I watched as Daryl put Merle's hand into Glenn's backpack. They started following the blood trail and I helped T-Dog with the tools he brought. He glanced at me with a hint of worry in his eyes. I've been known to lash out when provoked.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Fine. I guess this is what I get for trying to be nice." I replied.
I brushed past him following the others. It's not like I was being mean to T-Dog on purpose. He was actually an okay guy.
I just didn't feel like discussing Daryl Dixon right now. We entered another building thinking Merle might've gone there.
"Merle! You in here?" Daryl shouted.
No response. We went down the stairs following Merle's blood. We found a walker which Daryl shot almost immediately.
I pulled out my knife and noticed two dead walkers. Huh, Merle must've spared us the work.
"Had enough in him to take out these two sons of bitches. One handed. Toughest asshole I've ever met, my brother. Feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails." Daryl stated.
I scoffed leaning against a wall. Says the guy who had cried five minutes ago because he saw his brother's chopped off hand. If he was so confident in his brother's abilities, then that wouldn't have happened.
"Any man can pass out from blood loss. No matter how tough he is." Rick said.
A smirk formed on my lips at his words. It's about time someone put Daryl in his place.
Well, someone who doesn't do it as aggressively as me. We continued our search but didn't find anything. No sign of Merle.
"Merle!" Daryl called.
"We're not alone here. Remember?" Rick reminded.
"Screw that. He must be bleeding out. You said so yourself." Daryl said.
We noticed Merle's belt and a stove on in the room. He was definitely here. The question is what he was doing here.
It looked like something had been burned here. I almost didn't want to know.
"What's that burnt stuff?" Glenn asked.
"Skin. He cauterised the stump." Rick replied.
I fought the urge to gag at that conclusion. Even though that was smart, I still don't understand how he had the willpower to do such a thing.
Maybe he was tougher than I gave him credit for. It's easy to forget that he's actually a person capable of doing remarkable things.
"I told you he was tough. Nobody can kill Merle but Merle." Daryl said.
"Don't take that on faith. He's lost a lot of blood." Rick said.
"Oh yeah? Didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap." Daryl replied.
He pointed at one of the windows. There was a hole in it which indicated that Merle had gone through it and onto the streets of Atlanta.
I'm torn between thinking that's insane or actually kind of genius. Either way, I have a feeling he's not going to be in a good mood.
"He left the building? Why the hell did he do that?" Glenn asked.
"Why wouldn't he? He's out there alone as far as he knows. Doin what he's gotta do. Survivin." Daryl replied.
I frowned as I remembered Dakota who was anxiously waiting for his return back at camp. Merle wasn't alone, he had her.
I don't care if his feelings are hurt, I care about my sister. She deserves better than being treated as a side thing for a man who's not worthy of her.
"You call that survivin? Just wandering out on the streets close to passing out? What are his odds out there?" T-Dog asked.
"No worse than being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks." Daryl retorted.
He turned to Rick as I glanced at Glenn. We looked at each other not liking the tension. If Daryl decides to go rabid, Glenn and I aren't going to be of much use.
Maybe if I had a gun instead of a knife then I'd be able to take down Dixon. Though that hasn't stopped me from trying before.
"You couldn't kill him. Ain't so worried about some dead bastard." Daryl said.
"What about a thousand dead bastards? Different story?" Rick asked.
"Take a tally. Do what you want, I'm gonna go get him." Daryl said.
Him and a thousand dead people? Now that's something I'd like to see. We should definitely let him go do his own thing and watch it fail miserably from afar. We don't have movies anymore so this is the next best thing.
"Save me front row tickets for your death." I said.
"Daryl, wait." Rick said.
He stopped him and shot me a glare. I smiled sweetly before shrugging. He shook his head trying to brush off my lack of empathy. If he wants me to care for Dixon's life, he should give me a reason for it.
"Get your hands off me. You can't stop me." Daryl exclaimed.
"I don't blame you. He's family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine. I know exactly how you feel. He can't get far with that injury. We can help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head." Rick explained.
"I can do that." Daryl agreed.
Rick turned to T-Dog as Daryl and I made eye contact. For once, there was no hostility in them only willingness to find his brother. Though it didn't last.
