Chapter Twenty-Six
Jenny, Sam and Dean stood in front of one of the university's professors in his office, who examined the bones with a concentrated frown.
"So... You three are students?" He asked, looking at the trio, who smiled softly.
"Yeah. Yeah um— we're in your class... Anthro 101?" Sam spoke, unsure if the professor would believe him.
"Right..." He said quietly, setting the skull down in the box.
"So uh.. What about the bones, professor?" Dean asked with a smile, brows raised slightly.
"This is quite an interesting find you've made. I'd say they're 170 years old, give or take. The timeframe and the geography heavily suggest Native American." The professor hummed, picking up another bone.
"What about the lands? We're there any kinds of tribes around here?" Jenny shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket, rolling on her heels.
"Not according to the historical record. But the, uh, relocation of native peoples was quite common at that time." He set the bone down back in the box.
"Right. Well, are there any local legends? Oral histories about the area?" Jenny snickered quietly at Sam's words, Dean raising a brow at her.
"Oral." She muttered, humming in amusement as Dean rolled his eyes, turning back to the professor.
"Well... you know, there's a Euchee tribe in Sapulpa. It's about sixty miles from here. Someone out there might know the truth." The Hunters nodded as the professor closed the box, sliding it over his desk. "Those bones should go into a museum."
Jenny grabbed the box, sucking in a breath. "Maybe it's best they just be buried the right way." The three walked out of the office, heading down the hallway.
"All right. So we talk to the Euchee tribe, see if they know anything about these bones. Then what?" Sam asked as Jenny shrugged.
"Find out if these bones have anything to do with bugs. Maybe burn them if necessary. Or, give them a proper burial." She suggested, pausing for a moment as she wobbled, groaning in annoyance. "Are the heels really that necessary? I mean, we just posed as college students that look like they're CEO's."
Dean chuckled, shrugging. "I think they suit you." Jenny deadpanned at him, her shoulders dropping.
"Yeah. If you like girls with broken ankles." They continued in their walk.
The three had entered a diner in Oklahoma, now dressed in casual clothing, looking around before spotting a Native American man playing cards.
"Joe White Tree?" Jenny called out and the man looked up, nodding. "Hi. Uh— we're here to just ask you a few questions, if you don't mind?" The man looked between the three and Dean cleared his throat.
"We're students from the university—"
"No, you're not. You're lying." Joe interrupted, Dean seeming to be taken aback by his words. Jenny's eyes widened partially in surprise.
"Well, uh.. Truth is—"
"You know who starts sentence with "truth is"? Liars." He interrupted again, the trio of Hunters exchanging a look.
"Have you heard of Oasis Plains? It's a housing development near the Atoka Valley." Sam spoke, Joe turning to Dean.
"I like him. He's not a liar." He smiled softly as Dean gave him an angry look. Joe nodded. "I know the area."
"Would you mind telling us the history about the place?" Jenny asked with a hopeful look.
"What would you like to know?" The three once again shared a look, Sam sucking in a breath as he shrugged.
"Something... something bad is happening in Oasis Plains. We think it might have something to do with some old bones we found down there - Native American bones." Joe's expression hardened for a moment as he set his cards down.
"I'll tell you what my grandfather told me, what his grandfather told him. Two hundred years ago, a band of my ancestors lived in that valley. One day, the American cavalry came to relocate them. They were resistant, the cavalry impatient. As my grandfather put it, on the night the moon and the sun share the sky as equals, the cavalry first raided our village. They murdered, raped. The next day, the cavalry came again, and the next, and the next. And on the sixth night, the cavalry came one last time. And by the time the sun rose, every man, woman, and child still in the village was dead." Jenny glanced over at Dean, who seemed to be interested in what Joe was telling them.
"They say on the sixth night, as the chief of the village lay dying, he whispered to the heavens that no white man would ever tarnish this land again. Nature would rise up and protect the valley. And it would bring as many days of misery and death to the white man as the cavalry had brought upon his people." Jenny once again looked over at Dean, who shared the same look she had.
"Insects. How fun." She spoke sarcastically, her lips pressed together in a fine line of a smile.
"And on the night of the sixth day, none would survive." Jenny nodded slowly, Sam looking to her and Dean.
"Thank you for your time, sir." Jenny clasped her hands together with a smile and the man nodded, picking his cards back up. The three turned around, walking out the diner.
"When did the gas company man die?" Dean asked as they headed to the car.
"We got here, what, Tuesday? So... The twentieth." Jenny answered as Dean went to open the drivers door, pausing.
