twenty five
The situation was... vexatious to say the least.
It had been a week. There was an unpleasant aura in the house. The sound of Veronica wretching her stomach by vomiting into the toilet bowl was heard every morning. Jeongguk would always make breakfast that Veronica would never eat- instead, she'd make something on her own. Taehyung would linger behind, smile at Veronica, smile at Jeongguk, and then have a glass of whiskey far too early in the day.
One particular Friday morning, Jeongguk stopped by the doorway to Taehyung's study, seeing him with his head against the desk, hand around an empty glass.
"Taehyung," Jeongguk said softly, and Taehyung flinched at his voice and picked his head up. He blinked a few times, adjusting his eyes to the light, and then landed them on Jeongguk. Taehyung smiled.
"Hello, love. Shouldn't you have left for your classes yet?" Taehyung asked, groggy.
Jeongguk's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, hands wringing together in a nervous gesture. "The lecturer's fallen ill, so I don't have to attend," Jeongguk said, and then put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, an unconscious movement. "Are you alright?"
"I'm- I'm fine. Perfectly mellow, darling." Taehyung said, and then got up from his seat and stumbled forward at the suddenness. Jeongguk grabbed him by his sides, eyes widening.
"Taehyung-" Jeongguk began, and Taehyung put his hands on Jeongguk's chest, chuckling.
"I'm fine-" Taehyung repeated, and tried pushing Jeongguk off.
"You're drunk, Taehyung- i-it's 10 in the morning-"
"I said I'm fine," Taehyung growled lowly, and Jeongguk's feet faltered backward. Jeongguk looked at him with worry, and Taehyung walked past him, out of the study. Jeongguk turned and followed him.
"You really shouldn't be drinking so much, Taehyung," Jeongguk began feebly, watching Taehyung grab a bottle roughly and pour its contents into the whiskey glass. "Not- not now. Not when Veronica's pregnant-"
"She is, isn't she? She's very much pregnant. I say it last night. A little bump on her stomach. Our child, that's-" Taehyung chuckled, gripping his glass tighter, a wicked smile on his face as he took a sip, and then let go. "That's our child."
"Taehyung-" Jeongguk walked over to him. Jeonguk grabbed the glass out of his hand, putting it back down on the table. "If you keep doing this, it'll get worse. For you, for Veronica, for your child-"
"I know what I'm fucking doing, Jeongguk," Taehyung rasped, and then gripped his chin, the darkness in his eyes lingering away at the sight of Jeongguk. Taehyung tilted his head. "You're quite beautiful."
Jeongguk pushed him off. "Eat some food and go to work. You'll get fired if you keep showing up to work off your feet like this."
"Don't lecture me." Taehyung snickered, walking past him. Veronica walked down the steps, dressed in her work clothes. She looked at Taehyung as he walked up the stairs and into their bedroom, shutting the door harshly. Veronica looked at Jeongguk.
Jeongguk kept quiet, looking away. Taehyung returned a minute later, dressed in his work clothes. He walked past Veronica and Jeongguk, out of the house. Veronica let out a slight sigh and followed, as they'd take the car to work together. Jeongguk stayed at his home, tethered.
To ease his mind, he wore a coat and walked out of the house for a walk. Frankly, he hadn't been out much besides for classes and work. In fear of seeing Rosie. She was always so innocent, harmless, but now the thought of her sent shivers down Jeongguk's spine.
Jeongguk walked a long way until he reached the bar. He walked in, the room now a familiar place to him. Jeongguk smiled when he saw Mark, the bartender, already sitting around. He wasn't working, but he lived above the bar, so he was probably just waiting around.
"Moonflower," Mark said with a grin, and Jeongguk felt the man squeeze his waist in a hug. "How are you? Haven't seen you for ages!"
"You heard what happened last time?" Jeongguk asked, and Mark's face shadowed, nodding. "Yes, those wretched policemen... I swear, they never raid this place because doing so doesn't change the fact that we're still homosexual." Mark chuckled.
"It was frightening. I've never been to- to prison, or anything of the sorts before. Especially for something like this. I must admit, it made me anxious to come here. But I wanted to come meet Yoongi. Is he here?" Jeongguk asked, but the question answered itself.
