04| Pretty Bird
Irene's nap hadn't been as relaxing as she had expected, there were too many things on her mind for her to try to focus on relaxing. But as she finished her makeup she stepped out of the bathroom almost dropping her makeup bag at the sight of Clark Kent waiting for her at the edge of the bed.
"Clark you scared me." Irene said knowing that she would never entirely get used to Clark appearing out of what felt like thin air. But she couldn't really be upset considering that she was just so happy to see him. They hadn't agreed on Clark visiting her while she was away, though she suspected that he would. Even while they were dating it was hard for them to spend to much time apart and now that they were married it was practically impossible.
Clark smiled as he stood, it didn't seem that he had been waiting for her that long. "Sorry. I wanted to surprise you."
"Well, you definitely did." She replied as Clark leaned down to kiss her, placing a hand on her stomach. They had missed each other in the morning meaning that they didn't have a chance to say goodbye, which Irene could only assume was bothering him that same way that it had bothered her. Which also explained why Clark attempted to deepen the kiss as he pulled her closer.
She pulled away from him knowing that if they had it his way she wouldn't be leaving the hotel room any time soon. Under different circumstances she would happy stay in with him, but it felt more urgent than every for her to recruit them all as soon as possible. "Clark. I need to finish getting ready."
"How did it go with Oliver Queen?" He asked as he took a step back away from her knowing that they needed space if they were going to have any kind of conversation.
"Surprisingly well." Irene told him as she fixed the collar of his flannel where it was revealing some of his Superman suit. "He offered to come with me to the glades to recruit Dinah Lance. I figured it would also help me get to know him better and see if he will make a good fit with the rest of the team."
"Does he know?"
"About Lex Luther or Darkseid?" Irene questioned even though she knew exactly what he meant. She handed him her heels as she sat on the edge of the bed, the thought of Oliver Queen's reaction to what she had left out made her nervous.
Clark kneeled down in front of her as he helped her put her shoes on, every passing day it was becoming harder for her to bend down to do basic tasks. "Both."
"No. Not yet." Irene admitted, it was all she had been able to think about since she left Oliver Queen's office. She had told him that she wasn't going to lie and yet she kept what was arguably the most important thing about joining the League from him. But she also felt that it was something that he shouldn't hear from her. "But I think you should tell him."
Clark seemed genuinely surprised though Irene didn't know why, who better than to inspire a hero than Superman himself. "Me?"
"Well, Superman should tell him." She said slightly irritated that she had to explain the obvious. But Clark was still too humble to accept that impact that he had made on the world. "Come on he wouldn't be able to say no to saving the world with Superman. I just think we should tell him before he meets the rest of the team. It still has to be his choice and if he's surrounded by the entire Justice League he might feel pressured to do it."
"I'll discuss it with the rest of the League." He replied as he adjusted a strand of hair that had gone loose.
"Okay. Well I have to go." She told him quickly knowing that she was already running a little but late, and if there was one thing that she hated it was being late to things. Especially when they were this important. "Will you come back later tonight?"
Clark smiled as he stepped closer to her, and the look in his eyes alone was enough to tempt Irene to stay and forget all about what she needed to do. "Do you want me to?"
Irene returned his smile as she pulled him into a kiss. She didn't need to answer his question because he already knew the answer so she didn't even bother saying good-bye as she picked up her bag and left the room knowing that when she returned later tonight Clark would be there waiting.
Irene stepped out of the taxi feeling out of place and uncomfortable with the thought of going to a club. She had never been to a club before, she had been to a couple of bars in college but she never really had time for it. And now it felt a little ridiculous coming to one pregnant, but she just had to remind herself that it was necessary for what she needed to do.
"You're two minutes late. I was afraid you stood me up." Oliver stated as he approached her. He was dressed casually, but everything that he was wearing was probably worth her entire paycheck for the week. Everyone around him knew who he was and yet he chose to ignore them all. "I've never been stood up before."
"If I'm being honest Mr. Queen I didn't expect you to be the type to be punctual." Irene replied honestly, considering the fact that her husband and most of her friends were heroes she had know them all to be late. Even Bruce who always wanted everything done according to his plan tended to be late on occasion, and Irene realized that despite their many similarities Bruce and Oliver were very different people.
He smiled as they began walking towards the entrance of the club. "Oliver. I think we're past the Mr. Queen thing."
Irene shouldn't have been surprised that the moment Oliver walked towards security they allowed him in without question, regardless of the line that was wrapped around the block for everyone waiting to get in. Oliver Queen showed no shame in the power and privilege that he had.
"When was the last time you've been to a club?" He questioned as they were suddenly drowned in the loud rock music that was almost unbearable.
"Never really had time for it." She replied as she followed him through the crowd of dancing people. It was dark and Irene could hardly hear herself as the amateur punk rock band performed their set.
