Chapter 3
Trigger Warning
Implied/Reference Rape-Noncon
Fox felt himself coming back to consciousness and was preparing for nothing but coldness and pain. To be honest, he wasn't even expecting to wake up in the first place but apparently he had somehow survived. It really must be hard to kill a fox as they say. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly when he realised there wasn't any pain and for some reason he wasn't cold either. There was a warmth wrapped around him, a comforting, safe warmth. It was something familiar but also not at the same time, like a distant memory. He was probably still dreaming, or maybe he had died and had somehow ended up in heaven but that wouldn't make sense after everything he's done.
Despite his confusion, it was the safest he's felt in what feels like years and he didn't want it to go away so he shifted into the warmth. Something tightened around him, squeezing him gently and he let out a breath.
"Take all the time you need Fox'ika." Huh, that sounds familiar as well. Maybe he really did die, because that sounds too familiar. But it's a nice dream so he's going to enjoy it while it's still there. He recognises the voice, he missed hearing that voice.
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum," he mumbled and his warmth tensed up.
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum Fox'ika." Fox hummed and turned into the warmth again. It was so nice, but what is it. He gathered up his energy and slowly peeled his eyes open.
"Helix, he's waking up." Within seconds there was movement by his side and Fox tilted his head to see Helix watching him worriedly. Huh, so maybe not a dream. What's going on?
"Welcome to the land of the living Commander, we lost you there a few times," Helix said quietly.
"What happened," Fox asked quietly. His memory was a bit fuzzy but he remembered the pain.
"You got a summoning from the Chancellor. We um, we didn't realise why he wanted to talk to you though. We just figured it was to gloat about you killing Fives because he made you," Helix said with a sigh. Killing Fi-. Fox shot up quickly.
"Helix. Helix, he's still alive, Fives is alive. I didn't kill him, he survived," he said with a gasp.
"I know, we heard. Thorn and Thire went looking for you as soon as we found out. They found you collapsed not far from here. You tried to get back like you usually do but you were far too injured this time. Your heart had stopped by the time they got you here.
"Thorn and Thire found me," Fox asked with a groan. Thorn is tough, he's used to finding Fox in unflattering situations. There's been many times he's had to patch him up, even Stone has but they've all done their best to keep Thire out of it. Thire is more, young and innocent compared to the rest of the Guard Commanders. He's not a shiny but to them he's their little Command shiny.
"Yeah. Thire um, he didn't take it very well. He passed out and then started panicking again so I had to sedate him. Don't stress about him right now though, Thorn is with him, keeping him company," Helix said quickly as he noticed Fox move to get up. Good, that's good.
"Can you remember what happened," Helix asked.
"The usual but he was more angry this time. I don't know how it happened but I somehow managed to defy an order he gave me, I don't think that's ever happened before. He wanted Fives dead, that's for sure. I um, I wasn't really prepared for it because I didn't realise," Fox said with a sigh.
"Was it the red guard again," Helix asked and Fox shivered instinctively. He's safe here with the guard, he doesn't need to hold back his emotions.
"Yeah, seven this time. I managed to hold my own for a few minutes but they have electro staffs and I don't. I can't remember everything but I'm pretty sure he made me take off my armour so they could whip me. Said I needed to learn my lesson for failing to execute his orders," Fox said with a scoff. There was a gasp and Fox spun around in confusion, only just realising there was in fact someone on the bed with him and that wasn't just his imagination. He was expecting it to be Stone but his eyes widened in shock at who he saw. Cody told him he needed to stay away, that he was dar'vod and he was removed from the group chat. He was already breaking that agreement.
"C-Commander Wolffe, ni ceta. Ni ceta," he muttered quickly, pushing himself up and back to try and get away from Wolffe. He told Cody he would stay away and he's already failing to do that.
"Ori'vod stay on the bed, you're still hurt," Helix said, rushing to grab his arms so he wouldn't fall off the bed.
"No, I need to get away from him," Fox said quickly.
"Fox'ika," Wolffe questioned with a wounded noise. Fox gasped and glanced back over at Wolffe with wide eyes.
"I-Ika," he stuttered out in confusion. He's dar'vod. Why would Wolffe still be calling him fondly?
