New faces
Weeks later, Arcee and Ophelia were driving around Jasper when Ophelia picked up two energon readings, but they were on the move not far from their current location.
"Arcee are you picking that up?" Ophelia asked over the comm link.
"Yeah... I'll see if Ratchet got the signals." The two femmes drove and parked in an alley. "Arcee to Ratchet. Ophelia and I detected two energon readings. Did the scanners pick them up too?" Arcee said over the comm link.
"Yes, the scanners picked the signals up as well." Ratchet responded over the comm link.
"Give us the coordinates and we'll see what exactly the signals are." Ophelia said noticing the signals have come to a stop not very far from them.
"Very well but be careful." Ratchet said, sending over the coordinates. The two femmes then proceeded to drive over to the coordinates and they were lead into a forest.
"A forest? Seems like an ideal place for a decepticon to ambush." Arcee said, transforming out of her alt mode.
"Right, but we're too close to turn back. We're left with no choice." Ophelia said, also transforming and walking closer towards the signal, with a scanner in on servo, the other servo armed and ready.
After a couple minutes of walking, they saw a large Autobot escape pod. The femmes shared a look and cautiously walked closer only to see that the pods were empty, they then heard a twig snap and their helm shot the direction of the sounds, their guns pointed and ready. They were shocked at what their optics fell on.
"Elite? Chromia?" Arcee asked, shocked that she was seeing her two sisters. Ophelia was baffled, and the femmes quickly changed their guns to servos.
"Oh thank the Allspark! We thought you had both perished in the Last battle before Cybertron fell." Elite said, embracing the other femmes.
"I've been here for years, Ophelia arrived with Ultra Magnus a couple months back." Arcee said.
"Magnus? He's online?" Elita asked, frantically, She was shocked that her sparkmate was online and well (Don't judge ok. I ship it hard lol). Chromia couldn't say the same. She had lost Ironhide during the Battle of Technar.
"Everyone is back at base by now. They'd all love to see you both. Elita, Chromia I suggest you watch out for Wheeljack" Ophelia said.
"Oh no..." They both said.
"We say the same everyday." Arcee said, chuckling.
"Ratchet, we need a groundbridge we have two friends to welcome." Ophelia said over the comm link, the green portal popped up moments later and the four femmes transformed and drove right through.
Every Autobot at the base immediately smiled when they saw Elita and Chromia.
"No way!" Bulkhead said happily.
"More femmes? Pit yeah!" Wheeljack said slyly, smirking at the two.
"Actually Elita is taken." Ultra Magnus said walking towards the pink femme giving her a hug.
"Awww!" everyone said, even Optimus and Ratchet said it too.
"What about this one?" Wheeljack asked smirking to Chromia who's smile quickly faded. Everyone else frowned sadly.
"My sparkmate perished in battle..." Chromia said sadly Arcee put on hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Ironhide is resting peacefully now, out of the reach of war." Ratchet said.
"A lot has happened while we were absent, correct?" Elita asked.
"Yes. Optimus obviously looks a lot more different, Megatron has a predacon on his side, Shockwave is back, oh and Optimus and Ophelia found their long lost son, Smokescreen." Arcee finished, pointing at Smokescreen.
"Woah." The two new femmes said.
"Yeah a lot did happen, on the bright side, the femme squad is complete." Arcee said, smiling widely.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear that. It nearly made me lose that regal Prime attitude and cry my spark out." Ophelia said smiling as well. Everyone laughed except Optimus and Ophelia who just smiled.
I present to you, The Ladies
Aye the ladies are back, And I'm just sitting here crying over the fact that I am getting flashbacks of Ironhide's death in Transformers Dark of the Moon😭
Annnnd I'm contemplating on whether or not to start a book like this about my Voltron OC... sooo yeah.
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