The eighth dream was... peculiarly distinct.
Having the constant of Taehyung in his mind was dithering enough, now the man was conquering his state of subconscious too. Jeongguk started thinking of him differently. Yes, he was smart, well educated, well read, well spoken, but he was also so handsome. So handsome, that perhaps his mind decided to play a few tricks with that deliberation in mind.
Jeongguk fell asleep at around 10 pm. Rosie was snuggled close to his chest when he did; and the moment he slipped into a deep slumber, he was... making love, you could say.
The whole dream was confusing on its own. Everything was abstract as if drifting away slowly. The scenery was stark white, faded, blinding to Jeongguk's eyes. He looked down and saw Rosie, lying underneath him. She had her mouth agape, eyes wide, her blonde hair splayed beneath her. She was naked, and Jeongguk realized he was gripping her waist while fluently moving in and out of her. Her moans were silent, no sound leaving her mouth.
He continued doing it, at a pace which became boring. But soon, Jeongguk's head was filled with numerous sounds and voices and signals, until Rosie wasn't there anymore.
Taehyung was.
And Jeongguk's pace increased, and his fluent snapping of hips fluent against Taehyung's quickened, and the bright white light turned a softer, warmer hue of oranges and browns. Jeongguk was so close to Taehyung, seeing his soft skin and brown eyes looking up at him. Jeongguk reached down and pressed the shell of his ear to Taehyung's cheek, until his moans were the only sound he could hear until his pitched screams filled the room and Jeongguk was thrusting into him an a pace unknown, until-
Jeongguk's eyes flew open, heart beating rapidly, a dent in his pants that was more than obvious. He looked to the side and saw Rosie sitting beside him, a hand on his thigh. "Are you alright?"
"I-" Jeongguk started, and then moved Rosie's hand off his thigh, gulping down the shame, the guilt, the pure horror of dreaming something so horrendous. "I-I'm fine."
"You look flustered," Rosie said softy, and Jeongguk's mouth went dry.
"I said I'm-" Jeongguk started, but then Rosie moved closer to him, pressing her lips to his temple.
"Let me take care of it," She whispered, and Jeongguk's hands fisted around the sheets. He nodded faintly, the embarrassment taking over him as she moved the bedsheets down and saw his aching member.
Rosie started working on it, and Jeongguk's mind wandered. Though bursts of pleasure were entering his system and he was letting out slight grunts for a response, he couldn't help but understand why he would even dream of such a thing. Kissing was one, but making love was something else altogether. Maybe Jeongguk needs some medicine. That's what the doctors say to do when one has homoerotic thoughts.
Rosie was moving her small hand up and down his cock, seeing it leak with precum. "We have that dinner party at Veronica's tonight," Rosie whispered, continuing to caress him softly. Jeongguk nodded silently, biting his lip to conceal a moan.
"Taehyung's going to be there," Rosie continued as if this was a casual dinner conversation. The mention of Taehyung's name caused Jeongguk to whimper out in pleasure, thus leaping forward to grab Rosie's nightgown and hide his head in her neck.
"O-oh- Jeonggukie, are you okay?" Rosie asked in a higher tone, a worried tone, and Jeongguk nodded, bucking into her fist.
"Y-yeah- um- keep going," He whispered weakly, and Rosie nodded.
Rosie kept going until Jeongguk came in her palm, and she leaped forward to press their lips together. Jeongguk kissed her back lightly, but couldn't help thinking of a bigger hand, wider shoulders, and a man.
The night of the dinner party arrived. Jeongguk was dressed in a simply black shirt and tight pants, while Rosie was in a pretty yellow dress.
"Do you think this is good for a dinner party? Maybe I should've worn something darker..." Rosie said, looking at the mirror. She pushed her tufts of curls. "Does my hair look alright? I was trying to go a little Monroe... though did you see on the newspaper what it said about her and Kennedy? It's a bunch of rubbish, really. They'll never let that woman live! Though the way she was dressing on that magazine cover was a little provocative," Rosie went on, and Jeongguk sighed, looking annoyed.
