That Voice...
I watched the small droplets of rain fall down on my hand as it created a small pool on my palm.
Why does everything look so beautiful when it rains?
So here I was, looking at the rain through the windows of my room thinking what human race could have done if hot lava had poured down as rain instead of cold water. Everything certainly woudn't look as pretty as it looks now.
Normally i could only care less about what was happening outside since i prefered to keep myself locked up in this snake hole most of the time. Yes... Snake hole... Thats what my mom calls my room. She thinks I'm a snake that only comes out of its hole when it's hungry. Well she was not wrong about that . Although I won't admit it, it was somehow the truth. I do only get out of my room when I am dying out of hunger. Most of the times i would just sit in front of my laptop to watch anime, manga, kdrama or fangirl over boys who either don't exist or does not know that I exist.
I don't even remember when was the last time I actually set my foot out of my house. This is mmostly what happens to lazy people like me when your attendance or homework at school does not affect your grades. I love my life.
It wasn't raining heavily but there was this soothing cold breeze that was blowing. So I just sat by my window to feel the cool breeze against my skin trying to remember why wind blows but my trail of thought got interrupted as I heard my phone ringing. I took it to see who it was that disturbed me at this hour. Looking at my phone, I found out that my mom has left me a text saying that she and dad won't return home till the rain stops...
I could hear my tummy growling. I haven't eaten anything the whole day. My parents went to my aunts house in the morning telling me that they will return in the evening with food. They also told me to make my breakfast on my own.. Of course I didn't, snakes don't cook. But now my tummy kept grumbling to inform me about my hunger. I was ignoring it at first but then I decided I needed to eat. My stomach grumbled even louder at the thought of food and thats when I realized that I could eat a whole cow right now. I really needed to eat something.
However my laziness insisted and I decided to ignore my hunger by listening to my favorite music and dreaming about what to do if I ever met my favorite K-pop idol group "BTS". Living in a country called Bangladesh which Koreans probably don't even know of have given me such a luck that I would probably never be able to see them much less meeting them. It was nothing but a sweet dream for me. And I made a habit of living in that dream whenever I was tired of my real life.
However ,this time it didn't work. I was wrong. I guess You cannot do fangirling in an empty stomach. Even though my whole body was fighting against my tummy to prevent me from going outside , my tummy still won. So i gave up and decided to finally step outside after 3 weeks and 2 days.
I don't really like to get dressed up properly. Since I was just going out alone to eat, I really did not feel like bothering to change any of my clothes. Yet I changed into a pair of black colored loose Jean's to at least trying not to look like a cave man, took my black hoodie, pulled my hair up into a ponytail and put on a black cap to finish my look.As I stood infront of the mirror..
"Wow! I really do look like a black snake... Thank god I'm not that skinny or else people really would have thought that I was a snake... "
"WHAT THE HELL!! Why am I calling myself a snake" I shook my head to get rid of the thought and took my black shoes to complete my black snake look.
The droplets were so small that anyone could hardly feel it. There were a few good restaurants across the road. But those were too rich for me to go. My wallet was also as hungry as me so I kept looking for a bit cheaper one and also where I would find a little less rich people so that I would not totally feel like a sore thumb. I stopped as I reached the spot that I was looking for. There were 4 restaurants standing almost next to each other.
Well normally my family ordered from the second one but today I was alone and poor, so I decided to go to the fourth one called "Laylati"...And Yes... It seemed a bit cheaper than the second one by appearance. Also i could see some people that were around my age sitting inside through that glass wall of the restaurant. So I decided to eat there.
As I was walking past the 3rd restaurant I stopped at the sight of two foreigners talking to a cab driver in English. One of them seemed very tall.
'Foreigners are so tall, unlike our country's men,' I said to myself when I compared a passerby's height with his .
Well it seemed like only the taller one was talking while the other one was just holding an umbrella over their head. They were wearing black mask(?) I suppose. And they were wearing caps as well, making it almost impossible to know which country they might be from. And is that pink t-shirt I see!
"Wah! Foreigners really do have weird fashion sense" i noded in disbelief.
It seemed like the taller one was trying to convince the cab driver into something but the cab driver wouldn't even listen to him.
"Poor foreigners... Only if the driver knew English... He is a cab driver for a reason... Poor you."
