twenty six
"Good morning," A soft mellow voice came, waking Taehyung up from him somber sleep. Taehyung blinked his eyes to adjust for the sunlight poured in from the tall pane windows. The velvet curtains were drawn, and summer had finally settled arrived in London.
Taehyung saw Jeongguk, holding a tray with two cups of tea sitting on them. Jeongguk smiled at Taehyung and then sat down on the bed beside him. "I made some tea for you, love," Jeongguk said gently and then brought his hand forward to car his fingers through Taehyung's golden hair. "How are you?"
"I've been better," Taehyung replied groggily, sitting up. Jeongguk pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, but the remembrance of their parting struck him like lightning and beckoned him to pull away in an instant.
Taehyung picked up the cup of tea, but Jeongguk nodded how his lean fingers were trembling. Jeongguk put his hands onto Taehyung's. "You're shaking."
"It's c-cold," Taehyung said admittingly, and Jeongguk tilted his head because the weather had been steadily warmer each new day. Jeongguk put his hand against Taehyung's cheek.
"Your skin is hot... you've got a fever, I reckon." Jeongguk sighed, placing the tray down and getting up from the bed.
"Jeongguk," Taehyung gulped. "Don't fret over me, love. Please. I'm alright. You've-you've done enough..."
"I'll just get you some honey to put into your tea-" Jeongguk began, but Taehyung shook his head.
"Don't. Just sit by me. Your presence is enough of a remedy." Taehyung said faintly. Jeongguk walked back to the older man, sitting down beside him. Jeongguk brought forward the cup of tea, holding it to Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung looked away, taking a few sips of it.
"It's pathetic. Emasculating." Taehyung muttered. "I can't even hold my head up."
"Of course you can. You're just sick. It's probably the- the changing weather." Jeongguk said. Or the fact that you've been unhinged with your drinking, Jeongguk thought but didn't voice.
"You always take care of me," Taehyung said. "You're too giving."
"That tends to happen when you're in love with someone. Selflessness. It's a flaw as much as a quality." Jeongguk chuckled, and his cheeks flickered red when Taehyung smiled fondly.
"In love with someone," Taehyung whispered. Jeongguk picked up his cup of tea and took a few sips. "That's endearing."
"Must you not tease me? It's already humiliating, being in love. Such a crucifying thing." Jeongguk tsked, and then put the cup down. "It frees you or binds you. Or in my case, it does both."
They finished drinking the tea, talking in hushed voices. Jeongguk got up to keep the tray back in the kitchen and make breakfast for the two of them. He didn't know if Veronica was going to come back any time soon, but considering her abysmal attitude before her departure, Jeongguk doesn't think it'll be any time soon.
"I'll make you breakfast. Lay here, you're in no condition to go to work today." Jeongguk said to him, soft. Jeongguk smiled at Taehyung when he sighed.
"I don't like being taken care of,"
"Oh, hush." Jeongguk kissed his temple. "You can do that for me, can't you?"
"Alright, I suppose so."
Jeongguk walked down to place the teacups and tray in the sink, and then get to work with breakfast. Jeongguk made some eggs, humming a tune to himself that he's meant to sing at the club tonight. Should he go? Taehyung might need him.
But being away from the club and not performing for so long made Jeongguk's heart long for it. He'd become attached to Moonflower now, become attached to that other life. He didn't know how long it'd last. How long he'd be able to continue. But currently, thought of parting made him upset.
Jeongguk took breakfast up to Taehyung's bedroom. Taehyung looked half dead. He sat up and ate the food silently. Jeongguk smiled at him because he ate by pouting his lips a little bit, almost endearing.
"You know," Jeongguk began hesitantly. "If-if we continued what we... had. I wouldn't mind- um- doing things to you that you do to me." Jeongguk said, hushed.
Taehyung stopped eating and arched his eyebrow. "You want to fuck me?"
"N-no- I mean-" Jeongguk blushed furiously. "Kind of... it's nice to take care of you. I wouldn't mind doing it in bed as well." Jeongguk said, looking away.
Jeongguk looked up, and suddenly Taehyung was quite close to him, faces inches apart. Taehyung eyed him, and the gesture only made Jeongguk blush more. Taehyung smirked. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, love."
