I finished the One-Shot
I have decided to finish this one-shot. Please forgive me, I haven't written one before-
This is after Mothering Heights btw.
also dog man has a ✨speaking collar✨
It was late in the afternoon. The gang (minus Chief, Yolay, and Sarah) had gone to a fair/amusement park.
Petey was going to take only Li'l Petey, but the kitten begged to bring Dog Man and 80-HD along, and after lots of begging, Petey finally agreed.
Dog Man had just finished winning a giant teddy bear for Li'l Petey, and it was so big 80-HD could hardly hold it.
"So, does anyone wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" Petey asked, and only Dog Man answered.
"Sure!" He said realizing nobody else answered. Li'l Petey perked up a bit to this.
Li'l Petey never really wanted Petey and Dog Man to be enemies, if anything, he would like to just be a big happy family, but he knew his papa wouldn't like that.
So he always tried to get them to be friends. He new Petey still would not like that, but Li'l Petey still tried every chance he got.
"Well if it's just you then I might not go then.." Petey whispered quietly, but loud enough for Li'l Petey to hear.
"Aw, why not? You 2 could BOND!" Li'l Petey told his papa while trying his best to be over dramatic.
"Well, because.. it would be pointless for just two people to go on." Petey lied. Li'l Petey obviously knew he was lying, so he put his plan into action.
"Pwease?" Li'l Petey asked, with the cutest face you can imagine. Like, with an "Oh my gosh I will die for you" kind of face.
This was one of the weakness Petey had, so he finally agreed to his son.
"Fine." He said.
"Yay!" Li'l Petey gleamed with excitement.
This is now me trying to write this in exactly 2:04 in the morning after a couple months of abandoning this. Please enjoy this garbage. Also, just pretend that the little tadpole thing is a human, and since she has powers it's not weird that she can switch between frog and human.
Edit: I watched someone recapping dog man and it's now 2:58
As they got in line, Li'l Petey watched from behind without them knowing.
"Little Petey, what are you do-ing?" 80-HD said with a robotic voice.
"Quiet, 80-HD." Li'l Petey whispered, even though it was so loud the kitten and the robot could barely hear each other.
"I'm trying to get Papa and Dog Man to bond." the kitten said.
"Oh, O-K." 80-HD replied blankly.
"Oh, Li'l Petey!" a little female voice said behind them.
"Molly!" Li'l Petey said, jumping to hug his friend.
This took Molly by surprised and there was a light blush across her face.
(seriously, am I the only one who came up with that ship?????? Anway, back to the story.)
"So, why are you looking at the Ferris Wheel line with binoculars being all weird and creepy?" Molly asked the kitty clone.
"Oh, I'm trying to get Petey and Dog Man to bond! Oh, there they go!" Li'l Petey said as Petey and Dog Man got onto the ride.
"Hey, I can maybe help you with that." Molly said to the kitten.
"I may be able to stick them on there for a long enough time to become friends..."
"So..." Petey began, feeling awkward he was this close to the dog-man hybrid. Well, yeah, he had to be hugged and licked by the dog cop, but this was different.
This was them shoulder to shoulder in a Ferris Wheel.
Well, yeah, he could easily move to the other end but:
1) He would have to awkwardly look at Dog Man's face for 5-10 minutes
2) The ride-operator said to try not to go on that side due to balance problems with the ride or something.
"Yeah?" Petey heard.
Oh yeah.
He had been so lost in thought.
"Well, what would you like to-" the cat started.
Suddenly, the ride stopped to a hult.
"What happened?" Petey asked.
They waited for a couple minutes until a panicked voice came up on the speakers (?) of the Ferris Wheel carts (?).
"It looks like you all will be on the ride for a while, at least half-an-hour. We are currently trying to fix the problem and we are calling the police. Please remain calm."
Half and hour with Dog Man?
"Woah, what did you do?" the clone asked.
"I simply fried the controls just enough to stop the ride but not enough to be dangerous." the green haired girl replied.
"Woah, that's cool! So, how long will they be on it?"
"About an hour. So, wanna get some cotton candy?" Molly asked.
"Sure! 80-HD, stay here in case something happens." Li'l Petey ordered his friend.
"O-K Little Petey." the Poke-ball shaped robot replied.
"Ok, let's get some cotton candy!" the kitten said as he grabbed his *cough* friend's *cough cough* hand and the two kids ran off, leaving the robot alone.
The operator spoke on the speakers again and they then said that it would be 40 minutes.
Why me??????
"So, since we're here for a while, what do you wanna talk about?"
"Huh what?" He was so deep in thought that Petey forgot that he was here with the cat. He then remembered the question he was asked.
"Well what do you want to talk about?" Petey replied.
"Really anything you want to." Dog Man replied to the replying cat.
"Well I don't really have anything to talk about or interesting so.." Petey said awkwardly to the dog hybrid.
"Well, what about our pasts? It's okay if your to uncomfortable, though, since, you know..."
"Oh, it's ok. Would you like to start..?" Petey asked.
"Well, you already know about the bomb in the field and how it blew up, I'm guessing."
Dog Man said. Petey thought for a second and realised.
He doesn't know I put the bomb there.
"Hey, about that..." Petey started, leaving a confused Dog Man.