As soon as he realized that we were staring at each other, he scowled and looked at T-Dog. Well same to you, asshole.
"Only if we get those guns first. I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions." T-Dog retorted.
"You're not doing this alone." Rick protested.
"Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much." Daryl said.
We all stood over a map discussing our next move. The search for Merle was put on pause considering we couldn't just shout his name in the streets. There were too many dead and even if we did find him, we'd all die in a matter of minutes.
"It's a good idea." Glenn persisted.
"Good idea with a bad plan." I said.
If we're really going out there, then we need a great plan. I promised my brother that I'd be back in one piece and I intend to keep that promise.
I just hope that I don't have to try and do that with a bad plan. It would complicate things.
"Just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone, I can move fast. Look, that's the tank. Five blocks from where we are now. That's the bag of guns, here's the alley I dragged you into when we first met. That's where Josephine, Daryl and I will go." Glenn explained.
"Why us?" Daryl asked.
"Your crossbow is quieter than his gun and Josephine is backup in case we run into trouble." Glenn replied.
I nodded accepting that role in this plan. Being Daryl's backup and making sure he stays alive is kind of my worst nightmare, but I'll take one for the team. If that bag really does contain guns, I want one.
"While they wait in the alley, I run up the street, grab the bag." Glenn said.
"But you'd have us elsewhere?" Rick asked.
"Yes, you and T-Dog will be in this alley here." Glenn said.
The division works in his favor. Two people on one side and two people on the other. He has equal chances of survival on both sides.
Glenn isn't that bad at this whole mission stuff. The kid's got some brains which is more than can be said for the rest of the group.
"Two blocks away? Why?" Rick questioned.
I glanced at him to see him completely engrossed in the plan making. It was a bit difficult to take him seriously in the sheriff outfit.
Well it was easier after seeing him and Shane kick Daryl's ass. I totally won that bet. Now I gotta find a way for Dakota to pay up.
"I may not be able to come back the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens, I won't go back to Daryl and Josephine, I'll go forward instead. All the way around to that alley where you guys are. Whichever way I go, I've got you to cover me. Afterwards, we'll all meet back here." Glenn explained.
"Hey kid, what'd you do before all this?" Daryl asked.
"Delivered pizzas. Why?" Glenn asked.
I chuckled earning a confused look from him. When Ryan said they both delivered things, pizzas weren't what went through my head.
The three of us went to the alley Glenn mentioned. We climbed down the stairs and landed quietly. I ran and hid behind a dumpster. Glenn and Daryl copied my movements which made me feel proud for a moment.
If things go bad one day, I might just take a shot at this whole leader thing. I'm pretty good at telling people what to do.
"You got some balls for a chinaman." Daryl commented.
I furrowed my eyebrows not seeing how that had anything to do with bravery. Once more, the stupidity of Daryl Dixon has left me perplexed. God, now I actually want to die just so I don't have to listen to him speak.
"I'm Korean." Glenn said.
"Whatever." Daryl replied.
Glenn started running and I got my knife out. I then heard footsteps behind me. Daryl and I shared a look as he noticed it too.
He got up pointing a crossbow at the intruder. It was a teenager.
"Woah, don't shoot me. What do you want?" He exclaimed.
"I'm looking for my brother. He's hurt real bad. You seen him?" Daryl asked.
"This isn't the time, Daryl." I hissed.
The teenager yelled for help and I looked around in panic. We have a plan and Daryl demanding answers from a teenager isn't part of it.
The kid was terrified at Daryl holding a crossbow at him. Speaking from experience, it's not that scary but it is annoying.
"Shut up. You'll get the geeks on us. Answer me." Daryl demanded.
The kid ignored him and started yelling. My heart started racing as I realized just how badly we screwed up. If this kid doesn't shut the hell up, we're all going to die anyways.
I turned to him with a glare on my face. In hindsight, maybe I should have been gentler.
"Be quiet." I snapped.
Daryl punched him with his crossbow. The kid started screaming and Daryl covered his mouth with his hand. Suddenly, a man grabbed me from behind. I yelped in surprise letting go of my knife. Well shit.
Daryl turned around as another man kicked him. I pulled my head back before slamming it into my attacker's head. He let go of me and pushed me against the wall. Just as he went to kick Daryl, Glenn showed up with the guns.
