Towel streaker
Notes: The bathroom above is Ruby's. This chapter is just a fun one. So enjoy!
Ruby's PoV:
Right now, I was sitting in the bathtub, naked. It's been at least twenty minutes, and I'm freezing. It's been awfully quiet in my room.
I'm curious, so I stand up, and peek out the door. Nobody is there. So I've been in here, for twenty minutes, hiding for no reason?!?
I spot my towel on the top bunk. I quickly look again, and then I run outside. I grab the towel, and put it around me. I look in dressing drawers, and none of my clothes is in there. The cuts, from Jasper are starting to sting. I need my clothes! I recheck the wardrobe, and still nothing. I run to my closet, and no clothes in there either.
Then I hear cheering from outside my window. I open it, and stick my head out, I see everybody on my driveway. Amethyst is holding a trash bag. I'm guessing my clothes are in there.
"Hey Rubyyyyy. You want your clothes back?", Amethyst held up the bag, and wiggled it.
"Yes!! Give it to me!", I yelled. I probably woke up, half the neighborhood. I cringed a little, as my voice echoed.
"You gotta come down, and get it.", Lapis tuned in.
I look down at myself. I'm in a towel! I stick my head back out. "No way! Are you insane?!"
Amethyst shrugged. "Oh well, I guess you can't get your clothes back." She motioned her hands to them. "Come on guys, let's go home."
They all began to walk away, with my clothes. "Wait!! Come back!!", I screamed.
Amethyst slowly turned around. She was smiling evilly. "Yes?"
I sighed, and closed my eyes. "I'm coming down, wait for me."
I heard them all cheer, as I walked to my door. When I went down the stairs, my mom was holding the front door open for me. "What the hell mom? Your in this too?!"
She shrugged. "Watch the words. And hey, learn how to live a little. What's the word-- oh yeah! Y.O.L.O!", she snapped her fingers.
I mentally face palmed myself. How did my friends, get my own mother, to play a prank on me? I walked outside, the humidity immediately hit me. Now I feel sticky. I'm probably gonna need another shower, great.
They all started to laugh historically. My face turned hot red.
When Sapphire saw me, I saw a blush spread on her face. Yah, she's totally in to me.
"Okay, I'm outside now. Can I get my clothes?", I ask.
Amethyst finished laughing. "You gotta come down the steps, and get it, silly."
I turned to my mom, who had a camera recording. "Mom! Tell them, to gimme my clothes!", I whined.
She shook her head. "Go get it."
I growled, and stomped my foot. "Ugh! I hate all of you guys!" I slowly walked down the steps. The sidewalk was kinda hot, so my feet burned. I walked towards Amethyst, and pulled out my hand. "Give it to me."
Amethyst was about to give it to me, but then she threw it to Pearl. Then Pearl, gave it to Lapis who ran to the end of the street, and then she threw it over a fence.
I snapped my neck to Amethyst, and I pushed her. "Dude, what the hell?!", I shouted.
Everybody laughed, including my mom and Sapphire. I flushed. Amethyst shrugged her shoulders. "Now you gotta get it, over there." She pointed to the end of the street.
Then Peridot and Pearl grabbed my arms. "What are you guys doing?!"
"Take off the towel.", Amethyst demanded.
I blushed madly. "Dude..." I whispered. "Not here!"
She crossed her arms. "Then you can't get your clothes, and then you'll have to sleep naked."
"Fine! Just let go of me! You're hurting my cuts!" They immediately let go of my arms.
Amethyst walked closer to me, and pulled out her arms. "Towel."
I growled, and slowly began to take it off. Then I stopped. "Can I just pay you, to get my clothes back?!?"
Amethyst shook her head. My mom walked closer to me, camera in my face. "Stop recording me!!", I yelled.
She ignored me and kept streaming. I sighed. "This better not go viral." I took off the towel slowly. "Please, look away."
Everybody looked down, except my mom. She kept recording me. I took off the towel, and threw it on the sidewalk. Everybody started to laugh, madly.
I looked down the street. The bag seemed so far away! I began to run, down the street. I heard extremely loud laughter from behind me. But, I ignored them.
I ran, and ran. I was out of breath, so I stopped for a few seconds, to catch my breath. Then I continued to run.
Once I was at the end of the street, I looked at the fence, light beamed out there house windows. People who lived in that house, were still awake. That meant I had to be extra careful, jumping there fence. Or I would be caught naked.They would probably call the police.
I carefully jumped, over the fence. I grabbed the trash bag, and I threw it over. I was about to jump, but then I head footsteps. Omg, omg!! I had nowhere to go, so I panicked, and jumped inside of a bush.
I heard the door open, and footsteps walk outside. I peeked through the bush. A man opened the fence gate, and picked up the trash bag with my clothes.
