Chapter 5
I was laying in bed almost about to pass out from tiredness by the time Tony knocked on my door half an hour later. Sitting up on my bed, I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I got up, off my bed then started walking out of my room. With a yawn, I made my way through the hallway to the door so I could get it for my wonderful boyfriend. Tony gave me a hug and kiss upon me opening the door and it put a smile on my face as I let him in.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hello beautiful," Tony said, a dashing smile gracing his handsome face.
"Tony, I'm sorry, but I'm really tired today. I don't think I'm up for going out, I really just want to stay in and relax." Smiling apologetically, I tried to show just how genuinely sorry I was.
"It's a good thing I brought food with me then." With that being said, Tony turned around and picked up a bag from behind him, smile still present on his face. "My mom made her honey-baked garlic chicken. I know how much you loved it when you came over before, and my mom made some tonight so I asked if I could bring some for us to share. It should be pretty hot still, might just need to be heated up a little bit."
My own smile grew a little bit at him saying this. "Thank you, Tony, this is why you're the best. Now get in here you big teddy bear."
Pulling Tony inside more and closing the front door, I kissed him to show my gratitude for the virtually perfect man. I really did love this dish of his mother's. Mrs. Russo was the nicest Asian lady with blue eyes and all of the foreign cuisines she made were always the best. Particularly though I did like her honey-baked chicken, so this was a pleasant surprise.
"Now, I already know how you are. You always did hate doing anything after work because standing is oh so tiring." Tony snickered at his own sarcasm and I gave him a playful glare. "So I'm gonna heat this up and we can cuddle, alright?"
A soft smile crept onto my features and I nodded. "That would be perfect Tony." I kissed his cheek, giving him a tight hug in the process.
"Do you want to pick a movie? I'm fine watching whatever," Tony said.
I nodded my head again, replying with an, "mhm" and went to sit on the couch to pick a movie. Thinking a little bit, I decided I was in the mood for an action movie, so I started looking through them. I heard the microwave beep and not long after, Tony came back with two plates of the rice and garlic chicken. He planted a kiss on my cheek, handing me a plate an sat down. He then waited for me to pick a movie. Landing on Kick-Ass, I decided that was fine and pressed play before resting my head on Tony's shoulder.
Taking a bit of the Asian dish, I felt like I was tasting a little bit of heaven. "Mmm, your mom really knows how to make a good meal," I said, my mouth still half full.
"Yeah, she does. This time I actually helped a little with it. I wanted to be able to make it for you some time."
I smiled at his comment. "You're too sweet babe."
"Only the best for my girl," he responded.
After that, we started to pay attention to the movie. One of the good things about us being together is we never have to fight about stupid things like movie choices. We started out kind of as friends at first before he started "fake dating" me, which turned into him actually liking me and us really going out. Tony and I didn't hang out a whole lot, but at times when he would want to do something and he couldn't take his friends, he'd hit me up and I'd go since we have always had very similar taste in things. That being said, it was easy for me to pick out a movie we would both like.
Now, both of us had already seen Kick-Ass, but there was never anything wrong with rewatching a movie. Plus we both enjoyed the movie too, so it was all good. Somehow without my knowledge, I ended up falling asleep sometime during the movie and didn't realize until I was woken up by a kiss on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see my handsome boyfriend hovering about me with a soft smile on his face. Smiling back at him I planted a kiss on his lips. Looking over at the coffee table, I noticed that Tony put my plate down on it. I still had half of the food left on the dish that I didn't finish which made me frown a bit.
*Damn, I couldn't even finish my food before I passed out?* I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. *Great, now I have to heat it up again.*
I sighed, rubbing my eyes before picking up my plate of unfinished food and placing it on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room.
"I'll finish it another time I guess," I murmured to myself before speaking up so Tony could hear me. "Tony, I think I might get heading to bed. Do you want to stay with me tonight or are you going to head out?"
Tony gave a noncommittal shrug before saying, "I could go either way. What do you want me to do babe?" he asked back, making his way to wrap me in his embrace.
Sinking into his warm strong touch and letting out a blissful sigh, I then answered, "Can you stay tonight? I love being in your arms."
"Of course." A smile crept onto my boyfriend's face as he continued to hold me.
Tony started to gently rock side to side and I melted just a little bit more into him, letting my eyes droop closed. I turned in his arms and returned his embrace, loving the way he held me. There was always a feeling of care held when I lied in his arms and it made me even more drowsy with his comfort. I started pushing lightly on Tony, hoping he'd get the message that I wanted to go climb into my bed. Luckily he got what I was hinting at and led me to my room. A few steps forward and my eyes widened a bit in surprise. Tony had caught me a bit off guard by picking me up bridal style and carrying me the rest of the way. It really wasn't a hard task for him since he was a good half foot taller than me and was really strong from sports.
I was placed in my bed and I felt it shift as he got in as well. A soft kiss was planted on my forehead and I opened my eyes to see my loving boyfriend just above me for the second time that night. Same as last time, I couldn't help the small smile that placed itself on my face. Cupping Tony's cheek I leaned up to give him a goodnight kiss before resting my head back on the pillow. I closed my eyes and Tony brought me close again. Letting his warmth and pleasant cologne absorb me, I was transported to the realm of sleep.
- - -
The rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Tony left my house the following morning and I spent the rest of my time playing video games and sleeping. Monday eventually rolled around again and I made my way back to school feeling good. Almost immediately spotting Damien, I walked over to him with the ghost of a sly smile on my face. I was eager to learn how his weekend was.
"So, How did your date with Steven go?"
"Oh my God, girl you don't even know," he responded.
"Yeah, that's why I asked," I said, chuckling at my statement.
