Chapter 2
Fox shot Rex's vod'ika. Wolffe still couldn't believe it. That didn't sound like Fox, not his Fox'ika, not his prudii. And yet it was, Cody had confirmed it and Wolffe had seen the video Cody posted in the chat of Fox shooting Fives before he removed their youngest batchmate from the chat all together.
Kote: I talked to him and he didn't even care
Kote: Said bullshit about having orders and protecting his men
Kote: You saw the video, he could have just stunned him
Kote: Rex is distraught, I'm going to look after him but he should calm down soon
Simp: I can't believe Fox would shoot a vod, it just doesn't make sense
Lake: It's on the video Bly, he clearly shot him and without any sort of hesitation
Simp: It's still surprising, I didn't realise how much Fox had changed
Neither did Wolffe. Did Fox really change that much since they've last seen him. When even was the last time he had seen him? Months ago? How had it gone that long since he's seen or talked to his vod'ika. Sure they used to invite him to 79's and he'd always have an excuse not to come, like he was busy. But how had he not even sent him a message to check in for months? This is his prudii.
Kote: He has and he's dead to me now. I told him he's dar'vod and not to talk to me or go near Rex, not after what he did
Puppy: You told him he was dar'vod?
Kote: Yes
Kote: Wolffe he shot a vod and didn't even care about it
Kote: We don't need someone like that around
Puppy: We don't even know what really happened? Fives went for his blasters that I can guarantee weren't on stun
Puppy: He would have shot them first Cody
Token CT: He wasn't himself, don't you dare blame him
Token CT: It was so obvious that he was out of it, he can't be held responsible for his actions
Puppy: And I get that but he attacked the Chancellor and that's Fox's direct superior
Puppy: What were you expecting Fox to do
Lake: Cody's right Wolffe, he could have stunned him instead of shooting him
Puppy: I'm just saying, it doesn't seem like something Fox would do without reason
Token CT: You're saying my vod'ika deserved to be shot?
Puppy: No, I'm just saying there must be a reason
Kote: Yeah, according to Fox he was just 'following orders'
Simp: Shit, did he actually say that
Kote: Yeah
Kote: I told you, he doesn't even care
Puppy: Something's wrong here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it
Puppy: I'm on coruscant, I'll stop by and talk to him
Kote: Good luck with that, I had to practically force them to let me see him
Kote: He said he was going to see the Chancellor so he's probably living the life right now and having fun without a care in the world
Wolffe shut of his comm after that, not wanting to read the rest of what they were saying. It was obvious Cody was hurt and concerned for Rex but he was going about it the wrong way. Sure, Fox made a mistake but he refuses to believe that he didn't care. There has to be a reason, he wouldn't just shoot a vod for no reason. Wolffe made his way out of the barracks and headed down he hall, knocking on a door.
"Come in." He opened the door and peaked his head inside to see his General sitting at his desk looking at his datapad.
"Hey Buir, I know I said I was staying in tonight but I'm going to head out and check in with my batchmate," he said.
"Ah, Rex. Yes, I heard about the incident that happened," Plo Koon said with a nod.
"No actually, my other batchmate, Fox," Wolffe corrected.
"Fox? As in Commander Fox, the one that shot the Trooper," Plo Koon asked, his forehead crinkling in concern.
"Yeah, I just want to make sure he's okay after what happened," Wolffe said with a nod.
"That's very noble of you Wolffe, I'm glad you have not immediately written off your batchmate," Plo Koon said.
"He's my prudii, I owe it to him to figure out why he did what he did," Wolffe said with a shrug.
"Very well, comm me if you require my assistance," Plo Koon said.
"Will do," Wolffe replied with a nod before he left the room. He left the GAR barracks for when they're on leave and headed through the streets towards the Guard Barracks. He hasn't been to the Guard Barracks much and that thought saddened him. He could have easily stopped by before or after going to 79's whenever he caught up with the others but he didn't, none of them did. They've neglected their youngest batchmate all because they couldn't be bothered stopping by for a few minutes.
When he got to the Guard Barracks, he slipped inside, finding no one but a single trooper who was sitting at the front desk but stood up immediately when he noticed Wolffe.
"Commander Wolffe, how can I help you," he asked as he stood up straight. His armour was a little dirty but it was clear that he was a shiny.
"What's your name," Wolffe asked as he took off his helmet.
"I'm CT-4589 sir," the guard replied, not moving to remove his helmet. Wolffe frowned. Usually troopers would remove their helmet as well but also, he asked their name not designation.
