Welcome back!
Quick note: The house above is Sapphires^^
Lol, why does First Kiss, have the most views??🤔😂
Sapphires PoV:
Right now, I'm at lunch with Ruby, Lapis, and Peridot. I have literally no idea where Amethyst and Pearl are though.
Ruby tried texting Pearl, but no response.
"...and that's why Luigi is better than Mario.", Ruby had just finished an argument with Peridot, about why Luigi is a better fighter, then Mario.
"Who do you think is better, Sapphire?", Peridot asked.
I snapped out of my thoughts. "What?"
Peridot rolled her eyes. "Never mind... Anyways, have you guys heard about Homecoming?"
Lapis squealed. "Omg, omg yes! I'm already planning, what I'm gonna wear!", she took out her phone, and showed me a picture. "This is the one I want. Or, something similar."
I smiled. "Man, it really just screams you."
She put her phone away. "Yup, that's why I want it!", she said proudly. Then she turned to Peridot. "What are you gonna wear?"
Peridot shrugged, and ate a Dorito. "Dunno, don't care."
Lapis frowned. "You have, to wear something!"
Peridot took out her phone. "How bout this? I can just put a bow tie on top."
Lapis shook her head. "No! You need to wear something fashionable, and cute!"
"What are you talking about? That is cute!", she exclaimed.
Me and Ruby laughed. Then Amethyst and Pearl, showed up. They took a seat across from me.
"Sup, dudes.", Amethyst said, as she placed down her lunch tray.
Ruby leaned in close, and squinted her eyes. "Where were you?", she asked.
Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Calm down, I was just... Studying." She shoved some Chaaaps in her mouth.
Ruby started to crack up. "Dude! You hate studying!"
Pearl took a bite of her Apple. "I was helping her. You know... Tutoring?"
I took a closer look at Pearl. "Yeah." I said. "That would explain, the huge hickey on you're neck."
She almost chocked on her Apple, as she covered it with her hand. Then we all started to laugh, except for Amethyst and Pearl.
Pearl started blush. "Damn, I didn't think you'd notice..." She then started to put on a hoodie.
"Really? That thing is huge! Man Amethyst, great job bruising her neck.", Ruby said sarcastically.
Amethyst shrugged. "What's the problem? I do it all the time. Especially at--"
Lapis stood up. "Okay! That's too much information." Just as she stood up, the bell rang.
We all stood up, and threw out our leftovers. Me and Ruby were heading to Math, when my phone vibrated.
I took it out of my pocket, and read the text.
Daddy: Can't wait, until you come home! There's a special person, waiting here...
Wait what? I reread the text. Special person? There's nobody really special in my life. Besides, my friends and Ruby.
Unless it's someone from my old school... I had a few friends like, Bismuth, Amber, and my ex-boyfriend... Agate.
Agate was someone my father introduced me too. He was a boy from church, and my father thought I might like him.
We started to hang out a lot, and he basically became my best friend. But then, he asked me out, one day. I didn't really wanna date him, but I also didn't know I was gay yet. So, I said yes, not to hurt his feelings. Also, because I knew my father wanted me to get married to a catholic man one day. And if he heard I said no, he wouldn't be pleased.
The reason we broke up, is because I had to move away here. And now that I'm dating Ruby, this won't be good. I hope it's not Agate, and it's probably Bismuth.
Throughout the day, I can't stop thinking about how Agate might be the surprise. I don't want the day to end, but it eventually does.
The bell rings, and next thing you know, Ruby is walking me to my house.
"Sapphire, are you okay?", she asks me.
"No, I'm worried. My dad told me, a special person was waiting for me at my house."
Ruby laughed. "And? That's good, right?"
I looked at her. "No! It might be my ex boyfriend, Agate!" Gosh, why did I say that?
Ruby stayed quiet for a few seconds. "What if it isn't?"
I shrugged, as we approach my driveway. "If it is him, please act normal. And just say, we're friends. Okay?"
Ruby nodded, as I knocked on my door. I heard a voice, and then footsteps. My father opened the door. He saw me, and immediately hugged me. He was a big man, with a brown mustache. And he was pretty intimidating.
"How was school, dear?", he asked in a ruff voice.
I shrugged. He noticed Ruby, and his expression changed. "Oh, who's this? A friend right?"
Ruby stuck out her hand. "Yes. I'm Ruby, Sapphires partner for a project. Nice to meet you."
He shook her hand. "My name is Robert. But you call me, Mr. Frost."
I suddenly turned angry. "Dad! She can call you, Robert!"
I turned to Ruby, and she was sweating. I patted her back for comfort. We both walked inside, and sat on the couch.
It was getting awkward, so I wanted to go to my room. "Dad, me and Ruby are going up, for out project.", I said, as I walked to the stairs.
"Oh yeah! There's somebody waiting upstairs, for you!", he exclaimed. "He's here to see you."
I felt my spine shiver, as I walked up the steps. I told Ruby to come inside with me, in case anything goes bad. I opened the door, slowly.
Inside, was Agate looking at my photos. There were pictures of me, as a child, hanging from my wall. He heard the door open, and turned around. "Sapphire!" He ran up to me, and gave me a hug. "I missed you, so much!"
I noticed Ruby was just standing there. She looked pretty, lonely. So, I pushed him away gently. "Oh... Um, hey.", I said softly.
He looked confused. "Aren't you happy to see me?", he asked.