Damien rolled his eye's before continuing. "Steven is actually the sweetest thing. He was nice, polite, funny- oh, and did I mention he was the one who asked me out?" I shook my head and let him continue. "Well, yeah, and he picked me up and even opened the door for me. Like, chivalry is dead who? We went to a nice restaurant and Steven paid for both of us which was just the nicest thing. He was dressed really nice too- I mean, not as nice as me cause you know I'm always slaying fashion but still. He was so handsome, you don't even understand. I had a great time with him and he even kissed me! I mean, it was only on the cheek but that's still a kiss! He looked so shy doing it too, it was just the cutest thing ever. I just, it was so great."
Damien looked off into the distance a little, seeming to go off into a dazed dreamy state.
"You really like him, don't you Damien?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah! Too bad he's in the closet though. I'm not dealing with that." He sighed.
I pat Damien on the back just as the bell rang. "Welp, good luck with your love life buddy. Hope you find someone soon." I smiled and hugged him goodbye before leaving to my classroom.
- - -
"So Skylar, do you wanna come over to our house on Saturday?" I heard Liam ask just as we were heading out of the cafeteria after lunch.
I looked over at him, Lynn on his other side as we made our way to the classroom. "Maybe, I'll see if I can. On the weekends I work in the afternoon so I can earn a bit of extra cash for myself. It takes a toll on my free time, but I'll try my best."
"If you could come, we'd really appreciate it," Lynn said, a small smile gracing her beautiful face.
*Stop that!* I thought, mentally kicking myself.
"Especially Lynn," Liam added quickly, a cheeky grin spread wide across his face as well.
Lynn smacked him in the arm and we entered the classroom. I could see Lynn's cheeks were dusted pink when she rushed to her desk two over from mine. *Wonder what that was about?*
The rest of my classes rolled over pretty slowly and I almost couldn't wait to get home and jump in my bed. Sleep really sounded good right about then and I found myself drifting off about thoughts of the soft blankets encapturing me in their warmth as weird as that sounds. My bed was basically calling me and if it weren't for my strong will - *Pfft! Yeah right!* - I would have passed out in my car. A small nap before Hunter's slow ass came to the car just meant I would be grumpy all the way home so I sat and waited the hour out in my sleepy haze.
Just then, I felt my phone buzzing. Holding it up, I noticed Tony's name flashing on the screen. A smile spread across my lips and I hastily answered it.
"Tony, Hi! I've missed you, today, we didn't get to see each other."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit late to school and there was a football practice during lunch. I've missed you too. So um, the coach said we're going to be having lunch practices a lot this week so I know I'm not going to be seeing you a lot. I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my house this weekend so we could spend some more time together."
"Sorry Tony, but I promised Lynn a-" He cut me off.
"So you're ditching me, your boyfriend, to hang out with some girl you just met not even a week ago?" Tony seemed to be getting all defensive about it.
Was he getting jealous?
"Tony, it's not like that. Her brother asked me earlier to come over so I promised them both I'd try to make it. They asked first, that's all."
"Whatever." Then he hung up.
*What has gotten into him lately? And did he just play the boyfriend card?* I asked myself.
I shook my head and zoned out until Hunter got in the car before driving off to the house.
- - -
Saturday had come entirely too slow this week and even though I really shouldn't think this way, I was kind of relieved to not see Tony. During the week he would all but leave me alone for even a minute. It was like hearing that I'd be spending time with Lynn flipped a switch in his head. He was fine the week before. Now though, he was acting like an obsessed boyfriend like he was starting to do when I introduced him to Lynn. Not to mention it seemed like he had to have some sort of physical contact with me at all times whether it be his arm around my waist or shoulders or a hand on my leg or what.
Don't get me wrong, I loved Tony but he was getting to be too much. Usually, he was fine, but he seemed to be acting really jealous for some reason. I remember once when Tony found some guy flirting with me he did hardly anything. When I asked him if he was jealous of the guy, he said he only got jealous when he felt threatened then kissed my cheek, slinking an arm around my waist. What did he have to be threatened by? He couldn't possibly be jealous of Liam and he really had no reason to feel threatened by Lynn even though he obviously didn't like her near me. I mean, come on, I don't even like girls! What's Tony worried about?
No matter, I really shouldn't have to worry so much about what my boyfriend thinks of my friends. Only I really have a say in who I talk to and if he has a problem with that, then tough. He just has to deal with it. Shaking my head, I tried to derail my thoughts. I definitely thought enough about the situation, so I walked out to my car and started it up. Before I ended up making myself late, I started my drive to work.
Arriving back at the hole in the wall pizza parlour I worked for, I exited the car and made my way to the door. My shift usually wasn't that eventful as per usual and hardly anyone actually came in since no one really knew about or liked the pizza here. I worked for a good six hours before my shift ended and I could go back home. Driving back home, I found myself falling dramatically onto my bed face first. I may not have done much at work, but it sure was a tiring job. There was no way I could be bothered to have to wake up before 12 o'clock on a weekend just to go and stand in a virtually empty pizza parlour for hours. Yet then again, there I was laying in my bed after doing just that.
Rolling over on my bed, I sat up and took the uncomfortable uniform shirt off to replace it with a normal one. Looking over at my closet I noticed my clothes were really dwindling. I would probably have to do laundry soon. Or, I could just look for clothes on my floor that didn't smell like I found them in a garbage dump and re-wear them. That sounded like a better plan to me, less work on my end really. Anyway, I put on a random white shirt from my closet and grabbed one of my favourite band sweaters which I got at a Fall Out Boy concert some years back. Taking out my phone, I noticed it was 5:36. I figured that probably wasn't too late to be heading over to Lynn and Liam's place. Just in case, I shot Lynn a quick text.
Me: Hey
I know it's kinda lateish but is it ok if I still come over?
Lynn: Yeah, of course
Me: Alright I'll be right over. Just give me the address
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