I sat alone in the back of the prison, my mind running loose. It's been a few hours since Dakota came back with the meds.
I still hadn't gone to see Ryan. A part of me was afraid that he was going to be mad at me for not coming to see him. I didn't like the thought of him being upset with me.
"The whole sulking alone thing doesn't really suit you."
I rolled my eyes at the sound of Cleo's voice behind me. A huff left my lips as she sat down next to me. I really wasn't in the mood for her to lecture me.
She didn't seem to notice. "Saw your brother walking outside with your sister."
I furrowed my eyebrows. Is he even allowed to get out of bed? He was in pretty bad shape last time I saw him.
"With Dakota?"
"With Abby."
I hummed realizing that made more sense. Dakota must be resting from her run though I have no doubts she's been to see him.
"Why do you hate it when I call you coach?" I asked.
Cleo seemed surprised by my sudden question. I only asked so she'd be too shocked to talk to me about Ryan. It seemed to work as she tensed at the mention of it.
She bit her lip. "I used to have a team of about twenty people. They called me coach because I was the leader and we'd train together before missions."
She paused to take a sharp breath. I could see her knee bouncing up and down. Whatever she was talking about, she didn't like the topic.
"Our last mission went wrong. As their leader, I was supposed to get everyone out safely-"
"But you didn't."
She nodded, not caring that I interrupted her. It was probably difficult for her to even think about it, let alone talk.
"I'm hard on you, Josephine, because I want you to live. Before you, the mere thought of training someone again was... Unimaginable." She explained.
I pursed my lips leaning back in my seat. Out of everything that she could've told me, that's not what I was expecting.
I gave her a slight smirk. "So what I'm hearing is, you think I'm amazing?"
She rolled her eyes but couldn't help the smile on her face. Her mouth opened to reply when the ground shook beneath us.
Both of us got up at the same time and saw that something had hit one of the guard towers. I ran towards the gate where everyone else had gathered.
The sight in front of me made me freeze in my spot. A dozen cars stood in front of the prison with the Governor proudly standing on one of them.
I was vaguely aware of him and Rick speaking to each other. Everything around me seemed muted as my sole focus was on the Governor.
My mind was pulled back into reality when he dragged Hershel and Michonne out of a car. How the hell did he capture them?
"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick yelled.
The Governor argued that he was making decisions today. My blood ran cold at the thought of Rick going down into the courtyard. It was too open, he'd be totally exposed.
I watched him slowly descend into the courtyard. This wasn't right. It wasn't going to end well. It never did with the Governor.
"We can't take 'em all on. We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned. We ain't got the numbers no more." Daryl said.
I turned to see him speaking to Sasha and Tyreese. They seemed to be discussing a plan of action. My eyes wandered and I noticed Ryan holding on to Abby on a nearby fence.
His eyes were glued to Hershel and Michonne. My breath hitched at the sight. He shouldn't be out here. He's too vulnerable in his current condition.
"When's the last time someone checked the supplies on the bus?" Cleo asked.
I turned my attention to her. Knowing what I know now, I could tell she was going into solider mode. Ready to defend the people and guard their home.
"Day before we hit the Big Spot. We were running low on rations then. We're lower now." Sasha warned.
It hit me what they were talking about. Leaving the prison. The mere thought of it seemed foreign to me. This is our home. We can't just leave.
"Yeah, we'll manage. Things go South, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know." Daryl said.
Tyreese frowned. "What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait?"
My eyes met Daryl's. I immediately remembered what our last interaction was and I looked away. I couldn't get distracted by our problems.
"As long as we can."
Instead of sticking around, I made my way to the cell blocks. Members of the group were all gathering their things and getting out in a panic.
Once I got into cell block A, I found who I was looking for inside one of the cells. Dakota was helping Dorothy pack her things.
"You need to get to the bus." I said.
They turned at the sound of my voice. Dorothy seemed worried at the mention of the bus, as it was a well known escape plan.
She held on to her stomach. "Why? What's happening out there?"
Her hand went up and down her stomach. I don't know if she was trying to soothe Ryan's kid or herself. Probably a mix of both.
"In short, the Governor's back and he's trying to take over the prison." I explained.
Dakota tensed at the mention of the Governor. I could see the wheels turning in her head. Despite the months going by, she still cared about Merle.
And she definitely hasn't forgotten that the Governor was the one who killed him.
"Now's not the time," I grabbed her hand, "you need to get Dorothy to somewhere safe."
Dakota swallowed a lump in her throat before nodding. She squeezed my hand before letting it go. I inhaled deeply as she turned to face me.
"What about Ryan and Abby?" she asked.
I remembered they were still outside watching the whole mess. Okay, one sibling and other sibling's kid down. Only two others to go.
"I'll tell them to get to the bus." I promised.
Dakota nodded and I did the same before exiting the cell. I had to make sure that Ryan and Abby knew the plan. It was just like the farm.
As long as we knew where the other one would be, we won't end up separated. Family comes first, after all. I can deal with not seeing the others but I have to know my family's going to be okay.
Just as I got outside the prison, my eyes caught the sight of the Governor swinging his sword at Hershel's neck.
