5 years later
A loud squeal filled the living room, followed by the sounds of feet thumping against the wooden paneling of the home. Giggles swam through the walls of the house, making it the only sound that mattered.
"Well, aren't you excited today?" Veronica said softly, a smile on her face, holding up the tiny 5-year-old girl who'd just jumped from sofa to sofa, creating a ruckus. The girl giggled at her mother's words and jumped off the sofa to run around the oak wood table.
"Joan," Veronica said again, the young girl's short black hair bouncing as she jumped around the room. "I need you to calm down, you'll use up all your energy, love."
"No!" Joan exclaimed triumphantly. "Where's papa?" She asked, looking past the stairs at the study room, the door which was always closed. Veronica walked up to the little one, crouching down beside her to fix her hair and take it out of her face.
"Papa's working," Veronica said gently.
"Why is he always working?" Joan asked, putting her small hands on her mother's shoulders. "Papa's never here."
Veronica's smile faltered, and she looked at the closed door for a few seconds, and then back at her daughter. "That's not true, baby. Papa's just busy these days." Veronica said softly, her own black hair getting tugged by the child.
"Okay..." She mumbled. "I'm gonna go play with my dolls!" She said loudly and then ran to her bedroom. Veronica patted her head to send her off and then stood up, looking at her hands, the gold ring around her fourth finger.
It'd been 5 years since the birth of their first child, Joan. They'd moved to a bigger house, closer to Taehyung and Veronica's workplace, further from where they used to be. Life moves on like still water, with no high waves or roughness, just natural movement.
Veronica opened the study door and then saw Taehyung. The man was sat on his chair, a pen in his hand, writing away on a document necessary for work. Veronica looked at him from the doorway.
"She's upset, you know," Veronica said in a hushed tone. Taehyung looked up at her, his blonde hair pushed back. "She said you're always working."
Taehyung put his pen down and stood up from his chair, walking up to Veronica. "That's not true at all. I've just been busy this week. Joan's quite the dramatic." Taehyung said, and Veronica chuckled up at him, gripping his shirt to quickly press their lips together.
Veronica pulled away, thumbing on Taehyung's collar. "Taehyung," Veronica whispered, looking at his tired eyes. "Take a break."
"I have to work, Veronica. You know the big court case is coming up and- if this one goes wrong, then my client will end up in prison for a crime he didn't even commit, and it's all so unethical, I-"
"I know, my love," Veronica said, her voice always so nurturing. A motherly tone, one she'd gotten accustomed to. Her brashness had gone away. She was calm, gentle, warm, but still so strong and kept her head held high. She was who she always wanted to be. "But it isn't wrong to take a few hours away to spend time with your children, is it?"
"Alright, if you insist." Taehyung tucked her black hair behind her ear. "Besides, I could take the kids outside, maybe to the riverside. We could feed some ducks."
"Gosh, you sound like a 50-year-old father. Go on." Veronica chuckled, and Taehyung snickered, walking towards Joan's room. Veronica followed.
"And no, not both the kids. Victor's sleeping, and his skin feels a bit warm so I reckon he should stay in. Take Joan, however." Veronica said, and Taehyung nodded.
He let out a dramatic gasp upon entering Joan's room, one with red walls and a big dollhouse on the side, the girl's desk stacked with children's books she could already read. She was fixing something on her dollhouse, but upon hearing the gasp she turned around.
"Look who we have here, oh my, if it isn't the prettiest little girl in all the lands," Taehyung said cheerfully, picking the little one off her feet and bouncing her up. She squealed loudly with a smile upon seeing her father.
"Papa!" She said excitedly. She began gigging when Taehyung kissed her cheek over and over. "Ew, papa's yucky!!!"
Veronica watched fondly from the doorway as Taehyung spun her around and kissed her forehead before placing her down. He crouched down. "Do you want to go on a trip with me, little lady?"
"Yes! With papa and mama."
"Go with your father, honey. I'll stay home to watch over the other little one." Veronica said, and Joan nodded brightly.
