things on my mind at 3 am...aka a girl
Started: March 30, 2019 (around 3:00 AM)
Finished: April 2, 2019
there's this girl i like.
she doesnt like me back, but if anything my crush has increased in the past (almost) 5 months since i've been rejected.
all i can think about sometimes is how bad i wish she was mine. how bad i want to kiss her or put my head on her shoulder.
she makes me so happy, without her around i'd probably be dead. i dont know, honestly...
i want to get her to like me back somehow, but it sounds too selfish.
she's different than all my other crushes.
for example, i didnt have reasons for liking all the boys i liked, but i could go on and on about reasons i like this girl.
i said i'd give her five reasons she's UwU, because she sent me a very UwU corgi hat and I said "you and the hat have a lot in common. you're both UwU"
of course, the reasons spiraling through my head are the reasons i like her. not reasons that she's UwU or cute or anything.
in my head, she's so adorable. kind of like a marshmallow. i love it when she laughs, smiles, talks, jokes around...i could go on.
but when she's messing around, she has these different voices and i love it.
my favorite times in math are when she's talking, asking the teacher if the problem could be done a different way or saying she did the problem differently. it kind of soothes me. and that's when i look down at my lap and question if i'm in love or not.
she encourages me so much, and she worries about me and wants me to be okay. i want the same for her, but she doesnt want me to worry about her. says i have nothing to worry about. if something's wrong, she'll listen to me and try to help the best she can. (she doesn't really tell me if anything's wrong with her, though. she says her problems are small and unimportant.) the encouragement part? i cant think of a reason/example right now but i'll think of one.
she's so curious and seems to always be asking questions. as i stated before, she almost daily is asking questions in math about how to do something or if it can be done in the way she's suggesting. i dont know what she's like in other classes (the only common-core class i have with her is math) but i'd assume she's pretty questionative, if that's a word, in those classes as well.
she's really funny. as ive said before, she has these different joking voices and they kinda make whatever she's saying a lot funnier. i read her wattpad comments (she knows about this, and she's fine with it) and honestly they're pretty funny. some are more serious, but there are funny ones.
maybe i only see these things because my eyes are covered by the sunglasses of crushing/love? im not sure.
i want to protect her, hold her, kiss her, make sure all her problems and worries are gone for a while. i want her to see in herself what i see in her.
I want to go on and on about this girl but I couldn't.
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