Chapter 2
Harry's PoV
Harry hadn't seen Elijah in a while. When the door opened Elijah had run out. The children all ignored the smell that was evident when they saw the baby in their biggest brothers' arms. The list of names was ridiculous: Apple, Peaches (which he kinda liked) Christa, Hannah, Amy, Anna, Beth, Ruby, Robin, and more. It had been a few months, meaning the baby girl was 4 months old with no name. They just called her baby, It worked for them but eventually, they would have to find one that fits. He had seen Elijah since the first time, they could be counted as friends but as he hadn't seen him, he just tried to forget about it.
Yesterday was the day before senior year, he didn't care for it so he didn't remember what everyone called it. The Save the Elena squad was trying to make him go, trying to make him side with them. He refused, he looked after 'baby' anyway. As he woke up, he heard a knock on the door of the basement. He knew it wasn't one of the younger children since they were all in bed with him. He looked at the cracked clock on his wall and saw it was 6:47 am. 'Baby' was sleeping on his chest, as he got up and held her close.
When Harry opened the door, all he saw was his sister, Clara, at the door. "someone is at the door, and it is quite annoying." You could tell she had been awake for a while. Clara was the youngest that still sounded British, the younger ones were either too young when they were in Britain or couldn't talk when in Britain.
"Ok, I'll go get it," Harry said, trying to hide how tired he really was. She could tell he was tired because of the bags under his eyes but Clara didn't say anything, she knew he didn't want them to worry. His reasoning is because he was the oldest and it was his job to worry for them, but it was obvious he loved them like a father would love their children.
"I can look after Baby if you want me to." But she didn't get an answer as Harry was already at the Front door. So she sighed and went to the basement, making sure if the younger ones woke up they wouldn't panic, thinking Harry, or Dada as they call him, left them.
Harry was tired, he felt like he hadn't slept in days. Which, to be honest, wasn't far off. Harry held Baby close to his chest as he got closer to the door. He only had Jogging bottoms on as it normally gets warm when there are 4 only children in his bed, but the Baby in his arms looked cold so he grabbed a blanket for her and wrapped her up. He reached the door and opened it, which was hard since he had a baby in his arms. When it opened it he saw Jeremy, which caused him to groan.
"Dude!" he whisper-shouted, "What are you doing here? We don't have school for 2 hours." Which wasn't true, he just didn't go to first period English, he had no choice anyway. He needed to get the younger ones to school and nobody else started as early as he did. Since he'd had Baby, he hadn't gone to school and then it was summer so it wasn't really a problem. But now he will have to go to school with Baby and see what they can do. Nobody on the street trusts the family and he has no friends, other than Jeremy and Elijah.
"Klaus is back," Jeremy said, going into the living room. The living room didn't have much. There were couches that were old but still worked, there was a lamp in the corner of the room and a coffee table but other than that it was bare. "Heard Elena and that talking about it, wasn't being quiet about it." Jeremy was normally found at The Henderson's household. They moved a few months before his parents' death and they became friends, they can't really remember how. His parent's seemed to look after Elena more, Harry guessed it was because she was a girl and was adopted - wanted to show she was accepted - but because they did that to Elena, Jeremy didn't have anyone. Harry was there for him and was (still is) the big brother he never had.
"Dude, seriously! I don't know who you mean. I have an hour before I have to wake the others for school so please hurry." Harry was tired, and him being tired made him pissed because he gets moody.
"Niklaus, Klaus. whatever his name is. He is Elijah's brother, meaning Elijah might be back!" Jeremy knew how much he and Elijah got along, and he wanted to help. "Stefan has his emotion turned off, so he has gone, full-on ripper."
"oh, Dammmmn. well, I'd like to know what happened to him, so I know if he left or some shit. Also, Steffie sounds a lot more fun when he is Ripper so maybe I'll get along with him."
