9: Together
"... we've decided to hold the 6th BTS muster in three months."
There were a few seconds of grave-like silence. You were silent because you were waiting for someone else to talk first and explain what a muster was, but when you looked at the member's reactions, you got wide-eyed stares and even some open mouths.
Namjoon was the first to talk. "In three months? As in June?" he asked slowly.
"Yes, in three months, as in June," PD-nim confirmed. "Mid-June, to be precise."
More silence.
"I mean no disrespect, sir, but are you out of your mind?" That was Seokjin. "Three months? Less than three months, even? How will we get everything done in such a small amount of time?"
PD-nim shrugged. "I'm sorry, but that's the way it's gotta be. I wish there was more time, but there's a lot going on afterward.
"It's going to be quite a whirlwind these next three months, so I'm just trying to tell you all to get ready." PD-nim paused to give each one of you a look. "It's only going to get crazier from now on." He stood up, smoothing out his dark blue jacket. "That's all I wanted to say. Just wanted you all to be the first ones to know. I will go over it some more over the next couple of days. You are excused."
You all murmured thanks and stood up, heading for the door. "Y/N, can you stay for a moment?" PD-nim said.
You stopped and turned around. "Of course." PD-nim waited until Bangtan was out of the room before he turned to you.
"So, Y/N. I've thought about it a bit since we've given you the job, and I've made up my mind about who you should work with."
There it was. The moment you've been both dreading and anxiously waiting for.
"The member that you'll be working with is..."
PD-nim paused, maybe to think, maybe just for dramatic effect. All you knew was that you became more nervous by the silence. You knew you shouldn't be nervous. The members were all really nice, except for Jungkook, and you would be fine with anybody, except for-
"... Jungkook."
It took all of your willpower not to pull a Seokjin and scream, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!!"
Instead, you just stood there, stunned, unable to say a word. It felt like somebody hit the 'Pause' button in your brain and everything just stopped.
"Hello?" PD-nim looked a little concerned after a minute without response. "Y/N? Is everything okay? Are you okay?"
That brought you back. Not very far back, though.
"What's going on in here?" One of your roommates poked her head into your room, concern written all over her face. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do I need to call an ambulance?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice. I'd rather be laying on an uncomfortable hospital bed, sipping watered-down chicken noodle with an IV in my arm than this," you muttered in a low voice.
"What was that?"
"Oh, uhm, n-nothing... nothing important." You offered him a weak smile. "But b... but... why... w-why... why J-Jungkook?"
Your brain seemed to be having a little trouble switching the language center back on again after the Pause incident, but PD-nim looked like he understood.
"Well, from what I've heard, you and Kook haven't been getting along very well."
You resisted the urge to narrow your eyes. How did he know that? Did he have a spy sitting in your closet, writing down everything you said and did?
"No, I do not have a spy sitting in your closet," PD-nim chuckled. W H A T. How did he...? "You're just really easy to read," he said, even though you didn't open your mouth.
You bit your lip. You've got to work on that.
He chuckled again. "Anyway, I don't have spies or cameras or anything, but I can see if someone is uncomfortable around another person. And you're really easy to read.
"I want you to have a healthy relationship with all of the members, Y/N. And since Bangtan is like one big family, I'm sure they'd appreciate it if you got along with each and every one of them."
You sighed. You knew PD-nim was right, but you couldn't get over his eyes when he said to your face that he didn't want you anymore.
"I know you two probably have some personal issues, you're only going to benefit if you work together."
"Yes, I understand," you sighed. "Thank you." You bowed a goodbye and stepped out of the room. After telling the employees standing outside the door that they could go in, you retraced your steps and bumped into Namjoon.
"Ah... Y/N! We were wondering if PD-nim would ever let you go." He turned around, where you could see the rest of the members messing with a bottled water dispenser. "Okay, let's get back on the road, everyone."
On the ride back home, you found out that a muster was sort of like an exclusive concert for their fans that's a lot more than just them screaming on a stage. There would be random fun extra activities, and they would perform some old songs as well as the new ones instead of just the recents, unlike a normal concert. The guest list would also be somewhat exclusive, not everyone can get in, and it would "just be a really fun time for us and ARMY," as Hoseok said. In other words, a lot of work.
