The dark wooden door closed behind Taehyung, creating a silenced heavy sound throughout the flat. Taehyung stepped inside, the soles of his shoes carrying bits of snow.
"This is... your house?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk looked around to ensure Rosie wasn't there, running into their bedroom, study, kitchen, bathroom- and finding it all empty.
"Yeah," Jeongguk said, and then took his coat off, chucking it onto the sofa carelessly. He looked at Taehyung. "Rosie's not here."
"Shame," Taehyung said, looking around peculiarly. "How come?"
"She's in nursing school or-or something," Jeongguk let out breathlessly, and before Taehyung could move an inch, Jeongguk fastened the pace of his feet towards Taehyung and gripped his collar tightly, pressing their lips together.
Taehyung kissed him back, and then pulled away, seemingly abstaining. "Have you got any tea?"
Jeongguk looked up at Taehyung. "Hm? Tae? Yeah, yeah I can make some tea," Jeongguk whispered and began kissing Taehyung again.
Taehyung moved their lips together for a few seconds and then pulled away. Jeongguk leaned back up, and then Taehyung turned around. "So. Rosie's joined nursing sch-"
"What's wrong?" Jeongguk asked, feelings his insides falter. "Why won't you kiss me? D-did I do something wrong?"
"Hm?" Taehyung asked, looking at him for a few seconds. Taehyung shook his head. "It's just that," Taehyung began, and then collected himself calmly, looking distant. "I don't actively enjoy such adhesive behavior,"
Jeongguk stilled, eyes wide. Taehyung was so blunt, Jeongguk felt his insides tremble. "A-adhesive behavior?" Jeongguk began in confusion, and then looked down.
"I'm being rather..." Jeongguk began and then toyed with his fingers, feeling a sudden awareness of his actions. "D-desperate, aren't I? Acting all frantic," Jeongguk gulped, and then looked up at Taehyung, who hummed.
"Didn't expect you to be so," Taehyung chuckled, and Jeongguk blushed anxiousness heightening.
"I-I apologize. I didn't mean to d-discomfort you." Jeongguk said softly, continuing to look down. "I j-just... I liked when you had sex with me- It's so different from anything I've ever experienced, ever imagined." Jeongguk went on and then paused.
Taehyung chuckled. "That's alright, love," Taehyung said, and then looked at Jeongguk. "I hear that from all the women I sleep with,"
Jeongguk froze. "A-all the women?" Jeongguk asked, discomposed by his words.
"Of course," Taehyung said, and then took out a cigarette from his pocket, along with a lighter. "You didn't think I slept with just a few women, did you?" Taehyung asked, putting the cigarette between his lips and lighting the fire, pressing it gently to the bud of the stick.
Jeongguk opened his mouth, yet no words came out. "I-I didn't think you slept with any."
"You're good-humored, Jeongguk." Taehyung chuckled, putting the lighter back in his pocket and then smoking a drag with the cigarette. "Well, no. Sex is one of the most pleasurable things in life. Why only do it with one?"
Jeongguk looked down. "R-right." Jeongguk chuckled softly, feeling staggered.
"I do pray you're not angered, Jeongguk. Why, it's rather fun, really." Taehyung snickered.
"Does- does Veronica know?"
"She knows enough." Taehyung said, and Jeongguk clenched his fist to himself, not being able to look up at Taehyung.
"Y-you're quiet the w-womaniser, are you?" Jeongguk asked in a quiet voice, and then saw footsteps approach him, and then felt his chin get lifted up, and looked into Taehyung's dark eyes.
"Temptation forgoes the like of many. I happen to be one," Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk gulped.
Jeongguk nodded. Taehyung reached down and pressed his lips gingerly against Jeongguk's, not fully pressing them together, yet just enough for Jeongguk to forget every word of Taehyung's and just want more.
Taehyung pulled away, and Jeongguk whimpered out. "I must go now, angel," Taehyung whispered. "But I'll think of you,"
Jeongguk nodded softly, gripping onto Taehyung's coat and hoping he'd stay. Taehyung turned around to walk away, and Jeongguk just watched him leave.
Jeongguk sat down on his couch, bringing his knees to his chest. Oh. Taehyung was handsome. Oh, so handsome. Jeongguk wished he weren't so handsome. Wishes he weren't so- so dashing, so charming, so perfect.
