6: Glue
You didn't remember getting a new mattress.
Well, it sure felt different. Hopefully, you checked the price tag before swiping the card, because something this quality couldn't have been cheap.
Ugh, it felt so good! You must've shrunk or something, because you couldn't feel the bars when you stretched as far as you could on both sides. You sighed, marveling at how big the twin mattress suddenly felt.
Unfortunately, you probably forgot to close your curtains, because your eyelids seemed awfully bright. Way to go, Sun, ruining the whole experience. Mm... what time was it? You half-opened an eye.
And screamed.
What the heck?! Why were you in a weird, unfamiliar, uncomfortably expensive-looking room? How did you get here?? You must've been partying. But your head didn't hurt. You felt completely well-rested. Still... the last thing you remem-
"WHAT?!! WHAT HAPPENED?!" The door slammed open and a wide-eyed Jimin burst in. His hair was perfect, ( h o w ) but he was only in a Chanel T-shirt and shorts and was wielding a white plastic fan like some kind of club. "DID SOMEONE BREAK IN?? HOW DID THEY GET THE ADDRESS?! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T POST THE ADDRESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR THEY'RE GONNA COME AND WE'RE DEAD!!"
You blinked. "W-why- h-how- oh. Oh, wait. Okay, nevermind."
"I just forgot how I got here-"
"YOU FOR- oh my god, Y/N, what am I going to do with you?" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, which somehow bounced perfectly back into place. ( h o w )
"Thanks for trying to kill an intruder with a plastic fan though, that's so nice of you," you said, batting your eyelashes.
"Whatever. Are you going to eat breakfast? Or, like, brunch, since it's 9:30?" he asked, rolling up the cord of the fan.
"Mm. Yeah, I'm starving!" You slid out of bed, and started towards the door.
"You always are," Jimin said, earning a punch in the shoulder. He chuckled and jogged over to you. "We're all gonna be out today. I woke up super late so I gotta dash. Just stocked the fridge yesterday, so you should be good."
"Okay. I'll just-" You stopped mid-sentence when you saw what was standing with its back to you in the kitchen.
"Oh. Oops. Not all of us, then. My bad. Well, there's someone to keep you company."
"You know what, maybe I'll pass on brunch. I'm gonna-"
"No, bad Y/N. You said you were hungry. Why are you scared of a wittle wabbit like Kookie?"
"Not a rabbit, hyung," he growled, his voice deep with sleep.
"You keep changing your mind on that one," Jimin said, coming over to mess up Jungkook's already ruffled hair even more.
"Go away," he mumbled, batting Jimin away with his left hand.
"Your wish is my command," Jimin said, moonwalking back to the bedrooms. (When he learned to do that, you didn't know.) "You're on your own now," he muttered in a low voice as he passed you. "Try to keep him intact by the end of the day, will ya?"
You grudgingly mumbled a yes. He smiled, satisfied, and kept sliding backward down the hall.
"Be good, you two!" he called. None of you answered. It was dead silent for a couple of seconds, then Jimin moonwalked back out in some nice clothes, (was that a cashmere Chanel cardigan?) shot a look at Jungkook, then at you, and then the door closed and you were left alone. With him.
The uncomfortable silence started up again for a few seconds, then your stomach interrupted it with an angry growl.
"If you're so hungry, why are you just standing there?" He looked at you over his shoulder. You refused to meet his eyes. "Why?" he pressed.
"Because you're standing there," you deadpanned.
"Well, I'm not going anywhere, so either deal with it or starve," he grumbled and turned his back to you. You stood there, staring at that white T-shirt, then pursed your lips and walked over. You stood as far right on the counter from him as possible, staring angrily at the cupboard in front of you. Why did your brother have to leave you alone with him, of all the members? You could've had anybody, but nooOOo, it just HAD to-
"Are you going to eat anything?"
"I'm working on it," you said through your teeth. You went to open the cupboard to get cereal or something. Wait. What was up with this? You looked around, but none of the other cupboards had handles either. You tried to open it by pulling on the bottom, but there was nothing for your fingers to latch onto. You groaned and stared at the handle-less cupboard some more, thinking about foods not involving the refrigerator, stove, or microwave, because he was standing right next to them. Why did all of the useful stuff have to be crammed into one place?
"You have to do this," he said, walking over. Shootshootshootshootshoot, he was getting closer! You knew you should've moved, but you didn't. You couldn't. Your muscles had tensed and locked, and you just stood frozen, like a deer in headlights. He reached in front of you, giving you a full view of his right arm.
"Woah, tattoos?" you gaped, staring at the ink. This was the first time you'd seen him in a short-sleeved shirt since, well, high school. It looked absolutely gorgeous, the detailed designs dark on his pale skin, but of course you didn't say that to his face.
"Um, yeah?"