It sounded easy at first, and you were a bit confused as to why three months was such an unthinkable time to organize one, but the more details you heard, the more you understood how much preparation it took.
"-and you won't get to sit around eating junk food any longer, Y/N," Yoongi said. "Now you'll have to work with us and the staff to make it as amazing as possible."
"Yup," Jimin agreed. "We're gonna have to go stock up on coffee soon because, as PD-nim said, 'it's only going to get crazier.' Oh, we're here."
The rest of the day was pretty normal, although everyone seemed less talkative, and Seokjin made somewhat fancier food.
"Eat up, you guys, because you're not going to be eating my amazing food for a while," he said as he brought out the dishes.
"Why?" You looked up from your plate. Seokjin's food was alright, but you were a little nervous at the thought of something that could be worse.
"Catering," said Yoongi, swirling the kimchi around in its bowl. "We won't have time to cook or eat together until the muster is over. Don't worry, it's better than Jin's food."
"Well, that's good to know." You grinned as Seokjin shot you a dirty look.
"Okay, let's all quickly finish up and chill out for a bit, then get in bed early." Namjoon stood up, pushing back his chair. "How does five tomorrow sound? Pretty good?"
The other members nodded while you gaped at him. Five?? Th- tha- wh- but you just got out of college! Well, "just." Still. You should be able to actually sleep instead of getting into bed, closing your eyes for, like, two seconds, and getting back out again. Namjoon either didn't notice, or didn't care. He then started assigning jobs to everyone.
"Jin, you get to wake everyone up. Do your worst. Taehyung, coffee duty. Don't mix anything in, we can add it for ourselves. Yoongi, can you schedule a ride for all of us to the office at seven in the morning? We need to be over there to do a little muster-brainstorming with the managers at half past seven, and I want to be early. And one back here at eight in the evening would be nice. Me, catering. Remember not to call that one place with the bad kimchi. Never, ever again. Uh... Jimin and Hobi, you're live at ten in the morning so you guys are on that. V-live, by the way. Kook, you have a recording session at six. Y/N, you're going with him, because you're, you know, his assistant. Everybody clear on what they're doing?"
Slightly confused but nodding anyway, you scanned the faces of the boys to see what they thought. The all looked unsurprised. Did everyone know about you being with Jungkook but they just didn't tell you? Whatever. There'll be another person recording with you, obviously, so he can't do anything rash.
"Chim. Chim. Chiiim."
"Gimme. Please."
"Hmm... no. Get your own water."
"But you took the last bottle."
"That sucks. Ask someone else."
"But that's weird. Please, I'm your sister!"
"No, it's not weird. And so? Just because we grew up together, doesn't mean I'm automatically in charge of taking care of your every need. And I talked a lot at the brainstorming session."
"Maybe, but my brain worked harder than yours. I'm the one that came up with the theme in the first place! The managers just wrote stuff down. Pleasee."
"Nooo. I'm thirsty too! Just ask someone else. Ah, don't push my arm! You're gonna make me spill it all over myself."
"You can have mine, Y/N."
You turned around, staring at Jungkook, who was unluckily sitting in the chair on your other side. "What?"
"I said, you can have my water, if you want." He held out his bottle. "It's not opened yet."
You eyed it suspiciously.
"Choco Pie, just take it. I'm not giving you mine," Jimin said, then took a long drink from his bottle as if to prove his point. You rolled your eyes then stared at the bottle some more.
"I mean, if you don't want it..." Jungkook started pulling the bottle back.
"Nonono, I..." You groaned. "Fine."
"May I have it? Please?"
"Better." He grinned and handed it to you. You took it by the cap, making sure to not accidentally touch his fingers, mumbling a thank you. Warily, you opened it and sniffed the water.
"Gosh, it's not poisoned. If you don't want it, I'll take it." He reached over, but you held it out of his reach.
"Fine, fine, fine." You shot him an if-I-die-it's-your-fault-look and poured a tiny bit into your mouth. It tasted like... water. Hm.
"Just put your mouth on it. I'm not taking that back."
Smiling a bit, you took a sip.
Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought.
So this chapter's boring and short, but some bonding time for Y/N and Jungkook soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What'll she do? What will he do? Will he try to make a move on her? How will she react? Did you know that Jungkook makes amazing ramen? Coming soon!
💜 y'all!
light it up like dynamite y'all 🧨
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