"What's all this?" Daryl asked.
Shane walked up to us with a bag filled with guns. That was never a good sign when it came to him. Rick wasn't around either which is probably why Shane has the guts to go behind his back.
"You with me, man?" Shane asked him.
He handed Daryl a gun before giving one to me as well. It wasn't as nice as Rick's, especially since this feels wrong. Rick was our leader, even with his flaws, and were supposed to listen to him. Aren't we?
"Time to grow up. You already got yours?" Shane asked Andrea.
My eyes narrowed at him. He's planning something that I don't know agree with. Judging by the guns, it's a raid on the barn. Getting rid of the walkers is something that I want, just not like this.
"Yeah, where's Dale?" She asked.
"He's on his way." Shane replied.
Dale would never side with Shane. He's been giving him the stink eye for a while now. My best guess is that he figured out what happened between Shane and Lori.
"I thought we couldn't carry." T-dog said.
"We can and we have to. It was one thing sitting here picking flowers when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. Now we know it ain't. How about you man? You gonna protect yours?" Shane asked Glenn.
He glanced at Maggie before taking the gun. She was looking at him with strong disapproval in her eyes. Just because she and Glenn are a thing, or so I've heard from Ryan, doesn't mean she'll agree to this.
"Can you shoot?" Shane asked Maggie.
"Can you stop? If you do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight." Maggie said.
Ryan and I shared a concerned look. We needed this farm. Despite the walkers, it's the safest place we've had since all of this started. Hell, maybe even since before that.
"We have to stay, Shane." Carl said.
Lori showed up at the door of the house and looked at us confused by the amount of guns. Maybe she'll be able to talk him down. I know Rick wouldn't agree with this and Lori always agrees with Rick.
"What is this?" She asked.
"We aren't going anywhere and Hershel... He's just gonna have to understand. And we need to find Sophia, am I right?" Shane said.
He then tried to make Carl take one of the guns. I put my hand on Abby's shoulder before pulling her more towards me. If Shane even comes near her, he won't live long enough to to clear the barn.
"Rick said no guns. This is not your call. This is not your decision to make." Lori hissed.
For once I actually agreed with her. Though I expected her to side with Rick on this. It's all she's done since we arrived here. I doubt she'll stop any time soon.
"Oh, shit." We heard T-Dog exclaim.
We saw Rick and Hershel guiding walkers on poles. It looks like the man of faith has infected Ranger Rick with his crazy. We all started running towards them though Shane was the fastest.
"Josephine." Ryan called.
I stopped running and turned around. He was looking at me with a frown settled on his face. He and Abby were still at the house. Probably better that way.
"It's not our fight." He told me.
I bit my lip knowing what he was referring to. Since day one, we've acted as if this was just a temporary thing. Like the group was disposable in case things went bad.
But we can't survive on our own out there. Not after seeing what we've seen. It was time to start treating this group like a permanent thing. Because that's what it was now.
"It is now."
I ran back to the group just as Shane pulled out his gun and pointed it to one of the walkers held by the pole. Maybe I haven't chosen the best time to embrace this group.
"Could a living, breathing person, could they walk away from this?" Shane asked.
He shot the walker that Hershel was holding on to with a pole. Maggie and a few others ducked down in fright of the bullets hitting them. Shane has really lost it this time.
"Shane! Stop it!" Rick yelled.
"That's three rounds in the chest. Could someone who's alive, could they just take that? Why is it still coming?" Shane exclaimed.
Shane shot again and I flinched at the sound. He needs to stop making a show of this. We'll get kicked off the farm if he continues his petty attack. What was even the point of this? To prove something?
"That's its heart, its lungs. Why is it still coming?!" Shane shouted.
"Shane enough!" Rick shouted.
"Hell, you're right, man. That is enough." Shane said.
He shot the walker in the head and went to the barn. Hershel fell on the ground along with the walker that Shane shot. I released a shaky breath as I realized Shane was willing to put all of our lives at risk.
"Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough!" Shane yelled.
I glanced at Carol before glaring at Shane. Sophia may be gone, but Carol doesn't have to feel that grief any sooner than needed. And I hate Shane for forcing her to feel that way.