I shrugged. "What are you doing, in town?", I asked, closing the door.
"Exciting news, I'm moving here! I'm also, going to the same school as you!", he sounded so excited. "My mother noticed how depressed I was without you, so she agreed that, we can move here!" Shame I have to tell him, I moved on. He hugged me again.
Once he was done hugging me, I started to explain. "Listen Agate, I'm really happy you're here, but I've moved--"
Then my dad opened my door. "Sapphire! Aren't you happy he's here?"
I turned to Ruby, she was looking down at her feet. "Yes... But, I--"
My father hugged me and Agate. "Oh great, I'm so happy! He can take care of you at school now, and help you study, and you can go on dates!"
I pushed them all away. "Okay! Just please, let me and Ruby work on our project!"
My father looked at Ruby. "Oh. Why don't you let, Agate help you too?"
I looked at him. I was suddenly angry now. "Fine! Whatever, just please don't be annoying."
My dad frowned. "Anyways, I can up to tell you dinners ready. Your mom isn't here yet, so I made food."
I nodded. "I'll meet you downstairs."
Agate and my dad, both went outside. I sat on my bed next to Ruby.
"Are you okay? Do you wanna talk?", I asked her.
She shrugged. "I dunno, it's just... It's kind of awkward. He's gonna be coming to our school now. So, we can't be a couple there, or your house."
I rubbed her shoulder. "It doesn't matter. We'll still, always be a couple." I kissed her cheek. "Now come on, let's go eat."
We all sat at the dinner table. Dad made mashed potatoes, with roast beef, and green beans. I wasn't really hungry, but I still ate.
"So, what is your project about, Ruby?", my father asked, as he cut the beef.
Ruby sat up. "Oh! We have to make a film, about what it's like to raise a child, as parents."
My father changed his face, to confused. "Have you started, yet?"
Ruby shook her head. "No but, I brought my camera. And Sapphire told me, she had a bunch of dolls in her room. So, once were done with dinner, we'll get started. We're both gonna be parents!"
"Well since Agate is here, maybe he can be the father, and Ruby could be the baby."
Ruby frowned. "But, me and Sapphire were gonna be the parents."
"Yes but, it makes more sense with a man." He took a bite of beef.
I stood up. "I'm finished with dinner." I was really angry now.
Agate looked up. "You hardly touched your food."
I shrugged. "I'm not hungry. Come on Ruby, let's get started." Ruby was already finished, so she took her plate to the sink. Then we both went upstairs.
Ruby sat on the floor with her camera. I looked in my closet for my old dolls. "Ruby, I'm sorry if this is wired."
She didn't answer me. I finally found a doll, and turned around. I sat on the floor next to Ruby. She turned on her camera.
"Okay, so how should we start it?", I asked her, as I played with the dolls hair.
She shrugged. I frowned, and put the doll down. "Ruby, are you mad?"
She didn't answer me again. Then she finally decided to talk. "Why can't you just tell your dad we're dating?"
"He's a homophobe! He'll kick me out, and won't allowed me to see you!"
She stood up. "At least tell him, you don't like Agate! It's not that hard!"
I stood up too. "Ruby, it's not that easy."
She was looking down at her feet. "Ruby look up.", I demanded.
She looked up, and her eyes were watering. My face immediately fell. "Ruby...", I said, as I walked toward her.
Then she kissed me on the lips. I just went along with it, and we both sat on the bed, still kissing. I had my arms around her neck, and she had her hands on my hips.
We broke apart. "I'll try to tell Agate.", I spoke softly.
Our faces were still inches apart. Then Agate came in. "Sapphire, your dad wanted me to--"
He saw us, and stopped talking. Me and Ruby both moved away, and blushed.
Ruby stood up. "Listen dude, we were just talking. And I'm just about to leave."
He nodded and shook her hand. "Don't worry. It's okay."
Ruby grabbed her bag, and camera. Then she turned around and waved bye to us. "Text me, Sapphy.", she said, before walking out.
Agate closed the door, and sat on the bed, next to me. "So...", he spoke softly. "You don't seem rally happy, to see me."
I took a deep breath. "Listen, I know you moved to Beach City, just so we can be together, but I've moved on, and met other people. You need to move on too. It's been three weeks!"
He suddenly turned angry. "How can I move on, when you were my first girlfriend! I moved here just for you, and your telling me to move on?!", he yelled.
"I know you want us to be together, I really do, but I'm seeing someone else."
"Who?! Is it that girl?! Ruby! You moved on so quick!"
I felt my cheeks get red. I stood up, and faced him. He was a little taller than me. "That's none of your business!", I yelled back.
I suddenly felt a slap across my face. "Don't you yell at me! We're going to be a couple, and your gonna like it! So sit back, and enjoy the ride!"
I couldn't believe he slapped me. Yes, jealousy can get to people. But, he always seemed so nice. "I'm going home, and I don't wanna see that Ruby girl, again. Got it?!", he yelled.
I nodded my head. He grabbed his stuff, and walked out my door, slamming it shut.
I sat on my bed, and began to cry.
Notes: I'm sorry, if that was too much. New chapter coming later. Anyways....
A new episode of Steven Universe, was released early in Canada. It's called Beta, and the Lapidot is real!!! 💚💙
It's on YouTube, so if you wanna watch it, and you ship Lapidot, get ready to fangirl a lot. It is the most cutest episode so far, besides Hit the diamond.
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