"Must you waste so much time?" Jeongguk said, sounding unnecessarily rude. Rosie looked at him quietly, and Jeongguk sighed. "Sorry. I'm just scared we'll be late,"
Rosie nodded. "I apologize. I didn't realize I took so long," She said, picking up a little cardigan and smiling at Jeongguk. "We can leave now!"
Jeongguk nodded, and then opened the door and waited for Rosie to walk out to close it behind them. They walked till Taehyung's house, but before walking into the garden leading to the main door, Jeongguk paused. He turned to look at Rosie.
"Do I look alright?" He asked, and Rosie tilted her head.
"I mean," Jeongguk said, and then stepped closer. "My hair looks fine, right? I'm not overdressed? Taehyung didn't mention if it was casual or formal or not. I'm afraid I might be overdressed." Jeongguk said, and then tsked, looking to the side, clicking his foot against the ground in frustration.
Rosie kept silent, looking awfully amused. "Oh, and what are we doing walking down here? It looks so... unimpressive. And-" Jeongguk started, and then gasped, eyes widening like saucers. "We've come empty handed! Rosie- Rosie, Rosie, why didn't you get the new bottle of wine? Oh- this looks absolutely dreadful." Jeongguk ranted, and then walked away to the side of the pavement.
"Well- where- where are you going?" Rosie asked, turning to look at Jeongguk, who was looking away, nervously biting at his thumbnail.
"I don't want to go in anymore," Jeongguk mumbled, and Rosie giggled. Jeongguk looked at her.
"You sound like a lady," Rosie said with a fond smile, and Jeongguk blushed a little, and then stopped.
He does.
Jeongguk gulped. "I was only joking," Jeongguk mumbled, and Rosie nodded. "Let- let's just go in," Jeongguk said, and Rosie nodded again, still giggling to herself.
They walked into the house and walked towards it, and Jeongguk hesitated before ringing the doorbell. The sound buzzed throughout the house, and Jeongguk heard the chatter coming from inside. Oh! Jeongguk thought it'd be silent and boring- not full of livelihood!
The door swung open. Veronica stood there, her hair done up, wearing a simple red dress which puffed out like how it looks on pinup dolls. "Oh, there you two are!" Veronica laughed, clearly a little tipsy and looking a little free. "Come on in!"
Jeongguk smiled at her, and Rosie walked in, hugging her tightly. Veronica hugged her too, and they both started talking about whatever it was they were talking about, Jeongguk couldn't find it in himself to care. Jeongguk's eyes wandered about. A group of men stood by the fire, all talking loudly and laughing, holding glasses of scotch. Women sat on the couch, all discussing something and laughing out, glasses of wine in their hands.
Jeongguk walked forward, trying to look for Taehyung. He looked around for the blonde haired man, and then suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.
It was Taehyung, blonde hair a little messy, wearing a navy shirt and a thick tie, pants tight and checkered, matching the tie. Jeongguk gasped. "Y-you're wearing a tie,"
"Observation. A good quality to have," Taehyung responded, and Jeongguk looked away.
"I knew I was underdressed," Jeongguk squeaked out, and Taehyung chuckled.
"What?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk looked up at him. "I-I didn't know it was a tie event. You didn't make it clear. And, I didn't get any wine. I'm a terrible guest!" Jeongguk let out, and Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.
"Oh, Jeongguk. Aren't you adorable," Taehyung said with a smile, and Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion. "I don't care. No one does." Taehyung said softly, and Jeongguk nodded, blushing.
"Let me introduce you," Taehyung said, and then put one hand on Jeongguk's lower back and led him into the living room, near the men. Jeongguk felt flushed by the simple touch.
"Namjoon, Jin- meet Jeongguk. Aspiring Lawyer to be," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk almost gleamed a little, wanting to make a good impression. Taehyung almost gave Jeongguk a little encouraging pat in the back.
"I'm Namjoon," The man with the dark brown hair said, wearing square glasses and dimples besides his lips. "I work with corporate law."
