Big Donut
NOTE, PLEASE READ: The last sentence, in my last chapter was just a mistake. Sorry if I made you worry! And sorry for not updating a lot, I had 1000 words and Wattpad FREAKING RESTARTED MY WHOLE CHAPTER!!!
JAIFAJYDJAKJFNKAUANSNVFKGISVSH! Sorry I'm really upset. I also started watching anime now, so I'm really hooked.( also I'm REALLY freaking lazy... :P)
Rubys PoV: Did you read the disclaimer? :p
"Alright Jasper, Rose is on her way.", I insured her.
Jasper nodded, and took a big sip of water. We were all in the kitchen, sitting at the table. Steven and Connie were on my couch, watching tv.
"Wh-what is she gonna do to my nose?", Jasper stuttered.
I shrugged. "Maybe, she'll just stitch it up. Who knows?"
I saw Jasper shudder. "No thanks, I'm gonna leave." She began to stand up.
Sapphire grabbed her arm, before she could she could fully stand up. "No Jasper! It will get infected!"
Jasper grunted, and sat back down. "Fine.", she growled. She sat back down, and then gazed at me. "Yo Rubes, why do you have the scarf around your neck?"
I blushed. "I'm... —Cold!" I glared at Sapphire, who was silently laughing. Just then, the doorbell rang. "I'll get that.", I said trying to change the subject.
I walked to the front door, and opened it. There was Rose, Amethyst, and Pearl. Rose had a medical aid kit in her left hand.
"Hey guys.", I greeted.
Rose smiled, and walked in, Pearl right behind her. Amethyst walked behind me. "So, had fun at Pearls house?", I evilly smirked.
Amethyst blushed a dark purple. "Shut up dude! At least I get some!"
"Whatever.", I mumbled. I walked to the kitchen. Rose had her medical kit set up on the table. There were everything you'd expect to be in a medical kit, except for a hammer and nails.
Rose put hand sanitizer on, and then some rubber gloves. Set took the flashlight Pearl handed her, and started flashing it in Jaspers face. Jasper squinted. "Ugh—"
"Hmm...", Rose hummed as she examined her nose from every angle.
"What are you gonna do?", Pearl asked.
Rose turned off the flashlight. Jasper nodded aggressively. "Yeah, what are you gonna do to my precious face?!"
"Well, I'm gonna give you a few stitches, and then cover it with a bandage. May I ask, how this happened?"
Jasper hesitated to say something. "I-I... um ...I fell."
Rose lifted an eyebrow. "Is that all?"
Jasper nodded, and I glared at her. "Jasper, tell her the whole story!", I demanded.
Jasper sighed and looked down. "Fine... I slammed until a pole, while running from thugs."
Amethyst bursted into hysterical laugher. "AHAHAHAH OMGGGGG!!" Pearl shoved Amethyst. Amethyst didn't stop laughing. "What?! She slammed into a freaking pole!! Now tell me that's not funny."
"Do you remember what they looked like?", Sapphire asked.
Jasper shook her head. "No... But there were three of them, and they were like maybe Hispanic? I can tell because my mother has the same Mexican accent."
"Well than, I'm gonna disinfect your nose, and then some stitches." Rose handed Pearl some rubber gloves. "You can help, Pearl." Then she turned her attention towards Steven and Connie, who were watching tv on my couch.
"Umm... Girls, can you take Steven and Connie to the Big Donut?"
I nodded. "Come on guys." I grabbed my wallet and car keys, and walked to the front door.
Steven and Connie hooped off the couch. "Yay! Cookie Cats!", Steven happily exclaimed.
Sapphire stood up from the chair, and grabbed her phone. Amethyst walked out the door, with Steven and Connie behind her. I took one more glance at Rose, she gave me a weak smile and a nod. "After donuts, maybe you can take them to a book store, or a bubble tea shop? I heard those are great... Anyways, thank you so much, Ruby. After Jaspers stitches, I would like her to rest."
I nodded. "Sure." I smiled before walking out.
"Everybody got there seat belts on?", I asked, as I clicked mines on.
"Yup!", Steven exclaimed from the back seat.
I turned around to make sure. Connie had hers on, and she was reading a book. Steven had his on, and he was smiling at me. And of course, Amethyst didn't have hers on. I frowned. "Amethyst, put your seatbelt on!"
"Nah I'm just not feeling it..." She put her hands behind her head.
"Fine. If we get in a crash and you die, I won't feel that bad." I backed out of the driveway, and went on the street. Then I started to drive.
Amethyst and Steven were talking in the back, and Sapphire was using her phone. "Hey um..., Sapphie?"