"March twentieth? That's the spring equinox." Sam said as Jenny nodded in confirmation.
"The night the sun and the moon share the sky as equals." The three opened their doors, sliding into the Impala.
"So, every year about this time, anybody in Oasis Plains is in danger. Larry built this neighborhood on cursed land." Dean groaned in annoyance.
"And on the sixth night— oh boy.. that's tonight." Jenny said quietly, Sam's blank expression turning into worry.
"If we don't do something, Larry's family will be dead by sunrise. So how do we break the curse?" Sam asked as Dean shrugged.
"You don't break a curse. You get out of its way. We've gotta get those people out now." Dean turned the car on, driving away from the diner quickly.
Dean was on the phone talking with Larry as Jenny's legs bounced up and down anxiously, waiting for Dean to give them good news.
"Yes, Mr. Pike, there's a mainline gas leak in your neighborhood." Dean spoke as he rounded a corner to the Oasis Plains. "Well, it's fairly extensive. I don't want to alarm you, but we need your family out of the vicinity for at least twelve hours or so, just to be safe." Another pause. "Travis Weaver. I work for Oklahoma Gas and Power." Dean's eyes widened in surprise after a moment, looking to Sam nervously. "Uh..." In a panic, Dean hung up the phone.
"Give me that." Sam snagged the phone from his brother, dialing a number. The phone rang for a moment before Sam sighed in relief. "Matt, it's Sam. Matt, just listen. You have to get your family out of that house right now, okay? Because something's coming. Yeah, a lot more." A long pause. "You've gotta make him listen, okay?" Jenny groaned in frustration, reaching out.
"Give me the damn phone." She grabbed Dean's phone from Sam's hand. "Matt, I don't care how you get your family out. Start a fire, throw a tarantula at them. Just don't tell them the truth. They won't listen."
"Okay but—."
"No. No buts. Tell them you're in pain or something. Throw yourself down the stairs. Break your arm. It's better than getting killed, trust me." A long silence before Matt hung up the phone. Dean turned to Sam.
"Make him listen? What were you thinking?" He frowned as Sam shot him a glare.
"Guys, relax. Matt will get his family out." The three sped to the Plains in silence, Jenny handed Dean his phone back.
Dean rolled up to Larry's house, groaning as he saw that he was still there. "Dammit, Matt." Jenny muttered as the three got out of the car, Larry rushing outside.
"Get off of my property before I call the cops!" He threatened as Jenny raised her hands in defense.
"Mr. Pike, listen—" Sam was cut off by Larry, who raised his hand up. Matt ran outside.
"Dad, they're trying to help!" Larry turned to his son, pointing to the house.
"Get in the house!" He yelled, Matt looking to Jenny and Dean.
"I'm sorry. I told him the truth."
"We had a plan, Matt, what happened to the plan?" Dean asked as the boy turned away.
"Look, it's 12:00 AM. They are coming any minute now. You need to get your family and go, before it's too late." Sam warned as Larry scoffed.
"Yeah, you mean before the biblical swarm." He joked. Jenny clenched her fists, stalking towards the man. "Hey, get back lady." He warned as she grabbed him by the shirt.
"Do you feel like dying by a bunch of bugs slowly eating you alive?" She asked in a low voice as Larry stared at her with wide eyes, attempting to wriggle free of her grasp. "Do you?!" She yelled.
"Let go of me!"
"How about your son, huh? Do you think he wants to watch that? Or have it happen to him?! Now, you can call us a couple of god damn lunatics, but we are lunatics trying to save your stubborn ass!" She shook the man harshly.
Jenny paused, turning away as she heard a loud buzzing noise approaching them. "What the hell?" Larry whispered, Jenny letting go of him.
Zapping startled the group, turning to see the fluorescent bug light overheat as bug after bug attacked it.
"Alright, get your wife." Jenny waved to Larry, who was frozen in fear. "Oh for the love of—" She cut herself off as her eyes widened, slowly looking up to see thousands of bugs blanketing the sky.
"We'll never make it." Sam spoke, Jenny turning to Matt.
"In the house! Now!" Dean yelled, lurching Jenny forward as she grabbed Larry and Matt, yanking them with her.
Dean slammed the door shut behind them, locking the door. "Is there anybody else in the neighborhood?" Sam asked as Larry shook his head quickly.
"No. It's just us." The five spun around as they r heard footsteps approaching, Joanie rounding a corner.
"Honey, what's happening? What's that noise?"
