I got tagged. ???
I got tagged by innocent_gurl 2 times.
TAAAAAGG 11111111!!!!!!!
So......Let's do this.
1. Full name?
I ain't telling.........
2. Zodiac sign?
3. Best friend?
I don't have one......
4. How I feel right now?
Eh. I don't know. It's a mix of multiple emotions.
5. Current relationship status?
6. favourite movie?
Eh there's too many movies.....I'm drowning in all the movies.....ahhh.... saaaaaaaave meeeeeeee......idk
7. Height?
142 cm last time I checked.
8. Favourite song?
I don't know this one either.
9. 3 things I love?
1. Watching Anime.
2. Reading Books.
3. Texting ppl.
10. 3 things that upset me?
1. My friends....irl......
2. Myself.......
3. My school teachers.......
11. 3 things that make me happy?
1. Watching Anime.
2. Reading Books.
3. Texting my friends.
12. Favourite food?
There's a lot of choices......... uhhhhh... I choose.....what do i choose?....umm... I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!
13. Celebrity crushes?
14. How many tattoos/piercings i have?
15. Turns ons?
What's a turn ons???
16. Turn offs?
What's a turn offs?
17. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'll choose......SCARY MOVIES 😂😈😂😈😂
18. Computer or television?
19. Favourite perfume?
Don't have one
20. When was the last time i cried?
In August 5.
21. Can i cook?
Yes, yes i can.
22. Do speak another language?
Other than English...I speak my country language which Is called 'DHIVEHI'.
23. Do j miss anyone right now?
Ya. I miss my family members......
24. Favourite TV show?
25. Would any of you ppl want to ask me any questions?
I don't think so.
TAAAAAG 22222222222!!!!!
1. Do i like someone?
Did. Now none....
2. Do they like me?
Of course......not....
3. Middle name?
'_' because my name is Shining_star54 and _ is in the middle.
4. Single or taken?
5. Last person texted?
Let me check........
6. Last song I listened to?
The 2nd song of Future Diary AKA Mirai Nikki.
7. Battery percent?
8. Girl best friend?
9. Guy best friend?
10. Favourite OTP?
There's a lot. Do you guys really wanna hear them all?
11. Why I made this account?
Because I wanted to read books. Duh!!
12. Just an ordinary little this....
13. Birthday?
26 February!
So..... let me tag a few ppl.
01. rainbowfire57
02. prettytwistedlies
03. Zodiacing
04. SowJinJelly_
05. Kawaii_Otaku32
06. rebelliousnerd
07. Rinkavi
08. BTSxARMY1362013
09. _Tokoyami-
10. Xx_mysticunicorn_xX
11. rebelblack090200300
12. thegroupofidiots
13. innocent-gurl
14. isabellathecatlover
15. AnimeLover_BookNerd
16. Pineapple_IIover
17. Toidi_
18. BloopFlop
19. starstruck213estelle
20. Shy-Soul
21. Kawaii_Aqua
22. Venus__16
23. unicoooornnnn
25. hushedcrescendo
26. _ReikaRen_
27. poeticctaee
28. depressedpotatosack
29. PastelEmoUnicornBoy
And last but not least...... Metarona.
I have to ask you guys a question.
How would you feel if one of your wattpad friends (who is also your in real life friend) mutes you in wattpad just for a joke and is still not unmuting you even when it's alredy been A MONTH?
Please please please give me the answer of that question. I really need it.
And sorry because I didn't update this book earlier. I was busy with school. And SORRY again. Thanks for waiting!!!
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