Shortly after, Taehyung held the small hand of his daughter, walking down the quiet street of London. She wore a little red dress and a beret, and Taehyung a dusky golden shirt and trousers. To be quite frank, they were rich, lived in a nice neighborhood and dressed stylishly. Veronica scolds Taehyung quite often because he returns from his trips abroad with lots of clothes for his daughter and son, and maybe a purse or two for Veronica.
They walked for some time, Taehyung hearing his daughter talk excitedly about a cartoon she watched on the telly and her friends in her kindergarten. They reached the riverside, the place had small cafes around it and many people walking around. Couples, older people, children. It was a very nice place to come on a Sunday morning.
Taehyung picked his daughter up in his arms and both walked towards a bakery by the side to get some bread and feed it to the ducks. Joan was joyful, always was, so such a thing excited her. Especially doing it with her father. She pinched Taehyung's cheeks.
"Papa smile! Papa doesn't smile much."
"Rubbish. I smile a lot." Taehyung said, smiling widely at his daughter, who giggled at his funny face.
They walked to the bakery on the side, and the store beside it was a tiny boutique selling garments and cloth. Taehyung entered the bakery with Joan in his arms, and she gasped, pointing at the assortments of pastries.
"Papa, can I have that?" Joan asked in a small voice, pointing at the prettily decorated strawberry pastry behind the glass display. The woman working behind the counter smiled at the two of them. Taehyung sighed.
"Well, we really shouldn't.... but as long as you don't tell your mother, we can." He whispered, and Joan let out a shout of merriment.
Taehyung asked for two strawberry pastries and a cup of coffee. The woman nodded. Taehyung stood there with Joan, looking over all the pastries as she gasped and pointed at more and exclaimed how tasty she thought they would be. Very connivingly trying to convince Taehyung to buy more, which only made Taehyung kiss her cheek with a smile.
The woman put the pastries in a box and got their coffee. Taehyung thanked her and took the box in his hands. Suddenly, he saw the woman's face light up with a warm smile as the door behind him jingled open.
"Ah, Jeongguk! I haven't seen you here for ages!" The woman chuckles.
Taehyung froze, eyes going wide on spot. Joan looked over Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung heard a familiar giggled.
"Hello, Lorraine. I was just here to pick up some lemon tarts. And a piece of pastry for myself." A voice that Taehyung hadn't heard for 5 years said airily, faint, soft, walking on clouds.
Taehyung turned and then felt his body almost give out. It felt unreal, for a millisecond. Jeongguk stood there, and fuck, Taehyung really hadn't seen him, nor heard of him, nor known how he'd been or where he'd gone or if he was okay. After that day, they cut off all communications and Jackson briefly told Taehyung two weeks later that Jeongguk had moved to the other side of town. Taehyung never tried to find him.
But there he was, his brown hair curly, short, eyes big and bright like Taehyung remembered, his lips rosy and cheeks a similar shade. His complexion was tanner than it used to be, cheeks a little fuller. He looked more mature yet still so young, beautiful.
"Papa your coffee," Joan said, nudging his shoulder. Taehyung looked ahead and saw the woman had placed his cup of coffee there.
Upon hearing that, Jeongguk turned to look and suspended in his movement as well. He let out a gasp. "T-Taehyung?" Jeongguk let out, eyes growing big, voice small.
Taehyung looked at him, but he couldn't say anything. What would he say? What would anyone say at a time like this? Joan was in his arms, looking at Jeongguk as well, and Jeongguk looked at her knowingly, and then back at Taehyung.
"Wow," Jeongguk let out softly. "I-I- wow. It's really you."
Taehyung didn't say anything, just looked at him with a strange look on his face. Jeongguk smiled. "It was nice seeing you after so long," Jeongguk said really quickly, turning away. Taehyung's breath hitched.
"Jeongguk," Taehyung breathed out. "Would you like to s-sit and talk over some coffee?"
"I'd love that," Jeongguk said, looking relieved that Taehyung finally said something.
