There are some people in the world who are perfect.
One look at them, and they draw you in. They've got beauty, skill, talent, and beautiful smiled and catching eyes. You can't comprehend how they exist, how they can exist with no flaws. You're so far in that you're convinced they've got null problems- their existence is simply beyond yours.
Jeongguk felt that way about Taehyung.
Inferiority was one thing. Jeongguk was simple, wore the same coat 7 days a week and worked at a minimum pay job. His hair was simply brushed, his attitude was simple, everything about him was... ordinary. Jeongguk went 23 years of his life feeling ordinary.
Taehyung wasn't ordinary.
He was grand. Dripping with luxury, wealth, exuding an aristocracy which made you want to become him, yet want to be with him. His shoulders were wide, head held high, tall in his stature and confident in his demeanor. His words were elegant, smooth, rolled off his tongue without a thought, a doubt. It's as if he wasn't human at all, so far above anyone else- so perfect.
It scared Jeongguk. But now, peering in through wooden doors and seeing the blonde haired man lay on his back, eyes closed, looking weak and smaller than Jeongguk had ever seen him- Jeongguk's perception changed.
Veronica was inside the room with a few doctors, discussing something quietly. Veronica looked scared, eyes a little wide. Jeongguk hoped Taehyung was alright. Rosie had left half an hour ago because she had work early the next day and had to go sleep. Jeongguk decided to stay, forget about his body's need for sleep. Taehyung felt of more importance.
"Thank you." Veronica said softly, and then reached for the door and walked out. She saw Jeongguk and looked agitated. "Why're you still here?"
"I just wish to know if he's alright, that's all." Jeongguk said softly and saw Veronica take a cigarette out, lighting it her other hand and then letting out smoke from her faded tinted lips.
"I don't know." Veronica mumbled, less taut that usual. Looking nervous- Jeongguk had never seen her anxious before. Veronica also seemed to be perfect in a way. "It- it wasn't a heart attack, thank goodness."
"What was it?" Jeongguk asked, and Veronica sighed. "A panic attack. Can you imagine? It's so stupid," Veronica grumbled, taking in another smoke. "I was scared he'd gotten hurt or something worse- but it's his stupid nerves being erratic." Veronica said, and Jeongguk saw her walk away.
"Panic attack? Why, w-what for? Taehyung seems so..." Jeongguk trailed and then paused. Veronica chuckled, running a hand through her dark hair. "If he wakes, do call me."
Jeongguk saw her walk away and then sat down on one of the seats outside. A nurse walked past him and then sighed. "You should really be gettin' home, dear. This is no place for a young man like you to spend his night!"
"My-my friend is in there. I just need to ensure he'd okay." Jeongguk said softly. The woman smiled. "Don't worry, dear. I'll tell him when he's up. You should go home and get some rest."
"I'm alright. I find it more comforting to stay," Jeongguk said, and then saw the doctors walk out. "Oh- um- is- is he okay?" Jeongguk asked, getting up.
"He's alright. It happens to many men! It's overworking, really. Ever since the depression they've given one man the job of ten. No wonder men are getting a little anxious. But you needn't worry, he'll be up by morning." The doctor chuckled. "Is his wife here?"
"She- she left, I think," Jeongguk said. He saw the doctors nod, turning to walk away. "Can I spend the night in there?" Jeongguk asked, and saw the doctors hum and nod. Jeongguk smiled and walked into the room, seeing Taehyung.
"Hello," Jeongguk whispered and then walked closer to him. "I was scared I was the reason you relapsed. Seems like it was just your work," Jeongguk said, and then gulped, seeing how he was sleeping. Of course, he couldn't hear, but Jeongguk felt the need to continue. "Veronica left. Rosie did too. I don't think you should be alone, I'll stay." Jeongguk said, and then saw an armchair in the corner with a cushion on it.
Jeongguk leaned down, wanting to press a feathery kiss to his forehead- but it was far too risky as there was an abundance of nurses and such outside the flimsy door. "I shouldn't have been so cross with you," Jeongguk said, and then traced his fingers across Taehyung's arm. "I just- you're so much better than me. I don't understand why-why you wanted to do anything to me in the first place," Jeongguk chuckled lightly, and then gulped, biting his lip.