"Yeah, ner Fox'ika, ner prudii," Wolffe said, reaching out to him. Fox flinched back instinctively, falling further into Helix who braced his stance so he wouldn't fall. Wolffe yanked his arm back quickly and pushed himself off the bed, recognising that his mere presence was heightening Fox's state. He was scaring him, scaring his own batchmate.
"Commander Fox, you need to get back on the bed. You've healed quite a lot but you're still injured. Might I remind you that you almost died," Helix said quickly.
"No. No, I need to-."
"Fox if Thire wakes up and sees you in pain, it's going to cause him to panic again," Thorn called out, trying a different tactic that he's sure would work. Fox has a bad habit of not caring about his well-being but he will always do whatever he can to look after his Guard, especially Thire. Sure enough, Fox glanced over before relaxing at the sight of Thire resting on the bed.
"Come on, lay back down," Helix said, pushing him back gently. Fox glanced nervously at Wolffe but he had moved back completely so he shuffled back onto the bed and rested back with a sigh.
"How am I even still alive," he said with a frown, glancing down at his body. With his injuries, he shouldn't be conscious, let alone have no pain.
"You would have died but the bacta sav-."
"Bacta? Why would you use that much bacta on me. Helix we've talked about this. You should have just let me die, saved the bacta for others who needed it," Fox said, frowning angrily.
"Fox, how could you say that," Wolffe said with a gasp.
"This doesn't concern you Commander, stay out of it like you always do," Fox snapped angrily. Dar'vod or not, he's going to make sure his men are looked after and Wolffe has certainly never cared before.
"With all due respect Commander, Commander Wolffe is the only reason we were able to save your life. Without him, I'm afraid you'd be dead," Helix said with a sigh. Fox's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced back at Wolffe in confusion.
"What are you talking about," he asked.
"Wolffe got his men to get us some medical supplies. Bacta and pain relief amongst other things. He saved your life ori'vod," Thorn said, frowning towards Wolffe. He may have saved Fox's life but that doesn't mean all is forgiven.
"I don't understand. I'm dar'vod, why would you save me? Wouldn't you want me dead," Fox said in confusion. Wolffe let out a whine and couldn't stop himself from rushing forwards. Fox tried to move back but Wolffe's arms wrapped around him and held him tightly. Fox fought back for a few seconds before giving in to the feeling of having what was once his closest brother in his arms. He relaxed and brought his hands up to rest on Wolffe's hips, tucking his head onto his shoulder and fighting back the instinct to cry. He was always more emotional when he was with his brothers. Or, what was once his brothers.
"I need you to listen to me Fox, gedet'ye," Wolffe said gently. Fox wasn't sure what to say so he just hummed in reply.
"I don't exactly know what Cody said to you when he came to see you but I know he wasn't in a good frame of mind and he said some pretty shitty things," Wolffe started gently. Fox tensed up at the mention of Cody but he let Wolffe continue without interruption.
"You're my vod'ika Fox, my prudii and I know you. There's no way you would have shot Fives unless you had good reason to. Now I don't know what is going on but the others mentioned something about the Chancellor giving you orders-."
"You guys did what," Fox gasped out angrily. They have rules they're meant to follow, like keeping to themselves and not discussing anything with the GAR. The GAR don't care for them, it's useless.
"He wouldn't take no as an answer and we needed to help you. You're no good to us dead," Helix said.
"I'm sorry we haven't talked lately but I know you Fox, I know who you are. Even just being given orders, you wouldn't try to kill a vod. There's something else in play here and when you feel comfortable enough to talk, I promise I will listen," Wolffe said, reaching down to run his fingers through Fox's curly locks.
"Why care now? Why not just be like Cody? He was more than happy to get rid of me, you all are," Fox said with a frown.
"No, I'm not. And they weren't either, Cody doesn't believe what he said. Rex was upset because Fives might not have pulled through and Cody has always gotten emotional whenever Rex is upset. He should have stayed out of it," Wolffe said with a frown.
"He's right though Commander-."
"Please stop calling me that. I'm your vod and you are mine, my vod'ika," Wolffe cut in softly.
"Cody was the shabuir who said that to you, not me," he added. Fox sighed and let himself cuddle closer. Wolffe seems to actually mean what he's saying and Fox felt relieved. He still has at least one of his batchmates with him.