"I'm Jin, it's nice to meet you. What kind of law do you work with, Jeongguk?" Jin asked, and Jeongguk hummed.
"Um- criminal. Y'know, the best kind," Jeongguk laughed, and both men rose their eyebrows.
"That's debatable," Namjoon said.
"O-oh. I didn't mean to-" Jeongguk began, but got cut off.
"See, I think criminal law is a question of ethics. Individuals all across the globe work towards the freeing of-" Namjoon began, and Jeongguk turned to the side to find Taehyung, but upon not seeing him, realized he left. Jeongguk's shoulders dropped a little.
Almost half an hour later, Jeongguk rushed out of the living room and into the side room to excuse himself. He breathed out in relief and then saw the curtains drawn for the balcony, moonlight falling into the television room. A room just for a television, a color television. It was more than obvious they had an abundance of money.
Jeongguk looked into the balcony and saw a blonde haired figure standing there by himself, and his breath hitched. Jeongguk walked ahead towards the balcony, and then pulled the door open to look outside.
"I must thank you for dropping a lamb into a lions cage and running away like that," Jeongguk chuckled, and Taehyung turned to look at him. He had a cigarette in his hand and smiled.
"I'm assuming you were the lamb," Taehyung said, smoke leaving his mouth as he spoke. Jeongguk walked into the balcony and stood beside him.
"Your friend Namjoon lectured me on why the criminal justice system needs working for a whole 26 minutes. Then he and Jin discussed the war. It was so entertaining," Jeongguk loathed, and Taehyung laughed.
"I apologize," Taehyung said, looking outside. He pressed the cigarette to his mouth, inhaled, and then let it go, breathing out. "I can't stand being around lawyers. I despise them," Taehyung said gruffly, and Jeongguk looked confused.
"But you're a lawyer,"
"I know," Taehyung said, and then looked at Jeongguk. "I can't stand myself when I'm a lawyer."
"Well, why not? We're helping our country, aren't we? We prove what's right and what's wrong- and- and we get money, and-"
"God, is that all that matters?" Taehyung snapped, sounding aggravated, startling Jeongguk. "Money and recognition? How do we get to decide what's right and what's wrong?"
Jeongguk looked down. "No. That's not all that matters. I just- I-I just meant... I don't know." Jeongguk said, biting his lip, feeling the same numbness his mind felt when he talked to Taehyung the last time. "I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing," Taehyung said, and then sighed. "I'm a little drunk. I had no right taking it out on you like that." Taehyung said, placing his hand on Jeongguk's lower back again.
Jeongguk looked at him. "I... I had a strange dream last night,"
Taehyung hummed, taking another drag of his cigarette. "What was it?"
Jeongguk gulped, dancing his fingertips on the railing in nervousness. "I-I really shouldn't say-"
"Oh no, now I have to know. What is it, really?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk looked at him, and then looked away quickly.
"I-I don't know," Jeongguk mumbled quickly. "You were in it," Jeongguk said, tight-lipped. "We were in my flat,"
"And?" Taehyung asked, looking at him with the nearly intimidating look he always had. Jeongguk gulped again.
"Well- you- it's really strange," Jeongguk stammered and then bit his lip. "You were- well, y-you were under me,"
"Under you?" Taehyung asked, looking a little amused.
"Yeah. I-I was doing strange things to you. And- um- now I'm wondering why I told you this..." Jeongguk squeaked, and Taehyung laughed.
"That is strange," Taehyung said, looking ahead.
Jeongguk looked at him for a few seconds. "Don't be angered with me. Please." Jeongguk pleaded quickly. "I-It was just a strange dream, I swear. Maybe it's the stress. Or- or I drank a little. I don't know-"
"If that's what happens when you drink a little, Jeongguk- I might have to get you drunk," Taehyung said with a smirk, and Jeongguk paused. He blushed.
"You-you're not finding it strange? I mean- a man with another man? It's- it's absurd. It's wrong."