"Rick, it ain't like it was before. Now if y'all wanna live, if you wanna survive, you gotta fight for it. I'm talking about fight. Right here, right now." Shane yelled.
He then ran towards the barn. I immediately grabbed my gun as Rick tried to make Hershel take the pole that his walker was attached to. But Hershel was in too much shock.
Time seemed to freeze as I loaded my gun and pointed it at Shane. Just one shot and I could end this. My family would remain safe. It's not like I haven't taken a human life before.
Before I could pull the trigger, Daryl put his hand on my shoulder and I tensed at the contact. I didn't even look at him, too focused on Shane and the possibility ending his life.
"He ain't worth it." Daryl said.
Shane opened the barn and pulled out his gun preparing for the storm. I inhaled sharply as the walkers started coming out. I moved my gun aiming for the walkers this time. One by one they fell down on the ground.
I could hear the cries of the Greene family behind me but I was too busy saving their lives to acknowledge them. In a matter of minutes, there were no more walkers in sight except on the ground.
One more groan was heard from the barn. I loaded my gun and pointed it at the barn waiting patiently. Only for it to falter upon seeing the walker's face. The face of the little girl we've been looking for.
"Sophia, Sophia." I heard Carol's cries behind me.
I couldn't move a single muscle in my entire body. The small walker advanced towards us but nobody could move. Except for Rick. He walked up to her.
Only a hint of hesitation appeared in him before he pulled the trigger. Her body fell down on the ground as Carol's cries echoed through the air.
"Don't look. Don't look." I heard Daryl say.
I turned my head to see Carol rushing out of his arms. My feet were still stuck to the ground with me being unable to move them. I can't believe she was here the whole time.
Beth rushed to a body among the pile of dead walkers. Rick tried to comfort her and keep her from going but she ignored him. Driven by the pain of losing her family, I'm assuming.
"Wait, wait." Rick warned.
She pulled out of his grasp and crouched down in front of a walker. I could see her trying to push off a walker that was on top of the person she wanted to see.
She touched the shoulder of the walker while the sobs leaving her mouth made her entire body shake. She turned the walker around to face it.
"Mom." Beth cried.
But the walker opened its eyes and charged at her. It snarled at her and tried to grab her. Beth screamed in fear and that was when I could move again. I ran her way and started pulling her away from the walker.
But it had a strong grip on her. The others helped me pull her as Glenn grabbed the walker by the hands. I was able to get her out of the walker's reach and into Hershel's arms.
Glenn held the walker by its hands while T-Dog tried to stomp on its head. Andrea decided to grab a sharp tool and swing it at its skull. It went through it, successfully killing the walker.
I stepped back a bit as the Greene family went towards their home. Who could blame them though? They just witnessed their family and friends being killed for the second time.
We slowly started collecting the bodies. It's the least we can do after slaughtering their family. I knew I wasn't going to like Shane's idea. The more time passes, the more I'm convinced he is truly crazy.
"You want us to start burying?" T-Dog asked Rick.
There's too many walkers to bury. They could infect the ground too. I know they're grieving but we can't bury them all. It could take days, if not longer.
"We need a service. Carol would want that." Andrea said.
To be honest, I don't know what Carol wants right now. Her whole world just crashed before her eyes. She was so convinced she'd find Sophia and everything would be okay.
Maybe I was wrong to keep encouraging her illusions. It's not like I ever said that we'd find her, but I didn't deny it either. Which in my case might've given her false hope.
"Yeah, we all want that." T-Dog replied.
But Rick didn't say anything. I don't think he can. He had to put Sophia down when nobody else could. That was not an easy task for someone who had hoped for a different ending.
"Let's, uh, dig a grave for Sophia and Annette and Shawn. Uh, over by those trees. And we'll need a truck to move the bodies." Lori spoke up.
Look at her being all leader like. I guess someone had to step up when all the boys were in too much shock. If she keeps being useful, I might just dislike her less.
"What about the other bodies? We can't dig that many graves even if we wanted to." I said.
"We bury the ones we love and burn the rest." Andrea explained.
That was as good of a plan as any, I suppose. It'll help the Greene family mourn their loss if nothing else. Despite how shocking this day has been, I'm glad we know what we know now.
"Sounds like a plan." I agreed.
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