"You're- you're so beautiful, Taehyung. I don't want to fall for you. You're a man, and I'm a man. Boundaries should be made firmer in matters like these. But- I-I can't help myself. You're just so beautiful." Jeongguk said, and then looked at the man for a few more seconds.
"I understand. A man of your caliber sleeping around- it's strange how I didn't make such an assumption before." Jeongguk sighed, turning around and walking over to the armchair. "Women probably throw themselves onto you. I know I did," Jeongguk giggled to himself, and then sat down, draping his feet over the side of the chair and leaning against the head of it. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung for a few more seconds and then closed his eyes, drifting off.
Taehyung woke up, and his eyes felt blinded to the white fluorescent lights. The windows on the side let in the sunlight, and it took a few seconds for him to adjust. His throat felt dry, very dry- and his body felt weak. Taehyung looked around and realized he was in the hospital.
He sat up, feeling dizzy from just doing so, and then grabbed the sheets under his palms. The door of the room he was in opened, and Taehyung saw a nurse- with short curly brown hair, wearing a long white skirt and top like they do.
"Oh no no! Mr. Kim, you mustn't sit up like that! You're still unwell-" The woman gushed, rushing up to him. Taehyung shook his head.
"I'm fine. I'm absolute-" Taehyung began, and then felt his mouth go dry. The woman grabbed a glass and poured water into it from a jig laying on the table beside the hospital bed. She grabbed Taehyung's chin gently and tried pressing the cup to his lips, but Taehyung grabbed the cup from her hands.
"I can do it myself," Taehyung said lowly and then drank the water down. The woman nodded wearily, and then took the cup back and placed it on the table. She opened the drawer and took a medicine bottle. "Doctor's told you to take a dosage of these pills twice a day-"
Taehyung felt anger growing in him at those words and then looked at the nurse with annoyance. "Where's Veronica?"
"Veronica? Do- do you mean your wife, sir? I saw her here earlier, but-but I'm not sure where she is." The nurse said, and Taehyung looked to the side, and then froze when he saw Jeongguk.
The boy was curled up on the armchair, fists brought to his chest and close to his mouth- perhaps from how cold he was. Taehyung felt himself calming from his presence and then brought his hand out, where the woman placed a pill on his palm.
"How long has he been here?" Taehyung asked, and the nurse looked at Jeongguk. "Slept over. I told him to leave- but he insisted on staying sine your wife had to go home." The nursed said softly and then looked at Taehyung.
Taehyung put the pill onto his tongue and then saw the woman trying to pour the water into his mouth again- and grabbed the cup again- much to her dismay, and drank it down. He gulped down the pull and then put the cup back on the table.
"Last night you had a-" The woman began, and Taehyung shook his head. "I don't wish to know. I'm fine." Taehyung said the woman tilted her head.
"But Mr. Kim, you're-"
"I said I'm fine." Taehyung snapped, and the woman looked a little scared and nodded. "I-I apologize. I must leave now, I think you have a visitor." She said softly and then turned around to walk out of the room.
The room door opened, and Taehyung heard a loud cry. He looked, and almost groaned aloud. "O-oh, Mr. Kim! You're- you're sick!" A voice came, and Taehyung saw his assistant from work, a young girl called Natalie, rushing over to him, long auburn hair and big green eyes.
"I'm fine, Natalie. Really. You don't need to worry." Taehyung said and noticed how she wore her top really low as usual around him, skirt lined to her backside, accentuating it. She walked over to him, cradling his face.
"Oh, but I must. It'd be harrowing to work without you, Mr. Kim." She said, pouting a little. Taehyung looked at her for a few seconds, and she looked back at him, and then leaned in and pressed their lips together.
Taehyung pushed her off. "Natalie, please-"
"Oh come on, Mr. Kim. Your wife isn't here! No one's got to know," She whispered into his ear and put her hand under the blanket draped over him, reaching to his crotch, smiling. "I've missed you fucking me. Missed it so much. I liked how you did it last time. When you bent me over your desk like that, Mr. Kim. I liked it a lot, I-"
"Natalie, seriously," Taehyung said lowly, slapping her hand away. "I'm in no state to do so. And for fuck's sake- I thought you came here to check if I was alright?"
