Chapter Twenty-One
Dean, Sam and Jenny all walked into a college party, Jenny's eyes immediately catching into a keg nearby, leaning towards Dean.
"I'm going to go talk to some people. See if they know anything!" She yelled over the loud music before bolting off, most likely towards the kitchen.
Sam looked around uncomfortably, Dean smiling as he watched Jenny go. "Are we sure it was a good idea to bring Jenny to a college party?" Sam asked as Dean scoffed
"The girl likes to party. I don't blame her when she lives a life like ours." Dean argued as Sam shoved his hands in his pockets. Dean looked at his brother for a moment before rolling his eyes. "Look, if she gets drunk, she can sober up fast. She's a good Hunter, Sammy. You haven't really been around long enough to realize that."
"I'm not saying she's not a good Hunter, Dean. I'm just saying that—" Sam cut himself off and sighed, shaking his head. "She doesn't make the smartest decisions. I mean, in the last few weeks, she's nearly drowned twice to save complete strangers."
"She did that to save a kid." Dean snapped as Jenny walked back, now holding a red solo cup.
She looked between the two with a frown, then down at the clear liquid. "It's water." She lied, drinking it slowly before walking away. Sam frowned as she left, watching her tap a girl on the shoulder.
After a few minutes of Dean wandering off and Sam keeping to himself in the corner, Dean walked back over to his brother. "Man, you've been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome!" He grinned, Sam rolling his eyes as he caught a crowd of people, Jenny dancing with them.
"I still think we should be watching her." Sam pointed out and Dean turned around, watching the brunette move with the strangers.
"She can handle herself, Sammy. Besides, she's been asking around about the murders and Lori." Sam stood up a little straighter, still watching Jenny.
"And? What did she find out?" Dean pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Sam, who then unraveled it.
"How did she get this?" He asked as Dean smirked.
"When you can pass as a college student, you can get anywhere in a frat house. I'm gonna go grab her, I'll meet you at the car." Sam walked out of the house as Dean pushed his way through the crowd of drunk college students, Jenny turning around with a smile.
"Do I play off as a college student well enough?" She asked as Dean couldn't help but chuckle, nodding. "Nice. Anyways, this guy just handed me this, said it's a uh.. Schnapper? Whatever that is." Jenny went to go drink whatever it was she had, Dean grabbing her wrist quickly.
"We don't drink from cups unless we see what was poured into it." Jenny looked at the cup for a moment and she stuck her hand in it, pulling out a partially dissolved pill. She slapped it into Dean's hand.
"Fucker." She mumbled, looking around quickly. She handed the cup to Dean, about to storm over to a guy before the Winchester boy grabbed her.
"Now is not the best time to make a scene. Sam is waiting in the car." Jenny glared at the frat boy who was laughing with his friends, storming off.
Dean watched her exit the house before looking back at the group.
Outside, Sam was looking down at the paper, hearing footsteps approach him and looked over, seeing Jenny with a furious expression. Sam frowned, tilting his head. "What happened?"
"Oh nothing, just realizing that guys are absolutely fucking idiots." Sam's confusion only grew as he noticed Dean was outside, walking up to them.
Sam looked down, frowning in disappointment at his brother's knuckles, which were split and bleeding lightly.
"Alright. Jenny and I are going to search for the unmarked grave. Sam, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight." Sam stayed quiet and nodded reluctantly.
Dean pulled up to Old North Cemetery, Jenny sitting in the passenger seat next to him. For the entire car ride they had sat in silence, Jenny's eyes locked onto the road ahead of them.
As Dean went to get out, Jenny cleared her throat. "Don't think I'm that blind to not notice the blood on your hands, Dean." The man paused, looking at her and sighed.
"I was going to handle it. You know that, right?" The two stared at one another in silence, and Dean nodded.
"I know. That's why I did it instead. Because you probably would have done a lot worse." Jenny chuckled, shaking her head.
"So the bloody knuckles was enough for you to stop?" She asked, rummaging through the glove box. Dean looked down at his hands, shrugging.
"More like him crying like a baby." Jenny hummed in amusement as she pulled out a rag, which looked like it hadn't been cleaned of blood in a while. She opened her car door and the water bottle that was by her feet, drenching the rag before turning back to Dean.
"Give me your hand."
"Jen, it's fine—"
"Hands." She ordered, and Dean sighed loudly, holding out his hand. She tapped away at the blood around his split knuckles, Dean watching her with a soft smile. "The most I would have done was kick him in the dick."
"Yeah, okay." Dean laughed as Jenny tapped right into his wound, and he hissed in pain.
"Sorry." She replied sarcastically, pausing to look at him. "It wasn't necessary. Doing that to the guy."
"If I had kept talking to Sam—"
"I would probably have ended up surrounded by three unconscious college boys. I would have been fine, Dean. I can take care of myself against a few guys." She reassured as his eyes flickered between hers. They sat in silence for a while longer before Jenny turned away, tossing the rag into the glove compartment.
"All right... Let's find ourselves some bones." Jenny smiled as Dean cleared his throat awkwardly, nodding. The girl waited for Dean to get out before turning towards her door and clasping a hand over her mouth.
