Chapter 6
Fox sat by his desk, doing his best to catch up on his flimsiwork that had stacked up a bit in the time he spent in the medical bay. Thorn, Thire and Stone did their best to help out with some of the work but most of it is only stuff that Fox can sign off. Mainly things the Chancellor is supposed to do but he leaves to Fox to forge his signature because he doesn't have time for such feeble things apparently. Fox sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked over the flimsi in his hand. He's spent the last four hours going through every bit of flimsy work he could but he was getting tired. He was just about ready to throw the work at the wall in frustration when he was pulled from his thoughts by a knock at his door.
"Come in," he said tiredly, not looking up from his work. It's most likely just one of the other Commanders. The door opened and there were footsteps walking inside.
"You look like shit." Fox's head snapped up and he couldn't help the small smile that slipped onto his face.
"Wolffe, I thought you were leaving today," Fox asked as Wolffe came over and sat down on the corner of the bench.
"I am. I just wanted to come and see my favourite vod'ika before I leave for a couple of months and don't see you again," Wolffe said with a shrug. Fox let out a sigh, secretly please to see Wolffe once again but he didn't want to make it too obvious. The past four days since Fox first woke up, Wolffe and a small group of the wolfpack have been stopping by to see them. They bought enough supplies to last the Guard a month or two and for the first time in over a year, the medical bay is pretty much filled with supplies. Not only that but Wolffe had made a point of coming to see him almost every day, once again apologising for abandoning him, even though Fox didn't blame him. He's lost the rest of his batchers so he's just so thankful he still has Wolffe by his side. Wolffe who believed him, who helped him when he asked.
"Any idea where you're heading off two," Fox asked as he put down the flimsi he was holding and stretched back on his chair.
"No, not sure yet. General Plo will brief us later," Wolffe said with a shrug.
"Hmm, well have fun on the front lines while I enjoy my cushy office," Fox joked and Wolffe sighed. He reached out a hand and Fox hesitated for a second before leaning his head forward, allowing Wolffe to rest his hand on the back of his head. Wolffe scratched it gently, smiling softly as he noticed Fox's eyes slip closed at the action. Fox was always really gruff but he was also a sucker for physical affection. He used to join one of them in their sleeping pods at night after rough training days. He continued to guide Fox's head forwards until his body moved as well and the younger Commander dropped his head down to rest against his hip.
"You know, I've really missed you all this time," Wolffe said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shut you guys out. There was just a lot going on. I was so busy and stressed but I also didn't want to bring you into my mess," Fox said with a sigh.
"Didn't want him to use you guys against me too," he added with a whisper, making Wolffe pause.
"Use us against you," Wolffe asked with a frown. Fox snapped his mouth shut quickly, realising he said too much.
"Please vod'ika, I need to know," Wolffe said, stopping his ministrations but keeping his hand resting on Fox's head.
"It's nothing really. I just. He threatens to hurt one of the Commanders if I step out of line. It's bad enough with that, when I have them by my side and can keep an eye on them. I don't know how I would cope if I had to worry about you guys on the frontlines as well," Fox said with a sigh before sitting up quickly.
"Don't get me wrong, I do worry about you guys. I promise I still care. You're my batchmates and I love you all but if he wants you dead he-."
"Shh, it's ok. I understand what you're trying to say," Wolffe said, cutting him off gently. Fox sighed and leant back, dropping his head into his hands.
"I know you want to protect us, keep us safe but I also want the same. Do you think you could try to keep in contact with me while I'm gone? So I can know you're okay," Wolffe asked, reaching out to rest his hand on Fox's shoulder. Fox looked back up with a frown but sighed as he saw the worry in Wolffe's eyes.
"I guess I do need to make sure you're still alive and talking to you is better than looking through mission reports," Fox said with a sigh.
"Exactly. So, don't be a stranger," Wolffe said with a chuckle.
"Just don't over message me. Because I know you and once you know I'm going to reply, you won't stop. I've seen the group chat before I was kicked off and you were constantly messaging," Fox said with a grin.