The door of his green room opened. "Just leave then!" Yoongi's voice shouted. Jeongguk turned around to see what was going on.
His eyes widened when he saw that policeman from that day, Hoseok, with his black hair and annoyed gaze, walk out of his room. Hoseok had a lit cigarette in his mouth, and upon seeing Jeongguk, he pulled his newsboy cap down a bit and walked out of the bar, sending Mark a look.
Yoongi walked out of the room, tears in his eyes. He walked to the bar and sat down on one of the stools, hands against his face. He breathed out a cry. Mark walked up to him.
"Why do you keep letting him in?" Mark asked gently, hand on his back.
"I don't know," Yoongi whispered weakly, fingers gripping at strands of his own hair.
"Yoongi," Jeongguk voiced, and Yoongi looked up. Yoongi sniffled, hadn't realized the younger was here. Yoongi got off the stool.
"Oh buttercup, you're alright," Yoongi said in relief, wrapping him in a hug. Jeongguk's eyes turned big in surprise, and he hugged him back rather quickly, chin on his shoulder.
"When you didn't return after that night, I thought- I thought you might've given up. But you haven't. You haven't lost hope, have you? We have to persevere, Jeongguk, men like you and me. We must." Yoongi said, squeezing him tightly. Jeongguk nodded.
"We must," Jeongguk repeated. "I'm sorry for not returning for a while. I'm afraid I got held up in a bit of a situation," Jeongguk said, and Yoongi looked at him.
They sat down, got two glasses of rum, and talked. Jeongguk first. "It's odd, y'know. Living in the same house as the man whom I let deflower me and the woman who's husband I took. It feels so wrong, yet somehow, Veronica isn't my biggest problem." Jeongguk chuckled, trailing.
"Have you spoken with your wife?" Yoongi asked.
"Um... not really. I'm a bit afraid." Jeongguk admitted. "She-she said I should burn in hell."
"That's what everyone says." Yoongi laughed weakly. "But if hell will be full of men who love men, then it doesn't sound too bad," Yoongi said, and Jeongguk burst into giggles. "We could perform there too."
"Perform, yes indeed. Speaking of; I-I was hoping I could swing by sometime? Perform again?" Jeongguk asked, and a slight flush flickered on his cheeks upon seeing Yoongi smile proudly.
"You're enjoying it, aren't you?"
"Immensely. Being on stage, wearing a dress, with my hair all done, with my face full of powder- I feel destined." Jeongguk said, eyes glittering.
"You're a reckoning, Moonflower," Yoongi said in a whisper. Jeongguk looked at him with slight confusion but didn't stop to question his words.
"Say. That policeman. He's... he's your lover?" Jeongguk asked.
Yoongi scoffed. "Lover." He said in disgust. "More like my demise."
Yoongi was quiet for a few seconds. He took a sip of his rum and then continued. "I met Hoseok six years ago. I was new to becoming a drag queen then," Yoongi snickered, shaking his head. "He'd always been a policeman. One day the police raided this old bar I used to work at. Arrested all of us. Hoseok took me in his car- but-but he never took me to prison. Began chatting me up. And-" Yoongi bit his lip. "I l-like to pretend as if... I let him do the things he did to me that night because I didn't want to go to prison. I just d-don't want to admit that... he was beautiful. I was so taken in by him."
Jeongguk looked at him cautiously. Yoongi looked down. "I'm pathetic to be s-so in love with him,"
"We're all a little pathetic, aren't we?" Jeongguk asked, and Yoongi looked at him, eyes teary. "I'm in love with a man who's having a child. My god, we truly are pathetic."
Yoongi started laughing. Jeongguk did too. Once their giggles died down, Jeongguk cleared his throat. "That night. I'm sorry for being so reckless. I got excited."
"It's alright, buttercup. We learn, don't we? It's happened to the best of us. I was quite reckless that night too, letting myself go ahead with you like that. You're rather irresistible, I must admit." Yoongi said, and Jeongguk blushed.
"R-really?" Jeongguk squeaked.