Taehyung seemed so fucking perfect.
Jeongguk could've laughed. Of course he slept around. He'd got a beautiful wife and the most beautiful face. Women swoon over him for simply walking into a room. Jeongguk was nothing.
Taehyung's aura shakened Jeongguk to the core. He was so intimidating, his gaze, his words, his words. Everything about him was intimidating, and Jeongguk felt smaller than ever.
Rosie came home later, but she looked tired. She kissed Jeongguk on the forehead and tilted her head at how Jeongguk was cooped up in the corner of the sofa, knees to his chest, hearing the radio.
"What's wrong?" Rosie asked, and Jeongguk placed his head against the sofa.
"I don't wish to talk about it," Jeongguk said, and then continued looking down, his feet cold.
Rosie hummed. "Oh, well. I saw this advert on this store which was selling tellies. Perhaps we should get one. We could put it in the living room. It'd really liven the place up-."
Jeongguk whined, pressing his face against the sofa. "We haven't got the money for a telly, Rosie," Jeongguk mumbled, angrily pouting while staring into the wall.
Rosie looked at him for a few seconds. "You act rather maidenly at times," Rosie giggled, and Jeongguk looked up at her. Rosie saw the look on Jeongguk's face and then gulped. "I-I'm only joking. Sorry. I'll make supper."
Jeongguk watched her walk away and then sighed, getting up and walking towards his study. Couldn't bear thinking of Taehyung and how absolutely perfect he was.
"Where were you?" Veronica asked as Taehyung walked into their home.
"I was with Jeongguk. Do you know how small their flat is? Remember when we lived in one of those? God- feels abysmal now." Taehyung said, taking his coat off and hanging it onto the rack.
"Why're you always with Jeongguk?" Veronica asked, dressed in a pencil skirt and maroon top, hair in a bun as she stared at Taehyung with a raised brow.
Taehyung walked past her, finding a bottle of wine perched on the dining table along with a glass. "He's good-natured."
"Everyone's good-natured." Veronica spat. Taehyung chuckled. "You don't know half the world, darling."
"Shut up, Taehyung," Veronica said, and Taehyung looked at her. "Are you really upset with me again? What for now?"
Veronica walked up to him. "If you think I don't know what you're doing by getting so friendly with Jeongguk, then you're wrong."
Taehyung paused. He looked at her for a few seconds and then smirked. "You're being delirious,"
Veronica looked closely at him. "You think I'm stupid," She grinned. "You think I don't know, Taehyung. I do, I know a lot, I know-"
"Shush, darling," Taehyung whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Being so, so angered all the time can cause anxiety," Taehyung said, wringing his hands into his waist.
"Taehyung," She began, but Taehyung leaned forward, breathing over her red lips.
"You sound so confident and strong, Veronica. I know you don't like it when I outwit you," Taehyung whispered.
Veronica looked up at him. Being his wife for more than 8 years, and yet Taehyung was still as magnetizing as when they first met. Veronica pressed their lips together.
Taehyung kissed her back lightly, and before he could pull away, Veronica kissed him harder. Taehyung chuckled into her mouth, pulling away from her. "You know I don't like adhesive behavior, love."
Veronica's cheeks reddened. "Don't talk to me like that. I'm not one of your whores you shove your cock into." Veronica said lowly, regaining her dominance.
Taehyung chuckled. "Of course you're not," Taehyung whispered, and reached his hands down and picked her up. She kissed him firmly as he carried her up the stairs.
They continued kissing as they entered the bedroom. Taehyung placed Veronica onto the bed and climbed atop her, kissing her neck. The moment they did, Veronica flipped them over and straddled him.
Taehyung kept quiet and watched as Veronica clamped her fingers into Taehyung's blonde hair and pulled his head up. "Think you're clever, don't you? Fucking all these tramps behind my back-"
"I don't think your aunt would appreciate being referred to as a tramp," Taehyung whispered and then felt a pull to his hair.
"I detest you," Veronica whispered, and cupped his cheeks and began kissing him firmly again. "Who was the last person on this bed beside me?"
"No one," Taehyung said and got pushed down, Veronica atop of him, grinding softly against his clothed cock.
"Don't lie to me, I saw the condom."