"Hey, I am not that bad," Wolffe cried indignantly, playfully pushing Fox's shoulder. Fox let out a light chuckle and Wolffe smiled to himself. It's nice to be able to joke with Fox after to so long, to hear even just a small laugh, especially with everything going on.
"You really are. You're as bad as Bly when he spams messages gushing over his general," Fox said and Wolffe gasped.
"You take that back," he said with mock annoyance. Fox went to reply when the door was suddenly opened without any knocking. He shot up in surprise but his stomach dropped when he realised who it was.
"You have got to be kidding. There was rumour you were over here Wolffe but I didn't think you would stoop that low," Cody said angrily.
"We was just leaving. I told you to leave me alone Commander," Fox said angrily as he turned to Wolffe. He couldn't let Wolffe be shunned for associating with him, he wouldn't.
"Uh, uh, no. Not happening," Wolffe said, understanding immediately what Fox was trying to do.
"What the hell are you doing Wolffe? Did you not see his messages? Did you not hear what he did," Cody asked angrily.
"He shot my vod'ika Wolffe, tried to kill him," Rex said with a frown and Fox tried not to panic. He didn't want Wolffe to be involved with this, he didn't want him to get into hot waters for helping him.
"Commander Wolffe was just stopping by to inform me of some importa-."
"Stop it Fox! I came here to see Fox because I haven't seen him in months. If you have a problem with it, then that's for you to deal with," Wolffe said with a scowl.
"He's dar'vod Wolffe, yo-."
"No. You named him dar'vod Cody. You decided that without even trying to figure out why he did what he did. I never named him dar'vod because he isn't. He still is and forever will be, my vod'ika, my prudii," Wolffe interrupted angrily.
"He shot Fives and he didn't even care. What do you have to say to that huh Commander Fox. You feel bad? Are you remorseful," Rex spat.
"Captain Rex, I am happy to hear Fives will pull through," Fox said.
"You're happy? You're happy? You smug bastard," Rex yelled, lunging forwards. Wolffe tried to step in between the two but Cody intervened and shoved him off, allowing Rex to continue going for Fox. Fox managed to duck and dodge the first punch but the second collided with his stomach and he bit back a scream of pain. He still wasn't fully healed from his previous injuries and was quite weak so the punch hurt more than it usually would. It was also from his once vod'ika and that made it hurt all the more. But he deserved it. He shot Fives and would have killed him, so he deserved it. He breathed out harshly through his nose, trying to keep any semblance of pain from showing as he straightened up.
"What the kark Rex," Wolffe yelled as he managed to shove Cody off and grabbed Rex's arm, yanking him back away from Fox. He gave an extra shove harshly against his chest for good measure.
"Fox, you good," Wolffe asked in concern as he stepped closer and placed a hand on Fox's shoulder. Fox flinched instinctively before shrugging Wolffe's hand off and keeping his face void of emotion.
"Commander Wolffe, there is no further need for you to be here. Commander Cody, Captain Rex, I apologise for any inconveniences. Should you feel a require a formal punishme-."
"Shut up, I won't let you do this," Wolffe snapped, cutting Fox off once again.
"I said stop it Fox. You have done nothing wrong-."
"Are you karking deaf? He shot my vod'ika," Rex yelled, slamming his hand down on the table. Wolffe stepped to the side quickly, positioning himself between Fox and the furious Captain. With Wolffe blocking the others view of him, Fox let the façade drop for a second, scrunching his face up in pain as he pressed a hand to his stomach where Rex's fist had hit it. He breathed in and out deeply, pulling himself together quickly and once again straightening himself out with a blank look. He stepped forwards and gripped Wolffe's shoulder gently, tugging him back.
"I am sorry for that Rex. It was not my choice to shoot your vod'ika but I had orders that I am required to follow," Fox said with a sigh, trying to placate the Captain so he and Cody would leave. That seemed to have the opposite effect though as before he could block it, Rex's fist came swinging again, this time colliding with the side of his head. The force of it, mixed with his already weakened state, caused him to fall and he was unable to brace himself before his skull hit the corner of the desk with a sickening crack and the world went black.