"Nothing wrong with love," Taehyung said, and then smiled. "I think it's sweet. That people can love so many kinds of people."
Jeongguk looked confused, and Taehyung chuckled. "I didn't expect you to get it-"
"I-I do!" Jeongguk insisted, not liking how inferior he felt in comparison to Taehyung. He stepped closer to him, felt the need to. "You think it's alright for two men to love each other?"
"I think everything's alright as long as it's in complete accord of both resonating parties," Taehyung said softly, and Jeongguk let out a giggle, hitting him lightly on the chest, and letting his hand remain there.
"You're such a lawyer," Jeongguk said, and Taehyung put his hand on Jeongguk's waist, leaning in a little.
"Oh darling," Taehyung said, his voice low, sending a shiver down Jeongguk's spine. "I prefer artist."
Jeongguk blushed wildly and then realized how close they were to one another. Jeongguk was about to pull back, but Taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist, confining him to the close proximity.
"You're cold." Taehyung pointed out, and Jeongguk looked up at him.
"Observation, a good quality to have," Jeongguk whispered, and Taehyung started laughing, and the sound of his deep joyous laugh sent tingles through Jeongguk's skin.
"I'll keep you warm," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk was a little confused, but then got spun around, facing the outside. Jeongguk put his hands on the railing and then felt Taehyung's body slot against the back of his, and a cigarette brought to his slightly puckered lips.
"Take it in," Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk nodded, pressing his lips around the bud and inhaling the smoke. Jeongguk did it for a few seconds, waiting for Taehyung to pull it out. Once he did, Jeongguk blew the smoke out.
Taehyung moved closer to Jeongguk, one hand wrapped around his waist, looming over his shoulder. "I know I said your bum looked plush-" Taehyung said, and Jeongguk let out a squeak of surprise when he felt Taehyung squeeze his butt. "-but feeling it, I can confirm it is-"
"Get your hand-" Jeongguk said, and then pulled Taehyung's hand off. "-off my arse!"
Taehyung laughed and let the younger go, so Jeongguk turned around, giggling. "You're strange."
Taehyung hummed. "I like that," Taehyung said, and then flicked the cigarette into the railing, smirking. "I like you, Jeongguk."
Jeongguk blushed lightly. "I quite like you too,"
"I think we could be good friends," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk nodded.
"I think we could."
Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, and then Jeongguk saw him turn around, lighting yet another cigarette. Jeongguk gulped, seeing the span of his shoulders, how in reality, his skin was so tan, glowing under the moonlight. His blonde hair was rough yet soft, Jeongguk wishes to card his fingers through it. He just- he had a strange longing for Taehyung. A longing he didn't understand.
Jeongguk stepped closer to him and reached out to touch his shoulder, but then Taehyung turned around, and Jeongguk's hand went on his cheek. Taehyung let his hand fall, other hand holding a cigarette. "You alright?"
Jeongguk was so close to Taehyung, and he wanted to say it. Wanted to ask about the inexplicable sensation he'd been feeling around the older. How his heart began beating faster, how he got more excited, how he began stammering, blushing, giggling- how much he wanted to be around the older. It felt sickening, like an infection taking over him.
Except it wasn't.
Because being so close to Taehyung, Jeongguk felt a lot lighter than he ever has. Like he was rid of all of his vices.
"Taehyung-" Jeongguk said softly, and then reached up. "I need to tell you something-"
Jeongguk brought his lips closer to Taehyung's ears, and closed his eyes, feeling the slight touch of Taehyung's skin against his lips close to perfect, and then moved back in a sudden, not realizing what he was doing. Except, Taehyung grabbed his waist, pulling him closer in.
He held Jeongguk so tightly, and Jeongguk was so close- that their noses brushed against one another, and Jeongguk almost whimpered out. "T-Taehyung-"
"Sshh, my love," Taehyung whispered. "Let it be,"
Jeongguk gulped, feeling the creeping feeling he'd had this morning crawling up his spine at how domineering Taehyung's tone was. He just held Jeongguk, and Jeongguk just looked at him closely. Their breaths intermingled, and Jeongguk didn't know what he craved; didn't know what it is he wanted.