"Cody was right ori'vod. It's only luck that Fives is still alive. I couldn't help it. I didn't want to do it," Fox said with a sigh.
"What do you mean you couldn't help it? Were you threatened? It's obvious something is wrong here. I mean Thorn and Thire dragged you in here and you literally looked like a corpse. You had lashes all over you and what's this about you getting punished? That's not punishment, that's torture," Wolffe said, anger in his voice. Fox sighed and pulled back from the hug. It goes against everything he's told the guard but if there's finally someone willing to listen, willing to help his men, he owes it to them to try.
"Do you really want to know," he asked quietly.
"Of course I do. If someone is hurting my vod'ika, I want to know," Wolffe said with a nod.
"And you'll believe me? You won't just say we're pencil pushers and we've got it easy," Fox asked nervously. He'd rather keep it to himself than hear Wolffe laugh at him and say he doesn't believe him.
"Fox'ika, I will always believe you. I'm sorry we've made it so you don't think you can come to us for help. I know you've all had to deal with Troopers on leave causing trouble for you and we should have stopped it. I should have stopped it. I will admit I thought this was the easy post but Fox, you look like you've gone through multiple wars. You have so many scar ner prudii and you're so malnourished," Wolffe said sadly as he glanced over Fox's form.
"I'm ok Wolffe, really," Fox said with a sigh.
"You're not. It's so obvious to me right now that you aren't, I don't know how we never saw it before. I'm here now though and I'm going to help you, I promise," Wolffe said firmly. Fox sighed and leant back with a frown.
"You can't help us with everything but maybe you might be able to get us some supplies," he said.
"Talk to me, tell me what's happening," Wolffe said. Fox was still uncertain about opening up to someone outside the Guard as it went against everything they had decided in order to protect themselves. He glanced over at Thorn curled up with Thire, hoping to get his opinion on it. Thorn glanced at Wolffe briefly before looking back to Fox and giving him a nod of reassurance.
"Our supplies have been cut at least three of four different times for both our medical needs and food. The senate has votes about where their money goes and there's been a few times they've decided that parties and gala's are more important than supplies for our troops. You guys are on the front lines, you need to be looked after more than we do. I couldn't in good conscious allow your supplies to take a hit. But unfortunately we already had low supplies and now we're down to basically just one meal a day and sometimes we have to cut those in half as well. We barely of any medical supplies, we don't get bacta often. Unless it's life or death, we tend to forgo using our bacta supplies. And sometimes there are tough decisions to be made, about whether they are too far gone that it would just be a waste of bacta," Fox said quietly. Wolffe's heart broke and he glanced over at Helix to see him looking resolutely down at the ground.
"Helix, vod'ika," he said softly, causing the other to lift his head and he could see the pain and guilt in his eyes.
"You've been doing so well Helix, you've been doing everything you can to protect your vod with what little you've been given. You were dealt a bad hand but you've somehow still managed to keep so many alive," Wolffe said firmly. Helix straightened out more, tilting his head up from the ground.
"Thank you. I've been doing my best sir," he said with a nod.
"You've done good Helix, we all know that. You've been keeping us going," Fox said.
"We're all managing as best as we can and I know it's a lot to ask but if you have any supplies that you might be able to spare, it would go a long way," Fox said with a sigh.
"I can do my best Fox. We have more than enough food on the cruiser at the moment so I can definitely bring a few boxes down to help out. It won't be much but it should be able to help out until we can figure something else out. I might be able to go to the others and organise us to rotate drop offs whenever we stop in Coruscant," Wolffe said.
"No, you can't do that," Fox said quickly, panicking at the thought.
"Fox, they can hel-."
"They hate me Wolffe, don't you get it? I'm dar'vod to them, they think I wanted to kill Fives. Cody actually thought I didn't care about hurting him," Fox said sadly.
"So you didn't want to kill Fives," Wolffe asked.
"Are you kidding me? We've already said that and I thought you kn-."
"I'm just trying to figure out what's happening, I want to know what's going on. You said you didn't want to do it but also that you couldn't stop yourself or something, like you weren't in control," Wolffe said.
"Yes. I um, I need you to bear with me for this one Wolffe. It's going to seem impossible but I promise I'm not lying," Fox said.
"I will believe you, no matter what," Wolffe said with a nod. He needs Fox to know that he can trust him, that the Guard don't have to bare whatever it is alone.