"They're so beaut-" You stopped yourself, changing your awed tone to a bored one. "Cool, I guess."
"Wow, Y/N, thanks so much." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, you have to press the edge of the door to open it."
You looked up as the cupboard door popped open. "Oh. Weird."
"You're welcome."
You swallowed your manners (he doesn't deserve thank you's) and started poking around for cereal. When he walked away, you felt yourself relax back into your skin. Phew. Thank goodness that was over. Okay, here's some cereal. You grabbed a bowl from the rack and poured some in. Now for the-
You sighed. Milk.
Milk that was in the refrigerator.
The refrigerator that was next to him.
You inched towards the refrigerator, holding your breath. He didn't seem to notice and kept on looking at his omelet. So far, so good. You kept on inching by. Should you go slower or faster? If you went slower, he would probably think that you're trying to avoid him. Which you are, but you didn't want him to think that. If you went faster, it would be more casual, but if it was too fast, he would think it was too casual and think that you were trying to avoid him, which you are, but you didn't want- yeah.
"Whatever you're trying to do, just do it. You're not fooling anyone."
He didn't even look up when he said that. He didn't even move a muscle except for his mouth! Actually, you didn't even think he moved his mouth.
Well, it was useless to try to pretend any longer. You were just going to have to suck it up because sneaking by wasn't going to work. Trying not to groan in frustration, you trudged over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, then went over to pour it in your cereal. You then grabbed a spoon and headed out to the living room.
You knew you shouldn't eat out here (the carpet was so clean you were almost afraid to walk on it) but you didn't want to be anywhere near him, if you could help it. Settling down on the floor with your bowl in your lap, you turned on the first random K-drama that it landed on and leaned back on the seat of the couch. About three seconds in, there was movement in the corner of your eye, and you turned to see Jungkook sitting there like he'd just teleported over.
"Shush, creamcake, you're hurting my ears," he said, putting a finger to your lips. You wanted to lick it to make him let go, but you remembered that 1) you two weren't dating, 2) you hated this guy, and 3) he wasn't Jimin. So you just spit on it.
"Ew!" he squealed like a little girl, pulling back immediately.
"Don't call me 'creamcake' and don't touch me, you frogfish," you practically snarled. "Now go away."
"Why?" he asked, wiping his finger on his shirt. "This room is big enough for the two of us."
"Because I don't like you."
"Come on, loosen up," he said, unhurt. "It's been, what seven years?"
"Five. And don't call-"
"Whatever. It's been too long. Can we make up?"
"Hm." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Ah. I've got it. I'll just bother you until you give in."
"No, let me set the bar a bit higher. I'll make you fall for me again."
"Wha- ah- why- wh- I- what??" you sputtered, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks.
"Yeah. I can do that. Six months is a reasonable amount of time."
"Wh- NO! Not in a million years."
"Why not? I've done it before, I can do it again," he smirked.
"I- mmf!" you huffed frustratedly, trying to get your brain to squeeze out a good comeback. Why did that little thought pop into his head? Now the next six months of your life will be pure torture. You've only been here for less than a day, and this??
You took a deep breath, trying to push the heat out of your face. "Fine. Do your worst, but I've already made a promise."
His gaze darkened. "A promise?"
"Yes. With myself. To never love again. To never let anyone break me again." You sighed and looked away. "I don't think I can bear it... again."
"Don't worry."
You turned back to glare at him. "Don't worry?"
"Mhm. I'll keep you intact."
You thought you saw a hint of the sweet boy you fell for in the first place, but you shook your head and scoffed, both at him and yourself. "Says the guy who broke me in the first place."
"No, really, Y/N. I have figurative glue." He then took out an imaginary stick of it and acted like he was rubbing it on you.
You couldn't suppress the giggle that bubbled out. Oh my gosh, no! Bad, bad, bad Y/N. Giggling at monsters in fluffy coats is not allowed.
"Okay, stop stop stahhhp!" You ducked away. "My cereal's getting soggy."
"Oh, no!" he exclaimed, making a comically surprised face. "A thousand apologies, your greatness, for I did not mean to sog your cereal." He bowed so low his nose almost touched the carpet, making you bite your lip to stop from smiling. No!
It was getting dangerous. You were letting down your guard. You were starting to not hate him!
It was like walking at the very edge of a cliff. One wrong step, and you could fall. Fall in... you didn't want to think about it.
It had to stop.
🎉Double update!! Yay.
What do you think Y/N is going to do now? Is she going to try to hate Jungkook even more? But it seems like he got under her skin this time... and he's got six more months to go farther. He's trying to make her fall for him, for goodness sake! Can Y/N make it through her contract without falling in... you know?
Thank u so much for staying this whole time! I know the story's been pretty sluggish so far, but things are just getting started ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
💜 y'all so muchh
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