Jeongguk gulped, feeling a flutter in his stomach. Taehyung was effortlessly handsome, even when sick. His skin was flushed and voice was deeper because of his illness, and Jeongguk might be messed in the head because it only made Jeongguk feel more attracted to the older man. The thought of taking care of Taehyung went flying out the window. Jeongguk wanted Taehyung to pin him down and do things to him.
"R-right." Jeongguk settled for and saw as Taehyung chuckled, leaning back. He continued eating, looking at Jeongguk while doing so. Jeongguk put his hand forward.
"Taehyung, you won't drink anymore, will you? I've never seen Veronica look so stressed. I know she-she shouldn't have hurt you last night by slapping you- but what she said made sense. I don't want you to hurt yourself or others around you."
"I know, darling. I've been absolutely reckless. I don't like when she hits me, b-but I think I needed to get my mind straightened out. I'm going to be a father soon, a-as in... have a baby, I can't be so out of place." Taehyung murmured.
"A baby. It'll be a beautiful baby, I know it. With your and Veronica's faces put together." Jeongguk giggled. "Joan if a girl, no? That's a pretty name. I hope you have a daughter, for your sake."
Taehyung was looking down. Jeongguk's smile faltered when Taehyung didn't return the same enthusiasm. Jeongguk scooted closer to the man and lifted his chin up a little to look at him. Taehyung looked nervous, close to tears.
"I don't w-want to have a child." Taehyung breathed out, and Jeongguk stilled. "Not anymore."
"Taehyung," Jeongguk gulped. "You mustn't say that. You're being ludicrous. Of course you want this child. You're looking at it from the wrong perspective."
"How am I going to do any-anything? Without you?" Taehyung looked away. "The past few months the only reason I've been able to get out of bed is- is because I knew I'd see your face soon. I knew I'd have you in my arms. I knew I'd get to see you s-smile, and-" Taehyung took a deep breath. "I can't live without you."
"Don't say that." Jeongguk closed his eyes, wondering wen everything took such a turn. When Taehyung's dependency on him became stronger than Jeongguk's dependency on Taehyung. When Taehyung became so much weaker than Jeongguk.
Or perhaps it never took a turn. Jeongguk was just blind to see it. Taehyung had always been a weak man hiding behind a facade of confidence.
"Don't say you won't be able to live without me. You'll be absolutely fine without me. You've gone 27 years already, haven't you?" Jeongguk smiled. "I'm just a sensation, Taehyung. Momentary. We'll fade away. Only remember each other in the future, when our lives have moved forward."
"I don't want that to happen," Taehyung whispered.
"Me neither. But you're the one who told me to be realistic."
Taehyung nodded, bringing his hand forward to wrap them with Jeongguk's. Jeongguk squeezed his bigger hand, and they both sat in silence for a little while, enjoying one another's company.
"Are you feeling better now?"
Veronica looked up from where she was seated on the sofa, a warm cup of tea in her hands. She nodded. "Yes, I apologize for barging in like this at such an ungodly hour."
"That's alright," Rosie said gently, sitting down beside her. "Last time we talked I was a bit... erratic."
"I'm glad you agree." Veronica chuckled, taking a sip of her tea.
"It was just sudden. And, honestly, I can't talk about this to anyone. It's... humiliating, you know? It makes me think it's my fault. Was there something wrong with me? As a woman? That made him crave men?" Rosie said, hushed.
"I know how you feel. I can't talk about this to anyone either. It's a real mess we're in, Rosie. But it isn't any better for the two of them. Jeongguk... he's a nice man." Veronica nodded.
Rosie scoffed to herself, looking away. "Not much of a man anymore."
"Rosie," Veronica tsked.
"You can't blame me for being upset by this, Veronica! Isn't this what we're taught? A man mustn't lie with another man. It's a sin! He-he will go to hell! Doesn't that bother anyone in the slightest?!" Rosie cried out loud.
"No one's certain about what happens when we die. It isn't wrong to take risks, to take chances. Wouldn't you rather Jeongguk live a happy life now rather than live a deceitful life?" Veronica asked, and Rosie pursed her lips.
"....Oh. Well then. He's at my house now, as you might know. He's afraid of coming back home. Don't do that to him, Rosie. He still loves you, you know? Just not like a lover, but as a friend, he does." Veronica consoled, but Rosie got up from the sofa before Veronica could place a soothing hand on her knee.