"I mean, it's a harmless fantasy, really. I'm usually the one that takes it- but there's something about you which makes me want to fuck you over a desk. Do you get what I mean?"
Jeongguk covered his face with his hands, blushing rather hard. Mark shouted from the back, something about telling Yoongi to stop ruining Jeongguk's innocence.
Jeongguk stayed there for a few more hours, talking to Mark and Yoongi, giggling over silliest of things. Mark cooked some Italian for the three of them, and they ate it up gratefully. After that, Jeongguk went back to Taehyung and Veronica's home.
He felt like an uninvited guest.
Veronica never said anything rude to him, not directly, but her gestures, her movement, her looks, and her expressions made it clear that Jeongguk's presence was not welcome. Jeongguk didn't blame her, really.
Jeongguk stepped into the house, glad to find it empty. He decided to show his kindness by cleaning up the house, dusting the floors and tables. The sun had set, thus Veronica and Taehyung should be returning from work in an hour or so.
However, the doorbell rang many times, startling Jeongguk. Who was there? Neither resident had informed Jeongguk of the occurring of a random stranger.
Jeongguk walked to the door fearfully and then opened the door. Once he did, he gasped.
It was Jackson. He looked troubled, anxious. His arm was around Taehyung's waist, holding him up. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with discomfort. The man's hair was a mess, tie loose, jacket off. He looked half asleep and smelt reeked of alcohol.
"Jeongguk- oh thank goodness. I was told by his assistant to take him back home. He- he kept drinking at work, causing a ruckus-"
Jeongguk put his hands on Taehyung's arms, frightened at his appearance. Jackson gulped nervously when Taehyung started laughing.
"Do you ever shut the fuck up, Jackson?" Taehyung slurred, words low. Jeongguk gave Jackson an apologetic look because Jackson looked a bit upset by this situation.
"I-I'm very sorry. Thank you for helping. I-I think you should go get Veronica from-from work-" Jeongguk said, holding onto Taehyung who couldn't even stand on his own feet. Jackson nodded apprehensively.
Taehyung slipped out of his hold and fell to the floor. Jeongguk looked embarrassed and taken aback when Taehyung began laughing, gripping the carpet, unable to lift his head off the floor. Jackson gulped, looking at Jeongguk unsurely.
"H-he's fine, I'll-I'll take care of him-" Jeongguk said quickly, kneeling in front of him. Jeongguk helped him up. "Taehyung. Taehyung, just-just calm down. Shush-" Jeongguk tried, but Taehyung grabbed his wrists, smirking up at him droopily.
"Awww, you-you gonna take care of m-me, love? Gonna let me f-fuck you again, are you? Show me your ass, c'mon-" Taehyung slurred- and then grabbed his ass. Jeongguk's cheeks flushed, more of shame at Taehyung's actions and words than anything.
"Sir- are- are you sure? I can stay and help if you want-" Jackson said, and Jeongguk put his hands on Taehyung's arms to pull them away from his behind. Jeongguk nodded at Jackson, humiliating.
"Y-yes, please, you can go," Jeongguk said quickly, and Jackson nodded and walked out, closing the door.
"Finally," Taehyung growled, and then sloppily began kissing his neck. Jeongguk pushing him odd with force and then got up from the floor. Jeongguk tried helping him up, but Taehyung fell face forward to Jeongguk's crotch and then began laughing loudly.
"L-lemme have your cock in my mouth, Gg-gguk. C'mon-" Taehyung said, and Jeongguk moved away from him, his heart pacing fast in fear. He felt revulsion and fear looking at Taehyung like this.
"T-Taehyung please, just- j-just get up-" Jeongguk said weakly, not knowing how to take care of him, not knowing what to do. Jeongguk helped him stand up, but Taehyung stumbled again, and then moved to the side and hunched forward.
Taehyung threw up on the floor. Jeongguk widened his eyes, then looked away in disgust, in burning shame. Taehyung gripped onto Jeongguk's shirt, finished, but still hunched over.
"Taehyung..." Jeongguk whispered, and Taehyung breathed heavily, standing up straight. Jeongguk sat him down on the sofa and went into the kitchen to get water for him. Jeongguk walked back to him and saw his head hung low. Jeongguk reached it up and pressed the rim of the glass against his lips.