"W-what- what are w-we doing?" Jeongguk asked voice awfully high pitched, expressing the inner anxiousness he displayed.
"You ask too many questions, darling," Taehyung said again, and then looked closely at Jeongguk. "You're awfully pretty,"
"T-Thanks-" Jeongguk squeaked out and then felt his cheeks redden at the man's intense gaze.
Jeongguk felt a magnetic pull towards Taehyung, and felt himself diving closer than he'd ever been- and then;
A loud knock against the balcony startled the two of them- and Taehyung practically pushed Jeongguk away, and Jeongguk was glad he did because his heart practically jumped out of his chest- and god- it was all so practical-
"What're you two strange birds doing out there in the cold?" Veronica's loud voice came. "Come inside- it's freezing out there!"
"Coming," Taehyung replied, and Jeongguk gulped, quickly heading towards the balcony door and rushing back inside. He saw Veronica, looking a little tipsy. Taehyung walked behind Jeongguk and sighed.
"Are you drunk again?" Taehyung asked, and Veronica giggled, walking towards him. "Nooo- I would never. I'm a lady," Veronica slurred and then wrapped her arms around Taehyung's neck, laughing.
"She gets drunk way too easily," Taehyung said, wrapping his arms around her waist while she kissed his neck and jaw. "I'll- um- see you later?"
"Yeah," Jeongguk said, not being able to get his eyes off how Veronica practically slobbered her red lipstick over Taehyung. Jeongguk walked towards the foyer, but then turned slightly and saw Taehyung kissing her on the mouth, and Veronica humming into his mouth.
Jeongguk walked away. He saw Rosie talking to some woman. "Rosie, we better get going. I've got work tomorrow,"
"Of course," Rosie said with a smile, and then said bye to the woman, and grabbed her cardigan.
The two of them walked till their house and rushed inside into the warmth. Rosie was quiet, looking rather sleepy. She looked at Jeongguk will a pout.
"Can you carry me to bed?" Rosie asked softly, her eyes big, lashes long and blinking.
"I'm- um- tired," Jeongguk said flatly, and Rosie sighed, looking a little defeated.
"Okayy..." She mumbled, and Jeongguk looked at her but didn't say anything. They both walked till the bedroom, and Rosie gasped.
"Oh! Veronica told me she's going back to Yorkshire for three days to meet her parents again. I think I'll go with her, I miss my sisters," Rosie said. "If- if that's okay, of course. I'll stay here if you want me to-"
"You can go," Jeongguk said, and Rosie looked at him like she was worried.
"Are you sure? I mean- who'd cook your meals? And- and clean your clothes? And the house- and-"
"I can take care of myself for 3 days, god Rosie," Jeongguk said with a scoff, and Rosie looked down.
"Sorry. You sound upset- I-I think we should sleep." Rosie let out quietly, and Jeongguk hummed, taking his clothes off to wear more comfortable ones.
Once he was in bed, he played with his cold hands. Couldn't stop letting the swirls of wind in his mind catch a drift of Taehyung. He couldn't help but think of the events that conspired that night- the emotions his body flooded with, the jolts his brain received-
It's when he realized.
The thought of making Taehyung scream in bed didn't sound as electrifying.
Not as much as the thought of Taehyung making him scream.
Taehyung, with his large hands roaming down his tight body, gripping his thighs, rasping into his ear, thrusting into him at a high pace, his eyes dark, his scent strong, his lips smirking as he'd call Jeongguk his darling-
"Are you angered with me?" Rosie asked softly.
Jeongguk gulped.
No, no he wasn't.
"I'm not," Jeongguk said.
He was angered with himself, perhaps.
"O-okay. I love you."
Because the confusion his mind felt didn't compensate for the images of Taehyung. And god fucking damnit. I love you- he should return it.
Yet, staying silent was what he chose.
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