4: SOS
"Aw, look at little Y/N gaping at you guys," Jimin teased, pushing your mouth closed. It just dropped open again. Wow, you were actually gaping at them. Who could really blame you. though?
If perfection existed, it probably looked like these guys.
They- th- well, no words could really describe the utter, sheer perfection of these hu- no, you weren't even sure if they were human anymore. You know understood why the application had that lil part about self-control. Because dang.
How could these guys exist? It just didn't make any sense.
It's random, they say, the way you look. Random features are selected, based on a mixture of your parent's genes. Completely random. Not chosen, hand picked, edited, nothing.
If there was a creator, could someone please explain to you why they're allowed to lavish all the good stuff on people like these and leave others with next to nothing? Others meaning people like, well, you? (jk you're the cutest thing i've ever seen) Either that, or plastic surgery has become really, REALLY advanced without you knowing.
"Okay, this is just getting awkward. Choco Pie, it'll be great if you could stop staring now," Jimin said, starting to squirm even though it wasn't him you were looking at.
You blinked, then blushed at how impolite you were being. "I'm, I-I'm sorry. Th-that was r-ru-rude of me." You turned to Jimin. "C-can... can you i-i-introduce?"
"Okay. That's Namjoon hyung, our leader," he said, pointing at the silver-haired dude on the farthest left.
Namjoon smiled at you and you internally screamed at those dimples.
"Seokjin hyung," Jimin pointed to the guy with super wide shoulders sitting next to Namjoon.
"Call me World Wide Handsome," the brunet said, winking. You rolled your eyes, although you could see how the name fit. Jimin rolled his eyes as well before going on.
"Yoongi hyung."
The man with the shockingly bright mint hair raised a hand. He looked like he'd rather be sleeping than be here.
"Hoseok hyung."
"I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope!" Hoseok flashed a blinding grin at you that you couldn't help but return. This guy was like a freaking sun.
"The one and only amazing Jimin," your brother grinned, doing some jazz hands.
"Omg, nice to meet you!" you said, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
"We call him Mochi in this family," a guy with energy-drink blue hair said.
"Really? At home we just called him Squishy," you said, smirking when your brother pushed your shoulder. "Although Mochi is probably a more fitting description." You snickered when he pushed you again.
"His cheeks have disappeared since debut though," energy-drink guy said, to which you nodded. Still calling him Mochi.
"Oh, and do you remember Taehyung?" Jimin asked, pointing his thumb at energy-drink guy.
You looked over at said Taehyung. He did look a little familiar... oh! He was Jimin's best friend in high school. You didn't recognize him with the hair, but now he looked familiar. You nodded, and Taehyung gave you a boxy sort of smile and waved.
"And... you probably know who he is," Jimin nodded at the last person. Huh? Another one of his high school friends or something? You turned around.
"Hello, creamcake."
"Wait, you two know each other?" Yoongi asked, his tone slightly interested.
"I guess you could say that," you said through gritted teeth, glaring at the guy who utterly broke you so many years ago.
It was March 1st. How freaking ironic, right? Anyway, it was prom night. (i know south korea doesn't usually have proms, but *+. creative license .+* also, imma be putting a western twist on this because *+. creative license .+* thank u for understanding ily) All of the girls were dressed in the flashiest dresses they could afford, and the guys, the crispest tuxedos available.
You were wearing a beautiful Persian blue, one-shoulder silk gown that grazed the ground, and your man had gotten an equally gorgeous, Persian blue silk tux to match. He had gone through the trouble of finding white roses with blue-tipped petals for the corsages, and, you had to say, you both looked stunning. It was set to be the best night ever.
At least, you hoped so.
He seemed distracted the month leading up to prom. He always refused your invitations to chill, always having some sort of excuse. He also was less touchy as before, not even wanting to hold your hand anymore, and seemed to be avoiding you everywhere you looked for him.
You didn't think you did anything wrong, though. A red flag for sure, but you didn't want to acknowledge it. After all, you had been together for nearly a year, and he had been the sweetest, most amazing person you'd ever met. You didn't want to be too nosey.
So, you turned your head the other way. He'd gotten the beautiful roses. He still called himself your boyfriend. He still loved you.
It was time for the announcing of prom king and queen. The students had voted the week before. You didn't campaign or anything, but, for some reason, you saw your name on the ballot, so you had a tiny spark of hope that you had been chosen. Not much, but a little. You also saw his name, so if you two had been chosen together, that would be amazing! Maybe it would fix whatever you did to make him stray away from you.
The principal stepped up to the stage, adjusting the mike. "Hello, seniors of Xxxxxx High. Welcome to the 20XX Senior Prom!"