"Do you know who planted that bomb there?" Petey asked the hybrid.
"Well, no, but if I ever meet them, I don't know if I should hate them or love them."
Huh? Butterflies? Since when did cats get those?
"Part of me would want to arrest them and hate them for trying to hurt them..."
Petey got a little scared at that part.
"But part of me loves them with all my heart."
It's all because it's a warm humid summer night, ok? Nothing else.
"Well..." Petey began.
"That was... me.."
"Okay, 80-HD, we're back with the cotton candy!" Li'l Petey said, as he saw Chief and Sarah at the bottom of the Ferris Wheel.
"Hello. I am Sarah Hatoff with breaking news. We're here at the summer fair called Summer Fair and the Ferris Wheel has stopped for an unknown reason and we cannot get it fixed. Police are trying to get contact of Dog Man or any of his friends but we cannot. Chief, would you and your girlfriend have anything to add?"
Oh, yeah. Nurse Lady and Chief have started dating. Sarah hasn't been the same after she found out.
"No, but if anyone can get hold of anyone- Dog Man, Petey, Li'l Petey, anyone- please contact us."
"Hey, guys!" Li'l Petey said as he and Molly ran over to them.
"Li'l Petey, do you know where Dog Man is? He's not answering anyone. We're starting to get worried." Chief asked.
"Well, yeah, him and Papa are on the Ferris Wheel." Li'l Petey said.
"Oh course they are- I'm Sarah Hatoff and that's it for right now. We will update you on the event as much as we can."
"Have any idea how to get them down?" Nurse Lady asked Li'l Petey and Molly.
"Well, maybe."
At least 5-10 minutes had passed. At least it felt like it. It was probably only 2, but still.
The hybrid stared back at the cat blankly.
Thoughts raced in the cat's head.
He hates you now.
He's going to take you to jail.
You should have never said anything.
You idiot.
Dad was right-
No. No he wasn't.
"I'm, I'm sorr-" Petey was about to apologize when he felt someone hugging him.
"Thank you." Dog Man said.
"Don't you hate me? You would be dead if it wasn't for that nurse..."
"I know, but now I have an amazing life." Dog Man replied.
Dog Man lifted himself from Petey. Petey instantly felt a weight lift off his chest even though Dog Man had not been putting any weight there. Petey just blamed everything on that.
(what no I didn't steal that part from @Lazulii1 what nooo pffffttt crazy)
"So, anything you wanna say?" Petey asked the Dog hybrid.
"Well, just, thank you. For everything. For giving me this talking collar and, most importantly, letting Li'l Petey stay with me during the weekend. I owe you a lot." Dog Man spoke.
"Well, your welcome." Petey replied.
"Yeah... just can we start over? Forget the enemy stuff?" Dog Man asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... could we be... friends?" Dog Man asked and as he said that Petey's heart oddly skipped a beat.
"Well, um... sure!" Petey said as he shook the kanine's (?) hand.
"Now what do you wanna do?" Dog Man asked.
"Well, we need to find a way out..."
About 30 minutes passed. It was starting to get late at night and everyone was tired. Molly tried to fix the controls as Li'l Petey cheered her on. But she may had fried it a little more than she meant to.
Everyone had left except for the cops, Sarah, Nurse Lady, 80-HD, Molly, and Li'l Petey. Yolay had a photo shoot but she called Sarah to make sure everything was ok.
There had been a weird sweetness in her voice recently when she talks to Sarah. Sometimes stuttering, but nobody really pays attention.
At one point Petey and Dog Man fell asleep looking at the stars. Dog Man was leaning on Petey's shoulder as they were sleeping. When the ride started to work again they immediately woke up and Petey tried to ignore everything. Dog Man thought about life.
Like I said, it was a humid summer evenin- well night now, but yeah.
The ride started to move. They started to let people off cart by cart, and they finally got to Petey and Dog Man's cart (which was stupidly last as they let everyone else off because of the balance or something).
As they stepped out everyone ran to them.
"Papa!" Li'l Petey said.
"Hey, kid." Petey said to his son. He oddly had a little bit of blush on his face. Nobody noticed it, but Li'l Petey did.
"Dog Man!" Li'l Petey spoke as he ran to the dog.
"Hey, you survived!" Sarah said, as chief went up to them.
"yep." Petey said sounding like he was about to die.
"Well we should get home." Dog Man said.
"Ok, hold on!" Li'l Petey said as he ran to Molly.
"Oh, hey!" the girl said.
"I just wanna say thanks for doing that." he said.
"Well it was no problem!" she said.
"I actually saw some blush on papa. It might have been because embarrassment, but who knows." the clone said.
"Well you're good at pointing those little things out." Molly said as she smiled warmly.
This time it was Li'l Petey's turn to blush.
"Well, see you tomorrow?" Li'l Petey asked.
"Sure!" Molly replied starting to walk away. She then turned around and waved bye.
"Bye!" Said Li'l Petey. Huh.
Li'l Petey walked back to his friends and family as they were all talking to each other.
Petey looked down. "Ready to go.?"
"Yep!" his son said as they walked to Dog Man's house.
Whelp hope you enjoyed this garbage.
It's now 5:25 btw-
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