story time
>be me
>get my first drawing tablet for chrimbo
>open package, peel off instructed protection film
>screen quality is awful
>"why is it so blurry?"
>mess with tablet setting for hours
>notice that colors on the tablet don't match up with my computer screen no matter what settings i change
>tfw your spectrum brain stalls from panic
>more hours of trying to figure out why the screen quality is horrible
>pen makes scratching sounds when drawing
>"all the reviews lied this is awful"
>next morning, quality is still horrible, now theres visible scratch marks
>i want to return the tablet
>set up a return w/ company
>i pack up the tablet i spent hours rewiring
>mom comes in, proceeds to peel off hidden film layer just as I finished packing up
>screen is HD now
>tfw there was a hidden screen protector
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