The new girl
Notes: The school above is how I imagine there school would look like. ^^
Please note that all characters belong to Rebecca Sugar, and Cartoon Network.
This is my first fanfiction btw. I would put a picture up, in every chapter.
Enjoy! ❤️
Sapphires PoV:
I look down at the slip that Ms. Diamond gave me. It's supposed to tell me what class I'm supposed to be in.
'Room 111- History'
I look at the sign above the door. Yup, this is the right classroom. I can't believe it's already third period.
I shove the slip in my back pocket, and I take out a note that my mom gave me.
Then I place my hand on the knob. For some reason, I stop. I remembered how I got bullied in my old school. I'm already late to class, so I guess I can probably skip this period. I just feel very sick and nervous.
I turn around to see my best friend, Lapis Lazuli behind me. I've known her since we were little kids. But she had to move away, due to a new job her father got. Then when I told her I needed to switch schools, she convinced me to come here.
She's holding hands with a nerdy figure. I'm assuming that's her girlfriend, the school nerd, Peridot. Well, that's what I heard, from her. She always talking about her.
"Where are you going?", she asks, blowing a bubble of gum.
I love her motherly figure. But, she's always worried for me. She knows that I had to leave my old school, for being bullied a lot. I only moved here two weeks ago, and this is my first day at Diamond High. I got here late, because I wasn't used to the new schedule.
I rush up to her, "I can't go in there! I'm too scared...", I play around with my fingers, to avoid contact.
"Wanna ditch this class?", she points behind her.
I scratch the back of my head. Well that's what I was going to do anyway, so I guess I'll just go ahead. I nod, in response.
"Okay, but first I'm going to walk Peri, to her calculus class.", she then raises Peridots hand. They make a cute couple. But I just can't imagine, a nerd like Peridot, with a bad girl Lapis.
I smile softly to not be rude, "Hey. Lapis talks about you often, on the phone with me."
I'm guessing she's shy, because she doesn't respond, she just nods her head, slowly.
I turn around, and we all began to walk away. We're all silent though.
We stop in front of a metal door. It's says 'Room 123' on a sign above it. I guess, I know where calculus is now.
Lapis said bye, and Peridot goes inside. She's early though, so the teacher isn't even there yet. I glance inside the room and teens are yelling, and throwing things, blasting there music, and using phones. Typical.
I see a girl sitting in the corner, using her phone. She's surrounded by a big, buff girl, and a small purple girl. I assume there the jocks of the school. She has brown curly hair, with a red headband. She's also wearing a red hoodie, with ripped jeans. 'Hot'
Lapis laughs out loud, "Haha!! What did you say?!", she snorts.
I turn around, and blush madly. Did I just say that out loud?! This is so embarrassing...
"I, um--"
Then a teacher comes running down the hall, I guess he heard all the commotion. He runs right pass me and Lapis and
slams open the door.
"What's going on in here?!", he yells.
All the kids, stop. Deathly silent. Not one of them dared to move. I'm guessing he's a strict teacher.
I want to continue watching, but Lapis pulls me away.
"Come on!", she says, as she pulls my arm.
She takes me into the girls bathroom. I sit on top of a sink, and she sits on the floor.
"I'm so happy! It's been years since I've seen you.", she claps her hands together. "So, how has things been?"
"It's good.", I say silently.
"Come on, it's been forever and you still haven't changed! So do you have a girlfriend?"
I blush crazily, "Wh-- no..."
"So, I saw you checking out that jock. Her names Ruby. You like her?"
Huh. So that's her name, Ruby. Cute. No! I need to stop thinking like that. "Umm, no I just thought..."
She pulls out something from her pocket, and throws her gum on the floor. "You want one?" She holds out her hand to me.
I look closely, and see she's holding a cigarette! Since when has she been smoking?!
"Lapis! Where did you get this?", I take the cigarette from her, and examine it.
"I might know some people.", she takes out a lighter and another cigarette, and lights it up. Then she offers me the lighter, but I shake my head.
"Umm, are you even allowed to do that in here?", I ask, pointing to the cigarette she was smoking.
She puffs on the cigarette, "No. But who cares?" Typical Lapis. I put the cigarette in my pocket. Hey, who knows if I might need it later.
We just sit there for a while, catching up on things. Only two girls came in, but they were friends of Lapis, so they didn't snitch on us, for ditching and smoking.
But then the school bell rang, aw great.
Lapis stood up, and flushed the cigarette down a toilet. Then she gathered her things together. So did I.
"So, where you going next?", she asks as she opens the door, for me.
I take out my schedule.
"Umm, health.", I say.
"That sucks, I have study hall.", she moans.
"Bummer." This is just great. She was my protection, and now I'm on my own.
"You're class, is right across history, but let me give you some advice. Do NOT go near the popular kids. They will rip you apart, eat you, spit you out, and then eat you again. Sit in the back of the classroom. And if anybody makes fun of you, ignore them. Don't let it get out of control. Got it?", she sounds very serious.
I'm confused, but I still nod my head. I guess that means I can't talk to that, Ruby girl. I'm about to walk away, but she grabs my shoulder.
"If anybody wants to start something, let me know. I will personally break every bone in there body.", she clinches a closed fist to her face.
"Come on, Lapis.", I laugh. "How many times have you've been suspended?"
"Only two times, but I'm being serious. Anyways, I'll pick you up, to show you where the lunchroom is.", she gives me a hug, and then she walks to study hall.
Then a bunch of kids pour out into the hallways. They shove me, and push me. This is going to be a longggg day.
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