Too many
Note: Sorry guys, I couldn't find the perfect picture of the car, I described in the last chapter. I just chooses this one.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this. ❤️ ^U^ ❤️
Ruby's PoV:
I rub Lapis's back, as she sobs in her hands. "It's okay dude. You're parents won't find out.", I insure her.
She looks up at me, mascara running down her face. "What the hell are you talking about?! Of course there gonna find out!!", she yells.
I slowly scoot away from her.
We were all sitting at the bus top, to go to an auto repair . Until, she started to cry, because she thought her parents will kick her out of the house. Btw, someone broke all the glass, so we had to clean the bench , before sitting down. It was probably a drunk person, from the Diamonds party.
"They said, if I make do one more screw up, they will kick me out!", she sobbed.
Peridot takes a sip of Mountain Dew. Then she pats Lapis's hair. "If they kick you out, you can stay with me."
Lapis looked up at her. "Really?"
Peridot nodded. " Yup, you can stay with me, as long as you need too. And maybe after we graduate, we can rent and apartment. Who knows?"
Lapis shows Peridot a weak smile. Peridot smiles back.
"I'm sorry, Lapis. This all my fault.", Sapphire says. "I should have never came...I knew they were going to try to do something to me, yet I still came. I'm such a loser--"
I snap my attention towards her. "Woah, woah, woah!" I wave my hands in the air.
"Sapphire, this is not you're fault. All those kids are stupid. You are not a loser, you are amazing, kind, and... Beautiful...", I start to blush. "And if those kids can't except you for who you are, then there all mentally retarded!"
Sapphire blushes. She grabs my hand. "Thank you, Ruby." We look at each other for a few seconds. I lean in, and--
"Hey, you too! Back to earth, please...", Peridot tuned in.
I turn back to reality, and I stand up. "Oh yeah...I'm gonna go take a walk."
Peridot stood up. "Well, I don't think the bus will come, so let's just walk to the auto repair."
They all stood up, and we began to walk. It was pretty awkward, so I tried to make it a little more comfortable. "So, where you're uncles 'Twenty-Four hour Auto Repair Shop', Peridot?", I wave two fingers in the air.
"Hey! It is open twenty four hours, and I think it's ten blocks away from here."
I groan, super loud. "Do I have to go?"
"Well, I suppose it is two am in the morning, so you can go home if you want.", Peridot said.
Sapphire stopped walking. "I think I should go home too, I'm really tired."
This is great! It's a prefect opportunity, to get to know Sapphire more. "I can... Walk you home, if you want.", I say quietly.
Sapphire thought for a moment. "I don't know..." My heart just shattered. "Maybe, I can stay at your place. I live pretty far away. But, only for the night! I promise, I'll be on my way in the morning."
My heart just regenerated! Another perfect opportunity. "Great! I mean-- *cough* yeah, that's cool...", I sounded like a complete idiot. Why am I so stupid? Why am I so stupid? Why am I so--
Sapphire laughed. "You're so funny, Ruby!"
Peridot put her arm on Lapis's shoulders, to help her walk. She was still drunk. "Well, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow.", Peridot waved. "Bye clods."
Me and Sapphire began to walk. "So....", I said. "Umm... Where do you live?"
Sapphire looked confused. "I thought you were taking me to your place."
"I know, I just wanna clarify how far away you live from my house."
She straightened her back. "Oh! I live..." She took out her iPhone. "I think it's... Right across that Boardwalk, near the school. I'm not 100% sure though. I just know it's near the boardwalk."
We walked into a dark ally. "My house is like three blocks away, this is a shortcut." I turned to Sapphire, she looked scared. "Do-do you wanna... Hold my hand?" I offered my hand to her.
She nodded, and held it. We both moved closer to each other. "Are you sure, this is a short cut?", she asked.
"Yeah, I walk here all the time."
Right when we passed the deli, a man who looked drunk, came out. He's that homeless guy, who is always in this neighborhood. I think his name is... Marty? I'm not sure though. He was holding an empty beer can.
He noticed me and Sapphire. I held her hand tight. "Don't worry." I whispered, "Just keep walking..."
Sapphire nodded. We both walked faster.
I heard a 'Hey!' Behind us, but we kept walking. Just ignore him.
"Hey!", he called out again. He was really getting on my nerves.
I stopped walking, and turned around. Sapphire linked her arm with mines. She whispered, "Ruby, let's go..."
I ignored her. "The hell do you want?!", I yelled.
He walked up to us. I had my phone in my hand, just in case I needed to dial 911.
(Warning: Offensive Language)
"What to do you want?", I said in a stern voice.
"Y'all lesbians got any cigarettes?", he asked us. His breath smelled like, cheap liquor.
I felt a blush across my face spread. "First of all: I'm not gay. Second of all: I don't smoke. Third of all: I can--"
Sapphire let go of my hand. "Wait, your not gay?", she sounded a little hurt.
"No, no I am, but I-- I mean...", I couldn't stop stuttering. "I- I mean, we're not--"
"Do y'all got cigarettes, or not?!", he yelled.
I turned to him. "Listen you creepy old man, go away, I don't have cigarettes. I just said that, already!"
He put his hand on my shoulder, and stroked my cheek.
"Sweetie, there's no need to yell.", he said calmly.
I grabbed Sapphires hand, and slapped his off. "Don't touch me! I'll sue you for harassment! I'll put a restraining order on you! My uncles a lawyer!", I yelled. "Come on, Sapphire. We're leaving."
I pulled Sapphire, and she followed behind me.
We were walking fast. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I was about to press 'call' but, I felt Sapphire getting pulled away.
"Agh! Ruby!", she called out.
I dropped my phone, I could hear it shatter, but I didn't care.
I pulled Sapphires arm. The hobo was pulling her other arm.