Taehyung dug his teeth into his bottom lip. "Veronica-"
Taehyung felt her sharp nails dig into his neck and craned his head back. Taehyung chuckled, looking up with his darkened eyes. "I've told you I don't enjoy this,"
"And I've told you I don't care," Taehyung looked at her piercingly. She smirked. "You know you don't get your way in here, little one."
"Shut up," Taehyung gritted, and they began kissing again.
Ages later, after Veronica rode his cock and Taehyung grunted and rolled his hips and came into her- she pulled off and walked towards the bathroom. Taehyung saw the cum dripping down her leg and breathed heavily, gripping onto the bed sheets.
"What are you-"
"I've got to make sure I don't get pregnant," Veronica snapped, and Taehyung inhaled sharply and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes.
Ages later, when he was asleep, he felt fingers tickle down his shoulder. "If what I think is happening is really happening, Taehyung;" Veronica whispered into his ear. "I won't take it lightly at all. Know your limits,"
Taehyung kept quiet, eyes opened. She lay down on the bed, both facing the other way.
Jeongguk saw Rosie walk into their flat. "Don't worry about dinner tonight, honey! Veronica's invited us for dinner!"
"She has?" Jeongguk asked, and Rosie hummed.
"Well, really she just invited me- but I'm sure you can come as well." Rosie smiled, and Jeongguk hummed.
"I-I think it's best if I don't," Jeongguk said, and Rosie shook her head.
"No! You must come with! And, Taehyung will be there. Veronica told me the two of you've gotten really friendly lately." Rosie said excitedly, and Jeongguk stilled.
"Alright. I'm sure it'll be alright." Jeongguk said softly.
Jeongguk got dressed up in a nice yellow shirt and a pair of trousers. Rosie went into the washroom to change. While she did, Jeongguk eyed the dressing table she owned.
Jeongguk walked towards him carefully. He hesitantly picked up a lipstick, a pink one. The washroom door was sealed shut. Rosie wouldn't see.
Jeongguk slid the tip of the pink lipstick against his finger and then tapped it onto his lips. Jeongguk spread it evenly and then saw his lips looking plumper and brighter. He smiled.
Rosie walked out dressed in a pink dress. She saw Jeongguk and gave him a warm glance. They both grabbed their coats and then headed towards the mansion.
They walked fifteen minutes or so and finally reached the house. Rosie went ahead and knocked on the door brightly. The door opened, and Jeongguk hesitated when he saw Taehyung.
"Ah, Rosie," Taehyung smiled, and Rosie looked a little surprised- expecting to see Veronica. Rosie smiled. "O-oh! Hello! Good evening," Rosie said.
"Good evening. Why you look lovely." Taehyung said, and Rosie gave him a soft smile.
Rosie walked into their home, and Jeongguk followed behind. He saw Taehyung there holding a glass of whiskey and just looked away.
"What on earth are those clad to your legs?" Taehyung asked with a scoff.
Jeongguk looked down. He blushed lightly. "T-they're called jeans!" Jeongguk stammered, and Taehyung rose his eyebrow. "Why t-they're the latest fashion. Everyone wears them these days,"
"Hm," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk walked in behind him. Both saw Veronica and Rosie hugging, and Veronica saw Jeongguk and gave him a look. Jeongguk grew confused.
"Did you here? Rosie's going to nursing school," Veronica said, and Rosie blushed lightly. Taehyung chuckled.
"Of course I did," Taehyung said, walking over to Rosie. "You know, I've always thought it's commendable, what nurses do. Absolutely hard work and patience, it is. And I'm sure you'll be marvelous." Taehyung said softly, giving her a smile.
Rosie blushed deeply and then giggled a little. "W-why- thank you!" Rosie squeaked out.
Veronica looked at the two of them and then smiled. "Well then. Dinner's ready. I'm just about famished," Veronica said, and Jeongguk nodded.
Rosie gasped. "Oh! Jeongguk's got his first court trial coming up next week!"
"It's a mock trial, Rosie." Jeongguk stammered. "I-it's just for an exam,"
"I could help you," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk looked at him for a few seconds.
Veronica cleared her throat. "You know what I forgot to get? The wine," Veronica chuckled. "Could you help me with it," Veronica began, and then clicked her tongue. "Jeongguk?"
"M-me?" Jeongguk asked, confused. She nodded. Jeongguk looked at Rosie and Taehyung, and then at Veronica. "A-alright."