The room was silent for a few seconds, everyone in shock as they stared at Fox's crumbled form on the ground. Then Wolffe saw the small trail of blood coming from Fox's head and he jumped into action, rushing forwards and slamming down onto his knees beside Fox. He reached out, wanting to check him over but he hesitated. The sound of Fox's head hitting the desk was loud, it was bad. Moving him might not be the best idea. Instead he gently laid a shaking hand on Fox's shoulder.
"Fox? Vod'ika? Can you hear me vod'ika," Wolffe asked softly but Fox didn't move at all, didn't show any reaction to his words. He was definitely out cold. Wolffe tried to keep his panic down but it was hard when his vod'ika was unconscious beside him from blunt force trauma to his head. Luckily he had Helix's comm number and he dialled it quickly.
"Commander Wolffe, how can I help you," Helix asked as he answered.
"Helix, I need you to get to Fox's office right now," Wolffe rushed out.
"What happened? Did he get summoned by anyone," Helix asked, concern evident in his voice as there were sounds of him moving around.
"Long story but he's hit his head and it's rendered him unconscious. He's bleeding as well," Wolffe said shakily as he glanced back down at Fox.
"Shit. I will be there soon, just don't move him," Helix said before the comm cut out.
"Just hang in there Fox'ika, help is coming," Wolffe said quietly.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't, I didn't mean to." Wolffe frowned and glanced up to Rex watching with wide eyes as his body shook. Cody had an arm wrapped around him for comfort but there was a look of horror on his face.
"You two should go. You've done enough here," Wolffe said, keeping his voice even. It wouldn't help anyone for there to be more fighting right now and it certainly will not help Fox.
"Go? We can't go. Wolffe, my vod'ika is hurt and you expect me-."
"No. Commander Fox is hurt and as he is dar'vod, you have no reason to be here. You don't care for him anymore so it doesn't matter. Just leave," Wolffe spat.
"Wolffe, you can't-. This is Fox, my little Fox'ika. I love him, you can't do this," Cody whispered, his eyes welling up as he continued to look down at Fox. Wolffe clenched his hand into a tight fist to try to keep himself calm.
"You did this. Both of you. He hadn't even recovered from his punishment, he wasn't able to properly defend himself. You named him dar'vod Cody. You. You made that choice yourself, no matter how badly it hurt Fox, no matter how much he needed your support," Wolffe said angrily.
"P-Punishment. For what," Rex asked with a sniffle. Wolffe didn't want to betray Fox's trust so he can't tell them everything but he can certainly say enough to get them feeling guilty.
"For not killing Fives. You see, Fox was given orders to eliminate ARC-5555, a fellow vod, and Fox really didn't want to do it. But much like you on Umbara Rex, he was following orders. When it got to the point of actually killing Fives, he stopped himself and instead shot his shoulder. He didn't miss, Fox never misses. He knew there would be consequences, but he couldn't bring himself to kill Fives, not even just because he's a vod. It was because he is your vod'ika Rex, and Fox cares so much for you, he would risk himself being hurt over and over again to keep you from any pain he has the power to stop," Wolffe said through gritted teeth. Both Cody and Rex were silent as they processed Wolffe's words.
"H-He was punished? How," Rex asked quietly.
"I don't know the full details, that's up to you to ask him. But after Cody messaged our chat to tell us what happened, I thought it was suspicious so I came to see Fox. And I did, I saw him. I saw him getting dragged unconscious and bleeding into the medical bay by two of his Commanders. That was only a few days ago. He actually just got off bed rest and you've now quite possibly killed him," Wolffe said, struggling to keep his voice from breaking. He reached out shakily and very gently moved the hair from the side of Fox's face.
"I-I didn't know. I thought he would fight back. I didn't know he was hurt," Rex said, his gaze never leaving Fox's form. He didn't actually want to hurt him badly, he just wanted him to feel even just a fraction of the pain he had felt when Fox shot Fives.
"You didn't know because you didn't care Rex, none of you did. This is Fox we're talking about, the cadet that used to let you lay down in his sleeping pod after a nightmare despite saying he hated stuff the like that. The cadet who would spend extra time helping you with training to make sure for certain that the Kaminoans couldn't decommission you. Do you honestly think he would kill someone you care about unless he had no other choice," Wolffe said angrily.
