The bar was packed to capacity, revellers jostling for space as the band started to set up for the anti-Valentine's Day show. Alicia pushed through the throng, trying to make her way to the bar. They had been there for over an hour and had not seen a waiter the entire time, so she had been elected – undemocratically as it may have been – to get some drinks for herself and her friends. Truth be told, she had been relieved to escape the chatter about the hot new guy at work and their favourite soapies; it had started to become tiresome. Finally, at the bar, she stood and waited to be noticed – story of her life – by a barman, tapping one foot impatiently as everyone around her was served.
"Excuse me!" She waved at the barman closest to her.
"What can I get for you tonight, sweetheart?" Alicia had prepared a snippy remark for when she finally got service, but it tapered off mid-thought as she swooned at his Irish lilt and flirty smile.
"Uhm... I... hi..." She felt herself grinning like a love-struck teen.
"Yes, hi... I'm sorry for the wait, sweetheart." His eyes were dark; it was hard to discern their exact colour, but there was something about them that both excited her and sent nervous shivers down her spine.
"Oh it's no problem; I can see the place is busy tonight and it really wasn't that long." Why could she not stop grinning like an idiot?
"Yes, that was rather a long wait." He glanced at his watch. "Hmm... it was exactly... Ah bugger; I never was any good at math. Let's just say that you've been standing here a while. I would have to be blind to not have noticed you, sweetheart."
He winked. Alicia blushed.
"I... That is very kind of you to say. I'm here with friends and we've been here over an hour now and..."
"And no waiter." That smile again. "I know, it sucks. It's Valentine's and the owner is a bit of a nutter. He's given everyone who has a special someone in their life the night off." He smiled again, but this time it was for effect.
"I'll take four beers." She needed to get the drinks and go; not stand there swooning over a barman who very obviously flirted with all the girls – how else would he earn his big tips?
"Beers? You're not a beer kinda girl, sweetheart." He continued to serve people all around Alicia as he spoke.
"I know, it's just hard to carry four glasses of wine through that..." She gestured to the crowded area separating the bar and the table her friends were sitting at.
"Hang on. I have just the thing for you." He knelt to rummage under the counter and came back up holding a bottle.
"Oh, I don't know. Veuve Clicquot? Not sure there is anything to celebrate tonight." She was no wine expert, but she could tell that the bottle of French champagne he held would exceed their measly budget for the night.
"I was saving this for a special occasion. So here, it's on the house." He pushed the bottle and four glasses toward her.
"You were saving it for your special occasion, so I'm afraid I ca–"
"It's the night I met you. Save me a glass." He winked at her again and moved toward the other end of the bar before she could protest again.
She elbowed, bumped, banged and apologised her way back to their table.
♥ ♥ ♥
Aidan watched the young woman making her way across the room, clutching the bottle of champagne under her arm while gripping the four glasses by their stems with both hands. He could hear her hasty apologies as she collided with practically everyone in her path, which included stepping on a few toes.
Not waitress material, that's for sure. He smiled and, for the first time in four years, his smile reached his heart.
♥ ♥ ♥
"Where the hell have you been? To Bordeaux to pick grapes and stomp on them?" Veronica asked, her tone matching her expression.
"I uhm... n-no..." Alicia stammered. She was dying to tell her friends about the flirtatious barman, but she was feeling too good about herself to risk anyone raining on her moment.
"Champagne? Nice!" Trinity exclaimed. "And not the cheap stuff you always buy for us, Ronnie."
"I would buy better champagne if I had a better crowd to entertain," Veronica stated calmly. "How did you afford that anyway, Alicia?"
"I uhm... I didn't. It was a gift."
"Bollocks! A gift from the loveless-fairy? Or maybe the pity-bunny?" Veronica sneered. "Do any of you uncouth savages have any idea what this bottle costs? Of course, you don't; what was I thinking? It's effin' Le Grande Dame."
"Oh leave the child alone, you big bully." Jacques took the bottle from Trinity and popped it expertly, not spilling a drop. "Well, it pops just like regular champagne. Thank you, Ali. Tonight, we celebrate."
"What are we celebrating?" Trinity's excitement was infectious; not much ever dampened her spirits. Her eyes sparkled as she watched Jacques fill their glasses. "Let's drink to all of the losers who are missing out on spending a wonderful night with us."
"Or maybe just drink to all of you being losers." Veronica raised her glass and took a sip.
"Last time I checked, you were right here with us, sister. Or would you like me to ask a waiter to pull up a chair for your imaginary date?" Jacques had always been the only one brave enough to stand up to Veronica. He paused and raised a quizzical brow at her before lifting his glass. "Let's drink to good times with good friends."
"I'll drink to that any day of the week and twice on Sundays." Trinity clinked her glass to his and the rest of them followed suit.
"Mmm... this is the good shit!" Jacques eyed Alicia suspiciously over the rim of his glass.
She pretended not to notice.
♥ ♥ ♥
He liked the sound of her name inside his head. It belonged there. Aidan found that he liked her friends too, even the acidic blonde one. Sometimes he felt pangs of guilt for being able to listen in on private conversations, so he turned his attention back to the rowdy crowd at the bar instead.
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