She looked up from her screen. "Yea, Ruby?"
"Umm... After this, wanna get some bubble tea, or go to the book store? Rose told me it was really good. And I've been to Beach City's library a couple of times , it's a few blocks away. They kicked me out once though, cause me and Jasper were smoking in the back. But that's besides the point——"
"Omg! Of course I would! I've been to the bookstore a million times, and I love to read all the poetry books. I especially love the Harry Potter series, and Percy Jackson, and Maze Runner, and-- Oh! Can I show you some books when we get there? I mean there's probably comics if you wanna read something else, but I just really wanna show you! And I love bubble tea, I used to drink it all the time with my--", She paused for a second, and changed to a frown.
"With your who?", I asked.
She looked out the window and mumbled something.
"With my dad!", she repeated. "with my stupid dad..."
I flushed. Man, she's probably in a bad mood now. ", sorry."
She softly smiled. "Eh it's okay. I'm just happy we'll be able to forget about this, when we go camping later. Sorry, I probably sounded like a huge nerd."
I smiled too. "No it's okay, that was really cute."
"Yo Rubes, you heard Lars and Sadie are back together?!", Amethyst shouted from behind me. "Sadie literally just posted a new picture of them!"
I groaned. Lars and Sadie are always breaking up, and then getting back together. Sadie is just too gullible and just plain stupid. Lars has cheated on her so many times with Jenny. She's the owner of Fish Stews Pizzas daughter, and she's a freshman at school. Then Lars will come begging Sadie to take him back, and of course she would forgive him.
"Of course they are, watch them break up again. How many times had it been again? Oh yeah-- four times! I swear they need couples therapy."
"Yeah... Anyways you brought your wallet right? Cause I'm hungryyyy!", Amethyst groaned as she rubbed her stomach.
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Amethyst. But please only get one thing. You are getting one thing, right? Cause I'm buying."
"I can't make that a promise, but I guess I can try.", she replied.
I groaned loudly. Then I turned on the radio since it was getting quiet.
"I can't help it if I make a scene
Stepping out of my hot pink limousine
I'm turning heads and I'm stopping traffic
When I point they look, and when I joke they laugh..."
"Ew, Ruby. You actually listen to this garbage?", Amethyst asked like she was disgusted.
I nodded to the beat, and tapped the steering wheel. "Yup, you got a problem, chump?"
"I got a pair of eyes that there getting lost in.
There hypnotized by the way I'm walking
I got them dazzled like a stage magician
When I pose they scream, and when I talk they listen..."
I sang along, and Amethyst was laughing in the back. Then Steven started to sing too. And then Sapphire, and then Connie.
We all sang in harmony, while Amethyst stared at us. "WELL, EVERYBODY NEEDS A FRIEND. AND I GOT YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU. SO MANY, I CANT EVEN NAME THEM. CAN YOU BLAME ME, IM TOO FAMOUS.", all four of us sang.
"Ughhhhh! Turn it off, or shut up! Pick one!"
Before I knew it, we were right in the Big Donuts parking lot.
"So... We're here.", I softly said.
Sapphire unbuckled her seatbelt, and opened the door. I unbuckled mines too, and took the keys.
Amethyst came out after, Steven and Connie did. "This was the worst car trip ever. Just so you know."
I shrugged. "This was the best one yet."
I held Stevens and Connie's hand, as we walked inside.
Sapphires PoV:
The first thing noticed when we got inside, was Lapis.
She was drinking coffee, and talking to Sadie.
When she heard the door close, she looked in my direction. "OH, HEY BESTIEE!", she waved.
She ran up to me, and hugged me. (More like squeezed me until I couldn't breathe.)
"Uh... L-Lapis..."
She let go. "Oh heh, sorry bout that. Anyways, how's things? Did you tell Ruby that--"
I put my hand over her mouth. "Dude, shut upppp...", I whispered yelled.
I looked at Ruby, who was at the counter talking to Sadie.
Lapis smirked. "Ohhh... She playing hard to get, or what?"
I shook my head. "No, we're kind of um... dating now."
Lapis did a high pitched squeal. I swear, dogs probably heard that from miles away. "I mean I already knew-it was pretty obvious- but still!"
Ruby turned around, and looked at us. I blushed, and glared at Lapis. "Lapis, stop squealing!"
"Okay, okay I'm sorry. Now tell me all about it!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back room.
I sat down on the mini table in the middle of the room. "So, tell me everything. Tell me like... right now. Right now, right here."
I nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay..."
Ruby's PoV:
Sadie handed me a bag and a box with donuts.
"Haha, thanks."