"I asked for your name trooper," he said. He noticed the way the shiny tensed slightly, seeming unsure before giving in.
"It's Loch, sir," the guard said.
"Well Loch, I need to see Fox," Wolffe said and immediately noted the way the guard's shoulders deflated slightly. It was a small thing but Wolffe was watching closely.
"Is there a problem with that," he asked slowly, trying not to seem too harsh. He genuinely wanted to know why there would be an issue with that.
"Ah, no sir, it's just Commander Cody came here earlier as well. And I don't particularly want to be yelled at again," Loch said, the last part just a whisper but Wolffe still heard.
"I apologise for my batchmate, he wasn't himself. But I won't yell at you, promise," Wolffe said. Bloody Cody and his emotions. Why would you yell at a shiny.
"Commander Fox isn't here right now but I can take a message," Loch said.
"He isn't here, or he doesn't want to see anyone," Wolffe questioned.
"He isn't here sir, he left a couple of hours ago," Loch said and Wolffe sighed.
"Do you know when he will be back? I can just wait for him in his office," Wolffe said.
"No sir, he didn't say when he will be back. And I'm sorry sir but I can't allow you into his office without him or another Commander present," Loch said. It was slightly unsettling how formal the guard trooper was still being, his posture stiff and his helmet still on. It was like he wasn't comfortable but they were both vod, why wouldn't he be comfortable.
"Then is there another Commander present right now? Someone I can see," Wolffe asked.
"Please," he added, hoping that would sway the trooper who seemed hesitant.
"Commanders Thorn and Thire are on shift currently, but Commander Stone is getting checked up by our CMO Helix. You can um, you can go and see him but be advised, Helix will probably want to give you a check up because you've obviously had a nasty knock and Helix is like a mother hen," Loch said and Wolffe chuckled. It's true, he probably doesn't look the greatest. On the last mission they went on before stopping at coruscant, he was caught in a blast and hit his head. His helmet protected him from most of the damage but he still had a bruise on the side of his head.
"I'll take my chances, thanks. Where is your medbay," he asked.
"Just follow that hall all the way down to the end and turn left, then go through the double doors," Loch said.
"Thank you Loch," Wolffe said before he followed the directions given. He made it to the double doors and opened them, stepping inside. There were only two people in there but they were arguing so Wolffe's eyes were instantly drawn to them. They were standing in the middle of the room, helmets off and glaring angrily at each other.
"I am fine."
"No, you aren't. You've got a bruised rib which could be dangerous so sit your shebs down right now."
"I. Am. Fine."
"I am going to forcefully sedate you if you don't listen to my orders. Bed. Now." Wolffe raised an eyebrow at the interaction before slowly looking around the room, taking note of what he saw. It had about five beds with privacy curtains to wrap around them as well as a few cabinets and a shelving unit. He isn't one with a lot of knowledge with this sort of stuff but it look dangerously understocked. Where was their bacta tank and their equipment.
"Can we help you Commander Wolffe?" He was brought from his thoughts at being addressed and turned to see the two guard members watching him. Commander Stone was finally sat down and Helix was beside him with a frown.
"Oh, yes. I came to talk to Commander Stone. Loch said you'd be here," he said.
"Loch let you through," Stone questioned.
"Yes. Is there a problem with that," Wolffe asked.
"No, was just wondering. You should talk to your batchmate though. He scared Loch half to death when he was just doing his job," Stone said with a frown of annoyance.
"I heard about that and don't worry, I will talk to Cody. He was just out of sorts because of what happened," Wolffe said, making Stone scoff.
"Yeah, we heard what he said to Fox," Stone said and Wolffe sighed.
"I got the vague rundown and while I don't agree, Fox did try to kill his Rex's vod'ika and Cody is close with Rex not to mention he was with him when they first met Fives. I can't really blame him for being angry," Wolffe said. Something that he said mustn't have been a good idea as Stone stiffened and Helix paled.
"Tried to," Stone asked slowly.
"Yeah, he shot him. Didn't you know," Wolffe asked in confusion. Surely as one of the guards Commanders, Stone would know what had happened by now.
"No, no. You said tried to. Is Fives not dead," Stone asked quickly. Ok, so not what he was expecting.
"Do you want him to be dea-."
"WOLFFE JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION, IS FIVES STILL ALIVE," Stone asked as he shot up. Wolffe was shocked at the outburst and also confused but he let it go for now.