"Never?" He replied genuinely surprised by her answer, considering that he was well known for visiting clubs it must be hard for him to accept that others didn't enjoy it the way he did. "Well, that's a shame."
Irene rolled her eyes as Oliver finally stopped at the bar, everyone practically moving out of the way to give him enough space. The bar was ridiculously overcrowded but the bartenders had chosen to ignore all the other customer eagerly waiting for Oliver Queen's order. Clearly the wealthy didn't tend to visit this side of town. "Well, not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouth."
"So who's the lucky guy?" Oliver said looking down at the wedding bands on her finger ignoring all the waiting bartenders.
"His name is Clark."
"Clark?" He repeated shaking his head in disapproval. "He sounds like a bore."
"He'd surprise you." She replied knowing that Oliver would change his opinion as soon as he met Clark. She knew that a lot of people considered him just a small-town guy that grew up on a farm, and truthfully Irene never imagined that he would be the kind of guy that she would fall in love with on the surface.
"An Old Fashioned and your best mocktrail." He told the nearest bartender as he handed them his card. "What makes a person want to get married and have kids anyway."
"For the longest time I didn't want to get married or have kids." Irene admitted as she took a sip of her drink, the person she was before Clark that never wanted a serious relation and only thought about advancing her career was so far behind her. Her career was still a priority but now it wasn't the only thing that mattered. And she couldn't imagine herself to be any happier than she was now. "But when you meet the right person you might find that you'll more than to sleep around with a different person every week."
Oliver didn't seem convinced as he handed Irene the drink he had ordered her. As much as Oliver might think otherwise all of this wasn't meant to be fun but she took a sip of the sugary drink anyway. The club went silent for a moment as the current band finished their set, something Irene was very thankful for.
"So tell me about this oh so important meta-human." Oliver said as he finished his drink motioning for the bartender to make him another.
"Her name is Dinah Lance...." Irene began to say before completely losing Oliver's attention to a group of women walking by.
He showed no shame as his eyes followed them across the dance floor. The three women clearly wanted him to join them. Irene had assumed the whole playboy persona was an act the same way it was for Bruce. But Oliver clearly enjoyed the attention he got from women and was happy to indulge them.
"You can join them if you want."
"What? No. I'm here with you." Oliver said as he pulled his attention away from the women but he didn't hide the slight disappointment on his face. "But remind me why we're here to see shitty bands again."
Before Irene could reply the club went dark again as the lights on the stage were turned on once again revealing Dinah Lance on the stage a bad waiting behind her as they all waited for the cheering crowed to stop. Clearly they were popular and Irene wondered if that popularity had to with Dinah herself or if they band was actually any good.
"Wow." Oliver sighed, not that Irene could blame him. She was very beautiful her blonde hair perfectly curled and falling down her shoulders. She was wearing a black bodysuit with fishnets and a black leather jacket. Dinah Lance was probably the definition of everyman's dream in the same way that Diana was.
Irene couldn't help but be amused that maybe she had given Oliver too much credit. "We're here to recruit her not for you find yourself another girlfriend."
"Why not do both?"
"I think I might love her." He replied bluntly.
Irene laughed in disbelief for a moment wanting to believe him. But she knew that he probably acted like this with every other woman that he slept with. "You do not love her."
"Why not?" He replied never taking his eyes off of her almost looking offended.
"You don't even know her." Irene reminded him, but that didn't seemed to phase him at all. Now Irene really did want to believe him if only because Clark had rubbed off on her and made her a bit of a romantic. Or maybe it was the hormones she couldn't really be sure.
"Ever heard of love at first sight?"
Irene rolled her eyes in response mostly because she couldn't argue about it. Love at first sight existed for her, she knew from the first moment that she saw Clark even when she didn't really know what it was at the time. For all she knew maybe Oliver really had fallen in love with Dinah, who was she to judge if that was the case.
Instead they just watched her bands entire set in silence. Surprisingly Dinah Lance was amazing her voice alone had a way of pulling someone in. Irene understood why her band seemed to have so many fans in the crowd and Dinah Lance was enjoying every second she was on that stage.
"Come on." Irene said as the set came to an end. She wanted to head backstage before the actually finished knowing that it would be easier that way. Not that there was much security in such a small nightclub in the Glades.
Thankfully Oliver didn't ask any questions as he followed her towards the back. Irene doubted that anyone would suspect that a pregnant woman would be up to any good, which seemed to be the case as no one looked twice at them as they walked past the bathrooms and into the door that she assumed lead to the backstage area.
Just as they stepped inside they watched as Dinah Lance and the rest of her band step into the busy hallway as the next band began to prepare for their set. They watched as Dinah stepped into another room, Oliver stepped forward with the intention of following her but Irene held her arm out stopping him. She wanted to make sure that no one else would entire the room after her, they needed to speak to her alone.