Moments later, Taehyung and Jeongguk were sat at a small white round table right outside the cafe, by the river bank where the ducks were. Joan sat on Taehyung's lap, a spoon in her hand, taking bites of her strawberry pastry.
"So. This must be... Joan?" Jeongguk asked, and Joan looked up at Jeongguk.
"Hello. I am Joan. I am five. It is nice to meet you." She said, awfully formal. Taehyung chuckled.
"Veronica taught her to introduce herself properly to everyone, but I'm afraid she sounds a little too posh and stuck," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk giggled, eyes crinkling. Taehyung looked at him, how he smiled.
"Well, hello Joan. I'm Jeongguk. It is very nice to meet you as well." Jeongguk said, and she nodded at him before continuing to eat her pastry. Taehyung smiled at him.
"You look..." Taehyung trailed for a second. Beautiful. "Well. You look well." Taehyung nodded faintly. Jeongguk's eyes brightened up.
"Oh, thank you." Jeongguk smiled. "I feel well. I don't come to this part of London quite often, but I stopped by today to pick up some garments for myself." Jeongguk said, and Taehyung tilted his head at that. Jeongguk's cheeks reddened.
Taehyung smiled. "Oh, you're still performing?"
"Y-yes," Jeongguk said, twiddling with his fingers. "I completely immersed myself in it about 5 years ago. Especially after I moved away and- y-you know." Jeongguk said, looking up. "It distracted me. But I loved it so much, I performed every night for hours."
"I'm glad to hear it," Taehyung said. "Did you finish law school?"
"I took a bit of a break. Apart from doing drag, I studied in my free time. Passed the bar exam four years ago, and now I'm a licensed lawyer plus drag queen." Jeongguk giggled.
"That's fascinating," Taehyung said. "That you get to do both the things you enjoy. But- if you don't mind- what did you do after you left? I thought of you a lot, worried myself wondering if you were alright."
"I did the same if I'm honest," Jeongguk said in a soft voice. "Two weeks after you left, I left my door unlocked every day in hopes you might c-come in one day." Jeongguk said, but then chuckled. "Foolish, really."
Taehyung hummed. Jeongguk smiled, still adorable. "I moved in with Yoongi, he had a spare room in his flat. I lived with him for- um- 6 months I think? Then I got a place of my own. We're still close friends! But he still performs at the bar we met at, says he has an emotional connection to that place."
"You don't perform there anymore?"
"Sometimes. But I perform at this club in the main city. It's underground, rather niche. It's unheard of yet well known. It's a really big place! You should come there sometime-" Jeongguk blurted the last part and then bit his lip, shy. "O-or not. That was stupid of me."
"It's fine." Taehyung chuckled. "You're still so endearing, Jeongguk," Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk blushed a bit, looking at him curiously.
"What about you?" Jeongguk asked.
"Ah, well. 6 months after we had Joan," Taehyung said, holding her tightly in his arms. Joan had no interest in listening to the men talk, she ate her own strawberry pastry and now was eating Taehyung's. "She was a healthy baby."
"Seems so. She looks like Veronica, but she has your eyes." Jeongguk smiled. "And that mole by her nose."
Taehyung looked at Joan, nodding. "She's a tough one. Never cries, never fussy. A little brattish at times, but absolutely lovely. Aren't you?" Taehyung said, kissing Joan's temple.
"Mhm!" She said, and then looked at Jeongguk. "Are you a friend of papa's?" Joan asked Jeongguk.
"Oh! Um, yes. Yes." Jeongguk said quickly, and Joan hummed. "Tell papa to stop working!"
"What?" Jeongguk asked mirthfully, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung sighed. "Ah, she complains that I work far too much," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk got an unsure look on his face. "I don't. Don't worry."
"You shouldn't. I mean, working hard is all good, but you should make sure you're spending time with her." Jeongguk said, almost a little stern, but still sounding so gentle. Taehyung smiled at him.
"You haven't changed, have you Jeongguk? Still have a heart of gold?"