"Yes, he's still alive. Fox got his shoulder, not his chest so he's thankfully going to pull through. Are you guys seriously pissed off that Fox isn't a vod killer," Wolffe asked with a frown.
"Shit, shit, shit. You call Thire, I've got Thorn," Stone said, ignoring Wolffe in favour of lifting his arm and hitting his comm.
"What happened." Straight to the point.
"Thorn, Fives isn't dead," Stone said quickly and there was a pause before Thorn replied.
"What do you mean Fives isn't dead? Fox shot him through the heart, I'm pretty sure that would kill someone."
"Yeah, it would. Except he didn't hit his heart, he hit is shoulder," Stone said.
"How do you know this."
"Commander Wolffe is here and he told me. Which means word has already spread about it," Stone explained.
"Shit. Where's Fox now." Stone's voice caught in his throat as he hesitated, glancing at Wolffe he was watching intensely. It doesn't matter, Fox is more important right now.
"He left a couple of hours ago and he's not back. Thorn he was, he was summoned by him," Stone said shakily. The connection immediately cut out at that and Stone let out a breath. Thorn is going to look. He's going to find Fox and everything is going to be ok.
"Thire's trying not to panic but he's gone looking as well, they'll find him," Helix said quietly as he stepped closer, placing his hand on Stone's shoulder for comfort.
Wolffe was confused as to what was going on. Why was everyone immediately panicking at the fact that Fives was still alive. What does him being alive have to do with anything at all?
"What's going on," he asked, making the other two turn to him again.
"Nothing, you need to leave," Stone said and Wolffe frowned.
"I'm not leaving. I came here to talk to Fox and figure out why he would shoot Fives so I'm going to wait for him," Wolffe said.
"Look, it doesn't matter. I'm sure Commander Cody told you all about it or he can, just go to him," Stone said.
"Cody is blinded right now, he's biased. I want to here it from Fox why he did what he did," Wolffe said firmly.
"He was following orders. There, you happy? Now leave," Stone said.
"No," Wolffe replied, shaking his head.
"Fox doesn't want to talk to you, plus he isn't even here right now," Stone said, huffing in annoyance.
"No, he's not, which is why I'm waiting for him. And while I'm waiting for him, why don't you tell me what that was all about? What is so bad about Fives being alive," Wolffe asked. Why did they seem so scared about that one fact. Stone sighed and thought about it for a few seconds before giving in. They've been struggling for so long and Fox has been copping majority of it himself, he deserves to take the one chance he's finally been given.
"Fox was ordered to kill Fives. He failed to complete those orders," Stone said.
"I doubt he was told to kill him, just to ap-."
"No, he was told to kill him, to terminate ARC-5555 on sight. There's no room for interpretation there," Stone said.
"Who ordered him to do that," Wolffe asked in confusion. Surely they'd just want him captured and put on trial, Fives wasn't dangerous.
"Who do you think? He tried to attack the Chancellor allegedly and we work under the Chancellor," Stone pointed out. The Chancellor? Isn't execution a bit gory for the Chancellor?
"Are you sure," he asked with a frown. Stone growled in frustration and spun around, going over to the bed.
"We're sure Commander. We wouldn't just say something like that if we weren't," Helix said quietly. Wolffe was confused, he still didn't think it would be something the Chancellor would do but... But both Stone and Helix are saying it's true, Thorn was freaking out when he heard Fives was still alive and Fox. Fox wouldn't shoot Fives without reason, there has to be a reason. He has to trust his Fox, he has to trust his prudii.
"So what, the Chancellor isn't happy that Fox missed-."
"He didn't miss, Fox doesn't miss," Stone interrupted.
"He was given an order but he didn't follow through. He didn't kill Fives because he cares too much about Rex to do that too him. He defied a direct order," Stone said.
"Ok, but so what. Did he seriously expect Fox to kill a vod? What's he going to do, give him a few extra shifts or something," Wolffe asked. Helix and Stone both looked at him nervously and that made him nervous.
"What aren't you telling me," Wolffe asked with a frown. Stone opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as Helix's comm started beeping saying code red. Stone shot up and rushed to Wolffe, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the door he entered through.
"You need to leave right now," Stone said.
"Wait a second, what's going on," Wolffe said, digging his heels in and stopping Stone from dragging away. If it comes to strength, Wolffe outmatches Stone.
"You need to go Commander," Stone rushed out.