"It's so easy for you to say this, Veronica." Rosie walked towards the window. "You're the big woman. The one with the job. The one with the money. The one who can drive. Who smokes. Who drinks. Who wears trousers and doesn't care what her husband thinks. It's always been easy for you." Rosie muttered.
"Easy?" Veronica arched her eyebrow. "Are you joking? Do you know how hard it's been to be where I am as a woman? I get paid half of what Taehyung does, despite doing an honorary job. It took years to be known as Veronica Kim, and not Taehyung's wife. It took years for men to respect me. And they still don't. So if you think I've had it easy, then you don't know a thing."
Rosie stilled. She turned around, hands fiddling with one another. "I-I'm sorry. I got angry."
Veronica leaned against the sofa. "Jeongguk says he wants a divorce."
Rosie dropped her head down, tears reaching her green eyes. "W-why?" Rosie's shoulders began shaking as tears rushed down her eyes. "W-what did I do wrong?"
"It's nothing you did, Rosie. It's how he's been since birth. He's always liked men, he just didn't know it. How would you feel if you were-were forced to be married to a woman? But inside, you liked men?"
"T-that- that doesn't make sense! Why does he want a divorce? What does he think he'd going to do? Be with Taehyung? Taehyung and you are having a child. God, doesn't he know that Taehyung doesn't care about him?" Rosie snapped.
Veronica snapped. "Taehyung does care. A lot. But... the circumstances are all wrong."
Rosie walked forward and sat down beside Veronica. "I hate Jeongguk. I hate that he likes men, it's disgusting. It makes me want to vomit."
"Don't say such things. You don't feel that way. You think you feel that way because that's what everyone around you wants you to feel. There's nothing wrong with a man liking a-"
"Have you gone mad as well? Do I need to call a doctor on all three of you?" Rosie said to her, eyebrows knitted. Veronica sighed, looking away.
There was silence, the curtains moving from the summer breeze coming in from outside. Rosie sniffled, picking on the skin around her nails, a nervous habit. Veronica took another sip of her tea and then set the cup down.
"Did they..." Rosie asked after a bit. "Did they have sex?"
"Yes," Veronica replied.
Rosie grimaced, shuddering. There was a bit more silence. Rosie gulped. "Do you know..... which one of them..... during the sex..... was the girl?"
Veronica stilled. She looked at her. "What?"
"I-I'm just curious! I never even knew two men could-could do such things-!" Rosie said, hand coming up against her mouth to cover it, looking horrified.
Veronica gulped. "I didn't think about that. But... I assume Jeongguk."
"I assume Jeongguk was the man during sex. Taehyung seems like he'd like it up his arse."
"I'm kidding." Veronica chuckled. Rosie looked scandalized. "You need to be a little lighthearted sometimes, Rosie. It helps diffuse these sort of situations."
"I can't. I don't understand how you're taking it so lightly. You're the perpetrator, you know that? You're making it worse by letting Jeongguk stay in your house. Taehyung and he are sick and will continued to be so if you let them stay close. They need help." Rosie spat. "Besides. Will you let this continue after your child is born? Taehyung won't want you ever again. He'll want Jeongguk. He probably doesn't even want the child to be born-"
"Rosie!" Veronica shouted. "Shut the fuck up!" Veronica stood up from the sofa, enraged, eyes darkened. She moved away from the couch. "God. No wonder Jeongguk wants to divorce you."
Veronica looked out the window, breathing heavily. She needed.... she needed a drink. But she couldn't. It was itching her, to smoke, to drink, to do anything. To sleep with a man. But she couldn't do any. Not when she had a greater liability in her stomach. Rosie's words were digging through her brain, terrorizing her. It made her writhe with anger and... guilt.
Because Rosie's words weren't entirely wrong. Veronica was the perpetrator.
"Moonflower!" Yoongi's voice came. "Come on! You're already 8 minutes late. Are you done with your makeup?"
"Yes! It's just- this- this eyelash isn't sticking-!" Jeongguk cried, and Yoongi rolled his eyes, dressed in full drag. Today was Friday. The club was filled with men, ranging from younger to much older.
Word had spread across London. A new queen had surfaced in a club downtown, and she was beautiful. Moonflower. Young, gorgeous, and sang like an angel. People were dying to watch her. Not only was this club the stage of the infamous Champagne Gloss, but also, the new beauty Moonflower.