"Wolffe, he acted like he didn't care. I came to check on him but he just acted so unemotional. I mean I thought he had been crying but he just, he made me so mad with how he was acting," Cody said.
"How did you expect him to act? Again, this is Fox we're talking about. He shuts down when things happen and he tries to isolate himself. He blames himself for everything so even if he did had orders, he would've been beating himself up about what happened and he thought you were there to do it to, which he was right. I mean you yelled at his shiny Cody, which is something we will discuss at another time. But the point is, you went in there all hot-headed and looking for a fight, even if you won't admit it, because Rex was hurting. You never should have come to see him that soon, when you were both emotional," Wolffe said just as the door opened. Helix rushed in and immediately moved Wolffe out of the way to start assessing Fox. Wolffe stood up quickly and stepped back, giving him more space to work with. His attention was however drawn by the click of a blaster being drawn. He looked to the doorway to find a Coruscant Guard with the familiar paint of Commander Thire, his gun in hand, pointing at the three of them.
"Thire, vod'ika, put the gun down," Wolffe said quickly but that only made the young Commander tighten his grip.
"What did you do to him? He was perfectly safe and healing here when I checked up on him an hour ago. Then you two show up and Helix gets a comm from Wolffe saying Fox is unconscious," Thire growled angrily. It wasn't the right time for it but Wolffe felt honoured that Thire didn't immediately perceive him as a threat as he most likely would've, had the past few days not happened. Thire trusted that he hadn't hurt his Buir.
"It was an accident," Rex said and Thire's grip tightened once again.
"Define accident," Thire said icily, his index finger hovering over the trigger.
"Thire, put the gun down. Gedet'ye. Fox wouldn't want this," Wolffe said, shifting to put himself between Thire and the other two. He wasn't happy with them either but shooting them won't help anything.
"Move Wolffe," Thire said angrily.
"Vod'ika, just take a moment and think okay? How would your Buir feel if he woke up and found out his ad'ika had been forced to shoot two vod's because of him," Wolffe said quickly. He knew he was in a way manipulating Thire but he worded it in a way that had Fox's worry for Thire rather than his worry for Cody and Rex. Thire remained tense for a few seconds before sighing and slowly lowering his gun. Wolffe stepped forwards quickly and tugged it from his hands, placing it a safe distance away on the desk.
"He's cracked his skull. How did this happen," Helix asked as he looked up.
"He fell and hit his head on the corner of the desk," Wolffe said with a sigh.
"Fell," Thire questioned.
"Rex didn't realise he was hurt and punched him. Fox went down before I could stop him," Wolffe explained. He watched as both of Thire's hands scrunched into fists and his body tensed up in anger but he didn't react other than that.
"You two need to leave, now," he said coldly.
"He's my vod'ik-."
"You need to leave," Thire repeated.
"I'm not g-."
"Ne shab'rud'ni," Thire said furiously, taking a small step forwards and Wolffe tensed, getting ready to intervene. Thankfully it seemed Thire had a lot more restraint than Rex had.
"USENYE," he yelled, making both Rex and Cody flinch.
"I know you're starting to regret the things you've done but they've already been done. If you want to make up for it, if you want to find out what's going on then you need to leave. Let Helix take care of Fox so he can get better and once he's awake, we can visit the idea of you two coming to visit. But right now, you being here is just making everyone be on edge and everything worse," Wolffe said, glancing between Rex and Cody. Rex seemed to deflate at his words but Cody looked like he wanted to say something else. Thankfully Rex stopped him and shook his head.
"We should listen to him ori'vod. We don't want to get in the way," Rex said quietly. Cody sighed and glanced one last time guiltily at Fox before following Rex out of the room.
"Helix, sitrep," Thire said immediately, the anger flowing from his body and being replaced by worry instead.