I let out a deep breath.
"Well none of my business. Off I go! "
I started moving towards the restaurant. As I passed them I heard a few words of their conversation. From the few words that I heard I could easily understand what had happened. It was a common incident actually. What happened was that the driver was trying to rip them off. They took the cab from somewhere near Mohakhali and now they were standing at Dhanmondi. The taxi fare is not that high but the driver decided to use these two lonely foreigners to earn some extra money today. And the two lonely foreigners were trying to convince him into something but the driver couldn't say or understand anything other than the English sentence "2000tk".
I took a seat next to the glass wall. As I looked at the menu... I found out that I was 100tk short to eat what I wanted .
"Crap! I thought the food would be a bit cheap here. The price is the same. What's wrong with my luck today......" I hissed
As I start to look around for an waiter hoping to do some negotiations, my eyes met the glass wall. Those two were still standing there, Huddled up together, discussing and counting money, I think.
I felt bad for them.
It wasn't everyday that I would go ahead and help random people who needed help. I wasn't that nice. But today I dunno what happened but I was already out of the restaurant, heading towards the foreigners . As they were handing over the large amount of money to the driver, a vicious smile appeared on the drivers face. As soon as he reached out for money I snatched it away from the taller guy's hand. The foreigners and the driver, both were startled. I started counting the money. There were a 1000tk bill,a 500tk bill and five 100tk bill.Before the foreigners could say anything to me the driver started shouting at me, of course not in English.
"What are you doing miss? That's their cab fare. Return it to me, " he made it sound as rude as possible to make sure I undersand that he was mad.
"I'm sorry ,But Can I ask where you picked them up from? "
"What? Why should I answer you? "
"Because i am asking you! At least show me the.... "
"That's none of your business! Give me my money back at this very moment! " He shouted.
"I won't! " I shouted as well .
I had reached my limits. This driver was way too rude.
"They came here from Mohakhali! Why is the cad fare this high? I've never heard any driver asking for 2000 tk for this little distance!"
As I kept on shouting, people started circling us, rain did not stop them from enjoying this argument . The two foreigners were bewildered by my behavior. They had no iidea about anything that was happening here neither could they understand what the hell we were talking about. The taller one must have felt a bit embarrassed by all the curious eyes surrounding us. So he decided to stop me from making a scene by grabbing my wrist.
"Umm... Miss... May be you should stop....I was just giving him.. "
That voice.... It was so familiar... Where have I heard it before?
I paused trying to remember the owner of this voice. No good. Seeing me suddenly becoming freeze the foreigner also stopped talking. I tried to turn my head around a little to see his face with the corner of my eyes. No good either . He was too tall for me. All I could see was his shoulder.
Whatever. Forget it.
He tried to grab the money from my hand but somehow realizing his move I quickly moved backwards, stomping on the taller man's foot. I think I heard a groan but I was too angry to care about that right now. I freed myself from his hand and grabbed the collars of the driver.
"What are you doing? Let go of me!! " the driver screamed at me while trying to push me away from him. I grabbed onto it even more tightly.
"Just say that again!"
The people circling around us realized that a fight was going to break out. So a few of them started pulling the driver by his waist in order to free him from me. I guess seeing that the foreigners did not want to sit back either and the pink one grabbed my waist and started pulling me back as well. Soon I had to let go of that collars but I yet continued to throw punches in the air. I was breathing heavily. I was hell angry. The people who were only standing around to see what was going on now started to gather around the driver to listen to his side of story. Two of them came to tell me something like they will handle this matter so I should relax but i hardly heard them as my blood was still boiling from the previous incident. I kept staring at the driver who was surrounded by some people.
A few minutes passed by and my mind calmed down a bit. I realized that someone was grabbing me by my waist. I wasn't happy by that sight. I slightly poked on his hand.
"Huh? Ow." saying so he let me go. Seems like he was also looking at the drivers direction that he Himself did not realize that he was holding me.
All this time i was so angry that i totally forgot about the rain.As a result, I was half soaked,so was the money in my hand. Tch.. I looked forward as I heard some footsteps towards me. I looked up and saw some people pushing the driver to me. As the driver stood before me, annoyance was clearly written all over his face, I clenched my teeth in anger by seeing his face. What happened after that was that he apologized and agreed to take only 400tk instead of 2000... It was still too much but less than what he asked for before.