Time seemed to stop as blood seeped from his wound and his neck moved to the side. I heard the first gunshot being fired but I couldn't move. At that moment something violently slammed me to the ground.
That's when all hell went loose.
Bullets were being fired back and forth. I looked up to see Cleo shouting at me to move. We went behind a car as she handed me a rifle.
It was then that I noticed she was bleeding. As our eyes met, I realized what she had done. She literally took a bullet for me.
I shifted and saw that it got her in the thigh. It wouldn't have been that concerning if she wasn't losing so much blood. I went to put pressure on it but she stopped my hand.
"It's too late for me. Go find your siblings." She said.
There was only one reason why she would be losing that much blood from the thigh. The bullet must've gotten her artery. I shook my head in disagreement.
"No, I'm not leaving you here." I argued.
She smiled sadly at me. "There's nothing you can do now."
I went to protest but her eyes stopped me. She was trying to be strong for me while my brain refused to process the truth.
Cleo was going to die here.
I started shaking my head not wanting to believe it. No, she can't die like this. Not here and not now. She held my hand and squeezed it.
Her eyes comforted me. She was willing to die for me because I was her team now. She couldn't save her last one but she saved me.
I took one last look at her before getting up. She loaded her gun and covered for me as I tried to get to the back of the prison. Ryan and Abby weren't in their previous spot.
I called out for them but got no response. As a bullet landed over my head, I realized it was probably wise to get cover. I ducked behind a desk and started shooting back.
As I did, Maggie joined me. I glanced at her and noticed she was completely focused on the attack. That's when I realized we were both doing the same thing, suppressing our grief until the battle was over.
"Have you seen Ryan or Abby?" I asked.
Maggie took out one of the Governor's men. "I was just with Abby, told her to head for the bus."
Relief washed over me at the fact that I could focus solely on one sibling now. I shot at the people slowly making their way through our courtyard.
"I need to find Ryan. Cover for me."
Maggie nodded as I tried to find him once again. With the bullets firing everywhere, it was almost impossible to move a meter in any direction.
My throwing knives were in my knife holder but I didn't want to lose them in the middle of this chaos. That's when a woman ambushed me and jumped on me.
We fell on the ground and I punched her in the nose. She pushed me off and got on her feet . In response to my punch, her leg found its way to my ribs. Air left my lungs and I held on to my side.
She took out a knife and tried to jab it into my chest. I blocked her hand though her knife was still dangerously close. My head swung forward successfully finishing off her nose.
I pushed her off of me trying to ignore the numbing pain in my head. As she tried to recover, I kicked her in the knees making her fall down.
She swung her knife at me and I groaned as it made contact with my stomach. My hand tried to stop the bleeding. I took out my gun as blood trickled down my other hand.
Before the woman could attempt another attack, I shot her in the head. So much for Cleo's training. I failed her even now.
I held on to my wound trying to find Ryan. Once I find him, we can get to the bus and someone will patch me up there. I stumbled a bit as the pain made it difficult to move.
I made it round the corner of the prison when I saw him. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched him lie on his stomach on the floor. I couldn't see his chest move.
Panic set in as I made my way to him. I fell down on my knees letting go of my wound as I tried to turn him on his back. I hissed at the pain caused by my attempt.
It took a while but I was finally successful. Once I saw him, I wished that I wasn't. Blood trickled down his neck from where a bullet had lodged itself into his throat.
"Ry? Ryan, wake up." I demanded.
My hands trembled as I tried to shake him into responding. His body didn't move and I looked at his face. His eyes were wide open and unresponsive.
Tears gathered in my eyes. "Don't do this to me. Please wake up."
As he didn't move, I rocked back and forth trying not to cry out. He can't be. He was fine a few minutes ago, he was fine. I pounded on his chest trying to provoke some kind of reaction.
"Come on! Wake up!" I cried.
That's when sobs started leaving my mouth. My eyesight got blurry and I couldn't breathe properly. I gasped for air as sob after sob left my body.
I held on to his shoulder and tried to pick him. My hands circled around him as I held him tightly against my body. I rocked us back and forth as cries left my lips.
The walkers slowly making their way to us didn't concern me. I took out my gun and held it to his head. Yet I couldn't pull the trigger. He's my brother.
A loud cry left my mouth as I couldn't make myself pull the trigger. I put my gun back in its holster as I pulled away to look at his face. It would haunt me for the rest of my days.
Just as I was able to take a deep breath, a gunshot rang out through the air. Droplets of Ryan's blood hit my face and I noticed the bullet in his head.
I looked up through my hazy vision and saw Michonne. She dropped the gun as she came to my side. Her arms held on to my waist as she tried to gently pull me away from him.
"No, we have to help him. Michonne, please, we have to get him help." I begged her.
Tears gathered in her eyes but she held them in. The groans of walkers behind us got her attention. She sliced off their heads before turning to me again.
"We have to go, Josephine. There's nothing we can do for him."
This time, she wasn't gentle as she grabbed me and pried me off of Ryan's body. As soon as I lost contact with him, my entire body ached as if though a limb was cut off from me.
"No! I can't leave him!" I yelled.
She ignored my cries of protest and dragged me away, being careful of my wound. The further away from Ryan we went, the less fight I had in me.
Until there was none left.
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