Whoops and cheers echoed across the large room.
"Before we start, I'd like to announce the Prom King and Queen," the principal said with a grand air. Beside him was a small table holding the crowns, sashes, and a small box on which sat a small slip of paper.
"I bet it's you, Y/N," your best friend, Kyung-mi, whispered in your ear.
You sighed. You were on the ballot, but you didn't really think so. "If it is, I'll eat my heels."
"Ahem, your attention please," the principal said when the room started buzzing. He waited until it was silent, then grabbed the slip of paper and brought it to his eye level. "Okay. The 20XX Prom King is... Jeon Jungkook!"
You cheered as loudly as you could while your man stepped onto the stage, so smooth, natural, and breathtaking. He smiled and accepted the crown and sash.
"Now," the principal continued when the cheering died down. "the 20XX Prom Queen is... Park Y/N!"
"Spare your heels, I'm too happy for you!" Kyung-mi squealed. You simply stood there, unable to process what just happened.
"What do you mean?" you asked slowly.
"What do you mean, what do you mean?" She rolled her eyes. "You're the Queen now, girl. Get your butt up there and do yo thang!" Kyung-mi pushed you forward, and you finally got your brain to semi-work and stepped up onto the stage. Wow. You, the Prom Queen? And Jungkook, your boyfriend, Prom King? Okay, the latter was believable, but the former, not so much. Your hands were sweating like crazy as they put the crown on your head. Wow. You looked over at Jungkook to see what he thought.
For some reason, he was rigid, not relaxed and cool as before. His eyes were fixed straight ahead, his eyebrows knitted together. Shoot. Did you do something again? You didn't mean to...
The principal stepped back to the mike. "The King and Queen will have the first dance, then we'll get right into the festivities. Please help yourself to the food at the back afterwards. Professional photos are only 2,000 won (roughly $2) per picture. Now! Mister Jeon and Miss Park, would you care to-"
"What was that?" The principal turned to Jungkook, who was the one that interrupted him.
"I said no. I won't be dancing with her."
... what? You looked at him, wide-eyed. His face showed no signs of amusement.
"Why may that be?" asked the principal, sounding surprised.
"I don't want to be with her anymore."
A gasp came from the crowd below, then whispers.
"Jungkook..." you whispered. "How could..." You couldn't finish your sentence. The words stuck like a lump in your throat. The tears pushed at the back of your eyes, and you blinked rapidly to keep them in.
He turned to you, his expression stone-cold. "Y/N, I want us to be over."
You desperately searched into those dark, doe-like eyes, looking for a sign that he was joking. Nothing. They were cold, empty, and flat. The stark opposite to the deep, sparkling orbs that you loved to gaze into. What...?
He looked away. "Give the crown to Sooah. She's going to be my new girlfriend. Has been for a month now, really."
A louder gasp came from the crowd, then the room started buzzing so loudly you could catch tidbits of the conversation from your place on the stage.
"... what did she do..."
"... knew he would..."
"... not meant for..."
"... why did she even get elected..."
"... deserved it..."
"... never happy with her, anyway..."
You felt sick, like you'd just swallowed a huge plate of something inedible. Complete with sweat, chills, stomach churning, the works. Might've been a bad case of breakupitis. Slowly and shakily, your hands went up to your head and came down with the crown. You stared at the rhinestones in the warm light for what seemed to be an eternity, gripping the thin metal edges so hard that your knuckles turned white and your hands shook even more. You took a step towards the table and set it down next to the small box.
"I hope you're happy with what you've done," you whispered, just loud enough so that he could hear but nobody else could. Pretending your voice wasn't shaking was much easier in your head.
"Oh, you can be sure that I am," he said back in a low voice, an icy smirk crossing his face. You gasped and stumbled backward as if he had just stabbed you. (If he did, it probably wouldn't have hurt more than this.) You couldn't hold it any longer. The first tear spilled out, leaving behind a fiery-hot trail, followed by many, many more. You were sure you looked like one of those mascara-tear stained actresses right now, but you didn't really care. He just watched you, his beautiful but cold face like a marble statue, that mouth stuck in that cruel, cruel smirk. You were glad your vision was blurring more and more because you didn't think you could take it any longer. You backed up, then turned and ran down from the stage, silent sobs shaking your shoulders.
"Y/N!" probably Kyung-mi screamed from somewhere behind you, but it sounded like you were underwater. You just focused on trying to run without tripping over your dress. Spotting the car, you ran over, then screamed in frustration because, of course, he had the keys. Then, all the heat went out of you and you slumped onto the cool metal of the car, the never-ending tears burning their way down your cheeks.