The club was filled tonight. Numerous men and women as well, gay women with their lovers, wearing trousers and shirts and looking happier than could be.
"God, you're hopeless sometimes. Everyone's waiting for you. I already performed 5 songs, I'm knackered." Yoongi helped put the eyelash on Jeongguk's eyelash with ease. Jeongguk blinked his big eyes at the mirror and then gave Yoongi a pearly smile.
"Thank you. I'll go to perform now." Jeongguk got up from the seat, his corset especially tight today. His waist was already so small and now it looked much smaller. He wore a short pink gown with a big white belt on it.
Yoongi had been telling Jeongguk to find his own 'style'. Yoongi's style was very 20's, he'd made that avidly clear with his black flapper dresses and thin eyebrows. So in a search for inspiration, Jeongguk decided he adored doll-like clothing which included short pastel colored poofy dresses and belts. It was cute.
Jeongguk walked out of the green room, walking down the short dark hallway and then gripping onto the red curtains. He pushed them aside and smiled like he always does as the crowd applauded.
They cheered for Moonflower as she sauntered onto the stage, cute and shy. Jeongguk felt it was fitting for Moonflower to be a shy, more gentle woman, rather the opposite of Champagne. Jeongguk grabbed the microphone and then began singing.
He sang some Elvis Presley, some Frank Sinatra, some Paul Anka, but made it more feminine sounding, more soft, more breathy. He twirled and winked at the audience while doing so, and then giggling to himself because it was all rather silly. He couldn't be serious nor flirtatious, so being endearing and delicate is what he went with.
"In other words, I love you." Jeongguk finished singing Fly Me To The Moon and then smiled widely as the audience clapped for him. Some threw money on stage, which was a way of expressing their content with what he was doing.
Jeongguk took a step back, looking at everyone. "Hello. I'm Moonflower." Jeongguk said into the microphone, and the audience cheered for him, almost cooing. Jeongguk giggled. "I'm a little shy if I'm honest. Thank you for giving me a good time."
"Anyday, princess!" A man from the audience hollered, and Jeongguk giggled again.
"To end my performance, I'll be singing some Cinderella." Jeongguk batted his long lashes, and then twirled around, showing his back to the audience. Everyone quietened down. Jeongguk took a deep breath and then turned back around.
"Mmmm," Jeongguk began, looking over the audience. Everyone was looking up at him, standing on that stage. The spotlight was on him. All he could see were heads. "So this is love," Jeongguk began singing gently. Men and women both, lined up across the bar, standing askew on the floor, holding each other, swaying. "So this is what makes life divine,"
"I'm all aglow and now I know," Jeongguk sang, enjoying the beauty of what was in front of him, pure love. "The key to our heaven is-" Jeongguk froze. His eyes widened. "M-mine..."
Taehyung was standing against the bar, leaning back onto it, looking at him with a serious expression. Jeongguk very much stilled. He felt like he couldn't move.
The audience must've though the long pause meant he was finished because they burst out in applause. Jeongguk couldn't even thank everyone nor collect the money. He'd locked eyes with Taehyung for too long. Jeongguk turned around and ran off stage.
Jeongguk ran into the green room. Yoongi wasn't there. Jeongguk felt like crying. He didn't know why. But for so long, his life in the club and life outside had been separate. Now they were melding. Taehyung saw him.
The door of the greenroom opened. Jeongguk stood in the middle of the room and closed his eyes tightly, fists by his side. The door closed. A sign followed. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Jeongguk turned around, looking down. "I-I don't know. It's p-private."
"Private?" Taehyung asked, hands in his pocket. "You told me to go to sleep and left to go perform here. I was worried sick when I woke up and found you gone."
"I didn't think you'd wake up. Are you f-feeling better now?"
"Much," Taehyung said, walking closer to him. "Jeongguk, look at me."
Jeongguk looked up at Taehyung finally, feeling smaller in his gaze. Taehyung looked at him. His long fake lashes, heavy eyeshadow, lots of blush, freckles drawn on, big pink lips, long blonde hair, little pink dress. "Moonflower," Taehyung whispered. "That's what you call yourself?"
"Yes." Jeongguk bit his lip, fiddling with his fingers. "Why did you come here?"
