Verano's Bistro, the following afternoon...
I never expected to be offered a chance to be a model.
For what it's worth, my main focus back when I was in Atlanta was keeping my grades up while being eligible to remain on a football scholarship, not wanting to deal with any more family drama since being disowned for coming out, and being a good friend. And on the one hand, I wasn't keen on walking on stage in only underwear.
But on the other hand, my life was full of too many expectations and condescending sneers by my own family. No matter what I did for them, it seemed like it wasn't enough.
"Everyone expects you to give them more than what you can, Tyler. We all have to do our part."
"Why can't you be more like me, loser?! Of all the brothers in the world, I'm somehow cursed to be stuck with a homo like you?"
"You can't afford to disappoint your mother, Tyler. All eyes are to be on you. A Candler man must sacrifice his needs for the good of the family name."
"It's easier to smile through the pain, bro. Swallow your feelings with some pussy or some weed, and you're good to go."
"You're too serious."
"You're not serious enough."
Yeah, folks. My family was known for their "helpful" words of encouragement when it came to tearing down my self-esteem. And "for the good of my future," no less.
But back to the matter at hand, I knew that I had to govern myself accordingly if it meant earning my family's favor. Even so, I knew that coming out would be when I would be on the outs. And since I knew I wouldn't be welcomed, I had to begin cutting my losses. Now that I was in Solstice Hearts with Jamal with the two of us forging our own futures, I wanted to find my own path to greatness while being able to heal from my own scars.
Which was why I was debating on the idea of being the model for Pacifica West Menswear as I went on with my job as a server at Verano's Bistro the following day. I knew that I could make plenty of money to not only help me find my own place but also help Jamal out when the time came. Not only that, I knew that I could end up being called up for many opportunities if I did say yes. But there were also the many risks that came with it, especially with my life story being put on full display if I did accept. Not only that, my family would somehow get wind of it and would only amplify their plans to have me become their "perfect son" if I ended up showing off my body on the runway.
Trina would do anything and everything to ensure that she and Dad would have me marry one of their friend's female relatives so I could provide them with a kid to dote on. Little wonder that I was grateful for not having their numbers on my new cellphone and me blocking them on social media would ice their plans for the time being.
Anyway, the lunch hour was in full swing at Verano's as I went on with refilling wine cups, serving food with a smile, and even helped out with planning a proposal for a lead singer of a local band whose girlfriend was one of the prominent families from Providence. All the while, I was asking myself several questions.
Can being a male model for Cameron's line actually put me on the spot and help me overcome my doubts?
Would Trina and Dad make things more complicated if they do see me on the billboards while I'm in my underwear?
Could I actually make more money with being a male model, or should I keep working here so I could keep afloat?
I snapped out of my thoughts just as I arrived back into the kitchen and was soon greeted by Henri. "Hey," I greeted him in French. "Sorry, lost in thought."
"I could tell," the older man said as he worked on several plates of food while the other chefs were busy with plating everything. "Let me guess, your family?"
I sighed. "That, and I was offered to model for Pacifica West."
"Ah, you're not sure if you want to go for it given your situation," Henri deduced.
I nodded. "Jamal's all for it, but I got a homophobic and appearance-centered family to contend with if I do accept," I remarked.
"Maybe you should talk to Franklin about this," one of the female sous-chefs commented as she placed a plate of veal marinara on a serving tray. "You already know that he's one of the owners, models, and head designers."
"I will," I promised, "but I thought he was going to be at his job all day."
"Wanna bet, mate?" Roger's voice piped up as he came into the kitchen before directing me to the view of the dining area.
Sure enough, I saw Franklin in his designer-clothing glory having a chat with his parents before they saw me. And judging on how I was given tentative stares, I knew that they wanted to talk to me. "Well, I guess it's all the more reason to get it out in the open," I said. "I just pray that the decision I give them would be the right one."
"It will," Henri assured me as he handed me the now-full serving tray. "For now, you need to head back to work, mon petit. Take this over to table ten."
