10/8, morning
Believe this or not, I woke up at 3am to continue my work and check the story to see if anyone read it. Dear Mr. Fred, thanks a lot for being there for me, you just made me feel heard and mentally supported. We're both tge weirdos who love to listen to something deep down in someone's heart, and would get excited like hell when we can help them, and most important, we don't give them the cliché advices such as "try to think positively" or "suck it up", we're all the caring people and the only difference is that I wasn't as mentally strong as you. If I realize somebody doesn't need my help for some reasons I can't explain, I might end up being turned down and...get sad for no freaking reason that makes sense. Weirdo, poor pathetic teenager :((
9:19am_ I got pulled off the class to meet the school psychologist for some most boring tests which I believe to test my IQ, not lying I'm not a smartass who can calculate as fast as a computer, not a well tamed kid who can sit still for minutes to silently stick with a task, so there may be chances that I'd start to ramble some nonsense words or give you a senseless answer if you ask me whether a fish can read (this is true, the psychologist, all of a sudden, showed me a booklet in which I gotta mark if what's written is correct IN REAL LIFE or not, so this doesn't count Nemo)
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