"I assumed you'd be here. Considering you've been coming here quite often, haven't you? I just didn't think you'd be on stage singing, dressed as a woman." Taehyung eyed him head to toe.
"I'm sorry." Jeongguk squeaked, closing his eyes. "I enjoy doing this. It's-it's fun... it's something new, something different. It makes me happy." Jeongguk said in a small voice.
Taehyung smiled finally. "I'm glad it does. Because you look beautiful."
Jeongguk's eyes sparkled. Taehyung reached forward and gripped Jeongguk's waist. "Wow. You-" Taehyung twirled Jeongguk around. Jeongguk's skirt went up a little. "This is beautiful. You're beautiful."
"Thank you," Jeongguk said shyly.
"I saw you, you know. Flirting with the audience. Pretending to be a shy little princess. It's endearing." Taehyung smirked. "It fits you."
Jeongguk hit his chest. "It's just an act."
"Mhm. Sure." Taehyung chuckled. Jeongguk then turned and took his pearl earring off. "How long have you been doing this?" Taehyung asked.
"A month or so. Not too long." Jeongguk said. "After you left me."
"Ah." Taehyung nodded, gulping. Taehyung looked away. "I can leave if you'd like. I don't want to discomfort you."
"You don't discomfort me, Taehyung. I was scared you'd find it odd. But you don't seem to. I just don't want you to find me more beautiful like this than I am normally." Jeongguk blurted and then bit his tongue. "N-not that you need to find my beautiful normally..."
"I already do, darling. I can't help it. Moonflower's beautiful. Jeongguk's pulchritudinous." Taehyung smirked, leaning against the wall beside the dressing table.
Jeongguk blushed, but it was hidden under his makeup. Jeongguk picked up a powder puff and patted his makeup down. He looked at Taehyung, who was staring, his blonde hair slicked back. Jeongguk gulped. "You- you know I don't want to be a woman. I feel... I feel comfortable as a man. I just like dressing up like this."
"I know." Taehyung put his hand on Jeongguk's hair, tucking it behind his ear. "It's nice that you enjoy this. I never thought law was for you. This seems more fitting, no?"
"Y-yes, but I'm going to become a lawyer." Jeongguk chuckled. "I'll stop doing this once I become one."
"As you please." Taehyung leaned down and was about to kiss his forehead, but Jeongguk pushed him off.
"Don't! You'll get my makeup off." Jeongguk muttered, and Taehyung giggled. "Alright, princess."
The door of the dressing room opened. "Jeongguk I've had 13 men ask me if you're free to fuck. A woman asked me if you'd let her do things to you dressed like this. I didn't know what to say-"
Yoongi froze when he saw Taehyung. Jeongguk's eyes widened. Yoongi instantly furrowed his eyebrows and rushed forward, pushing Taehyung back. "Get out."
"Yoongi-!" Jeongguk got up, trying to stop him. Yoongi hit him on the chest. "No! You don't get to come into our safe space like this. You don't get to fuck with Jeongguk more than you've already done. Go away from here."
"Yoongi it's alright! He's just here to watch my show. He said I did amazing." Jeongguk reassuring Yoongi, who looked even more frightening as a woman. Yoongi looked angered still. Taehyung was against the wall now, unsure.
"Taehyung, sit down," Jeongguk said, but Taehyung gulped.
"I-I should leave, I reckon." Taehyung murmured, and Jeongguk shook his head, eyes growing big. He didn't want Taehyung to leave. But Taehyung looked uncomfortable with Yoongi's angry glare on him.
"If you want. I'll see you at home, then." Jeongguk said, walking closer to him. Taehyung nodded. Jeongguk raised his chin up. "Don't drink, alright? Rest. You shouldn't have come out so late..."
"Jeongguk, you don't have to fret over me as if I'm a child," Taehyung mumbled.
"I'm not! I just love you-" Jeongguk said, and then gulped, seeing Taehyung look at him with wide eyes. "Love- love taking care of you. Of people. I'm just caring." Jeongguk shrugged, and Taehyung hummed.
Jeongguk kissed his cheek. Taehyung hugged him tightly and then went away.
"I'm sorry. The man at the front shouldn't have let Taehyung in." Yoongi muttered.