"Drink it please-" Jeongguk said, and Taehyung opened his mouth. Jeongguk tipped the glass into his mouth, and Taehyung took a few sips. Taehyung put his hand over Jeongguk's on the glass and then forced it forward until the water spilled out and onto his shirt and trousers.
Taehyung began laughing. Jeongguk took the glass away from him. He took a napkin and wiped Taehyung's unkempt mouth, and then his shirt, and then his trousers. Jeongguk didn't say anything. Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's wrist and then jerked it, so Jeongguk's hand touched Taehyung's clothed cock.
"Taehyung-" Jeongguk whispered, pulling his hand away. Taehyung leaned away from him, resting his head back against the couch. Jeongguk got up from the couch and walked to get a mop.
Jeongguk cleaned the vomit off the floor, tears prickling in his eyes. He then washed the mp as well, a horrid feeling creeping up his stomach. Jeongguk walked into the living room and saw Taehyung.
He saw Taehyung by the bar table, pouring more alcohol into a glass, filling it till the brim. Jeongguk gasped out. "Stop it! W-what is wrong with you? Stop it Taehyung, j-just stop!" Jeongguk snapped, pushing him. "You c-can't just keep doing this-"
"I'm fine," Taehyung slurred and then stepped forward to grab his glass. Jeongguk grabbed his wrists to stop him, but in doing so, the glass tipped and fell to the floor, crashing and breaking into pieces. The alcohol spilled onto the floor.
Taehyung pushed Jeongguk roughly, and the younger stumbled back, almost falling. "I s-said I'm fine! Do you not hear me? I'm p-perfectly fine!" Taehyung shouted, his hands shaking.
Jeongguk's eyes widened as Taehyung fell to the floor, gasping out for breath, his eyes filling with tears. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine." Taehyung repeated to himself, voice shaking.
"Taehyung," Jeongguk voiced faintly. Taehyung looked away from him, grabbing a piece of broken glass. Jeongguk sat down in front of him. "D-don't hold that-"
"I'm f-fine," Taehyung said again, voice bubbling. "I'm-" Taehyung shoulders stilled, and then he started crying. Burst into tears, into loud, childlike sobs.
Jeongguk reached forward, wrapping his arms around him, pulling him close. Taehyung continued crying, his whole body shaking. Jeongguk closed his eyes, letting Taehyung practically scream in sobs into his chest. He just held him.
They sat there for a long time, Taehyung crying out his remains into Jeongguk until he couldn't anymore. Until he could only whimper and sniffle, nothing left in the man any longer.
Jeongguk picked Taehyung up in his arms, the man half asleep, and carried him into his bedroom. Jeongguk laid Taehyung down onto the bed, draped the blanket on top of him, closed the light, and walked out of the bedroom.
Veronica returned soon after. "Where is he?" She asked, eyes darkened. Jackson must've told her what happened.
"He's sleeping. He's not in the state to talk right now, Veronica." Jeongguk said, and Veronica eyed him. She looked around and then saw the broken glass on the floor, the alcohol drying on the floor. She also noticed how Jeongguk had tear stains on his face.
"Did he hurt you?" Veronica asked, bitter.
"N-no. He just... he's not alright." Jeongguk said feebly.
"What is this stench? Did he throw up?" Veronica asked, eyebrows furrowing.
Jeongguk looked down. "I-I took care of it."
"You shouldn't have to. He's a grown man who's going to have a child. He shouldn't be coming back from work drunk." Veronica growled and then walked past Jeongguk and up the stairs. Jeongguk turned around, eyes wide. He followed her.
"Veronica, don't do anything-" Jeongguk began hastily. She walked into the bedroom.
"Taehyung." Veronica voiced, and Taehyung stirred in his sleep. "Taehyung!" Veronica shouted. Taehyung recoiled and then opened his eyes. He looked at her, sitting up suddenly.
"Veronica," Taehyung let out groggily, looking a bit soberer now. Veronica looked at him with wide, darkened, angered eyes. Taehyung didn't say anything. Jeongguk stood by the door.