"No problem, Ruby. It's on the house. Tell Rose I said hey."
I nodded. Steven and Connie ran up to me.
"Did you get it?", Steven happily asked.
I checked in the bag. "Uh, yeah." I took out a cookie cat, and handed it to Steven.
"Yeah, cookie cat! Thanks, Ruby."
I shrugged. "You should thank Sadie. She gave it to us for free."
Steven ripped off the wrapper and took a bite of the cats ear. "Mmmmm."
I turned to Connie. "Here, Connie. I didn't know what you would want, so Sadie just put in a chocolate donut." I took out the bag with a napkin, and gave it to her.
She took it from my hands. "I don't usually eat this stuff, due to the incredible amount of fat and sugar, but what the heck?" She took a bite and walked off with Steven.
Then Amethyst came to me. "So bruh, what'd I get?"
I took out two strawberry frosted donuts. "Here."
She licked her lips, then grabbed it from my hands. "Oh my yes!" In a blink of an eye, she was already finished with the first one.
I looked back in the bag to see what we had left. Two donuts for me and Sapphire. Great! I clutched the bag in the my right hand. "Come on guys, in the car."
"What about Sapphire?", Amethyst said with a stuffed mouth.
"We'll wait for her to come out."
I tapped on the steering wheel, while using my phone. Ugh, when would she come out. The second I asked that, the Big Donuts door slammed open with Sapphire and Lapis walking towards the car.
I rolled down the window. "Lapis, where y'a heading? Need a ride?"
Lapis shook her head. "If you don't mind, Sapphire invited me to the bookstore with you guys."
I nodded. "Sure."
Sapphire sat next to me and Lapis went to the back with the others. "Okay, the bookshop is not that far.", I said. I started to drive near the boardwalk. Ten minutes went by quickly.
"Sooooo, Ruby...", Lapis started out of nowhere. "have you and Sapphire gotten crazy yet?"
I almost choked on my saliva."W-what?" My face turned hot, and I can tell Sapphire had the same embarrassing reaction.
Sapphire turned around and glared at her. "Lapis!", Sapphire yelled. "What the hell?!"
Lapis and Amethyst started to crack up. Sapphire turned forward and sunk into her seat. "Why me?" She mumbled as she covered her blushing face.
Lapis wheezed. "What? It was just a question."
Sapphire did a loud groan. "I can't believe you..."
Lapis sat up straight in the seat. "Anyways–changing the subject, what y'all doing at the Big D anyways?"
Amethyst snorted. "Ha. The Big D..."
"Shut up, Amethyst!", I yelled.
Her and Lapis began to laugh and howl again. When the stop light turned red, I turned around to look at Steven and Connie. Luckily, they were sharing a pair of earphones and watching a video, so they weren't listening to anything we were saying.
"I'm gonna kill you guys.", I mumbled.
"Well, at Ruby's house Jasper is getting her nose stitched by Rose. But, Rose told us to go do something while she did."
Lapis's eyes widened. "Jasper?! What the actual fu--"
"Ruby, my house is right there.", Sapphire interrupted. She pointed to a light blue house a block away.
"Why? You need something?"
She shrugged. "I dunno. If my dad is there, I don't wanna go. But, I do need extra clothes."
"Okay, text your mom and ask her. She is a stay home mom, right?"
Sapphire nodded. "I'll do it right now." She took out her phone from her pocket, and scrolled through her contact list.
"Guys, we're gonna stop at Sapphires real quick."
Amethyst and Lapis groaned. "Ugh...why?"
"She needs clothes.", I calmly replied ignoring the attitudes. I drove over to her house and parked in the driveway.
Sapphires PoV:
I clicked on my mothers name, and opened text messages.
Me: Mom, it's me Sapphire. I know we haven't talked in a while, but is dad at home? I need extra clothes.
I told Ruby what I sent, and she pulled up in front of my house. By the time we got to my driveway, mom had responded.
Mom: Oh, honey! It's been forever since we chatted. I'm starting to feel very alone when your fathers at work. How's everything going? Did you use all the money I gave you? Had you been eating healthy and bathing daily? How is Ruby's house and mother? They treating you well?
I responded right away.
Me: That's great. Is dad home?
Mom: No, sweetie. He won't be back until tomorrow night– would you like to come over for dinner? Maybe your girlfriend and friends can come, too. I think I do have leftover ham from last nights dinner.
I groaned and rolled my eyes. She always gets off topic.
Me: I'm coming in.
Mom: What, dear? You know, you still haven't answered any of my very important questions.
I opened my car door and Ruby came out with me. I took a deep breath, walked to my porch, and knocked on the door.
