Primes vs Warlord
Optimus and Ophelia were checking out an old energon mine that they thought had been empty for some time, they needed to make sure, the mine was too close to some cities, which made them uneasy. They were just about done checking the whole when foot steps were heard a bit close to them. Ophelia transformed her servos to blasters, while Optimus whipped out his gun and they both aimed at the one and only, Megatron...
"Megatron..." Optimus said with a slight growl.
"Optimus, Ophelia, the last time I saw you both, Ophelia was pulling a very dangerous stunt, but it prove effective." Megatron said, grinning.
"Yeah we noticed. Now why in the name of the allspark are you here?" Ophelia asked, her glare was cold enough to freeze the sun.
"Now now, Ophelia, mind your attitude. I'm simply here because Laserbeak picked up two autobot signals." Megatron said.
"Of course he did..." Ophelia huffed.
"I'm going to assume you want my eradication." Optimus said, his mouth guard popped into place.
"Yes but why offline one prime, when you can end them both?" Megatron sneered, grinning evilly. He then took a shot at the two primes with his blaster, only a brute like him would challenge two primes. The primes leaped in different directions away from the blast. Ophelia stomped a pede on the ground and shocked King 'Con with high voltage electricity, but it only slowed for a little. Optimus took some shots at him, only to stop when Megatron threw a boulder at Ophelia which he blasted away from her. Megatron unsheathed his blade when he saw Optimus was distracted, and charged.
"Not today Megaglitch!" Ophelia shouted, whipping out a metal rod which transformed into a battle axe, what was unexpected was when Ophelia tapped the ground twice and the other end of the axe slit in half and started blasting lasers and Megatron. One laser hit his blade hard and shattered it.
"You have the relic I've been searching for!" Megatron roared and tackled Ophelia and took hold of the relic.
"I wouldn't do that!" Ophelia warned as she threw him off. The relic then electrocuted the day lights out of Megatron which caused to yell bloody murder. Ophelia took the chance and grabbed the relic and slammed it into the back of his helm, which knocked him out.
"Good work sweet spark." Optimus said, smiling at the femme.
"Why thank you." Ophelia replies, smiling right back. They make a pretty good team. Do they not?
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