"He's cracked his skull and he's going to have a really bad concussion but we've got the supplies to look after him so he will be ok. We just need to carry him to the med bay. Wolffe can you carry him and Thire, you just come around to his side and keep his head stable," Helix said. Wolffe moved quickly but gently, bringing Fox into his arms and standing up. Thire moved to his side and braced Fox's head and neck with both hands, frowning down at Fox's pale and unconscious face. There was a trails of blood along the side of his face and in his unconscious state, his injuries were more prominent. There were deep, dark bags under his eyes, a large scar along the side of his face as well as another that cut across his eye. Though unlike Wolffe, his eye was still intact. Helix went ahead to get everything set up while Thire and Wolffe walked cautiously through the halls until they made it to the medical bay.
"Just lay him down here," a trooper said and it took Wolffe a few seconds to realise it was Flash. He laid Fox down on the bed and Thire set to work removing his armour with Flash while Helix came over with a scanner. He let out a sigh and set to work, scanning over Fox's head and then body for good measure.
"Is he going to be okay," Thire asked as he took off the last of Fox's armour, leaving him in just his blacks.
"He will be out for another few hours at the very least. He's got a pretty bad concussion but thankfully Wolffe has brought us enough bacta and supplies that I think I can heal it down to just a dull ache and a small headache before he wakes," Helix explained.
"He's still healing from his previous injuries but I'll add some more bacta on it. He wouldn't let me put more on before he left but he's not awake right now, so he can't really protest," Helix said with a sigh.
"Does he do that often," Wolffe asked with a frown.
"What? Refuse medical advice? Yeah, he does that all the time. He always puts everyone first, even if it is at the detriment to himself. Hopefully now that we have the proper supplies, we can convince him to stop being such a dikut," Helix said.
"I think you're asking too much ori'vod," Flash said with a light chuckle as the two medics got to work helping Fox.
"Oi. He's still your Marshall Commander," Thire said but there was no gruffness to his voice. Flash just shot him a grin and continued to work on Fox.
"Commander Wolffe, can I talk to you for a second in the hall," Thire asked. Wolffe nodded and followed him out of the med bay and into the hall.
"Thank you for not hurting them. I know you wanted to but it's not the way to go about things," Wolffe said quietly. Thire sighed and his shoulders dropped as he leant back against the wall.
"He doesn't deserve this, none of it. Fox is a good person, he's our protector. He does so much for us, for all of us. He used to talk about you guys all the time you know," Thire said quietly as he slipped off his helmet.
"Me and our batchmates," Wolffe asked.
"Yeah. Thorn has told me stories about the first few months of the war, how eager Fox was to be able to see you all when you stopped by coruscant. That was of course all before everyone changed here. He still checks on you all the time. He makes sure you're all still alive. He cried after he read about your encounter with the Malevolence," Thire said and Wolffe tensed as he was reminded of the massacre.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories," Thire said guiltily.
"No, it's okay. It was a rough time but I had Boost and Sinker and now I've got new brother, though the old will never be forgotten," Wolffe said, bowing his head briefly in remembrance.
"He loves all of you, he never stopped. He always checks the chat you guys have, or he did before he was kicked out," Thire said.
"I know. I was stupid to think he had just forgotten about us, that he didn't care. I was too blinded by the war, by what I thought was going on. I thought the GAR were going through hardships while the Guard were just relaxing here. It was wrong of me, I should have checked in but I didn't. I'm sorry for that Thire, I am as much to blame as the men who talk shit to you all the time," Wolffe said, glancing up at Thire who was watching him with a frown.
"I won't say it's okay because it isn't. We needed someone we could talk to, someone we could trust but the GAR had already decided we weren't like them. We were too late, or we thought we were. But you're here now Wolffe, you're here and you helped us and that means everything to us, to Fox," Thire said softly as he stepped forwards and rested a hand on Wolffe's shoulder. Wolffe stepped forwards, wanting to pull the younger clone into a hug but he froze as Thire flinched slightly.
"Sorry, habit," Thire winced sheepishly and Wolffe's heart clenched.
"I'm usually good at not flinching because the senators don't like it but we all let out guard down in the barracks," Thire explained.