"Call 911." Larry ordered, Joanie pausing in confusion. "Joanie!" The woman flinched for a moment at his raised voice, rushing over to the phone.
"We need towels." Dean snapped his fingers as Larry pointed to a closet. Jenny ran over, grabbing all the towels she could hold, tossing some to Dean as Sam turned to Matt before they rushed off.
"The phones are dead." Joanie said in a slightly nervous tone, Dean and Jenny sharing a look.
"They must have chewed through the phone lines." Jenny ran past Joanie, shoving a towel under the door as the power shut down.
"And the power lines." Dean deadpanned, standing up as Jenny did. The woman yelped in shock as millions of bugs slammed themselves into the doors, backing up.
"This is definitely going to ruing my love for bugs." She spoke as Dean grabbed the girl, pulling her along with him.
"What do we do?!" Larry yelled as Sam and Matt came back downstairs.
"We wait it out. Hopefully, the curse will end at sunrise." Sam gave the group a hopeful look as Larry's eyes widened in shock.
"Hopefully?" Dean let go of Jenny and disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a can of bug spray.
"Bug spray?" Joanie spat as he shrugged. Before he could speak, a crackling noise started coming from the fireplace.
"What's that!?" Larry asked frantically, backing away from it.
"The flue." Sam muttered, Dean aiming the bug spray at the fireplace as he took out his lighter.
"All right. Everyone upstairs, now!" He lit the bug spray up as thousands swarmed into the house, Jenny and Sam bolting up the stairs, slowly followed by the Pike family.
After a few short seconds, Dean was suddenly running next to Jenny up into the attic. The group huddled in the middle, and not before king, saw dust fell onto Jenny.
The buzzing noise grew louder. "Termites." Matt and Jenny spoke in unison, and she turned to Dean.
The Pike family huddled into a corner in fear as a hole was suddenly formed from the bugs. Jenny swatted them away as Sam and Dean attempted to patch up the hole, only for two more to form.
The group was all huddled in the corner again, fighting off the bugs. A light blasted through the window, Jenny pausing when the bugs stopped attacking her, flying back up through the holes.
"Wasn't it just midnight?" She frowned in confusion, looking out the window to see the colony of bugs swarming to the sky.
"Who cares? At least we aren't dead." Matt let out a sigh of relief as Jenny looked to Sam and Dean.
Morning had come now, and Jenny, Sam and Dean approached Larry, who threw a box into a moving van.
"What? No goodbye?" Dean joked as Larry laughed softly.
"Good timing. Another hour and we'd have been gone." Larry outstretched his hand, shaking the three Hunters.
"For good?" Sam asked as the man nodded.
"Yeah. The development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again." Jenny looked over to see Matt throwing away a box, walking over to him.
"Hey. You chucking them?" She asked as Matt nodded with a small sigh.
"Yeah. They kind of gross me out now." The two shared a laugh as he dumped a pinned butterfly in the garbage.
"Yeah... I don't blame you. But hey, maybe you'll find a new interest." Jenny shrugged as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her overalls, smiling at Matt.
"Maybe. Just wish it wasn't bugs that tried to kill us." He frowned, looking at his tarantula, who was chilling in its small tank.
"Why don't you give the big guy to a pet store? Releasing him out here probably isn't the safest option." Matt looked down at the spider before nodding slowly, frowning. "What's his name?"
Matt shrugged. "I never gave him one." Jenny looked at the tarantula and smiled softly.
"I'm sure someone will think of something." She patted the boy on his shoulder before starting to leave.
"Hey." Matt called out, Jenny turning to him. The boy gestured to the Impala, where Sam and Dean were talking inside. "How long have you guys been holding it off?"
Jenny's eyes widened in surprise, looking back at Dean, then to Matt. "What do— Uh— What do you mean?"
"Someone has got to be really blind if they don't see the way a guy looks at someone he likes." Jenny frowned, once again turning back to Matt. "You guys aren't...?" He trailed off as Jenny shook her head.
"No. Uh... We aren't." Jenny cleared her throat, shrugging as she smiled at Matt. "You take care of yourself, alright?"
"As long as you do something about googley-eyes." Matt walked back into the house as Jenny hummed, returning to the Impala.
"Alright. Let's hit the road." Sam smiled, waving to Matt and Larry as Dean drove off.
Was it really so obvious that even a kid had to point it out?
Jenny looked at Dean, who felt her eyes and looked at her through the rear view mirror. A soft smile spread across his face before he turned up the radio.
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