casual connect four
okay so for this im gonna label each "character" as a number
so let me list them here as we start
the character labeled as 1 is me
the character labeled as 2 is my best friend
the character labeled as 3 is another friend of mine
that's all :)
1, 2, and 3 are casually sitting at a table in class, casually playing some casual games of Connect Four. 3 is usually watching as 1 and 2 play, but sometimes 1 will sit out so 3 can play.
3 left the table for a bit, while 1 and 2 were playing a round.
I guess 1 did something, I cant remember, because 2 shouted...
2: dO yOu WaNt A diVOrCe?
1: *shocked* wHeN wErE wE eVeR mArRiEd?!
2: LaSt NiGhT!
The game continues and no words are said about this. Until...
1: When were we ever together?
2: LaSt NiGhT, aT mCdOnAlDs. dOnT yOu ReMeMbEr?
1: *thinks for a second* (jokingly) yEs
2: we were never at McDonalds .-.
1: I'm literally just playing along with what you're saying, 2.
2: okay
2: aT mCdOnAlDs. YoU wErE eAtiNG a BuRgEr AnD yOu GoT tHiS pApEr SaYiNg "HeY, yOu WaNnA siGN tHiS pReNuP?"
1: I actually hate McDonald's burgers.
2: Fine, it was Chicken McNuggets.
So yay now 1 and 2 are headed back to their table since they were at another table playing Connect Four.
2: We're not married.
1, mentally: wTF Y O U M A K E N O S E N S E
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