So... ima do something
If I make a CP drawing, im gonna make my version of their backstory! So, ya.
"Lulu... what a sweet name... for such a sweet girl... it was never my name.. my name is.. Lucinda.. yeah.. I changed it... to Lulu... when I was a small child, I would always play.. even with the worst eyesight.. no one respected me.. they bullied, and hated me.. for my eyesight.. they would call me.. 'Lulu...'... I hated that name....
I can't remember.. how I lost my eyes... but what I do remember is one time.. which was a time when my mom died, a boy was strolling through the same woods I was... I looked at him.. I didn't care about the rest of him.. but his eyes... a emerald colour, mixed with all green you could think of... they were like.. diamonds.. but green.. he looked at me.. I got a better view of them.. so he waved hi, I did back 'whats your name?' I call out, going to him 'Richard'.. sweet name for a guy with amazing eyes.. I loved them.. 'i love your eyes' I went, being truthful.. 'thank you!! I love your hair!!' 'Thank you, kind sir...' I simply replied back 'are... you lost..?' I ask. He nods. 'Uhm.. can I stay at your place for a bit..?' I couldn't say no.. so I accepted. I led him to my house... I was an idiot.. for not realizing.. the body's... I had hid in the basement... 'I recommend you sleep, its really late.' 'Ok! Where do I sleep?' 'Here...' I point to my room. The room that was connected to the basement.. I am such a dumbass... he nodded happily, as he went. I smile, and get something to eat. I frown, and cry. Then... the boy... went to the basement.. to see people.. DEAD corpses.. on the floor... without eyes... he cries, I could hear it.. 'you have seen to much... gove me your eyes' I was right behind him.. I tore my eyes out. He goes 'IM SORRY!' He runs to the exit. 'You have seen to much! Give me your eyes!' I run adter him, as he blacks out. Next thing you know, he was at his house in his bed. He had woken up, finally, and then.. he heard.. 'g I v e m e y o u r e y e s . .' "
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