Any other time. Any other time when they weren't working in a case, one of them could have made a move. And now she was going to drive herself mad about it.
And Dean was thinking the same thing. He rubbed his face in annoyance, cursing at himself for not making a damn move. But, just like Jenny was thinking, now wasn't exactly the best time.
Dean made an attempt to act normal, resting a hand on his Impala and smiling awkwardly at Jenny when she got out. "Ready?" She asked in a near too-normal voice, which threw off Dean for a moment before he nodded.
Jenny and Dean had been digging through the unmarked grave for probably a good two hours, sweat beading down their foreheads. Jenny's hair stuck to her face, and she groaned in frustration.
"Give me a second." She muttered, dropping her shovel and waving her hair into a ponytail before going back to digging. "Was hoping the cool weather wouldn't screw me over like that."
"Well. Working hard does that." Dean smiled sarcastically at her as Jenny scoffed a laugh, slamming her shovel down, which quickly came to a halt.
The two looked at one another before throwing their shovels down and digging through to the wooden grave. "Hello, preacher." Dean laughed, grabbing his shovel again.
He slammed his shovel into the wood, which cracked easily, Jenny tossing the shovels over the grave before jumping out with a soft groan, exhaling in exhaustion.
"Shit. I forgot the salt." Dean looked around in confusion, picking up the lighter fluid.
"I swear I grabbed it. It—Its fine I'll be right back." Jenny scrambled to stand up, running back to the Impala.
She paused for a moment at the sound of a twig snapping, jumping when a rabbit hopped right past her. "Dammit." She leaned against the trunk for a moment before grabbing the salt, rubbing back to Dean.
"You okay?" He asked as the woman nodded, waving the salt.
"Yep. Just getting jump scared by rabbits." She dumped the salt over the lighter fluid onto the skeleton, and Dean pulled out a match.
"You think we have time for some burgers after this?" Jenny turned to Dean, who smirked as he lit the match.
"We always got time for burgers." He tossed the lighter down, the two watching as the skeleton went up in flames. Jenny watched the flames dance around, shoving her hands in her jacket.
"Alright. I think now we can—" Dean's phone rang, looking down at the Caller I.D.
"Hey, Sammy. We just burned the— what? Woah woah slow down..." Dean looked over at Jenny with a worried glance, and she returned one, confused. "Okay. Okay, we'll be there soon." Dean hung up the phone, and Jenny suddenly understood what Sam had called him about.
"Let me guess... Preacher over here isn't dead?" Dean pressed his lips together into a fine line, nodding as Jenny groaned in disappointment.
Dean and Jenny walked down the hospital wing with two sheriffs, guiding them down the hall where they spotted Sam, who also appeared to be talking to a sheriff.
Before either could walk faster to Sam, the sheriffs stopped them. "No, it's alright, I'm with him. He's my brother." Dean smiled, turning to Sam. "Hey, brother!"
The younger Winchester turned around, Jenny and Dean waving at him with grins. Sam looked at the sheriff, who then allowed them in.
Jenny and Dean walked up to Sam quickly, pulling him aside. "So what the hell happened?" Jenny asked, crossing her arms.
"Hook Man." He answered shortly as Jenny frowned.
"But we just burned the bones." She turned to Dean, who shrugged, unsure of what could be keeping the Hook Man on Earth.
"You sure it's the spirit of Jacob Karns?" Dean asked, frowning at his brother.
"It sure as hell looked like him. And that's not all. I don't think the spirit is latching on to the reverend." Jenny became even more confused, looking into the hospital room they were standing in front of.
"I think it's latching onto Lori. Last night she found out her father is having an affair with a married woman."
"So what?" Jenny and Dean asked in unison, Sam raising a brow at them suspiciously.
"So she's upset about it. She's upset about the immorality of it. She told me she was raised to believe that if you do something wrong, you get punished." Sam explained as Jenny nodded in understanding, then shrugged.
"Ok, so she's conflicted. And the spirit of Preacher Karns is latching on to repress the emotions and maybe he's doing the punishing for her, huh?" Dean suggested as Jenny cleared her throat to speak.
"It would explain her boyfriend and roommate's murders. Lori wasn't ready for the next step, her roommate initiated she dress like a damn hooker to get his attention. Damn... College kids suck." Sam's eyes widened in surprise as Jenny patted his shoulder. "You suck... slightly less." She joked and Sam deadpanned at her, rolling her hand off of his shoulder.
"Remind me not to piss this girl off. But I still don't understand. Jenny and I burned everything in that coffin. What's making him stay?" Dean asked as Sam shrugged.
"Did you burn the hook?"
"The hook?!" The older hunters spoke in unison, and Sam rolled his eyes.
"Yes, the hook. It was the murder weapon, and in a way... it was part of him." Jenny rubbed her face in annoyance, shaking her head.
"So... Unless we find the hook and burn it... The kills will keep rising." She stated-the-obvious, Dean and Sam nodding in confirmation. "Well. Ain't life just a kick in the dick?" Jenny smiled sarcastically, walking away with a scowl.
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