"Yes, sir."
Lord, I only pray that You can help me make the right decision needed before I give Tyler my answer, I silently prayed as I continued my duties as a server. If it's meant to be, God, then show me a sign because I can only imagine what will happen next.
With the lunch rush now complete, I was soon facing the Romero trio with a small platter of bruschettas as a light meal for us to share. "Franklin's been telling us that you got an offer to become one of the male models for his fashion line," Andrew began. "Your friend Jamal's already accepted being one. What about you?"
"Sir, if I can be honest?" I commented. "I'll admit that the offer's pretty enticing and all, but I'm not entirely sold on showing off my...assets to the fashion world. Especially when said line mainly consists of underwear and swimwear. With my family being their own version of conservatives that can make Donald Trump and his family look like saints, you can bet that I might catch a lot of apprehension."
"Let me guess. They're mainly focused on appearances and how their local churches would think about them," Chelsea deduced.
I nodded. "That's pretty much it. Add the fact that I'm not in their family with my sexual orientation and them haranguing me about not being part of their standards, and you can say that I'm debating if it's going to be helpful or bothersome for being a model."
"Maybe this offer could be an opportunity to finally come out of your shell," Franklin remarked, staring at me. "When you look at your reflection, tell me and my folks what you see."
I inhaled deeply. "I see a young man still coming to terms with the rejections and betrayals that he faced before his arrival," I began. "I see a young man who wants to finally live in his truth and love himself, yet can't seem to shake off the demons and haters that want him to either play by their rules or to end it all. I see a young man who, despite him being masculine, is always accused of being feminine or 'not being man enough' for society's norms, as pointed out by one spiteful sister. All in all, I see myself toeing the line between two worlds: one where I'm close enough to taste, but can't live in it...and the other now forbidden unless I assimilate into the ideals."
"That's not what we see," Andrew said sternly. "For me, I see a young man with so much potential yet not enough opportunities to shine bright."
"I see a young man with plenty to offer and has already given enough to the world even when many people say that he hasn't given enough," Chelsea piped up, giving me a motherly smile. "I see him being ready to claim what's his but can use a little nudge for him to take the leap of faith."
"And I see a handsome and masculine young man whom I believe can be a great asset to my and my friend's fashion line alongside his best friend," Franklin added, giving me a winsome look. "I see him with a great future ahead of him if he gets out of his own head and stop letting the shadows of doubt and anxiety overtake his joy. That's what me and my family see."
I nodded, not knowing what to say.
Before I knew it, I saw Henri, Roger and his sister, some of the other servers, waiters, and even the chefs from the kitchen join the family. "We all see the greatness within you, Tyler," the French head chef intoned. "You gave that family back in Georgia all of you, yet they never showed you one iota of gratitude. You gave up a lot of things to make them happy. I speak for my constituents here when I say that it's time for you to have something for yourself. Whatever you decide, mon cheri, we will stand with you."
I took a deep breath, nodding several times as I took in their words. And I knew that they were right. But the question remained: Was I really ready to become a Pacifica West model ready to cut his losses?
There was only one way to find out. "Franklin, tell Cameron that I'll be at the studio and boutique when I get off," I said, my tone firm. "If I'm going to go through with this, then I'm doing this for only me."
Franklin gave me a cat-eating grin. "I knew you would say that," he remarked.
Everyone clapped loud enough as Andrew called for glasses of nonalcoholic grape juice to be shared. "Tyler, you will finish your shift and will leave with my son," he told me. "And I trust that you will still be working here?"
"But of course," I replied good-naturedly. "After all, a model has to have another job in case of things falling through."
That earned me a few laughs all around. I guess I was going to be a model for Franklin's company after all. Let's just pray that I wouldn't make a total fool out of myself.
And we'll soon see Tyler and Jamal at Pacifica West in the next chapter as they get a good feel of the expansive main shop and well as get an unfortunate appearance from Hugo and Francesca Ortega at the end! That's coming up in the next chapter, so don't miss a beat!
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