"We call them blackout missions. They're basically what they sound like, black outs. We go missing for hours or days at a time before showing up bloody or injured and missing bits of our memory. We've looked into it and figured out that usually a suspicious death will coincide with the blackouts," Fox explained. Wolffe was shocked, finding it something to be unbelievable but Fox is saying it's true so it must be.
"And this happens to the entire Guard," he asked.
"No, generally just Stone, Thorn and I. And sometimes Hound but not often," Fox replied.
"It's mainly Fox, he gets hit with the brunt of it. Because he's a self-sacrificial dikut who would do anything to keep the rest of us out of harms way as much as possible," Thorn said. Fox frowned, not having wanted that divulged as Wolffe won't be too happy about it.
"That does sound like Fox," Wolffe said with a sigh.
"I don't get much of a choice in deciding who gets to do it, it's not like I ask," Fox said, glaring at Thorn who still didn't take the hint.
"Yeah, but you almost always refuse to let anyone else see him," he said with a shrug.
"But these blackouts aren't always blackouts. There's rare times where we can remember bits and piece or sometimes all of them. And it's because of that, that we've figured out what triggers it. It's not something that we remember too well because our memories always get blurry when we're given the orders," Fox said with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.
"Wait a minute. So let me get this straight, you're given orders and then you go missing for some period of time and most likely end up killing someone before showing up again with a patchy memory," Wolffe said with a frown of concern. He glanced over at Thorn who nodded, looking nervous. Fox anxiously fisted his hand in the sheet of the bed, awaiting what Wolffe's reaction would be. He will either believe them or he'll laugh and leave them.
"That sounds an awful lot like some sort of mind control," Wolffe said slowly.
"Considering we can't stop ourselves no matter how much we try..." Fox muttered before trailing off. Wolffe thought about it and the more he did, the more the bad feeling in his gut grew. How many people has his vod'ika had to kill without having the ability to stop himself? And black out missions? This has happened enough times that they have a name and what seems like a protocol for it. And all this time they GAR has been essentially bullying them for being boot lickers and pencil pushers. They go to 79's on leave and give the Corrie Guards hell, getting dragged to the drunk tank and hurling insults at them. And all along they've been fighting their own war all alone. It's not a surprise that they haven't told any of the GAR, given the way everyone views them and it hurts to think they've forced their own brothers to have to suffer alone.
Wolffe got up from the bed and moved to the other bed quickly, wrapping his arms around a confused Thorn who tensed slightly but didn't refuse. He pulled back and cupped the youngers face gently before pressing his forehead to his. Thorn was surprised but his eyes slipped closed and he relaxed into the hold.
"Ni ceta Thorn'ika," he whispered before pulling back. He went over to Helix next who understood what he was doing and though he didn't really get it, he allowed it. Hugging Wolffe back and giving him a keldable.
"Ni ceta Helix. You've been doing something most wouldn't be able to here, you've been doing well," Wolffe said quietly. He then went back to Fox and slid next to him, hugging him tightly and burying his head into his younger brothers curls.
"Do you, do you, believe me," Fox asked, his voice small. It hurt Wolffe to see Fox, the cadet who was always so fierce and never scared to stand up to anyone, seem so unsure and upset.
"Of course I believe you, you're my Fox'ika, my prudii," Wolffe said, tightening his grip. Fox let out a gasp of relief, feeling a weight leave his shoulders and before he could stop himself, he felt tears of relief well up in his eyes as well. He's not one to cry much, he doesn't allow himself to break down unless he's too overwhelmed and even then it's only really been in front of Thorn and Stone. Thorn noticed Fox's struggle and knew he would try to supress his emotions, it's what he always does.
"Ori'vod, it's ok to cry. Commander Wolffe believes us, we'll try to figure something out, we'll help the others. You are the one that has the most pressure on your shoulders. The weight of our brother security and well being here is on your shoulders and yours alone because you put that burden on yourself. Not only that but it's impossible for you to protect us from everything, there's just too much so you can do nothing but watch sometimes. Wolffe is your batchmate, you're ori'vod so you can lean on him, it's okay," Thorn coaxed softly. Wolffe's eyes widened in surprise and he glanced down to see that it did indeed look like Fox was trying to stop himself for crying so he cuddled him tighter.