Footsteps approached the door and unlocked it. Mother opened the door, and gazed at me. "Sapphire! Darling!"
I blushed and stroked my hair. "Uh... Hi, mom."
She ran up to me, completely ignoring Ruby, and gave me a strong hug. Great. Lapis almost killed me at the Big Donut, and now my mother was also adding damage to my broken bones.
"M-momma. I-I can't--"
She let go of me quick. "Oh, heavens. I'm so sorry–I'm just so happy to see my baby girl." She smiled at me and her eyes were a little watery. She wiped away a tear and looked at Ruby. "Oh, hello, dear. Didn't notice you were here."
Ruby weakly smiled and lifted up her hand as a quiet hello.
Mom blew her nose with a napkin and moved to the side. "Anyways, come in. Come in."
I held Ruby's hand as mother led us inside. I looked around my living room. Everything looked so wired to me. I don't know what it was–maybe it was the fact, that I don't technically live here anymore. But, I did noticed that mom did some improvements since I left. The vase dad had broke was replaced with a shiny aquamarine one with tiny blue fishes on them, and mom had taken down and hung up some new paintings. Maybe, she was finding things to do since I left.
Ruby sat down on the couch. And I stayed standing gawking at everything, like it was my first time in here.
"Are you guys hungry or thirsty? I have coffee on the stove. Sapphire?"
I shook my head. "No, mom."
She looked at Ruby. "You dear? Want something to drink or snack on? Soda?Lemonade? Water?"
I glared at Ruby making sure she wouldn't say yes. Ruby smirked at me and looked at mother. Then she nodded. "Waters fine. Thank you, ma'm."
I gave Ruby a nasty look. Ruby shrugged in replied to the face.
"I'll be right back.", she said, as she disappeared into the kitchen.
"Ruby, we came her for clothes. Not a chat!", I told her as soon as my mom left.
"What? I can't help it if I'm thirsty. My body requires a lot of water."
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Drink your water quickly, so she won't ask us so much unnecessary questions."
Mother came back out the kitchen with a glass cup of water filled with ice cubes. She placed it on the coffee table in front of Ruby. "Anything else you guys want?", she asked.
I aggressively shook my head. "No, mother!"
She took a seat on the couch across where Ruby was sitting. "Sapphire please. Sit down. Let's have a talk– you're acting like you're not happy to see me."
I sat down next to Ruby, who was slowly drinking the water. "I just came for clothes, ma.", I groaned.
"At least have a quick decent conversation with your mother. Like a normal person would."
"I'm not normal?!", I said deeply offended.
She flinched. Not scared of me, but scared at my sudden shout. "No, that's not what I meant. I just want to talk with my only daughter, who I haven't seen in over a month."
"I didn't come here for that."
Mother looked hurt. I instantly regretted it, but she needs to understand. We're not her for pleasant conversation. "Well, fine.", she said, "you may go upstairs."
I stood up. "Thank you. Come on, Ruby."
Ruby was just sitting there awkwardly. Probably because me and mom were arguing.
"How about Ruby stays? I want to chat with her.", Mom said.
I looked at Ruby. She was giving me a desperate look for help. She wanted out of this situation. She didn't want to be left alone with mom. I grinned evilly. "Sure. Ruby can stay here with you. Ruby, I'll be right back."
Ruby's face looked horrified. Like somebody had thrown a rat at her. I had to use all my strength to not laugh. "Anyways, brb." I trotted up the stairs, silently giggling.
When I opened my bedroom door, my memories flooded back in. The smell came back, the posters hanged on my wall gave me a warm welcome back. My bed nice and tidy, waiting for me to burry myself underneath the cozy covers. I belonged here.
I walked over to my closet. All my clothes and shoes! Oh yes... It's sad I have to leave, though.
I went back downstairs with two bags filled with clothing. Well, one bag was filled with mostly makeup, but that's also as equally important as clothes.
Ruby was nervously sweating on the couch, to every question my mom asked her. "Come Ruby. We're leaving now."
Ruby immediately jumped up from the couch. "Okay!", she yelped.
Mother also stood up. She walked us both to the door. She took something out of her pocket. "Here Sapphire, just in case you want anything."
She handed me a roll of money.
"Thanks.", I said.
Ruby took a bag from my hand, as mother opened the door. "Thanks so much for stopping by. Sapphire, please come back anytime. I'll remind you when father isn't here. And Ruby, your also always welcomed."
Ruby smiled. "No, thank you, Mrs. Frost." She headed out to the van in the driveway.
Mother hugged me one more time. "Sapphire, I love you."
(Lol sorry to end it like this. This is probably the longest chapter)
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