Natalie blinked her eyes. "Well if you're not going to fuck me- I might as well leave. I've got a free day anyway, now that you're sick." She said, and then kissed his cheek and turned around to walk away.
Taehyung sighed out, glancing down at his hands. He saw the door open again, the nurse from before peering in. "Are you alright, Mr. Kim?" She asked hesitantly, and Taehyung looked down. He didn't want to be rude.
"I'm alright," Taehyung said, and she walked up to him. Taehyung didn't want to make the nurse think he was some sort of rude man who was ungrateful for their services. He wasn't- he just, he just detested hospitals. The nurse smiled at him.
"That's good, that's good." She said, and then gulped. "Well, um- the doctor's instructed me to inject you. I do apologize," She said, and Taehyung hit his head against the back wall.
"I really don't-" Taehyung began, but then felt the nurse put her hand on his arm, pushing his sleeve up a bit. She looked at him closely. "Don't worry, Mr. Kim. I'll take care of you." She said and then blinked her sleek eyes at him, lips hovering closer.
"I think you're rather handsome, Mr. Kim-" She whispered, and Taehyung looked at her and then snickered. "You're aware I'm married?"
"I don't think your wife cares much, Mr. Kim." The nurse giggled. "Saw her having sex with one of the doctors in the other room. If you want, I'll-"
Taehyung froze. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, mouth going dry. "Get out," Taehyung said softly, and the nurse frowned, tilting her head.
"W-what? But- one of my friends who's worked closely with you told me you slept with almost any-"
"Get out. Now." Taehyung growled at her, and she humphed at his unkind nature and then turned around to walk out, closing the door rather harshly behind her.
Taehyung let his shoulders drop when she left and then felt his teeth sinking into his bottom lip, hands coming up to press against his face. He felt it- the anxiety he'd felt the night before, the uneasiness circling in the pit of his stomach. Not again, not again-
"Taehyung?" A soft voice arose, and Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts, moving his hands from his face. He turned and saw Jeongguk looking at him, dazed. Jeongguk was frozen for a few seconds and then stood up. "Taehyung! You're up!"
Jeongguk walked up to him rather hastily and saw Taehyung looked away. "I-I got so scared last night, Taehyung! Thought- thought you'd fallen ill. But the doctors said-"
"I'm fine, Jeongguk. You can leave n-now." Taehyung let out, voice sounding strained, stammering. Jeongguk paused, and then frowned, tilting his head.
"Taehyung what's wrong?" Jeongguk said softly. Jeongguk looked at him closely, and then placed his fingers under the man's chin and turned him, and felt his breath hitch when he saw tears in his eyes.
"T-Taehyung? Why- don't cry, Taehyung." Jeongguk said in a gentle voice, looking at the tears in the man's brown eyes. "No, no! You're-" Jeongguk began, and then reached forward, wrapping his arms around him.
Taehyung felt his head press against Jeongguk's chest and sniffled, gripping onto his shirt. Jeongguk brought his fingers down his hair. "There there, look- look you're alright."
Taehyung gripped Jeongguk's shirt tighter. "God, I-I'm so pathetic," Taehyung let out, and Jeongguk scowled. "I-I've fallen sick, over a-a panic attack, of all things-"
"It's okay. It happens to everyone. It just means you work very hard, Taehyung." Jeongguk said softly and then felt strange. Felt strange... comfort rising in his chest upon comforting Taehyung like this.
Jeongguk didn't know if it was wrong to feel so- but he felt a little glad to see some... human-like tendencies in the older man. To see him vulnerable, it was refreshing. Jeongguk didn't want him to be sad, no- but it made him think that perhaps Taehyung wasn't perfect.
"They give me so much work, Gguk," Taehyung let out, hearing Jeongguk's heartbeat like a hum against his ear. "I-I work day and night- never get an ounce of sleep- and- and on top of that, Veronica's always in my ear a-about things. She treats me like I'm some sort of house dog, or-or-" Taehyung rambled, and Jeongguk hummed, caressing his hair. Taehyung was letting go- letting go of this demeanor he had. Jeongguk saw some reality in him.