Veronica slapped Taehyung across the face. Jeongguk flinched, hiding behind the wall.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Veronica shouted. "Are you trying to lose your job? Your sanity? Your life? Is that what you're trying to fucking do?"
"I-I'm sorry,"
"Sorry? Is that all you have to say?! Look at everyone around you! Jackson, poor Jackson, his wife is pregnant, he works a low-income job, he has to work till late at night and help his stupid fucking boss. Had to bring you in as if you were a dog, Taehyung! I've been in classes since early morning, grading papers after papers, throwing up violently, my head hurt all day- and I have to rush home because I hear my husband has gotten himself drunk at home? Do you know how humiliating it is??"
Jeongguk stood behind the wall, unable to see their faces. "What about Jeongguk? Do you not care for him, at least? He's getting told to commit suicide by his own wife, got arrested, got harassed. And he had to take care of you as if you were a fucking child, Taehyung. Clean you up, put you to bed. He's watching the man he'd in love with ruin himself and drink himself to fucking death!" Veronica shouted. Jeongguk's eyes widened, stomach coiled.
There was a small silence. Jeongguk heard a sniffle and then realized Taehyung was sobbing. "I'm sorry," Taehyung repeated, words so soft Jeongguk could barely hear them.
"You're fucking helpless. You have it best out of all of us, Taehyung. You're the one with the fancy job. With the fancy title. You're the one who remains the perfect man. Yet you're the fucking weakest out of all of us."
Jeongguk stood completely still, and then heard voices, meaning Veronica was leaving the bedroom. Jeongguk darted past to ensure it didn't seem as if he was eavesdropping. Veronica walked out, looking a bit shaken. "I'll stay at my cousin's tonight. Sorry." Veronica whispered the last part and then walked out of the house.
Jeongguk stood still as the front door closed. Jeongguk looked into the bedroom and saw Taehyung standing by the window, gripping the ledge, looking outside. Jeongguk walked up to him.
Jeongguk put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, and he saw how the older tensed, but let Jeongguk place it there.
"I'm sorry." Taehyung breathed out, tears fresh in his eyes, mouth dry.
"I know your are," Jeongguk said, and tears went down Taehyung's cheeks.
"I'm s-so weak," Taehyung whispered. "So disgusting. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Taehyung kept saying the same words again and again. Jeongguk went closer to him and then shook his head, grabbing Taehyung's trembling hand.
"Everyone has low moments," Jeongguk said, tracing his thumb over Taehyung's hand. He looked up at Taehyung. That man he knew once, the glorious, perfect, manliest man was now gone. Taehyung looked vulnerable, pale, eyes with tears and throat hoarse.
"I'm sorry," Taehyung said again, and Jeongguk squeezed his hands to quieten him. Taehyung began crying. "Y-you're ashamed o-of me."
"Don't cry again, love," Jeongguk whispered, walking forward and bringing Taehyung's hands up so they'd cup Jeongguk's cheeks. "You'll make me cry,"
Taehyung began crying louder. "I-I'm not a man. You- you're a man." Taehyung whispered. Jeongguk blinked his big eyes. "You're s-strong, and you're brave, and y-you continued to fight even though the whole world's against you. And look at me." Taehyung closed his eyes, letting his tears slip past. "I'm so f-fucking weak."
Jeongguk hugged him tightly. But he couldn't say anything to him. Taehyung was right. Taehyung was weak, devastatingly.
"It's alright. You'll grow strong again. A strong, willing father. One who'll love and raise his beautiful child." Jeongguk soothed, pressing their foreheads together. "Just stop drinking, stop weakening yourself."
Taehyung nodded, hugging Jeongguk tightly. Jeongguk whispered more soothing words into his ear. Taehyung grew sleepy, lying his head against his shoulder.
Jeongguk led him to the bed. Taehyung lay down, but then he grabbed Jeongguk and pulled him into the bed as well. "Stay. Please." Taehyung whispered.
"Only for tonight," Jeongguk replied, and then curled into Taehyung, letting Taehyung wrap his arms around Jeongguk. They held each other all night.
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