"I've got you, it's okay," he whispered, press a kiss to his hair and that's when the dam broke. He brought his hand up to clutch Wolffe's armour, tucking his head into his neck as his shoulders began to shake from his cries.
"Ni ceta ner prudii," Wolffe said gently, feeling Fox's tears slide down his neck. Helix frowned and hurried over, hesitating for a second before crawling onto the bed. He was a bit unsure but laid himself down on top of Wolffe, glancing to check and make sure Wolffe was okay with it as he didn't want to overstep. Wolffe flashed him a small smile, hoping it was comforting as he's been told he has a pretty gruff face. His wolfpack cubs are all quite cuddly so he's more than used to vod piles or simply just having a cub laying on top of him for some comfort.
He wrapped an arm around Helix's waist and tugged him closer so he had both Fox and Helix resting against his chest and shoulder. It took a minute or two but eventually, Helix sagged into his hold and begun to cry as well. Sithshell, what have they done to these Corries. Fox heard the sniffles from Helix and quickly reached out to wrap one arm around him. Thorn let out a breath o relief, watching as they shuffled around so Wolffe was in the middle of the bed with the other two practically laying on top of them.
He held Thire closer and gently brushed a hand down the side of his face, drawing in a deep breath. Wolffe has taken everything well so far but there's still more to tell. They can trust him, they must trust him.
"C-Commander Wolffe. There's more," he said nervously. Wolffe frowned and glanced over, nodding for him to continue. Thorn drew in a deep breath, tightening his grip around Thire for comfort as he tried to build up the courage. They have rules that Fox made, to protect themselves as much as possible and one of those is to never tell anyone what happens on Coruscant, especially not the GAR or jedi as they'll never care.
"You can trust me Thorn, I promise. I know that may be hard to believe, especially given that I've never given you reason to trust me before," Wolffe said.
"You're right, you haven't. Fox idolised you but not just you, he cares so much for your entire batch but you all abandoned him. And this is even before the Fives incident. You guys don't visit anymore, you just gave up on him after he missed a few catch ups because he was busy. And believe me, he was. You could have come here, even just to say hello while he was working but none of you care. He analyses that group chat of yours all the time and every single day he pulls up the information and all of your battalions to make sure you're still alive," Thorn said. Wolffe frowned and glanced down at Fox who had tensed but didn't move away. Thorn is right, they failed as brothers. How many times did he stop on Coruscant for a break and just never bother going to Fox. They all used to message Fox and invite him out when they were on world but after he kept declining saying he was working, they just assumed he didn't want to see them and gave up. Looking back now, they were dikuts.
"I have a lot to make up for, I know. So let me start now," Wolffe said.
"Coruscant isn't safe, not in any way. The black outs while not good, are the least of our problems," Thorn said and that surprised Wolffe. What could be worse than being controlled into killing someone and having trouble remembering it?
"Do you guys ever wonder why all of the Guard wear the same armour apart from the four of us in Command," Thorn asked. Wolffe shook his head slowly as he thought back and realised they did indeed all wear the same colour painted armour.
"I've never really taken much notice of it truthfully but now that you point it out, it's very noticeable. Why do they paint their armour the same? Usually clones are excited to customise their armour," Wolffe said.
"They are and it's hurts to tell the shinies they can't show their uniqueness through their armour. But it would hurt more if we had to decommission every single shiny that comes through whenever a senator decides they're having a bad day," Thorn said sadly.
"Wait, what? Decommissions? Decommissions were banned ages ago, the Jedi don't allow it," Wolffe said quickly, making Thorn scoff.
"Yeah, the Jedi, so helpful. We don't have a jedi, we just have Fox. He's the one that protects us, works out rules to try and keep everyone safe but there's only so much we can do. He does his best and he does it well but it's hard and it stresses him out, he barely sleeps. It's a wonder he's only got a few grey hairs, rather than a full head of it," Thorn said, making Fox snort lightly. Wolffe reached up again to run his fingers through Fox's curls to relax him. It has always been something he found calming, playing with Fox's curly hair.
"So you guys still get decommissioned. How do we not know that and how can a senator just get do that when their having a bad day," Wolffe asked angrily.