Jeongguk saw Veronica turn around and walk towards the wine cooler, and followed her to it. When they reached the curve in the hallway where a bathroom and wine cooler was, Jeongguk felt himself get grabbed and pulled into the hallway.
"You know what's going on as much as I do," Veronica irked, and Jeongguk froze.
"W-what?" Jeongguk asked, heart, beginning to hammer in his chest. "I- I don't-"
"Shut it." Veronica snapped. "You've spent quite some time with Taehyung for the past month, haven't you? Don't you know him well enough?"
"I- um- I do. H-he's a friend. A good-natured man-" Jeongguk began, and Veronica chuckled.
"Do you not know him at all?" Veronica asked. "There's only one possible reason for his sudden friendship for you,"
"A-and what is that?" Jeongguk asked, mouth dry. Veronica turned Jeongguk around so he was peering into the living room.
"Isn't it clear as day?" Veronica said sharply, and Jeongguk froze.
"See, Rosie- alcohol isn't about the taste. It's about the sensation." Taehyung said to her slowly, and Rosie looked up at him with big eyes. "It's drunken for the pleasure, not the flavor." Taehyung continued.
"O-oh, that's... that's quite insightful." Rosie squeaked out, and Taehyung hummed, looking at her closely. Jeongguk watched as he put one blonde strand of her hair behind her ear.
"You know, Rosie. You remind me of film actresses," Taehyung said in a hushed tone, looking down at her. Rosie gulped, wavering.
"R-really?" Rosie asked, and then felt her hand get grabbed.
"Of course. Although, you might be too beautiful to be one," Taehyung said with a sly smirk, and Rosie blushed very deep and began giggling like a young girl when he kissed her hand.
"O-oh." Jeongguk let out, not knowing how to take this, eyes wide.
Veronica turned Jeongguk around again. "He's only getting close to you so he can fuck your wife," Veronica snarked, and Jeongguk frowned.
"D-don't speak so crudely," Jeongguk said, gulping. "Rosie wouldn't-"
"I know Rosie wouldn't, you idiot." Veronica sneered. "But Taehyung will. I know my husband."
"You... you know he sleeps around?" Jeongguk asked, and Veronica snickered.
"Better than anyone else," Veronica mumbled, and Jeongguk was confused, but then turned back around and looked at Taehyung and Rosie.
"See, Jeongguk. Taehyung has this effect on people. Anyone, frankly." Veronica said. "My own aunt looked like she'd drop her knickers for him."
Jeongguk gulped dryly. "I wouldn't keep him too close if I were you," Veronica said, and then walked towards Rosie and Taehyung.
"Rosie, come with me to get the food here," Veronica said, and Rosie nodded, snapping out of her trance and following her inside the kitchen.
"I-I don't mean to sound... fatuous..." Rosie trailed. "But your husband is ever so mesmerizing. I'm not sure I understood a word he said, yet... I couldn't stop listening."
"Taehyung does that," Veronica said flatly, and Rosie hummed, smiling to herself.
Jeongguk walked up to Taehyung. He didn't know what to say. Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, and then rose his eyebrow. "You're looking rather glum,"
"Do you have an affinity for seduction?" Jeongguk asked, and Taehyung looked amused by the statement.
"Sorry?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk took a deep breath. "Y-you're rather flirtatious with everyone. Why- why is it?" Jeongguk asked, and Taehyung chuckled.
"It's rather fun, isn't it Jeongguk? Women melt when you talk to them like-"
"I-I'm not a woman," Jeongguk stammered, looking up at him. "You still talked to me strangely. Why is that?"
"You-" Taehyung began, and then sighed. "I simply like watching people squirm from my words, Jeongguk. It's like a hobby if you will-"
"A hobby??" Jeongguk asked, frowning. "Flirting with my wife is a hobby? What were you trying to do, sleep with her? Because Veronica sure thought-"
Taehyung stepped closer to him. "Woah there, Jeongguk. I might've been flirting with her, but it's still her husband I fucked." Taehyung rasped lowly, and Jeongguk froze.
"T-Taehyung," Jeongguk began, and then looked up at Taehyung. "Why- why is it that you're so- so-" Jeongguk began, and then let out a sigh. "So immaculate?"
Taehyung stilled. "Why can't y-you just-" Jeongguk tried forming sentences, taking a deep breath. "Be- be flawless? Be less perfect!"