"You have changed, haven't you? Look at you, all fatherly and all that. The window to the bakery besides us is reflective and I haven't seen you look even once,"Jeongguk said, humorous.
"Thank you for reminding me," Taehyung said, and then looked at his own reflection. "Ah, I look great as usual." Taehyung tutted, and Jeongguk began giggling into his hands.
"Tell me. How's everything? How's Veronica? The house?" Jeongguk asked, taking a small bite of his chocolate pastry. Joan finished Taehyung's pastry as well and now was squirming, looking at Jeongguk's pastry intensely. Jeongguk took a small bite for himself, and then slid the pastry towards Joan.
"Gosh, Veronica's going to be so upset when Joan can't eat a bite of lunch. Joan, don't be rude. That's Jeongguk's." Taehyung said sternly.
"Don't scold me papa only mama can do that."
Taehyung rolled his eyes, but Jeongguk started laughing. Taehyung looked at him. "Veronica's stern with them, I'm the 'fun one' as Joan states," Taehyung said, grinning. "Veronica's well! She's still teaching at Oxford, and she wrote a book as well about womanhood."
"I know, I read it," Jeongguk said, hesitant. "I saw it in a library near my flat and read all of it in one sitting. She's a very good writer!" Jeongguk said.
"I'll make sure to tell her. She'd love to meet you- I mean, maybe not." Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek. "Nonetheless, she's doing great! Two years after having Joan, we had another child. Just one didn't feel enough, so we have a little boy. Victor."
"Aw, you have a little boy as well? That's wonderful." Jeongguk smiled widely.
"I have a picture of him in my wallet, hold on," Taehyung said, and then took his wallet out to show Jeongguk a picture. Joan meanwhile looked at Jeongguk, liking him now that he gave her a piece of his pastry.
"I like your necklace!" Joan said brightly, and Taehyung looked up. He felt his heart pause for a millisecond, briefly, a weird tangent in his mind upon seeing Jeongguk still wearing the necklace he gifted him five years ago.
Jeongguk fondled with the diamond. "Why thank you. A very nice man gave it to me." Jeongguk said and then smiled at Taehyung, who was looking at him with big eyes.
Taehyung snapped out of his trance and took out the picture, showing it to Jeongguk. It was a picture of Taehyung holding Victor in his arms. Jeongguk gasped, eyes growing fond. Victor had blonde hair and full cheek, plump lips and tan skin, piercing eyes. "Oh my, he looks just like you!"
"I know, and even more so now that he's 3." Taehyung said with an adoring grin, boxy. Jeongguk's eyes glimmered.
"I'm so happy for you, Taehyung. You and Veronica both. Past five years, I've been thinking about how you've been doing as well. Upon seeing nothing bad about husbands or divorces in Veronica's book, I assumed the two of you were alright. And I'm glad to see it's true." Jeongguk said, warm-hearted response making Taehyung look up. "I'm glad you're still in love."
Still in love?
Taehyung quickly moved past the subject. "So you successfully divorced with Rosie, yes? You didn't mention anything of her."
"Oh my, I completely forgot about Rosie if I'm honest. Yes yes, she returned from her home a month later and we signed the papers. She cried quite a bit. But she's fine now! Yes, she sends me letters all the time. She's pregnant, you know? She's with that boy who used to be my friend, Jimin."
"Jimin? Oh, yes I remember him, of course! I'm strangely glad to hear she's happy as well." Taehyung paused for a brief second, before asking. "How about you?" Taehyung asked, faint, unsure if he should ask this at all. Jeongguk darted his eyes down.
"Um, well, af-after you left I didn't really think of other men." Jeongguk whispered, not wanting people around them to hear. "If I'm honest, I didn't do anything for a whole year."
"But then?"
"But then," Jeongguk got a small dimpled smile on his face. "I m-met someone."
Taehyung felt still. Jeongguk picked on his fingernail, looking sky, his smile already showing how his mind was whirring at his own thoughts. "He used to come to watch me perform each night. He brought me flowers each Friday and sometimes dinner for when I performed till later. And then one day I-I just... I just fell in love all over again."