As all the commotion began to die down they heard as the next band began playing and Irene crossed the hallway and knocked on the door they saw Dinah step into. Irene couldn't deny that she felt a little nervous knowing how badly this could end if she approached it the wrong way.
"Come in." She said and Oliver didn't waste a second opening the door. Dinah was still in the all black outfit that she had been wearing onstage. From the surprised and confused look on her face she had clearly been expecting someone else. "Do I know you?"
"Do you want to get to know me?" Oliver said with a smile that would have probably charmed every girl in the club, but not Dinah who scoffed and rolled her eyes at his words.
Oliver seemed a little surprised at her response but he recovered quickly. Clearly rejection was something that he didn't experience often or at all.
"Sorry about him." Irene said immediately beginning to regret brining him along. If he was acting this way with Dinah Lance she couldn't imagine how Oliver would act when he saw Diana, though she could imagine that it wouldn't go very well for him.
"Well, do you want an autograph or why are you here?" She asked and it was impossible to tell how she was feeling. There was a picture of annoyance and boredom on her face as she leaned back against her chair not at all concerned that two strangers were in her dressing room.
In truth Irene didn't know the best way to approach Dinah, but she sensed that being direct was the best way to go. "If I'm honest you're probably going to turn us away when we tell you."
"Now I'm curious." She replied a slight smile tugging on her lips, almost like she wanted some kind of challenge. "Go on."
"My name is Irene Miranda and I'm here on behalf of the Justice League."
"I'm Oliver. Oliver Queen" He added quickly before Irene could continue.
Dinah looked between Oliver and Irene before laughing, a completely understandable reaction considering how ridiculous it truly was. "You must be joking."
"We're recruiting meta-humans and vigilantes to join the team."
"Well, I'm neither of those things."Dinah dismissed quickly and Irene wondered if Dinah ever used her powers or if she simply chose to ignore their existence.
Irene reached into the pocket of her coat pulling out an old newspaper article that she had printed. It was dated thirteen years ago when Dinah was 10 years old. The contents of the article describing an incident that had occurred in Gotham Elementary where a high frequency sound left an entire classroom of children and the teacher deaf. Everyone in that room losing their hearing except for one person, Dinah Lance. It was a gamble showing her the article it was undoubtedly an incident that she would have wanted to forget. But is was that only evidence she had to prove to Dinah that she had something.
She didn't want to say it out loud, Dinah's story was not Oliver's to know. Dinah wasn't much younger than Irene, she was twenty-four and it was such a big thing to ask. Like Kara it almost felt unfair to ask something like this from her, especially when it seemed like she had a pretty amazing life already.
"I'm not entirely sure what you do," Irene admitted, she knew nothing of what Dinah's powers were. Only that they were related to sound, and if everything in that newspaper article was right then it was the kind of power that the team needed. "but you're powerful. And we need you."
Dinah was either very good at hiding her emotions or she was not phased at being showed the newspaper article. "I'm not a hero. I sing at a nightclub."
"But your mother was." Irene continued having spent hours of research on Dinah Drake and her time as a vigilante in Gotham City. Most people thought that Batman was Gotham City's first vigilante but that was wrong. Before the Justice League there were other long forgotten heroes that never really got much media attention. "She called herself the Black Canary."
Now Irene's words seemed to hit some kind of nerve, clearly Dinah's mother was a sensitive topic for her. She didn't know anything about Dinah's personal relationship with her mother but there was a story there. "I'm not my mother."
"I'm not saying that you should be. But you're clearly special and I think the Justice League would be honored to have you."
"Not interested." Dinah stated bluntly making it clear that the conversation was over and she had no intention of continuing to hear anymore of it.
Irene pulled out her card and placed it on Dinah's vanity knowing that she wouldn't take it otherwise. Dinah believed that she had already made up her mind on the matter. "Well, if you change your mind give me a call."
Oliver who had surprisingly remained silent for most of the interaction didn't seem very satisfied with the way that everything turned out. Of course Irene would have liked a definitive answer, but she knew that pushing Dinah any further would only result in Dinah not considering them at all.
"No inspirational speech?" Oliver questioned once they were alone in the hallway.
"She doesn't need one." Irene said knowing that had she tried to give some kind of inspirational speech Dinah wouldn't come around. Some people needed to find inspiration in other ways. Irene had already set the groundwork for Dinah to find that inspiration on her own. "Give her time."
Oliver still didn't seem convinced with her approach, probably cays he had been hoping to walk out of the club with Dinah. "You sound confident she'll change her mind."
"I know she will."
"Fifty bucks that she won't." Oliver said as he stopped in the middle of the club extending his hand to her. It felt a little childish to bet on something so important, but Irene found herself taking his hand.