"It's alright. I'm glad he found out. I rather not hide from him." Jeongguk said softly. "Besides, it's nice to let him know. It's another part of me he's discovered."
"Jeongguk, don't let him hurt you again."
"I won't," Jeongguk promised.
Jeongguk reached home an hour and a half later. Taehyung was sitting in his study, reading a book on the big leather armchair, his reading glasses on. Jeongguk walked into the room and stood by the door, dressing in his worn down trousers and big shirt, his face pale, scrubbed.
"What're you drinking?" Jeongguk asked, pouting.
"Lemon water, love. Come here." Taehyung closed his book, placing it on the table beside him. Jeongguk slowly walked up to him, and by the look of his thighs spread apart, Jeongguk sat down on his lap. Taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist. "I'm very proud of you."
"Thank you," Jeongguk whispered softly, looking down.
"You're strong. You're proud. You're being who you are and not letting others pull you down. I think that's amazing." Taehyung smiled. "I think... I think that's beautiful."
"You should do it as well." Jeongguk hinted, and Taehyung smiled weakly.
Jeongguk leaned against Taehyung's chest, wordless. "You make me strong," Taehyung said, carding his fingers through Jeongguk's hair.
"You weaken yourself. You're not. You're still mighty in my eyes. You always will be." Jeongguk touched their noses. "Even if you cry, if you hurt me if you hurt yourself. You'll always be the Taehyung I fell-" Jeongguk paused.
"Tell me," Taehyung said.
"The man I fell in love with." Jeongguk closed his eyes. Taehyung put his arm around Jeongguk's waist. "The man I love but can't have."
"Jeongguk," Taehyung breathed out. Jeongguk opened his eyes, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes were big, eyebrows lifted. Taehyung gulped. "Moonflower,"
Jeongguk gazed into Taehyung's soulful eyes, shimmering with gold. Taehyung leaned in closer. "I fell in love with you as well, Gguk. I fell s-so fucking hard for you, baby."
"Don't," Jeongguk said shakily, gripping his shirt."
"I'm in love with you. With every part of you. I can't help myself. Every time I see you my heart seized uncontrollably. I feel so much better when you're around. I wish I c-could spend my whole life with you-"
"I want to kiss you," Jeongguk said, their foreheads pressed together. "I love you and I want to kiss you but I shouldn't."
"I know. I know you shouldn't."
They pressed their lips together.
Jeongguk put his hands on either side of his neck, moving their lips gently. Jeongguk opened his eyes to look into Taehyung's hesitantly. Taehyung looked back. They continued kissing. Jeongguk pulled away, lips still against Taehyung's.
"You said-" Kiss. "-that we should-" Kiss. "-stop this."
"I know but I love you so much." Taehyung moved their lips together, and Jeongguk gripped his hair.
"You told me," Jeongguk breathed out as Taehyung kissed his neck. "T-that I shouldn't be immature... I should be realistic.... that- that we're sick in the head-"
"I'm stupid," Taehyung mumbled against his neck. "I don't know anything. I can't keep lying to myself. I know I'm madly in love with you. The more I tried to not think about you the harder it gets. The moment I think I'm over you, you do something s-so simple like make me breakfast, and I just fall back in love with you. You're everything I've ever wanted but didn't know I needed. You're fucking beautiful, every single part of you. The way you smile, the way you take care of others, the way you're so gentle, forgiving, loving. I love you, Jeon Jeongguk. I love you so much."
Jeongguk kissed him hard, pressing his tongue into Taehyung's. His heart was beating fast, stomach taking turns. He was in love with Taehyung. Taehyung was in love with him. Jeongguk smiled against Taehyung's lips, and then pulled away to giggled.
"Fuck!" Jeongguk squeaked. "I love you."
"I love you more." Taehyung kissed his cheeks, his nose, his chin. "I'm afraid if we don't stop now then I'll make love to you all night."
"Mmm, what a horrible thing," Jeongguk said dryly, but then kept kissing him.
"Shouldn't be-" Kiss. "-irresponsible."
"A little later for that, no?"
"She's pregnant, Jeongguk. We shouldn't do this."
"I know." Jeongguk sighed, tipping his head back. Taehyung kissed his open neck. Jeongguk squirmed on his lap. It got hot around them.
"Stop me," Taehyung whispered, unbuttoning Jeongguk's shirt while kissing his jaw. "I crave your body. To touch you. To fuck you till your're crying. S-so stop me before I do so."
