw fish with rice and seaweed is soooo much better," I replied sarcastically, leaning against the counter. "I mean, it doesn't look very good," he replied, staring down at the plate warily. "Just shut up and eat it, Hikaru," I snapped, stabbing a fork into my own plate. Both of the twins' eyes widened and they stared at me before the one in the white tee-- Kaouru-- groaned, "How do you do that?" I picked up my plate and held it close to me as I started to eat. "I just...guess," I answered with a shrug. "Most of the time I'm just as surprised as y'all when I guess right." His eyes softened and I felt my face grow warm. I looked down at my food, hiding my face. I heard loud smacking and chewing and I peeked up, only to see Tamaki devouring his plate. I covered my laugh with a cough as one by one they all started digging in.
It was getting dark when they decided to go home. They sat with me all day, and for that I was grateful. But when I shut the door, all of my loneliness hit me full force. I paced the entire apartment; I read, wrote, and drew to pass time; I emailed Rae; I flipped through every channel on TV; and I fixed myself something for dinner. Nothing I did seemed to occupy my mind though. I finally decided to go lie down. By the time Aunt Jeanie came home-- whatever time that was-- I was asleep.
I was running, running from something I couldn't see. My legs were sucked down into the muddy water of the swamps, and I couldn't move. I struggled and fought my way through the thick mess, but I was slowly being dragged under. The dirty water was clear underneath, and I thrashed around, eyes wide open as I searched for...something, I don't know what. My eyes met a bright blue light, and there she was: Mom. Her hair flowed around her gracefully and she started to drift closer to the bottom. She had no eyes, only a shining blue glow in their place. I was suddenly terrified that she was getting closer. I kicked around until my feet touched something solid and I kicked up, my head breaking the surface. I inhaled deeply and looked around frantically in the dark swamp. There was Alexander, standing above me. He grinned wickedly as he shoved my head back under. I fought for air and choked as my mother drug me under. They were killing me, both of them!
**dream ends**
I bolted upright in bed and looked around, sighing in relief. I flicked on the lamp beside my bed and something caught my eye. A little note was attached to a sleek, black smartphone. I picked up the note, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
I ran into your friends on the way upstairs. They told me what happened to your phone, so I went and got you another. Try not to break this one :)
Love, Jeanie
I smiled as I set the note aside. The little green dot on the corner of my phone blinked and I stared at it in confusion. Who would be texting me? I just got this phone. I unlocked it and pulled up my messages. I didn't know this number.
Hope you're feeling better. You really freaked us out earlier.
I frowned at the screen and typed out, "Who is this?" before pressing send.
Checking the time on my (awesome) new phone, I realized it was two in the morning. Whoever sent that message sent it at 8:30 p.m. Surely they were asleep by now. Wrong. My phone buzzed.
You have to guess...
I bit my lip and stared at the screen for a minute. Not really thinking about it, I typed out the first name that came to mind. "Hikaru?"
Five minutes passed. Ten. Then twenty. Did I make them mad? Did I guess wrong? Finally, it buzzed.
Dammit!! Srsly, HOW do you do that?!?
I giggled as I laid back down, typing out my response. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
Another message.
Shouldn't you?
"Just woke up," I sent.
So did I
"Was it coz of me? I didn't mean to if I did. I didn't realize how late it was when I replied."
I realized I was grinning like a fool as I waited for another text. I was really happy to have some form of company, I guess.
I dont mind
"Well I do. You should get some rest. I'm up for the day."
Whatever. You'll probably be asleep again in a few.
I set my phone down and got comfortable in bed before I picked the device up again. I was trying to think of something smartassed to say back. The next thing I knew, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, it was daytime. I looked at my phone and there was another message from him, an hour after the last one.
Ha :D I was right!! You went to bed didn't you?
I shook my head and tossed my phone on the pillow next to me before getting up and heading straight to my closet.
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