Taehyung's stomach dropped for some reason. Jeongguk looked up at him, smiling ear to ear. "He's a little older than me, by 5 years. He's a scientist." Jeongguk giggled. "Really smart and- and a little clumsy at times, but I love him so."
"You do?" Taehyung asked softly, and Jeongguk nodded hurriedly.
"Yes. And I'm-" Jeongguk looked up. "I'm really glad I love him. After you, I-I didn't think I could ever find someone again."
Taehyung exhaled deeply. "Me too."
"He's perfect, you know? We have a little house in the other side of town. He works from home, and always treats me so well. He's awfully nice to me, Taehyung." Jeongguk said. "Nicer than anyone I've known."
"Good." Taehyung said, and for some reason, expected there to be a lump. He expected there to be a lump in his throat, a muddle in his mind, a stab to his chest- but... he felt content. He felt reassured. He felt most happy knowing Jeongguk was happy.
"I'm sorry if I said too much," Jeongguk said, glancing at Joan, who was sleepy against Taehyung's chest. "In front of her."
"Oh please. that's alright. Joan should grow up to be a good woman and know these sort of things are fine. Sometimes I think Joan herself might be a little..." Taehyung nodded his head to indicate what he meant. "She keeps kissing girls at her preschool and comes home with flowers that these girls give her."
Jeongguk burst out giggling. "Oh my! That's amazing," Jeongguk said. "Joan, you go ahead and live how you want, yes?"
"Yes." Joan murmured, holding onto Taehyung's shirt, eyes slid shut, probably close to falling asleep from how full her tummy was.
"You know, I would've been devastated to hear that you weren't okay. That something bad happened. That you were alone. That you quite drag. Or- or something of the sort," Taehyung said, and then smiled just a little. "But you're alright, aren't you? You made it, Jeongguk. You're happy, and i-it makes me fulfilled."
Jeongguk didn't say anything, just had his eyes big. "Because when we were what we were, I remember you told me that nothing would make you happier than my own happiness. I know what you mean now."
"Are you happy, Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked softly.
Taehyung smiled. "There's an exceeding sense of joy these two little brats give me," Taehyung said, putting one arm around Joan. She cuddled into his chest.
"And with Veronica?"
Taehyung looked at him. "I'm happy, Jeongguk. I promise you."
Jeongguk hummed. "Good," Jeongguk said, and then looked at his wrist. "Oh my, it's noon already. I must get going." Jeongguk said, getting up from his seat.
"Wait wait," Taehyung said, not wanting Jeongguk to go. He didn't want him to leave so suddenly again. Not like this. "What- what's his name? The man you're with."
Jeongguk looked at him for a few seconds, but then looked down. Taehyung stilled. "Oh- sorry, you don't have to tell me."
"I just don't want you to be silly and find him or something," Jeongguk said, twiddling with his fingers. "Not to be rude, b-but... I don't know."
"I understand, Jeongguk." Taehyung chuckled. "But you could at least come for dinner one night, no?" Taehyung got up, Joan in his arms. "You could've brought him as well. I'm sure Veronica wouldn't mind."
"We could invite Rosie as well! Veronica hasn't seen her in ages, and it'd be good for her to talk about maternity and such-"
"Taehyung." Jeongguk cut, looking down. "I-I don't want us to enter one another's lives again."
Ah, of course. Taehyung stood still. Jeongguk looked at him unwillingly, not wanting to meet his eyes. "It's just that... after everything with us, I was so devastated for so long. And- and you make me feel strange when I see you, Taehyung. Because I remember all we did together, how we were. Seeing Rosie and Jimin and Veronica... it'll bring back too many memories that I don't want anymore. I'm happy now, you know? Doing drag, with him, being a lawyer and such." Jeongguk smiled. "I don't want anything from my past to hinder me."
Taehyung felt a pang in his stomach from hearing that but smiled. "I understand, Jeongguk. Look, I want you to be happiest, alright?"