"We serve under the senate. We aren't sentient beings and we don't have any rights, we're just meatdroids who need are at the disposal of the senators," Thorn said and Wolffe cried out in outrage. Helix stirred slightly but Wolffe quickly hushed him back to the light doze he had fallen into.
"Don't worry, we don't actually think that but the senators do and they like to make it known," Thorn said with a one shoulder shrug. He didn't want to wake Thire, though he should be done for another couple of hours. Helix may have slightly overdone it on the sedative.
"Most of the senate don't see us as human and just think they can make us do whatever they want, which, well, they aren't wrong. We aren't allowed to say no to a senator, we have to do whatever they ask. We make sure everyone has the same armour to hide their identities from the senators. They don't care enough to figure out our names and can't tell who is who. Even doings something as silly as saying the wrong thing can cause a clone to be decommissioned or reconditioned. But we've figured out a system," Thorn said.
"What kind of system," Wolffe asked.
"One that would most definitely get Fox executed if he was caught but he's good. And I should rephrase that, Fox figured out a system. The number of Guard that die here on Coruscant is far too much. The natborns don't like us and take every opportunity to get at us. We can't walk alone in the streets, we have to go out in at least pairs for protection. It is painful to lose men but it also saves the lives of those who are requested for decom. We manage to switch out the numbers of the dead troopers with the ones who are threatened with decom to make it seem like they've passed already. We shift around schedules so they spend at least a few weeks away from the senate until things die down," Thorn explained.
"That is a very good system," Wolffe said. It is good, but why has it come to that? How could nobody notice. There was also something else Thorn said that greatly disturbed him.
"Thorn, what did you mean when you said you can't say no to the senators, that you need to do whatever they ask of you," Wolffe asked.
"I mean it's pretty self-explanatory. We aren't allowed to say no to them because it'll just upset them and lead to reconditioning and decommissions," Thorn said.
"So if they say they want you to clean their boots, you do it," Wolffe asked.
"They have done that before and yes, I've had to do it," Thorn said with a nod.
"And if they tell you to I don't know, go fetch them some water," he asked.
"That to. Anything they ask, we follow," Thorn replied with a shrug. Wolffe's heart caught in his throat and he glanced down at the two laying against him. They were both out and completely oblivious to the conversation being had. He felt bad interrogating Thorn but he had to know.
"And i-if, if they ask you to, to come into their quarters al-."
"Yes," Thorn said, cutting him off. Wolffe's breathing quickened and he felt an anger unlike any other coursing through his veins. Thorn had looked away from him and was unconsciously clenching and unclenching his hands in Thire's blacks.
"We have a list and we make sure the shinies aren't put on patrol anywhere near those senators. Once again, Fox tries to put himself between us and the senators but his focus end up being more so on the Chancellor. I um, I do my best to make sure the others aren't exposed to it as much," Thorn said quietly.
"I caught one of them dragging Thire away once, not long after he became a Commander, they seem to like us more. I don't think I've been so terrified in my life and trust me, I've seen some things. I tried so hard to keep him out of it, to spare him. Fox and I, we're pretty much used to anything and everything so I went in his place but I couldn't always be there," Thorn said with a sad sigh as he pressed his forehead to the still sleeping Thire's. Wolffe could tell the two of them had a very strong bond, perhaps even stronger than Wolffe has with the rest of his wolfpack. What the Corries have been going through, is vile and shocking. No one realised, no one bothered to look hard enough. The entire GAR turned their backs on their vode on Coruscant, they left them to suffer alone and in silence.
"Ni ceta Thorn. We abandoned you, we forgot about you. But no more. We're going to help you. I don't know how just yet but you have my word we're going to figure this out okay, I'm going to help you keep your vods safe," Wolffe promised firmly. Thorn glanced over sadly and offered a watery smile.
"I'm going to hold you to that Wolffe. Don't let him down again," Thorn whispered. Wolffe glanced down at Fox still sleeping soundly against him, his mind running over what could possibly have been happening to him here. His little Fox'ika, his prudii.
Fox'ika - Little Fox
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum - I Love You
Ni ceta - I'm Sorry
Ori'vod - Big Brother
Ner - My
Prudii - Shadow
Dar'vod - No Longer Brother
Gedet'ye - Please
Vod'ika - Little Brother
Shabuir - Jerk (Strongly)
Dikut - Idiot
Vod/e - Brother/s
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