"I'm sorry. Am I able to give you a hug," Wolffe asked and Thire nodded, quickly stepping into Wolffe's arms. Wolffe hugged him tightly, reaching a hand up to brush through his hair. Thire melted at the contact and let the tension fall from his shoulders. Wolffe has come to realise over the past few days that though it's rare for them to ask for it, the Guard thrives off hugs and just overall physical contact. It wouldn't surprise Wolffe if they were touch starved of any contact that isn't to hurt them.
"What are you going to do about those two? If you weren't here to give us supplies, he would've killed Fox," Thire said bitterly, tensing slightly in Wolffe's arms.
"I will deal with them. I won't tell them anything you guys don't want me to and I certainly won't allow them in to see Fox without him explicitly telling me he's okay with that," Wolffe said. Thire let out a sigh before closing his eyes and leaning his head down to rest on Wolffe's shoulder.
The two of them stood like that for a while, Thire relaxing more against Wolffe before someone eventually walked up. Thorn chuckled as he saw the two of them, pulling his helmet off and clipping it to his belt.
"I was looking for him everywhere. He okay," Thorn asked Wolffe.
"Yeah, just got a bit of a scare earlier with Fox," Wolffe replied.
"I heard. Helix filled me in on what happened. If I see either of them around here making trouble, they're going to be in a world of pain," Thorn said darkly.
"I get it. I'll try to deal with them and make sure they stay away from the barracks," Wolffe said.
"Thank you, I appreciate it. Though aren't you supposed to be heading off soon? The 104th is heading off planet in a few hours," Thorn pointed out.
"Yes, that's true. Here, take Thire, I need to talk to my General," Wolffe said. Thorn nodded and walked over, shaking Thire lightly to rouse him before pulling him away from Fox.
"Thank you for what you've done for us here, it means a lot to everyone. And it will mean even more if you keep your promise and keep what you've learnt to yourself for now. You take care on the frontlines and hopefully we'll meet again," Thorn said, giving Wolffe a nod.
"You will. Look after Fox for me," Wolffe said.
"I will, but not for you," Thorn said, flashing him a small smile. Wolffe nodded and placed his helmet over his head, walking off down the hall. He left the Guard barracks and walked though the streets, heading back to his cruiser that was preparing to depart soon. He nodded to his men as he passed before knocking on the door to his Buir's quarters. They opened and he walked inside.
"Wolffe, what is wrong my son? I sense a disturbance," Plo Koon said.
"I need to ask for a favour Buir," Wolffe said quietly. He is never one to ask of anything from his General but this is important.
"Of course my son, how can I help," Plo asked.
"My prudii is hurt, badly. He will live but I'm still worried for him," Wolffe explained. Plo Koon hummed and stroked his chin with his claws.
"You wish to remain behind," he asked and Wolffe nodded quietly.
"I will make sure it is done," Plo nodded and Wolffe's eyes widened in surprise.
"Just like that," he asked.
"You are my son Wolffe and you matter to me. You are your own person who can make your own choices. The missions we are about to embark on are merely to bring supplies to outlying planets. We will be joined by two other battalions so I feel we can afford to leave a few men behind," Plo Koon said with a nod.
"A few," Wolffe questioned.
"It has come to my attention that you, Boost, Sinker, Comet, Cub and Rocky have gotten closer to the Guard these past few days. If you have somewhere you are able to stay, I will allow you all to remain here on Coruscant. Perhaps you can help out the Guard here," Plo Koon said. Wolffe was surprised. He knew his Buir would want to help him but he didn't realise he would be so willing and helpful.
"Thank you Buir," Wolffe said, trying his best to keep the emotion from his voice.
"Of course my son," Plo Koon said, placing a hand onto Wolffe's shoulder and squeezing it gently.
"Look after your brother, help him in his time of need."
Vod'ika - Little Brother
Dar'vod - No Longer Brother
Kark/ing - Swear Word
Gedet'ye - Please
Vod's - Brothers
Ne Shab'rud'ni - Don't mess with me
Usenye - Go away!
Ori'vod - Big Brother
Dikut - Idiot
Buir - Father
Prudii - Shadow
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