"Damn raccoons, getting in the trash.", he mumbled to himself.
Wait, what? He opened the trash bag, and there was no clothes in there. Just garbage. Are you freaking kidding me?!!? They tricked me! They had my clothes all along, and I ran down the street, naked, for no reason!!!
Then he closed the bag, and threw it down. He opened the gate, and came back inside. "Honey, can you pass me my shotgun? I think there's raccoons out here!", he shouted.
I suddenly panicked, and I jumped out the bush.
"What the hell?!"
I ignored him, and tried to jump the fence. Once I was over, I began to run. I turned around, and saw my headband on the floor. Come on, that's my lucky one. I ran back, to get it. The man rushed back inside the house, then he came back out with a shotgun. I grabbed my headband, and continued to run.
"Get back here!!", he shouted.
I ignored him, and then I heard a bang. I ran all the way back to my house. Everybody was inside. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.
I banged on the door. "Guys, lemme in!! I'm gonna get caught!"
No answer. I growled, and I ran to the back of the house. I tried the back door. Locked. There was a ladder, that lead to my bedroom window. I use it to sneak out sometimes. I began to quickly, climb it. But I was also being very careful, because it was not secured enough.
Once I was at the top, I opened the window, and climbed inside. I was literally sweating. The lights were off, so I couldn't see anything. Then I closed the window, and sat on the floor.
So far, this had been the worst sleepover ever. I just sat there, taking deep breaths. Then I heard my door open. I began to scatter around everywhere. I even knocked down, some stuff on my shelf.
"Calm down, it's just me.", a voice said.
The lights turned on, and there I was. Butt naked. I didn't even see who it was, but I ran in the bathroom. I locked the door, and jumped in the bathtub.
I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?", I yelled.
"It's me, Sapphire. I have your towel."
I sat up. "How do I know, if your lying?"
I heard a groan. "Do you want your towel, or not?"
I ran out the tub. Then I opened the door, a little. Sapphire was standing there, she had my red towel in her hand. I noticed in her other hand, she had some clothes.
I took the towel from her, and closed the door. Once I had it on, I went outside. "Thanks.", I mumbled.
"Listen Ruby, what they did was mean. So, when they weren't looking, I snuck some of your clothes."
"Where are they?", I asked.
"In the living room, eating ice cream."
I took the clothes from her, and dropped my towel.
She shut her eyes quickly, and blushed crazily. "What the hell? Go in your bathroom!", she yelled.
I laughed. "Now you know how it feels, when you did it to me."
She laughed too. "Okay, okay you got me there... Are you finished?"
She opened her eyes. "Good."
I sat on my bed.
"I've been meaning to talk to you...", she said slowly. "How come you didn't text me?"
I smiled. "Remember when I dropped my phone, trying to save you? It had to get repaired."
She looked down, embarrassed. "Oh. I just thought you were avoiding me. But-- Well, what are we know?"
Wow, shes totally right. I haven't even thought about what we are. "Um... What do you wanna us to be?", I asked.
"I dunno, I just thought we were... You know... Dating?"
"Do you wanna date?", I asked quietly.
She blushed. It was quiet for a few minutes. "... Yeah... But, I can't tell my dad!"
I stood up. "Okay! So it's our secret!" I rushed up to her, and I have her a big hug.
She froze, but then gave me a hug back. It was kind of awkward though.
"Okay...your kind of squishing me now...", she said between gasps.
I quickly let go. "Oh, sorry..."
We just stared at each other, awkwardly. Her one eye that was showing, was shining.
"You're so... Beautiful...", I leaned in close, and--
The door slammed open, and Amethyst stood there. She was holding a giant, wooden spoon. And, her face was covered in chocolate, and sprinkles. "Yo, you want some ice cream? There's only--"
Me and Sapphire both moved away from each other. I saw she was blushing.
"Agh! Thanks Amethyst, you ruined my game!", I yelled.
She started to hop around, like a bunny. "Omg, omg! You guys, totally were about to kiss!!"
I blushed. "Yeah! And you totally, just barged in. Doesn't anyone read my sign?! It says 'Knock First', did I put that sign up there, for no reason?! I drove to the dollar store, bought that sign for $12, then I--"
"Okay, I get it! I'm sorry, dude!", Amethyst put her hands up. "So, are you guys a thing?"
We both blushed. I rubbed my neck. "Well, I um... We... I have--"
Sapphire grabbed my hand, and held it up. "Yes, we are. But, you can't tell. Anyone!"
Amethyst nodded, and pretended to zip her lips. "My lips, are sealed. Anyways, do you guys want ice cream, or not?"
I nodded my head, and we all went downstairs.
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