"I'm not leaving what's go-." The other entrance doors slammed open and three guard troopers rushed inside. One ran straight over to one of the beds to start doing something while the other two-. The other two were dragging a fourth body that was limp in his arms.
"Helix. H-Helix he's n-not breathing," one of them sobbed out. Stone let go of Wolffe who remained frozen where he was and rushed over, helping the other two lower the body gently to the ground.
"Flash get the electro staff. Thorn take off his helmet," Helix said quickly as he hurried over. One of the guards did as asked, gently tugging the helmet from the downed troopers head and Wolffe's heart stopped. Their face was bruised and bloody but there was no mistaking the dark brown curly hair. It was Fox.
"Guys you need to let him go and step back," Helix said as Flash rushed over with the electro staff. Neither of the two troopers moved so Stone rushed over to one of them and pulled them away despite their protest.
"Thire, move," Helix said as he undid Fox's chest plate and pulled it off to gain access to his chest. Wolffe felt bile rise up as he saw how much blood was also coating his chest. His blacks were torn and there were what looked like lashes from some sort of whip across his exposed skin.
"F-Fox. Come on Fox. O-Ori'vod. Gedet'ye," the trooper, Thire sobbed as he continued to cling to Fox.
"THIRE GET AWAY," Helix yelled, trying to shove him back while also helping Flash with the staff. Wolffe snapped into action and ran forwards, wrapping his arms around Thire and yanking him back.
"NO. NO, FOX. FOX. BUIR," he screamed through sobs, desperately reaching out to try and get to Fox. It shot pain through Wolffe's heart to hear the agony and desperation in his voice but he held on tightly. Fox was hurt, badly and he needed help he couldn't get with people in the way. Wolffe couldn't watch as they prepared the staff so he turned his attention to the vod in his arms. Thire, he's heard of him. He's the youngest Commander of the guard by quite a bit and worked his way through the ranks rather than training for it on Kamino. Fox's talked about him before briefly but always fondly. He was still writhing in Wolffe's grasp, so he turned his restriction into comfort. He managed to manhandle Thire around, so he was facing him with his face tucked to his chest. He wrapped one arm around Thire's waist while resting the other hand on the back of the commanders head.
"Shh, shh," he whispered, holding him tighter. Thire's sobs didn't die down, but he did turn into the comfort, grasping at Wolffe's armour. Both of them flinched at the sound of the electro staff being used but Wolffe kept his focus on Thire. As much as he wants to help Fox right now, there's nothing he can do except for give the medics some space to work.
Plus Thire called Fox buir. They've got a bond so close that Thire considers him a buir and Wolffe can't ignore his prudii's ad'ika. He moved his hand around before managing to tug off Thire's helmet. He felt the younger tense in his grip before shoving his head into Wolffe's neck.
"Shh, I've got you. They're helping Fox right now. They're doing everything they can to help him ok," Wolffe said softly, reaching up to run his hand through Thire's hair gently. Truthfully he himself was panicking and scared but he needed to hold it back.
"We've got a pulse. Flash, let's get him onto a bed," Helix said quickly. Thire let out a sob of relief and sagged in Wolffe's arms before suddenly going limp. Wolffe yelped but held him up before shifting him into his arms by scooping him up. He wasn't sure what to do but glanced over to see Stone holding onto a shaking Thorn with his eyes trained on Stone and Flash who were working on Fox who was now in one of the beds.
"Thire just passed out," he said, not wanting to interrupt them saving Fox's life but also not knowing what to do.
"Get him out of his armour and into a bed," Helix muttered as he continued to help Fox. Wolffe quickly carried Thire over to the next bed over, forcing himself not to look at the state Fox was in. He needs to help Fox's ad'ika, he needs to focus on that. He gently made sure Thire's head was on the pillow which he noted was quite firm, as was the medical bed, it was more like a gurney. He then set to work unclipped and pulling off Thire's armour before someone stepped up on the other side of the bed to help. Wolffe glanced up and saw that it was Thorn who was shakily but delicately removing Thire's armour as well.
Once the armour was removed, Wolffe watched as Thorn bent down and gently rested his forehead against the younger clone. Wolffe could see the way Thorn's hand was shaking as it cupped Thire's face, slightly smearing blood onto his cheek.
"I-It's okay, he can p-pull through this. He always does," Thorn whispered and Wolffe frowned. Always does? So this has happened before. In fact, it's happened enough that they have a code for it, they know what to do. Wolffe had an uneasy feeling in his gut. He'd been getting crumbs of information but everything adds up and leads to something he doesn't even want to think about.