"Its still a lot! " I hissed at him. He just glared at me. I ignored his glare and took 5 of the 100tk bills and turned around to face the foreigner that was standing right behind me. I didn't look up to his face , instead I took his hand and tucked rest of the money in his hand then turned to the driver and handed him 400tk while tucking a 100tk bill into my own pocket in a way so that the foreigners would not notice . The foreigners looked dumbfounded. They probably don't have any idea of what just happened. Language really is an amazing thing, I realized. The driver hurriedly left with his cab and I also quickly left the place without saying anything to the foreigners. For two reasons, one. I was getting wet and two,I might get caught.
So I sat on my seat once again ordering what I actually wanted to order because I had enough money to pay for it now. Yes, I took that 100tk to order what i wanted to.Stealing? No way! I helped them so it was my reward. finally my mind was at ease.
My hair was completly wet. In case i might catch a cold I decided to dry my hair up a bit. I took of my cap and let my hair loose. I probably look like those witches showed in the cartoons right now. I started running my fingers through my hair, a failure attempt to fix it a bit. As I was fixing my hair my eyes caught those two foreigners talking with a waiter at the front . I looked up to see what it was they were talking about but the pink one caught me peeking. Immediately he tapped on the taller one's shoulder and I slightly had an idea of what those two were asking the waiter about .
And i was right,. Did they realize that I had stolen their money? Nah... Even if they did... They wouldn't ask for it.... right? ... I mean i saved them so much....can't they offer me only this much... I quickly put my cap on, lowered my face ,pulled my phone out of my pocket and started doing something with it, acting like I haven't seen them.
"Umm.... Miss.. Can I have a word with you? " the taller one said.
Crap.. Why is this happening to me! What wrong have I ever done.
I looked up to them. They were still wearing masks and cap making it impossible to see their face. The taller one was even wearing black goggles. Who wears goggles at night?
"Yes? May i help you? " I faked an innocent smile.
"Umm... About what happened earlier... You see... "
"Ahh!!! That.. Yes! Listen I know I made a mistake, I was going to find you.. But you see I was all wet and all.. So I forgot to return it to you..." I waved my hands in the air as I said it. The foreigners stood steel probably thinking I belonged to the crazy house or they were waiting for me to return their money back to them. Taken the second one in mind, I quickly reached for my pocket and pulled out a 100tk bill. Placing it on the table I gave them a huge smile so they may buy my story.
"Here. That's all yours now"
The foreigners exchanged glances. Did I do something wrong again? As I was thinking about what I did wrong my eyes diverted to the entrance again and I saw five more tall boys, well they were at least taller than me, wearing black masks entering the restaurant. My face went pale. Why are they all wearing masks? Are they terrorists or something? I must have dug my own grave. I started praying to God. 22years,it was such a short yet beautiful life.
Five of them were looking around when one of them points at the two foreigners that were standing before me and all of them started walking towards me. I quickly put my phone in my pocket, stood up taking a stance so that I could run away quickly as soon as they pull out a gun. The five of them came and the shortest one among them put his hand around the taller guy's shoulder. Should I run or should I not.
"Umm, I dunno what this money is about miss...," the taller one spoke out.
I didn't reply. I was too busy planning my escape. What was I thinking! Stealing some terrorists money. I must have gone crazy. I promised to God that if I ever survive this journey I would never steal anything again. This was my first and my last attempt. They were saying something to me. Only a few words passed my ears. I thought I should apologize properly maybe then they might pity me and let me go. I shut my eyes to speak out as loud as I could.
I opened my eyes to see the startled strangers along all the eyes at the restaurant being focused on me. But I could care less about that right now. Because the few words they said that passed my head had freezed me totally.
"What did you just say? South Korea? Band? What?? "
My face had the blankest expression that anyone would get scared or counfused at. That was the same case for the stranger as well. I started eying them, from head to toe, I checked everything. I twitched my eye brow twice, pinched my hand. It has to be a dream.
As I was checking them out from head to toe, the shortest one in a low tone said something to the pink one in their language, Korean. I knew the voice. Of course I did.
Seven foreigners..male..... Pink tee...only the Tallest one making mask..south familiar voice..
Who else can it be.
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