After talking for a while, Jeremy offered to help get the younger ones to school. Jeremy was friends with the older twins as well so it was fine with Harry with him coming round anyway, but now he is more useful, he gets information from the Save The Elene squad. Jeremy doesn't really have a home at The Gilberts anymore, His parents are gone, his Aunt is dead and his sister doesn't care what happens to him- though she likes to pretend she does. Harry has a month until he is 18 which is when he will adopt all of his siblings, which includes Jeremy if he wants it.
"Dude, thanks for helping, seriously," Harry said as they were walking through the main entrance, with a car seat in one arm and his bag and the baby bag on the other.
"You guys are family to me. Of course, I'd help. I'd like to accept your offer if it is still on the table." Jeremy said. A few unwanted listeners were hearing the conversation. Some listeners on one side and some on the other.
"'Course dude, you staying at ours tonight?" Harry knew he was going to anyway, most of the time he was there, but he wanted to make sure. Jeremy nodded, "Meet me by the car, and I'll drop you off at yours. you can get your stuff while I pick up the others."
Jeremy found it hilarious that everyone calls him dad or dada, but that's the only parental figure any of them have had so he got it. "Have you talked to someone about Baby?" He knew that since the Baby girl was with them in a booster seat that Elijah had gotten for her, the answer was pretty obvious but he needed to know for sure.
"Yeah, I explained the situation, and told them there isn't anyone to look after her at home at the minute, so they said she could stay with me in lessons as long as she is quiet. And I don't see that being a problem because she doesn't really cry, just like the rest as babies." Harry felt like it was something to do with the supernatural side of them, Harry may have another supernatural side to him but the part of him that they share had something that calmed them when together. "And of course I lied about it being only me to look after them, they'd get sent away and I'd hate myself for it. I only have a month until I can adopt them, and now you." Harry is very protective of his family, and he sees Jeremy as a brother so if anyone hurt him, they wouldn't live to get to say sorry.
"Well, dude I'll see you by the car, I have art so don't wanna be late," Jeremy said, starting to walk off. Of course, the car wasn't actually theirs, it was Harry's dads. His dad wanted him to have it when he turned 18, but he uses it to get his siblings places. The first time he used it, he looked down to hell and said he was sorry for using it early.
"see you, man," he said back, walking to his first(his second) class of the day, history. He was going to be late, he had a note for all his teacher's. He could smell the vampires in the building, there was more than usual. 'Interesting.'
The bell had gone off a minute ago, which made Baby giggle, and he was late. He didn't really care how late he'd be, he would make the excuse of his siblings and since it was Mr Alaric (that's what Harry calls him) he knew that he'd get it.
When he got to the door a blonde girl was there, saying "my name is Rebekah and history is my favourite subject." Which made Harry roll his eyes. 'What a suck up.'
Alaric much have seen Harry behind the new girl, "Harry you are late again." Alaric was the only one he got along with, and could talk to without wanting to gut himself.
"Well Mr Alaric. I have a note this time so that means a reason." The girl that was in front of him jumped, not knowing he was there, making him smirk. She also looked shocked when he spoke. "Also A. This is baby. She is what the notes about." Walking past the new girl to Alaric desk, Passing note over and putting baby on his desk. Alaric read the note, nodded handing it back smiling.
"Just make sure she doesn't cry and if you think she will tell me so you can step out to calm her down." As he was talking he was looking at baby, she started playing with his finger. "You can go sit down now Rebekah." Making Rebekah snap out of her trance and sit down on a chair next to Harry's empty one. It annoyed him a little bit he would ignore her.
"Thanks A." He shoved the note in his pocket, grabbed a spare chair to put next to his own. Then went back to Alaric's desk and got Baby. He placed baby in the said next to his making her face him, she giggled when he tried to pull his finger away.
'Guess I'll have to use my right hand for writing instead.'
He knew this was gonna be a good day when he spotted the Rippah in the seat behind him. He smirked at Stefan before around to face the front.
'Oh I am gonna love this.'
Sorry it took so long to update, I just haven't really got any patience for it, but I'm trying to get back in it.
Word count - 1839
Published - 09/08/2020
Edited - 10/03/2022
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