"That doesn't make you feel good, does it? You like being in control of things, don't you Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked softly, and Taehyung pulled away and looked up at him. "Is- is that why you... sleep around so much? Because... you feel it like an escape? Like you've got control?"
Taehyung sniffled. "I-I don't know. Never thought about it like that. But perhaps, yes, that does sound confoundingly accurate." Taehyung said, and then pulled away, scowling to himself. Jeongguk sat down on his bed.
"I'm sorry about forcing myself onto you like that," Jeongguk said. "I understand if you don't want me- nor want to sleep with me. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you," Jeongguk said softly, tracing his hand on the bedsheets. "I've just never been taken care of like that."
Taehyung chuckled. "No no, don't apologize. It's my fault, really. I led you on." Taehyung said, and Jeongguk blushed lightly, biting his lip.
"I'm like a little lamb, aren't I? Got lured into the lion's den," Jeongguk giggled out, and Taehyung smiled.
"I'm a lion, am I?" Taehyung asked, and Jeongguk looked up at him warmly. "Is it my luscious mane?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, and Jeongguk burst into laughter.
Taehyung smiled at him, and then looked down. "I-I don't like this. I don't like being so weak. I feel like a burden upon everyone- I don't like feeling like a burden. Like I'm fragile like everyone had to take care of me or somethin'." Taehyung mumbled, and Jeongguk hummed.
They hadn't really ever had a normal conversation like this, had they?
"Everyone's fragile, Taehyung. You're strong. You're- you're very strong. I see that. Everyone does. But being a little fragile doesn't hurt from time to time." Jeongguk said and then smiled at him.
"I don't like being looked down upon," Taehyung said. Jeongguk giggled. "You're a strange man. I'm not looking down upon you, Taehyung. I think you're so strong to go through that and be fine after it." Jeongguk grinned. Taehyung chuckled, looking up at him.
"Aren't you disappointed? You must've thought I was some sort of... unwavering tough man who doesn't have any problems." Taehyung said.
Jeongguk smiled softly. "I still think you're unwavering and tough," Jeongguk said. "I like that you have problems. It makes you more believable. Until now, you felt like a dream. Now you feel like reality."
Taehyung smiled at that. He hummed, looking down from Jeongguk's honey eyes. "I sort of keep a wall up at all times, I presume. My boss must think I'm fine, that must be why he keeps giving me so much work. I just- I can't do all of it. I've built up an image, I can't just fail, y'know? I can't walk out of a courtroom defeated. I just can't." Taehyung said, and then gulped. "I've become sort of sex symbol lawyer."
"I think that's badass," Jeongguk said, and Taehyung looked at him and laughed. Jeongguk giggled and then hit his knee.
"You don't need to be a sex symbol lawyer, Taehyung! Nor some sort of perfect man that wins every case! It isn't possible. Do you know what you need? You need a holiday, Taehyung. Now. You need to take a week away from all your troubles." Jeongguk said.
Taehyung smirked, looking up. "A, yes. Alone in the wilderness. I've got a cabin in the south of France. It's beautiful there. There are lakes and mountains. It's perfect." Taehyung said, looking at Jeongguk.
"Go there! With Veronica. It'll be nice for you two." Jeongguk said, and Taehyung snickered, looking away. "I don't think she'd like that. We'd keep fighting."
"Fighting? You two quarrel like normal couples, do you?" Jeongguk asked with wide eyes, and Taehyung hummed. "Yes. Plus, I found out she had sex with that doctor who helped me," Taehyung said, and Jeongguk frowned.
"Oh no! That's awful! When- when you're so sick, too! How- how awful," Jeongguk stammered, and then reached forward, hugging Taehyung tightly. "I didn't know she was bad too! I'm sorry, Taehyung."
Taehyung felt his cheeks redden when he felt Jeongguk's cheek against his own and then smiled a little. He'd never gotten red before like this. Taehyung patted his back, and then looked at him closely.