"C-can't," Jeongguk whimpered into his mouth. Taehyung put his hands on Jeongguk's ass, giving it a sharp squeeze. Jeongguk began rutting against Taehyung. "Someone should s-stop us."
"I'll do it." Veronica's voice came from the back. Jeongguk and Taehyung froze, both their eyes widening. "This is like the third time. You really ought to be locking doors at this point." Veronica muttered.
Jeongguk got off Taehyung's lap, blushing, his cock half hard and visible through his trousers. Taehyung got up as well, scratching the back of his neck. "Veronica, I didn't think you'd come back-"
"What.... what do you want me to do?" Veronica asked, hushed, her eyes darkened, eyebrows raised. "I thought I could trust you to not behave like this when I'm having a child, Taehyung."
"And Jeongguk?" Veronica continued with the lack of response. "I welcomed you into our home to stay away from your wife, my best friend who you hurt miserably. Just this morning, I-I was defending you and telling her she was wrong. But- do you not understand that your actions hurt more people? I mean, god, is it that hard to be mature?"
Jeongguk ducked his head low. "I-I'm sorry, Veronica. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Get out of my house," Veronica said. Jeongguk looked at her, eyes wide.
"I-I don't have any place else to g-go." Jeongguk squeaked, looking from Taehyung to Veronica. He suddenly felt anxious. "Please. I'm sorry. I don't want to g-go back to Rosie-"
"Veronica, let him stay till tomorrow. Then he can go to a friend's place. It's too late at night." Taehyung muttered. "Don't be derisive."
"Do you know how much stress I'm under? Everything around me is just- it- it hurts, Taehyung. Everything is o-out of my control. Even you. Even m-my house! I don't feel comfortable here." Veronica cried her solid wall she'd put up crumbling down in front of Jeongguk. "I'm s-scared about everything. Please." Veronica got tears in her eyes. She closed her eyes. "I w-want him to leave."
Taehyung moved forward, grabbing hold of her and tightly wrapping his arms around her when she looked like she was about to fall. Jeongguk's eyes widened, standing away. It seems as if the past few weeks had taken a heavy toll on Veronica, and Jeongguk doesn't even blame her. She has been under stress at work, at home, everywhere else. It was her breaking point.
Veronica began sobbing into Taehyung's chest. Taehyung held her close. He looked at Jeongguk apologetically. Jeongguk gulped. "I-I'll go," Jeongguk whispered, turning around and walking out of their study.
"Ronnie," Taehyung said softly. "Tell me what's wrong."
"E-everything. You're wrong. You're in love with him. He's- he's in our house. And he's nice, b-but I can't help but feel angry when-whenever you two talk. And-and my b-boss is being unkind to me e-ever since I've become pregnant b-because he hates w-women. Rosie i-isn't who I thought she was. My back constantly h-hurts and I feel like puking. I'm scared. W-what if something happens to our child before he's even born?? What if w-we can't take care of our baby? What- what if- what if-"
"Veronica," Taehyung shushed. "Darling," He tucked her hair back. She was crying. "I'm sorry it's been so hard on you. I'm sorry I've been so negligent and only focused on my own thoughts and feelings. I'm sorry I've been such a bad husband."
"It's n-not your fault you're not in love with me anymore."
Taehyung stilled. He gulped. "How do we fix this? What do we do?"
"I d-don't know. But I can't do it alone. I just c-can't." Veronica shook her head, tear falling down her cheek. "I don't w-want to be a bad mother."
"Oh, you won't! You'll be an amazing mother." Taehyung kissed her forehead. "I think you need to lie down."
The front door opened and closed. Taehyung's head perked up. Jeongguk must've left. Taehyung sighed, helping Veronica out of the study and into her bedroom. She lay down on the bed, tired.
Taehyung changed himself and climbed onto the bed wish her. She turned around to look at him. "I wish this could be easier for all of us."
"I do too," Taehyung said, and then kissed her. "I love you."
"You don't."
Taehyung shook his head. "I'll always love you, Veronica. Maybe it's different from what I feel to Jeongguk, but I do love you."
Veronica sniffled. She felt asleep quickly. Taehyung lay awake, couldn't stop thinking about the future and what it held. Everything was unclear.
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