"Shit, come on Fox. Come on, you have to get through this." Wolffe spun around at Stone's words, his eyes widening as he saw the state fox was in. His armour had been removed and so had his black, leaving him in just his black boxers, shower all of the scars and injuries. There were a lot, too many. Fox has been with the Coruscant Guard since just after the first battle of Geonosis and he definitely didn't get anywhere near that amount of injuries from that fight. He has the easy posting, the Guard, the pencil pushers that just go to Senate meetings and don't actually fight wars. He's not supposed to be having it as hard as those on the front lines, and yet Wolffe has never seen a GAR member with this many injuries.
His voice was caught in his throat but he walked over to Fox's bedside, making sure to stay out of the way of the medics. He reached out and slipped his hand into Fox, raking his eyes over his prudii's body to take note of his injuries. It was then that he noticed how thin Fox looked. He looked like he hasn't been eating properly for a while, but how could that be? He lives on Coruscant, there's more than enough food. Just what exactly is going on.
"He needs bacta," he said with a frown as he noticed that Helix wasn't using any bacta to heal Fox's wounds. It was obvious that the gashes along his body were painful and deep.
"Yes, I know. I don't need you to remind me of that," Helix snapped.
"Then why aren't you using it? He's going to die if you don't use it-."
"We kriffing know that Commander, do you honestly think we don't? Do you think we want our him to die huh? You think we don't care about him," Helix growled angrily as he tried his best to stop Fox's bleeding.
"I am a CMO Wolffe, it's my duty to patch up my brothers, to make sure they survive. Do you think I like not being able to do anything? I like standing here and watching them die when I know if I had the right equipment, I could save their lives? I hate it but I do my best with what I have," Helix said with a resigned sigh. Wolffe glanced around the room, noticing once again that there wasn't many supplies.
"Why don't you have the right equipment? Where are your supplies," he asked. Thorn scoffed and Wolffe glanced over at him where he was now laying on the bed with Thire resting against him.
"Budget cuts. It's other the Guard or the GAR and Fox cares too much about you guys to let you be hindered on the front lines. We would all make the same decision though, because we have batchmates on the front lines even though all they do is insult us and never even bother to call," Thorn said with a frown. Budget cuts? What are they talking about?
"We haven't had any budget cuts. Who is ordering them," Wolffe asked immediately.
"That's my point, you don't. Whenever the papers come across his desk, Fox always signs off for us to cop the budget cuts. Food, medical supplies. But I guess it doesn't matter, considering we're just lazy little pencil pushers who have it easy, we don't need everything as much as you do," Thorn said angrily.
"Food as well. And this is really all you have for medical supplies? No bacta," Wolffe asked.
"If we had bacta, I would be using it right now Commander because Fox is going to die without it," Helix muttered in annoyance.
"He's going to die? Isn't there anything you can do," Thorn asked quickly.
"I'm trying Thorn but there's only so much I can do," Helix said sadly. No. This isn't happening. His youngest batchmate can't die, not his prudii. He lifted his arm up quickly and activated his comm.
"Boost I need you and Sinker to do something for me. it's very important, lives depend on it," Wolffe said quickly, cutting off his trooper. Boost likes to have fun and is one of the most easy-going in the wolfpack but he's also someone who is reliable.
"What do you need us to do Commander," Boost asked quickly, the joking tone from earlier gone completely.
"I need you to get back to our medbay, grab as much bacta as you can carry and get to the guards med bay. And I need you to do it quickly," Wolffe said.
"Sinker and I are on it sir," Boost said before the transmission cut off and Wolffe turned his attention back to Fox and the others.
"Y-You don't have to do that," Helix said but his eyes were wide.
"Fox is my vod'ika, I'm not just going to sit here and watch him die, not when I have the means to save him. I promise you, we had no idea your supplies were cut. You've been doing well to look after your men with what little you have," Wolffe said. Helix sighed and looked back down at Fox with a frown.
"There's a lot you don't know but we won't get into that right now. Let's just hope your men get here before Fox dies," he said quietly.
Vod-ika - Little Brother
Prudii - Shadow
Ori'vod - Big Brother
Vod - Brother
Dar'vod - No Longer Brother
Gedet'ye - Please
Shebs - Backside, Rear, Butt
Kriffing - Swear Word
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