"What's wrong, Jeongguk?" Taehyung asked. Before Jeongguk could speak, Taehyung hurriedly took Jeongguk's hand in his and dragged him out of the living room and towards the wine cooler. Taehyung opened the door and both of them stepped inside.
"T-Taehyung I didn't know y-you slept around," Jeongguk let out, eyes filling with tears. "If I did I would've never- I would've never let you do what you did to me-"
"Hey, hey darling, don't cry," Taehyung said softly, putting his hands on his waist. "Look- I-I had sex with you because I wanted to-"
"No! No, you didn't! You had sex with me because you wanted a challenge! Because you can get any women in the world, but you wanted to see if you could get a foolish boy like me," Jeongguk said, and then felt a tear roll down his cheek.
Taehyung didn't speak. "And it's wrong! It's wrong! What we're doing i-isn't just infidelity it's- it's sinful and we're going to go to hell!" Jeongguk cursed, and then put his hand over his eyes, trying to stop his tears.
"Jeongguk," Taehyung began lightly, and Jeongguk shook his head.
"I-I wish you told m-me you were this horrible, horrible man who-who treats his wife so poorly and wishes to have sex with every woman who walks." Jeongguk snapped. "A-and I wish you t-told me you only fucked me because y-you couldn't fuck my wife," Jeongguk ended.
"J-Jeongguk-" Taehyung tried again, trying to grab his arm. Jeongguk pulled his arm away, wiping his tears and walking out of the wine cooler.
Taehyung saw the door slam shut, and put his hand onto the door, his breathing going heavy. Taehyung gulped, trying to steady himself, trying to regain his composure-
The door reopened, and Taehyung saw Veronica standing there. "You do this," Veronica sighed, sounding irked. "You always do this. I don't care who you sleep with, Taehyung," Veronica said, and then stepped closer.
"But if you even try and think about touching Rosie, I'll hurt you. Understood?" Veronica growled, and Taehyung saw her, his heart beating faster.
"I said did you get that?" Veronica snapped, and Taehyung felt his vision going blurry.
Jeongguk walked up to them and watched with confusion as Taehyung put his hand on his heart, gripping onto the doorframe tightly, fingers turning blue. "I-I-" Taehyung began, voice sounding dry.
"T-Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked, and then saw Taehyung step forward and fall to the ground.
Jeongguk's eyes widened and he reached down, grabbing him by the sides. "O-oh my god- T-Tae? What's wrong?" Jeongguk asked, and felt his entire body trembling.
He looked dizzy, breathing short, heavy, his hand continuing to press against his chest, eyes closed, sweating, looking like he was in pain, in deep pain. Taehyung felt like he was losing- losing control, losing his senses, losing-
"I-I think he's having a heart attack- V-Veronica call the ambulance!" Rosie said frantically, and Veronica's eyes were wide in fear. Rosie frowned when Veronica didn't do anything. "Veronica!!"
Veronica nodded faintly and then rushed towards the telephone. Jeongguk held onto Taehyung, who was gripping onto Jeongguk's shirt now, head pressed to the crevice of his neck.
"B-breathe, breathe for me, Tae-" Jeongguk stammered, and Taehyung fumbled around his shirt, breathing unstable and shaky.
"C-can't-" Taehyung choked out, and Rosie put her hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry. It's alright, stay calm." Rosie said softly, and Taehyung tried controlling his breathing, but felt like he was choking, felt no words leaving his mouth, not being able to control himself.
Rosie ran to grab a washcloth, and Jeongguk held onto Taehyung. "T-Tae- you're fine, y-you're absolutely fine-" Jeongguk whispered and felt teardrops fall onto his neck.
Jeongguk held onto him for a little while longer, holding him tightly with a tightening fear in his chest, the older man letting out sounds of pain. Finally, Veronica ran into the living room. "T-the ambulance is here-"
Jeongguk picked Taehyung up, the man who'd always been so intimidating and piercing now feeling light and looking fragile. Jeongguk rushed outside the house and saw the ambulance.
The doctors took it from there, and Jeongguk saw them take him into the ambulance. Veronica went with them. Jeongguk and Rosie couldn't since only family members were allowed.
"L-let's go to the hospital. I think we should. Veronica looked really shocked." Rosie said softly, and Jeongguk nodded. He felt absolute anxiousness in his insides because he didn't want Taehyung to be hurt.
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