"That's it. That's the bag! Take it!" The man shouted.
I punched him before he could touch Glenn. That's what backup is for. The other one however got Glenn and pushed him away from the bag.
The other man grabbed the bag but I grabbed it as well. I did not go all this way for a gun only to not get one. He punched me and he had to let the bag go to do so.
I tossed it with my leg to Glenn as Daryl shot the man who punched me in the ass. The other one grabbed me. I fought against his grip but I was too distracted by the pain caused by the punch and they were able to shove me into a car.
"Josephine!" I heard Glenn yell.
Then the car drove away.
"Let me go!" I screamed.
A bag was over my head so I couldn't even see where they were taking me. We've been in the car for a while but I couldn't understand a damn thing they were saying because they spoke Spanish. So far they weren't rapists nor murderers but that didn't make me any more cooperative.
"Move, bitch." A man demanded.
"Do you talk to your mother with that mouth, bitch?" I snapped.
They made me walk a bit then removed the bag from my head. I was on top of a building and I saw the rest of my group down at the ground. My hands were tied up so I couldn't do anything except look at them.
"Josephine, you okay?" Rick shouted.
"Just peachy." I exclaimed.
The sarcasm in my voice made them all sigh in relief. I guess they think that if I'm not scared then there's nothing's wrong.
Dare I say, Daryl even looked amused for a moment. They threw the bag back over my head again blocking my view.
"This is getting really annoying."
I groaned in protest as they made me walk again. After a while, I heard more people. The bag was removed from my head and I frowned at the place that they put me in. When I think of evil lairs, there aren't usually this many people there.
"Why is all of your gang so... old?" I asked.
They cut the rope from around my wrists. I rubbed my wrists and looked around. Old people with all kinds of diseases were staying here.
The men walked away not even bothering to answer me. I looked at them in disbelief.
"You're just gonna leave me here?" I exclaimed.
They closed the doors as a sigh left my lips. I sat down on a couch looking around at these people. I get a feeling that they're not a real gang.
Unless you count old grandmas playing bingo as some kind of gang activity. This must be a hospital of some kind.
One of the older gentlemen was having troubles breathing and an old woman went outside through the doors. You're telling me she can just walk out? Somehow I think that if I did that, people would notice.
"What the hell is this?"
My head turned towards the sound of Rick's voice. He and the rest of them had walked inside.
I got up thinking that all must be alright between them and the gang if they're all just letting them come inside. It's not like they showed that courtesy to me.
"Welcome to the party, guys." I said.
I gestured at all the old people. While they were off probably negotiating some kind of trade, I was stuck in here listening to bingo.
I gotta say, the fight in the alley was a lot more fun than that. I'll have a bruise on my cheek for the next few days but it was totally worth it.
"We thought you were getting eaten by dogs." T-Dog exclaimed.
I smirked and looked at the chihuahuas in the back. He followed my line of view before frowning. There's no danger of them attacking anyone in the near future.
"By those cutie pies? I don't think so." I said.
Glenn came up to me with a relieved smile. He hugged me as I tensed at the physical contact.
Ryan and him hung out a lot, but I can't say that I was ever close with Glenn. I sometimes listened in on their conversations but never joined in.
"Uh, Glenn? I don't do hugs." I said.
He let go and shrugged. There was a sheepish expression on his face as he rubbed the back of his head.
I'm not upset with him because of the hug. Ryan and him do the bromance hugs all the time so I can see why he'd grown used to them.
"Sorry. I was worried." He apologised.
I then noticed Daryl looking at me. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. There was no relief nor hostility on his face.
Just a blank expression as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. I smirked and stepped closer to him.
"What about you, Dixon? Were you worried?" I mocked.
He snorted as there was a hint playfulness in his eyes. He could say whatever he wanted, but I knew he found me amusing at times.
I didn't expect him to admit it. Our bickering is what keeps us both occupied when there's nothing to do around camp.
"I said good riddance." He mumbled.
"No, you didn't. You threatened to cut off the feet of the kid." Glenn said.
A wide smile spread on my face at this new piece of information. That's the kind of leverage I could use when teasing him.
I'll never let him live down the fact that he was worried about me and the guns. Mostly about the guns but still. Daryl scowled at the smug look on my face.
"Shut up."
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