"Alright." Irene replied, because although she tended to be overly confident in herself at time she knew that Dinah Lance would come around. Irene headed towards the emergency exit not really willing to push through the crowd of people in the club again.
They stepped out into a dark alleyway that normal would have been stupid, but oddly enough Irene felt safe having Oliver beside her. "So when do I meet the Justice League? Where are the headquarters?"
"Well I was thinking that..."
Before Irene could finish a figure landed in front of them, Oliver stepped in front of her before they both realized that it was Dinah. She was still in the clothes that she wore on stage. Irene stepped forward waiting for Dinah to speak first not sure what this was all about but knowing that it was better to give Dinah the opportunity to take control of the situation. Which was what all of this had to be about. Back in the dressing room nothing had been on her terms and now it was.
"Listen I'm not sure how credible this Justice League is if they allow guys like this in." Dinah stated as she crossed her arms over her chest looking unimpressed.
Irene looked to Oliver her she expected to look offended by Dinah's words, but the slight smirk on his lips displayed anything but annoyance.
"How about I just show you how capable I am?" He asked taking a step closer to her but she still didn't seem very impressed by him. Irene could only assume that Dinah only knew Oliver Queen as a billionaire playboy and nothing else.
A slight smile tugged on Dinah's lips but it had nothing to do with Oliver but because this was turning out the way that she had hoped. "Alright."
"Can you hold this?" Oliver asked as he handed Irene his leather jacket. Irene took the jacket and stepped back as she slowly realized where this was all headed. Considering that Irene still didn't know what Dinah's powers were she couldn't help but feel a little concerned for Oliver who didn't have any.
"Don't want to ruin your fancy jacket?" Dinah mocked as she removed her own leather jacket tossing it to the floor.
"No, not really." Oliver admitted as he waited for her to make the first move. "Let's go."
Dinah was in fact the first to attack, an attack that Oliver was quick to block. Irene stood back and watched them fight, surprised that they almost seemed every matched in their skills. But Dinah was quick in a way that Oliver wasn't. It was impressive to watch Dinah fight without being reliant on any kind of powers.
Bruce was currently the only one on the team that didn't have any powers, but he was more than capable holding his own against a fight. Oliver and Dinah seemed just as capable and Irene couldn't help but smile as Dinah pinned Oliver down on the ground with his chest down on the dirty alleyway street.
"So did I pass your test Pretty Bird?" Oliver questioned with a grunt as Dinah pinned his arms behind him back. It was interesting that Oliver didn't seem at all surprised that Dinah had beat him in the fight, like he had expected as much from her.
"Not even close." Dinah replied with a slight smile as he released her hold on Oliver and stood. Oliver also stood standing next to Irene as they watched Dinah walk over to a motorcycle that had been sitting in the alleyway. As Dinah began drive away she stopped in front of them meeting Irene's eyes. "I'll call you."
Then she was off leaving both Irene and Oliver to stand together in silence. Irene didn't entirely know how the evening was going to go or how Dinah would react. But she certainly hadn't imagined that everything would unravel the way that it had.
But that entire fight hadn't been Dinah testing Oliver, she wanted to prove herself. She wanted Irene and Oliver to know that she really wasn't just a singer at a nightclub.
"Huh." Irene couldn't help but be impressed. The League needed more women and she wanted Dinah to join. "I think I might be in love with her too."
"You're welcome to join." Oliver muttered before the two of them began to laugh. She wasn't entirely sure if Oliver was joking or not but that didn't really matter regardless of everything she had assumed about Oliver Queen for the most part he had proven her wrong. "You hungry? I always get hungry after a good fight."
Irene thought about it for a moment and couldn't find a good reason to say no. "I can eat."
"There's a great taco place just around the corner." Oliver suggested as they both began to walk out of the alleyway.
"You owe me fifty bucks by the way." Irene reminded him though she had to admit that she hadn't expected Dinah to make up her mind so quickly. She at least expected to hear from her tomorrow morning and if that was the case she would have Clark talk to both Dinah and Oliver about the larger threat that they were about to face.
"Damn." Oliver cursed as he reached into his pocket pulling out his wallet, handing them to Irene. "Sorry for doubting you."
The truth was that Irene couldn't blame him for doubting her, in truth Dinah could have very much chosen not consider them at all. As confident as she wanted Oliver to believe she was, the reality was that Irene was just hopeful that Dinah would come around. And they were lucky that she did or else Irene and Victor would have to go back to the drawing board to find more recruits.
A/N: Sorry for the crazy long chapter but I have so much set up to do before getting to the big conflict go the story. Hope you have all been enjoying this story. I hadn't really been planning on working on this story for a while but I was really feeling inspired.
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