Jeongguk nodded, and Taehyung let himself take Jeongguk in for a few seconds. His brown curly hair, big black eyes, small pouty lips. He looked the same as if he hadn't aged a day. Taehyung looked older, more tired, more mature. They lives vastly different lives.
Yet, they had so much to share. Jeongguk looked up. "I must go now."
"Alright," Taehyung said, with no promise of seeing him again. He didn't want to make one. Inside, he wanted to let Jeongguk go. Unsure if he himself wanted to see the younger boy ever again. The one that turned him around as a person. Taehyung was content knowing Jeongguk was content. That was all that mattered in his mind.
Because those months they shared together, they fell in love, they cried, they made love and broke and mended relationships. Taehyung felt more in those months with Jeongguk than he ever had before. But that's all it was intended to be. A brief interlude. Jeongguk was like a long lasting Christmas that never really went away, and suddenly did and left a wretching, heated summer behind.
But those few months meant a lot to Taehyung, something he'd remember forever, something he knew Jeongguk would remember forever as well.
Yes, they didn't end up together. Yes, a part of Taehyung still wondered how life would have been had he not returned to Veronica that night. A bigger part of him is glad he did leave, because he loves his children more than anyone he'd ever loved, and not being fully in thier lives makes him sad, even the though of it.
So it wasn't really the ending destination that mattered, it was the small journey in between. Jeongguk came into his life and changed Taehyung, changed Veronica, changed Rosie, and changed himself too. But he got the most hurt out of it, more than anyone.
But now, look at him. Happiest he's ever been. Glowing. Smiling like a little girl upon talking about the man he loved. Taehyung's heart swelled knowing Jeongguk would go home happy.
The next time Taehyung heard of Jeongguk again in July of 1967. He was in a picture in the front page of the daily newspaper.
The article headline; Gay Pride.
27th July 1967, a bill passed decriminalizing homosexuality in England.
The picture on the newspaper was of hundreds and hundreds of men and women on the streets, holding up banners, hugging one another, holding up flags. And in the front was Jeongguk in a dress, hair all done, makeup all done, holding a sign up high which read Equality for all.
Taehyung didn't think he could've been prouder.
But Jeongguk did meet Taehyung one more time, 30 years later.
1997. Jeongguk stood on the outside of a park, his eyes wide as he stared ahead. His hands were by his sides, breathing heavily. He shouldn't have come, but he did because he got a handwritten letter asking him to.
Jeongguk walked into the park, fumbling with his hands, wearing a long black coat, the sky dark, about to rain. Jeongguk saw a group of people standing in the middle and walked up slowly, hesitant, his feet padding softly against the ground.
He hadn't thought of him for 30 years.
Jeongguk recognized a black haired woman by the side, wrinkles on her face yet still looking so young for her age. Veronica. Jeongguk took a deep breath before walking up to her. She seemed fine, just looking ahead.
"Veronica?" Jeongguk whispered. Veronica looked at him. "It-it's Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongguk."
"Oh, I know," Veronica said faintly. "Jeongguk. My gosh, how've you been?" She asked, strained voice, words barely coming out.
"I-I'm fine, but- but how are you?" Jeongguk asked quickly, taking her hands in his own. Veronica continued looking ahead. She had no response. Jeongguk looked where she was looking as well.
A black coffin stood on the ground, a bouquet of flowers in the middle of it. Jeongguk lost his breath for a second.
"He c-called me the night before, you know?" Veronica whispered, sounding weary. "I-it was so confusing, I hadn't heard from him for ten years since w-we got the divorce. He just called me and asked how I was doing. And then t-told me-" Veronica held onto his hand tightly, and Jeongguk just looked down. "Told me he still loves me."
"I'm so sorry."
"That's not all," Veronica said in a whisper. "He-he said he wouldn't be able to do it himself, but h-he asked me to send you a letter he wrote for you 30 y-years ago," Veronica said, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Said- said he wrote it f-for you when you were still together and he-he still meant ev-every word. He wanted you to have it, Jeongguk."