"Let go of her!!", I screeched. "I'll call the police!!"
The hobo kept pulling her. "There's too many of you gays in our country! Y'all need a real man!"
Sapphire looked terrified. "You guys are gonna, rip me apart!!", she screamed.
"Help!!", I yelled as loud as I can, "Somebody help!"
I finally pulled Sapphire to my side, after he lost his grip. Right when he let go, he stumbled backwards.
I ran up to him, and kicked him in the knees. He fell to the sidewalk, backwards. When he was laying on the floor. I kicked him.
"Ahh!! Stop it! Stop!", he begged.
I kept kicking him, I felt tears pour down my face. "You... Stupid... Ass! Don't ever touch me, or her!!"
I heard him sobbing , but I still kicked him. I leaned down, and started to smack him, while still kicking him. I would have continued, but Sapphire pulled me away.
"That's enough! Calm down, Ruby. I'm okay..."
I plopped down on the floor, and started to cry. Sapphire sat down next to me, and stroked my back, gently.
This felt so nice, and comforting. I never want this to end.
"I'm-- I'm sorry, I just..."
"Shh, it's okay. I understand.", she whispered.
Then an employee from the deli, ran outside. He saw us, and rushed to us.
"Are you okay?! I heard screaming, and I came as fast as I could! What happened?"
Sapphire stood up. "It's nothing really, this man is just drunk. He tried to attack us."
The man gasped, and took out his phone. "Do you want me to call the police?! You can press charges, if you want to..."
Sapphire stopped him. "No thanks, my friend just beat him up. We just wanna go home, and sleep."
Ouch, I was just friend zoned. That really hurts.
The man looked confused. "Are you sure? I would call the police if I were you."
Sapphire shook her head. "No thanks. I think he learned his lesson..."
I stood up covering my face. "Thank you sir, but we're gonna go now." I took Sapphires hand, and we began to walk away.
*Magical time skip~*
Sapphires PoV:
Ruby held my hand all the way, to her house. We didn't say one word to each other, so everything was awkward.
Ruby's parents weren't home, so we had the whole place to ourselves. Ruby took me to her bedroom.
It was the type of room, that screamed out 'I'm not feminine!!'
That's what I like about Ruby. It had a basketball court, design on the floor. A mini hoop, to practice shooting, a bookshelf with action figures, and trophies. Of course no books. And a area with a punchbag?
And thank god, she had bunk beds.
She looked in her wardrobe, and pulled out grey sweatpants, and a blue tank top, that said 'ice ice baby'
I grinned. ''I think I have that shirt.", I chuckled.
She tossed it to me. "Yeah, it kind of matches you're personality."
I catch it. "Umm thanks?" I begin to take off my shirt.
Ruby notices me, and her face immediately turns pink. "Woah, what are you doing?!?"
I look confused. "Putting on the shirt?"
"Not here! In my bathroom!" She points to a door behind her, that said 'knock first.'
I frown, and put my hands on my hip. "What's the matter? We're both girls, right?"
She sweats. "Yea, but don't you want privacy?"
I continue to take my shirt off. "You know, you can just...look away.", I toss my shirt on the floor.
She blushes, and turns away quickly. I smirk.
"You didn't give me the pants, silly."
Ruby covers her eyes, and shuffles towards me. I reach my hand out, and grab it.
"Thanks, Hun."
Hun? Really?! Ruby nods, and shuffles away.
I take off my pants, and put on the sweats. Then I put the tank top on. I turn around, and Ruby is staring at me, face hot red.
I smile evilly. "Like what you see?", I laugh.
She quickly looks down, and grabs her clothes. "I'm gonna change in my bathroom!" Then she runs inside, slamming the door.
I walk to her bookshelf. I see a picture of young Ruby and a man, with a brown mustache. There both playing baseball, and they look so young, and happy.
I grab the picture, and smile. She looks so cute. I-- I mean adorable!
Then I hear the bathroom door open. Ruby comes out wearing a black shirt, and boy shorts. She walks towards me.
"That's my dad, he died when I was younger.", she takes the frame, and sets it back in the shelf.
I put my hand on Ruby's shoulder. "Ruby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."
She stays silent for a minute. Then she shakes off my hand. "Nah, don't worry about it. I barley think about him. It's just... I miss him."
I don't know how to respond, so I just pat her back. She snaps back up. "Anywho, you an have the bottom bunk, if you want."
I look at the bunk beds. "Do you have a sibling, or roommate?"
"Nah, I only have a bunk bed because, this is basically Amethyst's second house. She's always sleeping over. Plus, I just like having two beds.", she jumps on her mini trampoline.
"Oh. Okay then." I walk over to the beds. "You and Amethyst are pretty close, right?"
She jumps off the trampoline, and turns off the lights. "She's like my sister. I've always wanted one. I can tell her anything, and she will understand."
I tuck myself in the bed. "How bout, Jasper?"
Ruby frowns. "Jasper is a huge b****, excuse my language, but I only hang out with her, because she's Amethyst's friend. Also because, jocks hang out with jocks. You understand, right?"
"Yeah, I understand.", I lie. Why can't Jocks hang out with nerds? I don't even know, why Ruby is hanging out with me.
Ruby climbs the ladder, and tucks herself in. "Sorry, for what happened tonite. This was supposed to be fun."
I sigh. "It's okay, it's not neither of our faults. Hey, what time is it?", I ask.
"I think it's like, three am.", she yawns.
"Do you still wanna go to school, tomorrow?"
"No, I think we should sleep in. Anyways, good night."
I yawn, "Good night, or good morning?"
Ruby laughs. "Just go to sleep."
Notes: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I took a while, but it was worth it. I apologize for the strong language, but it wasn't a lot. Right? Anyways, next chapter coming later. ❤️
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