"You- you know I wasn't trying to sleep with Rosie or anything like that, right?" Taehyung said softly, and Jeongguk stilled. Jeongguk nodded. "I do now."
Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with his dazzling darkened eyes, and Jeongguk felt himself break a little. They were close, Jeongguk looked down at him, Taehyung up, their eyes meeting with vigor. "Y'know," Taehyung said softly. "I did promise I'd fuck you again,"
"D-don't-" Jeongguk squeaked out. "Don't say that. You'll g-get my hopes up again-" Jeongguk began, and then saw Taehyung leaning in closer, his breath infusing with Jeongguk's.
"Hm, why don't you come to that holiday with me, Jeongguk?" Taehyung whispered, and Jeongguk gulped, biting his lip.
"N-no. Because- because w-we're married, and-" Jeongguk began, and gripped Taehyung's shirt tighter when he kept moving further in. "And- and I've got work-"
"Shush, darling," Taehyung whispered. "You fret too much,"
Jeongguk looked at him with his big doe eyes. "T-Taehyung don't d-do this. I don't want to- I don't want to fall for y-"
Taehyung pressed their lips together. Jeongguk's breath hitched, and he felt Taehyung move in, kissing him firmly. Jeongguk didn't kiss back- and then pulled away.
"You're doing it again, Taehyung. You're doing this because- because you just found out about Veronica, a-and now you want control again. It's wrong. Morally, it's-"
Taehyung kissed him again. Jeongguk pushed him off. "You don't want me, Taehyung! You just want-"
"I know, I know I said all that," Taehyung said softly, looking into Jeongguk's eyes. "But frankly, darling- I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now."
Jeongguk's breath hitched. He felt his cheeks burn into a red, and then blinked. "I-I'm scared. I don't want you to sleep around-"
"I won't," Taehyung said, leaning up. "Kiss me, please."
Jeongguk shook his head, and Taehyung frowned, tilting his head. "No one's turned me down so many times, Jeongguk. You must have impeccable self-control,"
"I know you're a liar. You'll kiss me and then go sleep with 8 women." Jeongguk mumbled, and Taehyung smiled a bit, seeing the upset in his eyes, how he looked so pretty still.
"No, angel," Taehyung said, and then gulped. "I want to kiss you because- because no one's ever made me feel so... comfortable before," Taehyung whispered, letting their noses nudge against each other. "Everyone only ever wants to sleep with me. You seem to want to get to know me-"
"D-don't, Taehyung-" Jeongguk stammered, and then rolled off the bed, standing up. "I must leave."
Taehyung looked at him. "Alright," Taehyung said in a small voice, and Jeongguk fumbled with his fingers for a few seconds. Jeongguk let out a cry, looking down.
"W-well don't make that face! You look so-" Jeongguk began, and then looked up, eyebrows furrowed. "Handsome," Jeongguk mumbled, and then leaned forward, kissed his cheek, and turned around to run out of the room, his own cheeks burning.
Taehyung smiled to himself, feeling his cheeks redden. He'd never felt this thrill before, this mirth from a simple kiss on the cheek. Taehyung felt awed in someway- mind feeling cluttered as he revisited that small moment where Jeongguk kissed his cheek. It made his insides warm.
The door opened, and Taehyung saw Veronica. She walked in and smiled. "Ah, you're up."
"How was the doctor?" Taehyung asked, and saw as she looked into the mirror on the wall, fixing her hair.
"Ah, you know. The usual. Had a bigger cock than you," Veronica said, and then looked at Taehyung- who looked at her in annoyance.
"I saw your god-awful whore of an assistant walking around with her tits out. Did you get your dick sucked?" Veronica asked, and Taehyung snickered weakly.
"Sure," Taehyung said, and then saw Veronica walk up to him. She walked closer, and then gripped his jaw.
"Don't drop like that again, Taehyung. A panic attack? How childish. I'm telling everyone you had some sort of hereditary heart disease to make you look a little more manly." She said roughly and then left his jaw.
Taehyung looked up, felt Veronica's words forming that awful anxious feeling in his chest again- the one he always felt. But he closed his eyes.
Closed his eyes and envisioned Jeongguk. And then; and then it was fine. He was fine.
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