Veronica gave Jeongguk a letter, her hand trembling. Jeongguk took the envelope from her, the edges tattered, and then looked at the coffin once more.
"When I went to visit him the next morning, Taehyung was gone," Veronica whispered. "Died naturally in his sleep."
Jeongguk closed his eyes briefly, stomach twisted, hands clutching the letter tightly. He saw the stone in front, what it had engraved.
Kim Taehyung, 1632 - 1997.
Jeongguk looked around for the next few hours. The men and women that came in, shed a few tears, left a few things and left. Veronica stayed beside him for the whole time. They didn't really talk but kept each other's company. A younger man and woman were sitting by the whole time too. The man was quiet. The woman was crying throughout.
The woman walked to Jeongguk sometime after people had left. She looked at him for a few seconds, looking at his necklace. Jeongguk looked at her with surprise. She let a smile through her tears. "You-you're Moonflower, right?"
Jeongguk hesitated for a second. It was Joan. She looked different now than how she had 30 years ago. She looked more like Veronica. She began chuckling. "My f-father told me about you." She said faintly, tears rising in her eyes once more. "He told me so much." She whispered.
Jeongguk walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
"I-I ruined it between you and my father, didn't I? Be-because I was born, you have t-to leave?" Joan asked, shaking ever so lightly from her tears.
"No, no of course not," Jeongguk said softly. "It wasn't you. It was everything around us. It was the world and society at the time. Things are so much better now than how it used to be." Jeongguk said.
He let her go after hugging her for some time. "Joan?" A voice came. "I think we should go now."
Jeongguk looked. It was Victor. Jeongguk's breath hitched for a second because Victor looked exactly like Taehyung did when he was younger, but with darker hair. He had softer eyes, however.
"Y-yes, I'm coming. Just a second." Joan said and looked at Jeongguk. "He talked of you so dearly until he died. He still loved you so much. I want to thank you for making him happy. You must've been a wonder," Joan chuckled with a watery smile, before turning and leaving with her brother.
Jeongguk walked away a few moments later, walking alone down the road. He sat down at a bench by a river and remembered how Taehyung and he had sat there many many years ago.
Jeongguk opened the letter.
My dear moonflower,
Night and day my mind delights me with the tender thought of you. My most beautiful darling. I am unsure of why I write this. It is 3 hours past midnight, and I should be asleep, my love. Yet, I can't seem to stop thinking of you.
Why is it that you make me so happy, Jeongguk? Why is it that you take my pain away, that my anxieties vanish into thin air upon the gentle reverie of your smile? Your smile, I could wrote fifteen passages just on your smile and how it makes my heart thump unusually, but I will not do so today.
Jeongguk, I don't know what will happen onwards today. I don't know what will unfold in the next few years. All I know is I have never felt joy as I have when I have woken up to you by my side. The child is a wedge between us, yet I can't blame it. I can't blame Veronica. I can't blame you. I can only blame myself for so foolishly falling in love with you.
Love is a silly thing, isn't it?
I thought love was devotion and marriage. However now, it seems love is the giggle you let you when I made a comment about your front teeth. It seems love is the twinkle in your eyes when you see me. It seems love is the gentle wave in my heart that I feel whenever you smile.
You are love, my love.
You taught me what love is. You taught me how to be a better man. A better husband. Despite not taking any of it yourself. I owe you everything, Jeongguk.
I don't think I will ever let you read how ridiculous I sound here. I mean, it is almost morning now, and I had to scratch out 2 paragraphs I wore about your eyes. Jeon Jeongguk, you make me act strangely.
I am happy I met you. Even if we cannot be together in the future, baby, I will be glad I met you till the day I die. I will be glad I had you for a few months till the day I die. I will be glad I stumbled into you in my house adorably messing with my record player till the day I die.
One last thing before the handsome man you know stops writing this letter and finally goes to sleep.
I will love you till the day I die, Jeongguk. I don't see it any other way.
To my moonflower
from your love, Kim Taehyung.
thank you so so so much for reading this fanfiction and i do really hope you enjoyed it <3
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