What had he done? What had YOU done? What did you do that was so bad, he had to rip your beating heart out, stomp on it with those ridiculously shiny dress shoes, spit on it, then throw it under the nearest semi-truck? What? Why?
You slid down the side of the car slowly, dropping down to a sitting position with your knees in front of you. Crossing your arms onto your knees and letting your head fall down on the makeshift cradle, you sobbed silently until Kyung-mi found you and dragged you to her car.
Where are those happy days?
They seem so hard to find.
I tried to reach for you,
but you have closed your mind.
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood.
It used to be so nice.
It used to be so good.
So when you're near me,
darling, can't you hear me?
The love you gave me,
nothing else can save me,
When you're gone,
how can I even try to go on?
When you're gone,
though I try, how can I carry on?
You seem so far away,
though you are standing near.
You made me feel alive,
but something died, I fear.
I really tried to make it out.
I wish I understood.
What happened to our love?
It used to be so good.
So when you're near me,
darling, can't you hear me?
The love you gave me,
nothing else can save me,
When you're gone,
how can I even try to go on?
When you're gone,
though I try, how can I carry on?
So when you're near me,
darling, can't you hear me?
And the love you gave me,
nothing else can save me,
When you're gone,
how can I even try to go on?
When you're gone,
though I try, how can I carry on?
When you're gone...
You're gone.
The details of the rest of the night were muddy. You're pretty sure you went in the car with Kyung-mi. There were a lot of concerned sounds coming from her mouth the entire ride back to your apartment, but your brain had stopped working. Your parents knew what was good for them and let you stomp up to your room and cry your eyes out for a few hours. Your brother was still relatively alive and in touch at that time. You remembered video calling him in the middle of the night while laying under a huge pile of blankets as he told you embarrassing stories about himself to make you feel better. You also remembered your wall sporting some new dents in the morning because you slept in your heels.
The rest of the year was blurred at the edges as well. You tried as hard as you could to focus only on your studies, so you drifted more and more away from your social circle. Also, people didn't want to be seen with you, so that was part of it. Apparently, if they so much as came within 6 feet of you, they would be shunned as well. As if being socially embarrassed was some terrible, contagious disease, and you had it. You had come from being the queen, literally, to becoming a lowly outcast. Only Kyung-mi stayed close because she was willing to risk her social status and sleep to help you stay sane. Luckily, it was in the last third-ish of the school year, so she didn't have to suffer for too long. College kept you busy enough, and you slowly learned how to control the emotion. When you say slowly, you mean s l o w l y. It wasn't until the last month of college that you found out you weren't waking up on a pillow wet with tears anymore.
Even though the heartache had dulled, there wasn't a day that he didn't cross your mind, one way or another. Trying to forget someone you loved was like trying to remember someone you've never met.
In a word, impossible.
You could only try to hide the wounds and hope that you would get used to the pain.
To never, ever love again. Ever. That's what you promised yourself. No more love, no more heartache, no more pain. Well, no more pain than you already had.
It was a tricky thing, that love. It was delicate, blind, uncontrollable, and freakishly dumb. And if it was ripped that harshly away from you a second time, you don't think you would be able to take it.
You had mostly put the pieces back in place, but seeing him now just ripped your carefully stitched heart open again, the delicate seams snapping apart instantly. But it wasn't sadness that was unleashed. It was anger.
Luckily, that was an easier emotion to control. Second only to sadness, when controlled, it could do terrible things.
You closed your eyes carefully took a deep breath, picking up the shredded threads but leaving the heart itself open. When you opened your eyes, you were a new person. You weren't an emotional 18-year-old anymore. No, you were Park Y/N, a 22-year-old woman who was going to destroy Jeon Jungkook.
"Not your creamcake anymore."
Ooh, d r a m a! Can't you taste the anguish already? Mmm...
I apologize about how outdated the song is! My dad only listens to old Europe-English (idk) songs (think WHAM!, ABBA, Queen, etc.) and they have the best lyrics for the situation so... but isn't the song just PERFECT for the flashback? It p e r f e c t l y summarizes Y/N's feeling of their relationship! Or, rather, end of relationship. *coughs*
Anyway, we met the bois! But Jungkook is Y/N's lover-turned-enemy-sorta-kinda! Has he changed? Or is he still the same "freaking prat" he was five years ago? (We're going to pretend Bangtan wasn't taking over his school and social life and that, since it wasn't big yet, he didn't mention it in case it flops heh) Well, one thing's for sure. Y/N's changed, and it's not pretty. What'll happen? Will one try to rekindle the relationship, or will they just be stuck forever? Either way, it's gonna be juicy!
💜 y'all!
I'm hungry.
Listen to SOS, by ABBA, below! ⬇️
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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